Sep 16 2005, 05:21 PM
For a starting character, what are the best choices for a drone killing weapon? Armor breaching for vehicles says if you dont do over the armor rating them the vehicle/drone is uninjured. This means -AP weapons and high DV weapons would be best, right?
I'm guessing a MA2100 would be a good one (-3AP, 7DV base) which could be silenced and could use EX Explosive ammo (making it -5AP, 9DV).
Another choice is the Elephant Gun, but unlike the MA2100 I can't see how such a double-barrel weapon could be silenced and its slower ROF (SS, even if both barrels shot at once) means a dodgy victim has it that much easier.
Grenade Launchers have SOME promise, I suppose, but the MA2100 seems to be the best starting can opener barring straight EW to crash the Pilot program or Spoof it into severing itself from its master's node by un-trusting the master's node and going into hidden mode.
Anything I'm missing?
Sep 16 2005, 05:41 PM
I never did understand silencing a gun thats firing explosive ammo.
Sep 16 2005, 05:44 PM
If there is enough distance between you and the target, i could see it helping in some situations.
Austere Emancipator
Sep 16 2005, 06:03 PM
If you're dealing with a powerful rifle firing pretty hefty bullets at velocities in excess of mach 3, explosive ammunition isn't the source of sound you should be worrying about.
As blakkie implied, the point here is to make it more difficult to figure out where the shot came from, and in some situations to make it less clear that that very loud noise you just heard was from a gunshot and not something else.
Sep 16 2005, 06:06 PM
For a starting character? How bout the stoner on FA with explosive rounds That'll make just about anything dead, or at the very least not happy.
Sep 16 2005, 06:52 PM
The title of this thread is a trick question, isn't it? Riggers don't exist in SR4.
[ Grin / Duck / Run ]
Sep 16 2005, 06:59 PM
I'm fond of directional jammers myself.
As a starting character you can have a rating 6 Directional Jammer. That'll drop anything that is operated by someone with a commlink that has a signal of 6 or less. And that's everyone.
Rotbart van Dainig
Sep 16 2005, 07:02 PM
Unless they run an ECCM Program.
In most cases, the Signal and the ECCM Program of the Drone are more important, too: They are lower.
Sep 16 2005, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
I'm fond of directional jammers myself.
As a starting character you can have a rating 6 Directional Jammer. That'll drop anything that is operated by someone with a commlink that has a signal of 6 or less. And that's everyone.
-Frank |
You do realize frank, that that will do you absolutely no good once the riggers given the command for the drone to kill you?
Sep 16 2005, 07:18 PM
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet) |
For a starting character? How bout the stoner on FA with explosive rounds That'll make just about anything dead, or at the very least not happy. |
To see if the vehicle/drone laughs at your attack you compare base damage+staging against its armor. The bonus for Full Auto or Burst Fire is applied later, so Full Auto from anything avail 1-12 is a pretty poor way of attacking a drone!
The point of explosive rounds on a silenced weapon is to draw attention to the drone-turned-confetti, and not at the drone with back-mounted-sniper-rifle shooting from a half mile away.
Sep 16 2005, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet) |
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Sep 16 2005, 01:59 PM) | I'm fond of directional jammers myself.
As a starting character you can have a rating 6 Directional Jammer. That'll drop anything that is operated by someone with a commlink that has a signal of 6 or less. And that's everyone. |
Signal 3 + ECCM 4 == Strength 7 and unaffected by a strength 6 Jammer.
Sep 16 2005, 07:30 PM
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Sep 16 2005, 02:18 PM) |
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet @ Sep 16 2005, 01:06 PM) | For a starting character? How bout the stoner on FA with explosive rounds That'll make just about anything dead, or at the very least not happy. |
To see if the vehicle/drone laughs at your attack you compare base damage+staging against its armor. The bonus for Full Auto or Burst Fire is applied later, so Full Auto from anything avail 1-12 is a pretty poor way of attacking a drone!
The point of explosive rounds on a silenced weapon is to draw attention to the drone-turned-confetti, and not at the drone with back-mounted-sniper-rifle shooting from a half mile away.
Actualy considering the base damage of the stoner is 6P with 1 hit you've exceded the armor...and thats without ex which will get just the base damage to what 8p? And the steel lynx's armor is only 9 and the next highest is 6 followed by 2's and 0's. I think the stoner's a effective choice when loaded with ex
Sep 16 2005, 07:36 PM
How about Stick-n'-Shock ammo from a full auto weapon? With any luck, you'll short-out the vehicle/drone, without having to trash it at the same time.
Sep 16 2005, 07:39 PM
QUOTE (Wasabi) |
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet @ Sep 16 2005, 02:09 PM) | QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Sep 16 2005, 01:59 PM) | I'm fond of directional jammers myself.
As a starting character you can have a rating 6 Directional Jammer. That'll drop anything that is operated by someone with a commlink that has a signal of 6 or less. And that's everyone. |
Signal 3 + ECCM 4 == Strength 7 and unaffected by a strength 6 Jammer.
Maybe, maybe not. You do get to make a Logic + Electronic Warfare (Jmming) test to um... do something. Having checked the entire book for this sort of thing I can't tell what that something actually is, but apparently you can do something.
If the target's ECCM + Signal is less than your Jammer's rating, it is automatically blocked. So you avoid that just by having a Rating 3 Signal and a Rating 3 ECCM. But there's also a Logic + Electronic Warfare test made by the jammer whose effects are undescribed.
The way I'll handle this in my home games (at least until someone gives word as to what the test is supposed to do), is have hits on the jamming test increase the effective rating of the jammer for jamming devices you want to jam. Otherwise rating 1 jammers are kind of pointless (since they only jam rating zero signals), and the jamming specialization of electronic warfare is completely pointless.
Sep 16 2005, 07:51 PM
I have a feeling you have the right of it Frank.
remember, simplified mechanics. think of the rating of the jammer at it's "DV", your roll your att+skill and compare successes (I think it's an opposed test) and add the net to the DV of the jammer.
Sep 16 2005, 07:56 PM
Don't forget that a jammer's effectivness is reduced the further from the target your jamming.
Sep 16 2005, 09:14 PM
Player: "I walk up to the Steel Lynx with my jammer . . ."
The Sniper Rifle may be the best choice on a shot for shot basis. Autofire lets you do a wide burst that'll make the other guy's defense roll pretty weak - especially if you can get enough recoil comp like a gyromount. Long machine gun bursts of EX ammo sounds best to me.
Sep 16 2005, 09:19 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
Player: "I walk up to the Steel Lynx with my jammer . . ."
The Sniper Rifle may be the best choice on a shot for shot basis. Autofire lets you do a wide burst that'll make the other guy's defense roll pretty weak - especially if you can get enough recoil comp like a gyromount. Long machine gun bursts of EX ammo sounds best to me. |
But yeah...give yourself a nice mmg or even i suppose a lmg with ex rounds and just lay full autofire down on the thing. If you hit, you're going to do damage and take the thing out (hopefully)
Sep 18 2005, 08:01 AM
Mount an Axe to your own Lynx and let it deal with the other! Oh wait, that was Robot Wars...
Seriously, Electricity is the way to deal with it I guess.
As drone armor (a drone itself) will be conductive, the armor offers no protection.
And the secondary effect my knock it out cold, too.
So I guess long or wide burst with Stick and Shock will be the best way to deal with it.
Sep 18 2005, 08:11 AM
Bursting Stick N Shock actually doesn't do much more than just a plain old aimed shot to a Drone. What you want is Net Hits, and lots of them, and while a wide burst may prevent dodging, it will also probably give you recoil penalties. The test for a drone to "resist" getting shorted out is Body + Armor (if it equals or exceeds your hits, nothing happens). Since Stick N Shock does Stun damage, obviously that's not going to do any damage to a drone either.
Drones are fairly easy to kill in SR4, unless they are "jumped in" and the rigger is actively dodging. The most armor that is available is 9 (on a Steel Lynx), which can be beaten by a Heavy Pistol using either EX Explosive or APDS. I've blown one away using a Ruger Superwarhawk one-shot (granted, I got lucky rolls that time, and I was using Edge).
Rotbart van Dainig
Sep 18 2005, 08:34 AM
If fact, Stick'n'Shock isn't that useful for multiple reasons:
First, ceramic armor or the like does not conduct very well.
Second, a faraday cage is quite what a drone is.
And third, the rules.
QUOTE (SR4 158) |
Vehicles do not suffer from Stun damage, however, so they simply have one Physical Condition Monitor. |
Sep 18 2005, 10:00 AM
QUOTE (hahnsoo @ Sep 18 2005, 06:11 PM) |
Since Stick N Shock does Stun damage, obviously that's not going to do any damage to a drone either. |
All electrical damage is considered Stun in SR4, including the Lightning Bolt spell. You really need to rely on the secondary effects when it comes to toasting Drones and other electronics.
QUOTE (SR4 pg. 154) |
Electrical Damage Electrical damage is treated as Stun damage ...
Electronic equipment, vehicles, and drones can also be affected by Electricity damage. They never suffer Stun damage, but they do roll Body + Armor (drones and vehicles) or Armor x 2 (other objects) to resist secondary effects. If they achieve equal or more hits than the attack, they are unaffected. Otherwise, they cease to function for a number of Combat Turns equal to 2 + net hits scored on the attack test (and may need to reboot after that). |
Sep 18 2005, 10:04 AM
You're missing the point that the Stick N Shock bullet isn't just a Stun attack like a Gel round..it's an Electrical Stun attack. As stated before, the bullet is effective, but only the Electrical component, in a Body + Armor (Hits) test.
This all said... How do you handle Burst fire hitting a Drone? Are Narrow Bursts completely useless against a Drone (supposedly represented by achieving better contact on your fire) compared to a Wide Burst (spreading your fire to make it more likely to strike your target?)
[Edit] Fortune beat me to the first part...it's too early.[/Edit]
Rotbart van Dainig
Sep 18 2005, 10:07 AM
True, but those effects are only temporary... good to buy time, but not good enough to 'kill'.
QUOTE (Fortune) |
All electrical damage is considered Stun in SR4, including the Lightning Bolt spell. |
That's true but strange... those Combat Spells are listed as doing Physical Damage.
Lightning Bolt (Indirect, Elemental) Type: P • Range: LOS • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 3 Ball Lightning (Indirect, Elemental, Area) Type: P • Range: LOS (A) • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 5 These spells create and direct vicious strikes of electricity that cause Electricity damage (p. 154). Lightning Bolt is a single target spell. Ball Lightning is an area spell. |
Sep 18 2005, 10:08 AM
Hmmm ...
Looks like a good candidate for the Errata thread.
Sep 18 2005, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
True, but those effects are only temporary... good to buy time, but not good enough to 'kill'. |
It will likely be enough to down a flying drone (but not a floating drone) and, depending on height, speed, body, and armour, kill it.
Sep 19 2005, 02:10 PM
If you manage to knock out a drone with a Stick-n'-Shock, it'll be out of commission for a minimum of 3 combat turns. In chase-mode vehicular combat, three turns is just long enough to lose'em and break out of combat.
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