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post Jul 22 2011, 04:18 PM
Post #126

Moving Target

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Here I was hoping to get ahead of that. Alas.

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post Jul 22 2011, 08:02 PM
Post #127

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Alyena's out scouting...Sorry its end of term, and school and scouting have kept her (and to a lesser extent me) madly busy.

Well I have managed to get this a bit messy. I was going to take it out, and have you finish your meeting then put it back in. Didn't work. I've put it back.

OK the receptionist is terrified of you but has her instructions and she is sticking to them. Feel free to have a conversation with her. Her body language leaves you in no doubt which room Mr Allenby is in (its the corner one with his nameplate on it).
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post Jul 22 2011, 08:32 PM
Post #128

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EW+Scan: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3119927/

Let me know if its a different skill. I can do some more rolls, but it will probably only take me a short number of rounds, and we seem to be in the minutes per action at the moment. Between me and Jamie we should get it.

Personally I suspect the tag is in the bullet, which is in the car and going to be hard to remove.

I'm assuming that its easy to use encrypt to talk over a service to Kombat Kabs (Skype is already encrypted today). My encrypt program is 6
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post Jul 23 2011, 04:34 AM
Post #129

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Looks like we may be devolving into combat, so I'm going to list my current gear:
[ Spoiler ]

And yes, he named his guns because he is ridiculous. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 24 2011, 09:01 PM
Post #130

Shooting Target

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Copperhead doesn't have Intimidation as a skill, so would be defaulting to Charisma (lol).

Staredown: 2d6.hits(5)=2 - can't do better than that!
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post Jul 24 2011, 09:22 PM
Post #131

Neophyte Runner

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I am reminded of a picture in the Paranoia game. A man is pointing a bazooka at a person standing next to a huge tank marked "petroleum fuel". The caption was something like "Fred gains a bonus on his intimidate".
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post Jul 25 2011, 10:00 AM
Post #132


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Seth, slightly confused with where you think you are for the Ambush Scene? Assuming you are heading to the university district I imagine you’ll have grabbed the 405 and then the 90 towards downtown. You’d need to go north to get to your destination but the airport is a fair way south of the 90…

Can you clarify before I write myself (and you) into a hole (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

The 2072 map shows where I assume you are meeting Doza and where you came from...link is in my sig via my website to avoid hunting through this thread again...
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post Jul 25 2011, 11:00 AM
Post #133

Neophyte Runner

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Sorry I think I got my scale wrong. I was looking at this, and going for location E.

Before I edit it can you give me an idea of what is around, and where a good spot would be. I'll do it by looking at the equivalent of google maps with security ratings superimposed. Not the best I have ever done: 2 successes. My feeling is that if there is going to be a firefight we want to be in a low security area, or we get arrested. My other feeling is if we take a random route its hard for them to head us off.

In any event, almost any random move is better than staying in a straight line as we are doing at the moment
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post Jul 25 2011, 12:07 PM
Post #134


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Hmmm, haven't got access to my very old and battered Seattle book at the moment so we'll have to wing it...assuming you went north off the 90 then I'd think the best hiding place is the university district (under a mile from the 90) or perhaps the international district which is about a mile further on...

...but wait...what's this? A traffic jam coming up? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

EDIT: Ambush is on S Dearborn St (left off Rainer Ave S - map updated)...traffic building towards the Arc. Security rating is probably between A-B and response times are likely to be fast so perhaps they are desperate? Or maybe they wanna talk?
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post Jul 25 2011, 12:32 PM
Post #135

Neophyte Runner

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Demon is going to peek around the room (and do a little eavesdropping of his own)

Visual perception: Looking for baddies
Intuition(3) + Perception(3) + Vision Enhancement(2) = 8d6 for 1 hit and a glitch. FUN

Aural perception: Listening for baddies
Intuition(3) + Perception(3) + Audio Enhancement(3) = 9d6 for 3 hits.

Ultrasound perception: Listening/looking for ultrasonic baddies on passive mode
Intuition(3) + Perception(3) + = 6d6 for no hits.

Clearly, he is still distracted by Ms. Tangent's blonde mane of hair, which I can only assume looks like Cheetara's.
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post Jul 25 2011, 04:04 PM
Post #136

Neophyte Runner

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I don't think they wanna talk. The clue is in the rocket that is coming towards us.

Question for you: what is a "rice rocket". Mr Google wasn't too helpful, and I've not heard the phrase before.
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post Jul 25 2011, 04:09 PM
Post #137

Neophyte Runner

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Miss Tangents hair is much nicer. YMMV

It would take a Ninja with "hide in plain site" to be hidden in here. And you won't be seeing them with that roll! You doubt it though...Mr Allenby doesn't look the type. In fact he looks very fat, very cross, big red nose, regularly imbibes alcohol and smokes a lot.

You are exactly correct about his sense of taste.

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post Jul 25 2011, 04:20 PM
Post #138


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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 25 2011, 05:04 PM) *
I don't think they wanna talk. The clue is in the rocket that is coming towards us.

Question for you: what is a "rice rocket". Mr Google wasn't too helpful, and I've not heard the phrase before.

It's a light racing bike like a Yamaha Rapier - no it's not the kind that blow up on impact!
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post Jul 25 2011, 04:26 PM
Post #139

Neophyte Runner

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OK I was thinking somesort of anti-vehicle drone... Feeling a lot happier now.

Unfortunately there are a load of pedestrians around so I won't be getting my BFG out just yet.
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post Jul 25 2011, 04:42 PM
Post #140

Prime Runner

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Rice Rocket is american slang for Japanese/Chinese/Korean motorcycles, though primarily Japanese.
The 'racing' bikes are slanged as "Crotch Rockets' because of the way you sit on them. American style bikes are usually refered to as Hogs.
'Rice' is a very PC American Slang for 'of Asian origin'

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post Jul 25 2011, 04:51 PM
Post #141

Moving Target

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Yokinko Capture Wireless Signal
Reference: Core p.229
Skill: Agent 4
Utility: Sniffer 3
Threshold: 3

3 successes

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post Jul 25 2011, 05:00 PM
Post #142

Moving Target

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Jamie Initiative

1 success

Looks like I'm at 11 with 2 IP.

Yokinko Initiative

Holy Cats! 6 successes

It's at 15 with 3 IP.

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post Jul 25 2011, 09:34 PM
Post #143

Neophyte Runner

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So exciting. Car chases pistol waving maniacs (thats me and Jamie). Knight Errant Drones watching. Kidnapped children and even a bit of Mills and Boon romance...this story has everything.

Mind you I so don't want to be in a shoot out with Knight Errant watching...that's not how you get Brownie Points as a Made Man. Ah well. I'd like to explore some options before taking drastic action if that's OK:
  • Can I get a better understanding of time and space:
  • Roughly how long before those bikes get to us?
  • Are there any driving options for taking the car onto the pavement? It is a jackrabbit, so its much smaller than most American cars....
  • I would quite like to hack one of the cars close to us, control it, and get it to accelerate into one of the bikes. Is that likely to be physically possible?
  • Is there a chance of hacking into that drone and using to attack the bikes (i.e. does it have a weapon, or would a ram attack work?)

Initiative 18
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post Jul 26 2011, 01:03 AM
Post #144

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 25 2011, 05:34 PM) *
[*]I would quite like to hack one of the cars close to us, control it, and get it to accelerate into one of the bikes. Is that likely to be physically possible?
[*]Is there a chance of hacking into that drone and using to attack the bikes (i.e. does it have a weapon, or would a ram attack work?)

Hey, I was already working on one of the bikes.

You sure you want to involve civilians in this?

I'm not too keen about trying the security on the Lone Star drone, especially in AR.

Good luck.

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post Jul 26 2011, 02:22 AM
Post #145

Neophyte Runner

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LOL, I just read "mane" in the IC post and figured it was some kind of throwback '80s power rock style. As for the office's decoration, unless it was French, Demon was bound to be unimpressed. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 26 2011, 06:21 AM
Post #146

Neophyte Runner

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  • Hey, I was already working on one of the bikes.
  • You sure you want to involve civilians in this?
  • I'm not too keen about trying the security on the Lone Star drone, especially in AR.

I'm thinking civilian cars much easier target than the bikes (the bikes will be hidden probably so take time to find them...but you never know). I don't really want to involve the civilians but I am quite worried about out position. As far as the drone goes, I mostly wanted options and info.
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post Jul 26 2011, 11:08 AM
Post #147

Neophyte Runner

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So...I'm thinking about quick-drawing and shooting Mr. Cigar in the kneecaps...everybody okay with this?

After all, the problem of a 5 minute response time is that it leaves the victims with five whole minutes to endure an onslaught of pain and suffering. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 26 2011, 11:51 AM
Post #148


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Jul 26 2011, 12:08 PM) *
So...I'm thinking about quick-drawing and shooting Mr. Cigar in the kneecaps...everybody okay with this?

After all, the problem of a 5 minute response time is that it leaves the victims with five whole minutes to endure an onslaught of pain and suffering. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

I think I'd rather you didn't (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Will try and get an IC response together this afternoon...
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post Jul 26 2011, 12:00 PM
Post #149

Shooting Target

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@JxJxa, Aria: The same thought had crossed my mind. He truly is a nasty piece of work - good writing Seth! I'll let Ember set the tone, as indicated in Copperhead's last post.
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post Jul 26 2011, 12:14 PM
Post #150

Neophyte Runner

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Yeah, same here.
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