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post Jul 26 2011, 12:41 PM
Post #151


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Don't get me wrong...I'd love to kneecap him...I just think it might be more productive not to!
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post Jul 26 2011, 02:18 PM
Post #152


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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 26 2011, 07:21 AM) *
  • Hey, I was already working on one of the bikes.
  • You sure you want to involve civilians in this?
  • I'm not too keen about trying the security on the Lone Star drone, especially in AR.

I'm thinking civilian cars much easier target than the bikes (the bikes will be hidden probably so take time to find them...but you never know). I don't really want to involve the civilians but I am quite worried about out position. As far as the drone goes, I mostly wanted options and info.

Ok, brief tactical appraisal:
  • The area could best be described as ‘light industrial’ with shed buildings rather than blocks
  • There is a biker on either side of you approaching fast. Perhaps 25m away
  • The step van is perhaps 30m behind you with intervening traffic
  • The jackrabbit could travel on the pavement but only slowly without running over the odd pedestrian. At 11 ish in the morning it isn’t exactly busy but there are also trees along the sidewalk which would be hazardous.
  • The drone is an unarmed traffic monitoring drone – it will be difficult to hack though
  • There is plenty of civilian traffic you could hack-on-the-fly. I imagine most will be connected to grid guide though and there must be some inherent security otherwise nobody would get in their car!
  • Doza is very close now, although I’m not sure you’d be aware of that. She can see the gunmen get out of the van – she is on the road you just turned left off

Hope that helps. Think I’ll have to address the other forum to see how easy or hard your proposed hacking tasks should be... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 26 2011, 02:59 PM
Post #153

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Thanks for that Aria. I'm interested in the answer from the forum's too. My tuppence on it is that they are probably rating 3 to 4 (page 222 of SR4a)
  • Average 3 Standard personal electronics, headware, vehicles, drones, home/business terminals
  • Complex 4 Security vehicles, alphaware, research terminals, security devices
  • Smart 5 High-end devices, betaware, security terminals, military vehicles
  • Cutting Edge 6 Deltaware, credsticks

I'm going to try and hack that Toyota Gopher 2 cars the one where I can see the guy has a seat belt on.
Assuming he isn't being illegal and hiding what with Knight Errant drones around and all:
Hacking on the fly: OK its a bust. Not going to get security account with 5 successes
I'll try a different car: White Van Man.
Now we are talking. The first might do it, the second almost certainly will. 6 then 9 successes.

That's all of this round, and the first IP of the next. So I'll just post this far. Next option will be hopefully a Ramming roll!

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post Jul 26 2011, 04:11 PM
Post #154

Moving Target

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@Aria Jamie's pretty sure she will need to ride herd on her agent, so she's waiting for it's response before her next action.

I'm hoping to find the team's communications and the node of the bike itself.

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post Jul 26 2011, 06:07 PM
Post #155

Neophyte Runner

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I'm only going to be away for 3 or 4 seconds, and I'm hoping the bikes will be still catching up with us at the end of that.
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post Jul 26 2011, 06:31 PM
Post #156

Shooting Target

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I didn't specify the extra power for the air spirit when I summoned it so I hope you will let me off with Psychokinesis. 1 service to gather papers, 3 remaining.

Conceal the party. Spirit is F3 is just enough to conceal all of us. -3 dice to perception tests for bad guys to detect us. 1 service, 2 left.
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post Jul 26 2011, 06:45 PM
Post #157

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 26 2011, 02:07 PM) *
I'm only going to be away for 3 or 4 seconds, and I'm hoping the bikes will be still catching up with us at the end of that.

But Jamie does not know that.

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post Jul 27 2011, 07:53 AM
Post #158


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@Seth: You are in (security account) to the van. You can hack the autopilot to divert the van (change lanes) but not do something it would otherwise not consider (like ramming another vehicle) as this would need at least an admin! Of course you can direct it into the path of the bike and hope he crashes into the van...

@Galen: Jamie's agent has found the node of the bike and the biker (neither are hidden).

Both feel free to IC this if I don't get a chance first! I'm happy for you to 'take out' the bikers but that still leaves the gun men on foot! They will have clear shots in the next full combat round IP1 Initiative a poxy 10
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post Jul 27 2011, 11:06 AM
Post #159

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 26 2011, 09:41 PM) *
Don't get me wrong...I'd love to kneecap him...I just think it might be more productive not to!

Yeah, I figured I'd ask because I didn't want to be the a-hole that derails the entire story (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 27 2011, 06:56 PM
Post #160

Neophyte Runner

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Hey: don't worry about story derailing. If you want to get chased by Knight Errant because they have cameras installed in his office be my guest (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Jul 27 2011, 07:30 PM
Post #161

Moving Target

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Jamie is defaulting to Reaction to try and turn the car around in the tight space she's in.
I screwed up the defaulting. I didn't subtract one die for defaulting. It doesn't matter I didn't get any successes.

0 successes

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post Jul 27 2011, 07:43 PM
Post #162

Moving Target

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Ok, let's try an Edge reroll. I even made the numbers right after the default.

1 success

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post Jul 27 2011, 07:43 PM
Post #163

Neophyte Runner

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I don't have pilot either: I see a need to sort that out.

Well I am feeling good luck city with this post:

Spoofing the guidance. 5 successes

I am assuming the traffic is going very slowly /stationary because the gun men are walking so...

Gymnastics to dive out of the car, and get behind another (I fancy hiding behind an engine block, not a piece of plastic), this should give me decent cover from the gun men:4 successes

Shooting like trinity, just because its cool,
I'm guessing instead of --2 for running, -4 for tumbling...does that sound OK? If not just adjudicate something
Wow that is a shot and a half: 7 successes. Its a Defiance EX shocker, base damage 8S(e).

I've put IC that I hit well, I'll tweak it if he gets a load of successes dodging.

I'm not sure where we are in initiative: I think that was me at the end of round two. (2 actions to fail to hack, 2 actions to hack, 1 to spoof, simple action to shoot.

INitiative for round 3: I go on 20
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post Jul 27 2011, 07:48 PM
Post #164

Neophyte Runner

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@Ember, Demon & Copperhead
Do you want to IC your movement away? Your belief is that for this Knight Errant couldn't arrest you.
  • There is a coffee shop a couple of blocks away.
  • There is a kebab shop just down the street "The two mermaids", it has indoor seating, cheap but good food and drink.
  • There is a loud nightclub with 5 exits a block away. "Armageddon" it is called, and it's in full swing
  • You could go somewhere else

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post Jul 27 2011, 08:01 PM
Post #165


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Galen, can yo confirm what programs your agent is running? I'm pretty sure it can't just run your progs on your commlink for you (someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )
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post Jul 27 2011, 08:22 PM
Post #166

Neophyte Runner

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I have to admit I have never to hang with the Agent rules...I prefer to do it 'myself' (whatever that means). I'm interested in seeing how they work though
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post Jul 27 2011, 08:51 PM
Post #167

Prime Runner

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He can run a program, and designate it for the use of his agent. (and vice versa)
The quick things to remember:
An agent counts against your processor limit.
You cannot 'share' a program. Either you're using it, or your agent is. But your agent can use your programs. So He can ask an agent to hack something for him, as long as said agent doesn't have restrictions built in.
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post Jul 27 2011, 10:09 PM
Post #168

Moving Target

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@ Aria, Galen and Seth

As I understand it Doza arrives on the scene in time to see the bikers taken out and 2 gunmen leave the van on foot .
One of these is dealt with by Jotamon with his trusty taser. I would like to swerve through the traffic to be able to ride up behind the 2nd gunman. Put the bike on auto "straight ahead" and jump from it to the van as I pass, leaving the bike to hit the bad guy, while I see who else may be about to enter the fray (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

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post Jul 28 2011, 12:24 AM
Post #169

Moving Target

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QUOTE (sabs @ Jul 27 2011, 04:51 PM) *
He can run a program, and designate it for the use of his agent. (and vice versa)
The quick things to remember:
An agent counts against your processor limit.
You cannot 'share' a program. Either you're using it, or your agent is. But your agent can use your programs. So He can ask an agent to hack something for him, as long as said agent doesn't have restrictions built in.

Sabs is right. I can give a utility to the agent to use. I have a decrypt, but it's not loaded. As far as I can tell, it's a free action to load and a Simple to unload. I forgot about that part. It will reduce my Response, but since I haven't posted die rolls for my agent, at least I don't have to do major rewrites. I'll try and those posted this evening.

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post Jul 28 2011, 03:06 AM
Post #170

Moving Target

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Yokinko's 2nd IP
Initiate Cryptanalysis
Reference: Core p. 230
Skill:Agent 4
Utility: Decrypt 3
Threshold: Encryption x 2
4 successes

Yokinko's 3rd IP
Initiate Cryptanalysis on the other channel.

4 successes

Once initialized, the cryptanalysis will continue without Yokinko working on it until the threshold is passed.

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post Jul 28 2011, 10:39 AM
Post #171


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Seth, you seem to have forgotten range again (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) tasers are really crap at range! Invis castle seems to be temporarily broken so I’ll assume you’ve dodged and wheeled to within 15m of one of the van gunmen - which is -3 range for you, don’t know how that affects your roll but given his defence you’ve hit him but he’s not out! (Seriously knackered by the electricity effects of course, but then who cares when you’ve got an assault rifle and suppressive fire?!)

Jotamon is being fired at by the gunman running over the top of the car - two short wide bursts (negatives to dodge please...but you have good cover)

Just to confirm: The biker near Jamie is about 10m from the jackrabbit. The gunmen from the van are a further 10m beyond that (15m from Jotamon) and the van is 10m beyond them.

Doza is now about 30-40m behind the van and approaching fast on her growler
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post Jul 28 2011, 11:56 AM
Post #172

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I included an assumption that he was 10m away, and reduced my roll by that. I guess since invisible castle was bust (again) you didn't see comment in http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3126630/ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
At 15m its another -2, At 20 its another -5. At both of those it would be 6 successes.

Assault rifles are scary, so I'm glad I got behind that car, although I suspect Spoilt Executive's Son is not so happy.

Dodging. Cover +4, Short burst I guess is -3 to dodge: 5 and 3 (the cover gave me 2 and 1 successes so well worth it)

I note that in the creation of this character I screwed up the armor a bit...ah well I will go shopping in the near future, probably to replace these blood stained clothes. I'm guessing soaking is in my future: Two soak rolls, both 3. I wasn't sure about AP, but I don't think it will matter.

I'm guess its time to shoot again. I have included penalties for me shooting from cover and range (15m), but not sure about others
5 and 4 more taser goodness. I only have 1 dart left.

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post Jul 28 2011, 11:56 AM
Post #173


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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 27 2011, 08:48 PM) *
@Ember, Demon & Copperhead
Do you want to IC your movement away? Your belief is that for this Knight Errant couldn't arrest you.
  • There is a coffee shop a couple of blocks away.
  • There is a kebab shop just down the street "The two mermaids", it has indoor seating, cheap but good food and drink.
  • There is a loud nightclub with 5 exits a block away. "Armageddon" it is called, and it's in full swing
  • You could go somewhere else

KE could probably arrest Copperhead just for breathing!

We are a slightly disparate group and this is downtown! I think we should avoid a coffee shop or similar around here. Anyone got a nearby safehouse? Otherwise I think I'll try and find a crappy (non coffin) hotel which won't ask questions...I suggest we don't all walk in together as that really would raise some eyebrows!

We need somewhere private we can spread all this paper / files out in and start trawling...

I'll wait for anyone else to chip in otherwise let's just IC from inside the hotel room an hour or so later...?
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post Jul 28 2011, 12:03 PM
Post #174

Neophyte Runner

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I might (mu ha ha) have an interrupt if you head far away. Don't go more than 10 mins IC.

If you are going a long way, how are you intending to travel? If anyone has a car/van that's good. Metro is still running, and you are downtown. Cabs can be called, but as you point out...one look at Copperhead and they may zoom off past.

Note to self: especially after the Jotamon/Jamie/Doza game...put more thought into transport! If only second hand white vans were cheaper
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post Jul 28 2011, 12:10 PM
Post #175


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I'll get my driver David to pick us up again and we'll head south to a more robust neighbourhood and a cheap hotel/motel.

I will book a room and then let the other two know which it is so they can join me.

IC +10mins should cover us getting to the south of downtown? A dirt cheap airport hotel might be just the thing we need...
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