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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 26 2013, 12:53 PM
Post #3101

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 25 2013, 06:30 PM) *
Yes, Spring can spend karma now if you want! As you are now running two characters I’m afraid you’ll have to split your karma allotment between them… it’s how we had intended to run it when I was playing multiples in a thread.

Sure, I'll make sure I'll spend the rest on Tweak. Maybe once we're back in camp, Tweak could split off towards Virtual Scream. Would still allowe some interaction between the two of them without me having two guys in the same story again.

Anyway, as for Spring:
Raising Summoning from 3 to 4: 8 Karma (now 10 spent out of 15)

When pulling out a hammer, pick the big one:
F4 Spirit of Fire, Optional Power: Fear
Magic 1 + Summoning 4 + Edge 6 (now at 4/6) = 11 dice for [2,[6, 3],2,[6, 3],[6, 5],5,1,2,5,1,5] = (7) Seven hits (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Spirit resisting: Force 4 + Edge 4 = 8 dice for [5,5,[6, 3],[6, 1],5,[6, 3],2,4] = (6) Err, oops, six hits. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
Spirit resisting with Edge is an optional rule, but I think it really fits here.
Trying to resist 12P drain: Body 3 + Edge 6 (now at 3/6) = 9 dice for [2,4,3,4,2,4,[6, 5],2,5] = (3) 3 hits, LOL

Got that wrong, see later post for correction.

So, he's got one service and takes 9P 7P. Good thing he hasn't been shot yet. Or else he'd drop uncouncious and there'd be an angry spirit on the loose. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
IC post coming up.
p.s.: Whew!

Three points of Edge in one CR, 9P 7P damage but hey, that IC post was worth it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Edit 2:
For ease of reference:
F4 Spirit of Fire
Body 5
Agility 6
Reaction 7
Strength 2
Charisma 4
Intuition 4
Logic 4
Wilpower 4

Initiative (astral): 8, 3IPs
Initiative (materialised): 11, 2 IPs
Damage track: 10 boxes
Skills (all at 4):
Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Exotic Ranged Weapon, Flight, Perception, Unarmed Combat
Accident, Astral Form, Confusion, Elemental Aura, Engulf, Materialization, Sapience + Fear
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post Mar 26 2013, 03:16 PM
Post #3102

Moving Target

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Damn, 7 hits on the shot with a slug round and I dent it? How is that car even able to move?
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post Mar 26 2013, 06:50 PM
Post #3103


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 26 2013, 03:16 PM) *
Damn, 7 hits on the shot with a slug round and I dent it? How is that car even able to move?

12 armour. Unless I've lost the plot, AP -1 and 7 damage won't get through no matter the number of hits?!? If I've got that wrong I'll have to modify my post (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Mar 26 2013, 07:26 PM
Post #3104

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Unless something changed in SR4a that I don't know about you compare modified damage to armor, which is base damage + net hits against armor modified by AP. So, without knowing how many hits they rolled on dodge, I have a modified damage of 13 against Armor 11. I didn't know how much armor they've slabbed onto that, but I had thought I'd do more than dent plating. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 26 2013, 08:32 PM
Post #3105

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@E:Tribes, Aria
@E:Tribes, Aria
QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 25 2013, 10:30 AM) *
.. snip ..
Yes, Spring can spend karma now if you want!  As you are now running two characters I’m afraid you’ll have to split your karma allotment between them… it’s how we had intended to run it when I was playing multiples in a thread.  It’s moot now as that thread died a death and has become the Balefire fiction I hope you are all reading (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Yep, looks like background for the virus.

QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 19 2013, 11:50 PM) *
.. snip ..
monocyle body 6, armor 16, condition monitor 6/9
.. snip ..
monocyle body 6, armor 12, condition monitor 6/11

You cut him off, he didn’t crash though (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
Was worth a try.  Guess he does know how to drive.

I’m working up the IC now but if anyone has any more actions around end of 4 beginning of 5 now is the time to say!  Mental note to self: ensure people are on the same kind of IPs in a pbp game…less of a headache (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Same problem with in person gaming, especially when matrix or astral activity happening that does not correspond to meatspace.  The hacker has a whole battle while the rest of the team takes a few steps down the hallway.  Here was not as bad [for Sprogget], since he had both meat and matrix actions going.  He was getting about one meat related action per combat round with the rest being maneuver and matrix.  LeO will change that <evil grin>

.. snip ..

Tweak Ini 16 (3IPs) Sprogget: Ini 11 (1IPs)/13 (3IPs) Scrapheap: Ini 12 (1IPs) Spring Ini 9 (1IPs) LeFey: Ini 8 (1IPs)
LeO ini 10 3IP

.. snip ..

Note on timings…we’ve only had about 20 seconds of action so far so don’t expect the Freedom cavalry for a bit unless they happen to be wondering around nearby…at this rate you’ll have polished off the foe before they can blink (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

If I got the scene layout correct, Monocycle and Harley were westbound across the lanes, with Monocycle to the South.  With the swerve to cut off the Harley (4.2) and followup, the monocycle and Harley should now be headed North (again), somewhat behind the (west side) racing bike that Scrapheap took out.  Since Sprogget spotted LeO as he was preparing to ram the Harley, I'll say LeO is coming off of the roof of a building on the West side of the road, starting a bit South of the action.  About where the Van got to when Tweak did the full reverse.

4.3 Sprogget drive complex action.
5.1 Sprogget drive complex action while reviewing [tactical] situation

@Dakka Fiend,  Does spring want to sic that Fire Spirit on the mage?  Sprogget needs to decide what LeO should be targeting.  He can either decide that the mage is still the major threat, especially since he will be coming up on Scrapheap's position shortly, or put a full burst into that wannabe tank that seems to be still coming.

QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Mar 26 2013, 05:53 AM) *
.. snip ..

When pulling out a hammer, pick the big one:
F4 Spirit of Fire, Optional Power: Fear
Magic 1 + Summoning 4 + Edge 6 (now at 4/6) = 11 dice for [2,[6, 3],2,[6, 3],[6, 5],5,1,2,5,1,5] = (7) Seven hits (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
By RAW, that would not be possible.  You can summon a spirit with force higher than your magic rating, but only up to 2 times magic.
QUOTE (SR4A188 Summoning)
The summoned spirit’s Force is limited by the magician’s Magic attribute.  If the magician wants to summon a spirit with Force higher than her Magic, follow the same rules as given for Overcasting spells (p. 182) and apply Physical Drain.  No magician may summon a spirit whose Force is greater than twice her Magic attribute.

@Aria, I'm good with the results, but LeO can do 2 long bursts in a single action phase, due to the High Velocity mod on the Ares Alpha.

Playing with Google Maps "My Places".  Took a copy of the Seattle map, and split the content into separate 'layers' maps.
Distrct Boundaries
Barrens Boundaries (currently only Puyallup)
Area Boundaries (currently only Hells Kitchen)
Infrastructure Areas Freedom and Mechanicals homes
PC homes and contacts
Dumpshock 4-1-1 feature points (only a couple for now)
SS2050 Feature points
Facility Sites
Scenes and Encounters zoomed to E:Tribes being ambushed by Spined Drakes

Those maps can be viewed as multiple overlays at the same time, but apparently only if they are saved (bookmarked) in your own "My Places".  Nuisance if you just want to use a link to get the view to zoom and scroll around in.  experimented with the symbols for the ambush.

I would like to find a better mashup for the mapping, but I have it so that each of those (and more) can be managed separately, then merged back into a single map for viewing. More later.
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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 26 2013, 08:56 PM
Post #3106

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 26 2013, 09:32 PM) *
@Dakka Fiend,  Does spring want to sic that Fire Spirit on the mage?  Sprogget needs to decide what LeO should be targeting.  He can either decide that the mage is still the major threat, especially since he will be coming up on Scrapheap's position shortly, or put a full burst into that wannabe tank that seems to be still coming.

Also:By RAW, that would not be possible.  You can summon a spirit with force higher than your magic rating, but only up to 2 times magic.

Still unsure whether to pick mage or minigun-equiped car as well. Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock, why not use a bullet hose to deal with the mage and magic to deal with the wannabe tank?

And yes, Spring can summon a F4 spirit (although only barely survive it). He only gets to roll one point of Magic in the test, but for determining summoning/oversummoning imits the full rating applies. Just like he only has one point's worth of Adept powers, but he still can get Freefall lvl 2. Aren't Mystic Adepts fun?
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post Mar 26 2013, 08:58 PM
Post #3107

Shooting Target

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@Aria/Chi Town
Copperhead will move into partial or good cover if she can get it (that's a -1/-2 to her attack dice pool and +2/+4 on defence rolls or -2/-4 on Snag's attack rolls (optional rule)).

She will also perceive astrally (that's another -2 to her attack dice pool but will hopefully negate any bonus/mods Snag is getting for his spell/power). If he is somehow displaced, she'll keep perceiving (assuming the -2 for perceiving is less than the penalty for the displacement effect).

As her chances to hit are basically crap with a -3/-4 to hit, she will aim for +1 meaning she only fires 1 shot per round (resulting in a net -2/-3 dice on to hit rolls).

If going by the book - extra 2/4 dice of defending:
4d6.hits(5) → [3,3,5,2] = (1), 0/1
4d6.hits(5) → [3,6,4,5] = (2), 1/2
4d6.hits(5) → [3,4,6,3] = (1), 0/1
4d6.hits(5) → [6,3,3,4] = (1), 1/1
4d6.hits(5) → [1,2,2,5] = (1), 0/1

If you just want a set of new rolls, let me know.

Beastie Boy continues to try and munch on Snag in phase 2 (and phase 3 if attacking on astral).

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Machine Ghost
post Mar 26 2013, 09:15 PM
Post #3108

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QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Mar 26 2013, 01:56 PM) *
Still unsure whether to pick mage or minigun-equiped car as well. Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock, why not use a bullet hose to deal with the mage and magic to deal with the wannabe tank?

And yes, Spring can summon a F4 spirit (although only barely survive it). He only gets to roll one point of Magic in the test, but for determining summoning/oversummoning imits the full rating applies. Just like he only has one point's worth of Adept powers, but he still can get Freefall lvl 2. Aren't Mystic Adepts fun?
I'll have LeO take another shot at the mage then.

Ah right. The difference between actual attribute and useable dice.
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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 26 2013, 09:33 PM
Post #3109

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@E:Tribes, Aria

Forgot I still haven't posted what Tweak's doing for 4.2 and 4.3. Think he can ram someone in 5.1 if he keeps accelerating in 4.2 and 4.3?
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post Mar 26 2013, 09:40 PM
Post #3110

Shooting Target

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@Virtual Scream/All
Quick update just so you know I haven't forgotten about you.

Aria/Gossamer - 2 boxes of icon damage. Awaiting delivery of Living Doll chassis. Currently poking dormant virtual scream virus on her main chassis. GM to post

Mister J/Cipher - In nice comfy hospital bed examining virtual scream data in his head. Currently on minus (lots) due to cocktail of drugs being pumped into him. Need some rolls (analyze, browse, decrypt) from Mister J or please repost if I missed them.

ChromeZephyr/Alex Bianchi - Outside door in appartment block. Attempting to con gangers into opening door. GM to post.

Slacker/Dubstep, Phlapjack77/Dante, kahrig/Cat - Cat has just got the attention of anything with (or without) a pulse in the restaurant. Dubstep is hacking commlinks and Dante is getting ready to shoot Jasons. GM to post.

MachineGhost/Sprogget - Hunter sprite out hunting. GM to post. Waiting for current combat scene to finish! Or failing that, a suitably inappropriate moment for the sprite to return.

Uller/The Big Peat - Last seen lurking outside Slicer's possible hiding place. Possibly killed by knife wielding troll.
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post Mar 26 2013, 09:42 PM
Post #3111


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 26 2013, 03:40 PM) *
@Virtual Scream/All
Quick update just so you know I haven't forgotten about you.

Good to know. I'm itching to find out what (if any) connection there is between these gangers and the scream. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 26 2013, 11:12 PM
Post #3112

Moving Target

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@E:Tribes, Aria

QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Mar 26 2013, 01:53 PM) *
Trying to resist 12P drain: Body 3 + Edge 6 (now at 3/6) = 9 dice for [2,4,3,4,2,4,[6, 5],2,5] = (3) 3 hits, LOL

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. Somehow I got into soak-damage mindset. But it's drain! I'd do it without Edge, but 12P is an awful lot. So, replace the above with:
Trying to resist 12P drain: Wilpower 5 + Logic 5 + Edge 6 (now 3/6) = 16 dice for [4,3,4,[6, 2],5,2,5,4,4,4,4,[6, 3],5,2,1,3] = (5) 5 hits.
Still taking 7P, no need to edit IC.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 26 2013, 11:59 PM
Post #3113

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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 26 2013, 02:40 PM) *
@Virtual Scream/All
Quick update just so you know I haven't forgotten about you.
.. snip ..
MachineGhost/Sprogget - Hunter sprite out hunting. GM to post. Waiting for current combat scene to finish! Or failing that, a suitably inappropriate moment for the sprite to return.
.. snip ..
I think you missed your best chance there (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif) While Sprogget was trying to juggle meatspace and matrix actions. Barring big surprises, he could now safely take an action to file hunters report for later in-depth review.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 27 2013, 12:03 AM
Post #3114

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QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Mar 26 2013, 02:33 PM) *
@E:Tribes, Aria

Forgot I still haven't posted what Tweak's doing for 4.2 and 4.3. Think he can ram someone in 5.1 if he keeps accelerating in 4.2 and 4.3?
Cutting off the Harley 'slowed' him enough for LeO to get a shot at. Maybe enough for you to catch too, especially if he is focusing on the drone threat. ... And if Leo does not get him first.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 27 2013, 12:08 AM
Post #3115

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Notes on attacks by LeO

QUOTE (SR4A148 Fire Mounted or Vehicle Weapon)
A character may fire a ready mounted or vehicle weapon by taking a Complex Action.

Looks like LeO can only fire a single burst, even though a long burst is only a simple action with the mods used. Unless I missed something for drone controlled weapons.

Ares Alpha: SR4A318 Assault Rifle
Range 0-50; 51-150; 151-350; 351-550
High Velocity AR152, AR26
Mode FA: long burst or full burst
- (up to) 2 long bursts in a single action phase

Full burst: 12 bullets, -11 dice pool modifier
- Narrow Burst: +11 DV modifier to the attack
- Wide Burst: -11 modifier to defenders dice pool

Attack multiple targets:
- 2 targets, 2 long bursts
- 3 targets, 1 long, 2 short bursts
- 4 targets, 3 short bursts
** full burst SR4-144

SR4A153: Burst Fire
simple action per burst, each burst using a separate attack test
recoil (before compensation) = number of bullets fired in burst minus 1, plus number of previous bursts in action phase

Narrow burst: do more damage to the target (assuming hit)
- increase attack DV by (number of bullets fired - 1)
Wide burst: increase chance to hit
- decrease defender dice pool by (number of bullets fired - 1)

SR4A150 Ranged Combat
Range: no modifier out to 150m (all range modifiers reduced by 1 by improved range finder mod)
Range 0-50(0); 51-150(0); 151-350(-2); 351-550(-5)
Attacker Running: No
Attacker in Melee: No
Attacker in Moving vehicle: weapon mounted, does not apply
Attacker firing from cover: No
Attacker using laser sight: No
Attacker using smartlinked weapon: +2
Attacker using image magnification: No
Attacker using a second firearm: No
Attacker using off-hand weapon: No
Attacker wounded: No
Aimed Shot No:
Blind Fire No:
- SA 0/-1; Short Burst -2/-3; Long Burst -5/-6; Full Burst -11
- Heavy weapon: 2 x uncompensated recoil
Recoil compensation: Special Chamber Design(2); Gyro Stablization(6); Gas-Vent 3(3); Electronic Firing(1); drone body(3) = 15
** I did not need the Gas-Vent system or electronic firing. Electronic firing just makes sense for a drone though.
- Burst Modifier: (number of bullets fired - 1): (short/long/full) (3/6/12) ==> (2/5/11)
Targeting(4)+Optimize(1)+Pilot(3)+Smartlink(2)+Tacnet(2)=12d6 vs REA + (Dodge or Pilot) -(Wide burst modifier)

Base DV 6P AP -1
Modified DV 6+(net hits)+(Narrow Burst Modifier) vs Modified Armor
modified armor: Armor - AP
SR4A167 Vehicle Armor: If an attack’s modified DV does not exceed a vehicle’s modified Armor rating, then the attack automatically fails.

Narrow Burst
Targeting(4)+Optimize(1)+Pilot(3)+Smartlink(2)+Tacnet(2)=12d6 vs REA
Modified DV 6+(net hits)+(Narrow Burst Modifier) vs Modified Armor

Targeting(4)+Optimize(1)+Pilot(3)+Smartlink(2)+Tacnet(2)=12d6 vs REA + (Dodge or Pilot)
Modified DV 6+(net hits)+(Narrow Burst Modifier) vs Modified Armor

Wide Burst
Targeting(4)+Optimize(1)+Pilot(3)+Smartlink(2)+Tacnet(2)=12d6 vs REA - (Wide burst modifier)
Modified DV 6+(net hits) vs Modified Armor

Targeting(4)+Optimize(1)+Pilot(3)+Smartlink(2)+Tacnet(2)=12d6 vs REA + (Dodge or Pilot) - (Wide burst modifier)
Modified DV 6+(net hits) vs Modified Armor

SR4A150 ranged combat summary, about autofire not counting when comparing modified DV to modified armor **seems** to be referring (only) to deciding whether physical damage converts to stun or not. Those modifiers should still apply to deciding if an attack on an armored vechicle fails or not. If not, then need some serious armor penetration to get through. Or maybe electrical? Is that what the mage used?

IC said the mage is using the armoured cowl for protection. Is he still a valid / visible target? Choices seem to be: shoot at the mage directly; shoot at the mage using blind fire; shoot at the Harley; Shoot at both using Full-auto.
IC said the Harley is headed north. LeO is coming in from the South. Is that cowl really protection?

QUOTE (SR4A171 Damage and Passengers)
In the case of ramming, full-auto and area-effect attacks, both passengers and vehicles resist the damage equally.

Being unsure what LeO can see and damage, Sprogget is going to go for the conservative approach. Spew lead.

The pregen rolls were missing the smartgun modifier, so a couple extra dice belong in there. That 2nd roll looks good without them.
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post Mar 27 2013, 12:10 AM
Post #3116

Moving Target

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No, no, no. LeO softens him up and gets him not paying attention to the getting-louder-by-the-second-sound of the van until SPLAT. Scrapheap would probably text him to run over the dude a few more times and give him help lining up the tires. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 27 2013, 12:37 AM
Post #3117

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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 26 2013, 05:10 PM) *
No, no, no. LeO softens him up and gets him not paying attention to the getting-louder-by-the-second-sound of the van until SPLAT. Scrapheap would probably text him to run over the dude a few more times and give him help lining up the tires. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Is hamburger soft enough for you?  Of course, I'd like to take out the mage, and have the Harley slide to a stop right beside Scrapheap.  Here's some new (slight mis-used and abused) wheels for you scrap.  We're in 'home' territory now, so you don't need to hide in the back of the van any more.  The van that keeps running into things (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 27 2013, 12:55 AM
Post #3118

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See, this is why we keep you around, Sprog. Even if it's only a Harley *spits*.

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Machine Ghost
post Mar 27 2013, 04:21 AM
Post #3119

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 13 2013, 06:07 AM) *
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Mar 13 2013, 12:19 AM) *

This is assuming I can hit the mage. At least the magnification will take off any distance penalties.

Agility (3) + Pistols (3) + Smartgun (2) + Tacnet (2) = 10d6


5 hits. Reloading will have to wait till the next round. I used up all my actions, here.

Here are a couple more defense rolls, if you need them.

Reaction with Good Cover:
1 hit.

Ballistic Armor:
1 hit.
Whilst I know what RAW says I defy anyone to use a mag scope on the back of a swerving bike!  Any movement is magnified so it'll be constantly sweeping across your target and most of the time giving you a nice view of building / asphalt (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

IC coming up for you lot once I've sorted Copperhead and the Promised Land crew!

Old post, but I thought I should add a couple of comments about RAW.

QUOTE (SR4A150 Attacker Using Image Magnification)
The character must take a Take Aim action (p. 148) to “lock onto” the target (the Take Aim does not apply a +1 aiming bonus for this purpose, unless additional Take Aim actions are made). As long as the target and attacker do not move, the attacker remains locked on and may continue to get the image magnification bonus on subsequent actions without further Take Aim actions.
Using image magnification needs a simple action to get the range reduction, and with either party moving would be needed again every action phase to hold the lock.
Shooting an unmounted weapon from a moving vehicle incurs a –3 modifier. See Gunnery, p. 171.
There's the minus for the vehicle motion.  Image magnification is still possible, because the tech is smart enough to compensate for the motion.  Think tiny motion / acceleration sensors in the imaging gear, along with the view point being electronically controlled.  Super version of the vibration cancelling built into some IRL cameras.  If you needed to keep the actual eyes tracking the target, yeah it would be a mess (REAL mess if you are prone to motion sickness).  But letting the tech mostly control the view makes it doable.

QUOTE (SR4A159 Defense Modifiers Table)
Defender inside a moving vehicle +3
QUOTE (Damage and Passengers)
Attacks must specifically target either the passengers (in which case, the vehicle is unaffected) or the vehicle itself (in which case, the passengers are not affected). The exceptions to this rule are ramming, full-automatic bursts and area-effect weapon attacks like grenades and rockets—these attacks affect both passengers and vehicles.

If an attack is made against passengers, make a normal Attack Test, but the passengers are always considered to be under Good Cover (though the Blind Fire modifier may apply to the attacker as the situation dictates.) Passengers attempting to defend an attack inside a vehicle suffer a –2 dice pool modifier to their dodge, since they are somewhat limited in movement. Additionally, the passengers gain protection from the vehicle’s chassis, adding the Armor of the vehicle to any personal armor the characters are wearing. Called shots may be used to circumvent one armor or the other but not both.

In the case of ramming, full-auto and area-effect attacks, both passengers and vehicles resist the damage equally.
Those seem to be expecting closed vehicles. I would *expect* bike riders to have less protection, and the [enclosed] monocycle to be somewhat in between {orientation matters with the monocycle, from fully visible, to full blind fire with good armor}

The above information is still 'incomplete'. Some modifiers affect whether an attack hits or not, others affect the damage resistance. If I did a 'full' post on the interactions I see, this would become several pages.
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post Mar 27 2013, 04:34 AM
Post #3120

Moving Target

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Will get some rolls/ action up here in a sec (if its alright by you ill do a post that gets me current with flash backs later when appropriate for the Israel bit).
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post Mar 27 2013, 04:45 AM
Post #3121


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 27 2013, 05:40 AM) *
@Virtual Scream/All
Slacker/Dubstep, Phlapjack77/Dante, kahrig/Cat - Cat has just got the attention of anything with (or without) a pulse in the restaurant. Dubstep is hacking commlinks and Dante is getting ready to shoot Jasons. GM to post.

You're kind of assuming there, aren't you? Maybe Dante is just going to hand the gun over and th....frag it, no use denying it. He's definitely going to shoot him some Jasons (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 27 2013, 08:35 AM
Post #3122

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 26 2013, 09:12 PM) *
Seeing a hint of ghostly fire from Spring's location, he wonders,
@self:What's he up to over there?

Actually, freshly summoned spirits pop up in the astral but do they do automatically manifest...
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post Mar 27 2013, 08:54 AM
Post #3123


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QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Mar 27 2013, 04:35 PM) *
Actually, freshly summoned spirits pop up in the astral but do they do automatically manifest...

Pretty sure they don't
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Dakka Fiend
post Mar 27 2013, 08:59 AM
Post #3124

Moving Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 27 2013, 09:54 AM) *
Pretty sure they don't

QUOTE ("SR4 @ p. 179")
Summoned spirits appear on the astral plane and manifest
so that they are visible in the physical world as a ghostly image.

If Street Magic says anything about that, I haven't found it.
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post Mar 27 2013, 09:03 AM
Post #3125


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From: Beijing
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dang! once again tripped up by the manifest / materialize difference (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

that'll teach me to try to work and post (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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