OOC: Phoenix Rising, Out of Character thread for the runners |
OOC: Phoenix Rising, Out of Character thread for the runners |
Oct 26 2008, 04:16 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 199 Joined: 18-August 08 Member No.: 16,250 |
Tom had asked for a barett model 121 and an auto 16 both with chemilion
Oct 26 2008, 04:18 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 765 Joined: 27-July 08 From: England Member No.: 16,167 |
You missed a rating 3 Cellular Glove Moulder off the team list.
Edit And Etoiles stuff is already all posted up further on the page you posted your gear list on. |
Oct 26 2008, 04:49 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 765 Joined: 27-July 08 From: England Member No.: 16,167 |
The software package we were talking abouts details for Charlie.
Programs – Illegal TacNet 3 Analyze 6 (Optimization 3) Encrypt 6 (Optimization 3) ECCM 6 (Ergonomic, Virus Resistance 6, Optimization 3) Spoof 6 (Ergonomic, Virus Resistance 6, Optimization 3) Armour 6 (Ergonomic, Virus Resistance 6, Optimization 3) Stealth 6 (Ergonomic, Virus Resistance 6, Optimization 3) |
Oct 26 2008, 07:56 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
Game was good, we were have some issues with the maps and stuff.
Chat log from todays game: Brent: Morning Shalimar: hi Brent: Morning Etiole Etoile: Hi. Not sure how the majority of this things works jus yet, only just fired it up for the first time today. Brent: not an issue Brent: here lets set your dieroller Brent: use the /dieroller sr4 command to set your dieroller to Sr4 Charlie: Hi Etoile: /dieroller sr4 Etoile: Guess I don't type it in here then... Etoile: [1d4+ /dieroller sr4] => 1d4+ /dieroller sr4 Charlie: [6d6] => [5,5,3,1,2,5] Hits: (3) Brent: you should Etoile: Ahh there was a space infront of it. Brent: that should be it now just use the brackes for rolling dice [10d6] => [3,3,2,4,3,5,1,3,2,2] Hits: (1) Brent: like that Etoile: [10d6] => [2,3,5,4,6,4,2,3,1,2] Hits: (2) Brent: kewl, your all Brent: set Etoile: Righto. So, are we meant to use different formatting for actions and speech? (Not to mention subvocal and text messages) Charlie: (ooc) Brent: not really we will use (for out of character talk) thats it Brent: and quoats if you like Etoile: And as an aside, because the team has no face and Etoile hasn't been ICly brought into things yet do you want me to swap onto a new character? I have a 400BP one to hand and thought I'd offer on the off chance. (Mainly if the group feels we need one badly) Etoile: Hey Deadman. deadman: morning all, Brent: No we will be fine, I'd like Etoile Brent: Morning Charlie: hi Brent: deadman have you been keeping track of the OOC Thread on Dumpshock? deadman: do you folks think that morning should be renamed to damn its bright out side? deadman: no I havent Sorry to say Brent: K, we have been getting a lot of legwork done via OOC thread. Brent: I'll IM you to catch you up. Charlie: Are we doing the actual run this week, or next week once DWC ishere to handle truth/the drones? deadman: havent realy been on the computer sence last sunday been kinda nuts around here Brent: We will get most of the prep work done, and posability start the set-up to get in. Charlie: ok Brent: There should be plenty left for DWC to get into with us next week Charlie: ok Charlie: he is the relatively big gun on the operation with all his combat drones Brent: Right thats why I don't want to get to far with out him too Brent: Morning Tom Tom Green: morning Brent: Tom grabbing Coffee Brent: Are we missing anyone else? Brent: Gecko right? Charlie: just Gecko Etoile: Yeah. I wonder if he forgot to change his clocks. Brent: His still has a half an hour Etoile: Is there anything which lets us put character sheets into this thing? (And are we using it if there is?) And maybe turn off the autocomplete function.. Brent: I just sent one to you Brent: You dont need to fill it out yet, it's there for your easy of use. Brent: And the man is here Tom Green: ready Crizh: testing, testing Charlie: hi Crizh: so how does this all work then? Brent: it's easy Noowan: DObe dobe do lalala dobe dobe do Brent: all you need to set is your dieroller Brent: use /dieroller sr4 Crizh: k Etoile: (whispering): Out of interest, if we can change nuyen into karma doesn't that throw off our street creds? Brent: (whispering): a little, but I'm just testing it out right now Tom Green: [16d6] => [5,2,3,1,6,5,4,1,5,6,6,4,1,6,5,3] Hits: ((IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) Crizh: [16d6] => [2,4,6,3,3,6,4,5,5,1,4,6,2,6,6,4] Hits: (7) Crizh: ahah! Crizh: cool Brent: sweet there you go I'll send you a character sheet Crizh: what about edge (not that I have any) Brent: you can fill it out when you can Brent: it's all refreashed Charlie: I just posted an updated list of gear for Charlie, and stuff for the team in Phoenix Rising OOC, could everyone post up their gear lists to send on to Ochir? Brent: If you like Etoile: Didn't you say our edge attribute would increase as our Karma went up? Or am I thinking of another game? Charlie: that way Brent has the list since the Johnson asked for it Brent: Yeah your right, Brent: with the edge Etoile: In which case doesn't that mean trading nuyen in for karma is a bit overpowered? Noowan: more coffie Brent: it's in the test phase right now. Crizh: I kinda changed my mind about my down-time activities, I'll PM you later Crizh: thought I might get into Crizh: some sort of vigilante gig Brent: K, sounds good Crizh: Gecko is only some web-slingers short of being Crizh: Spidey anyway Charlie: given how quick the karma requirements for the edge ramp up I don't think it would be that big of a problem. 10 for the first, 30 for the second, its a going to take a long while for people to really get up there on edge even with buying karma Tom Green: im getting a "no image handeler " eror is anyone else Charlie: yes, I am too Crizh: yup Brent: Yeah I'm trying to load a pic Noowan: me to Tom Green: ok Brent: There we go Brent: thats the area, and the land the Azzie's control Crizh: I like the gear list Crizh: I was wondering if we could go in as telecoms workers rather than mechanics? Brent: Sure, Crizh: We could use some knowsofts to BS the guards Tom Green: if the id's are set up we better go with that Noowan: green circle is target area I take it Tom Green: brent are we takeing up with tom and everyone in the field observing or after the intell mission Brent: So far you can get everything on the list Brent: No that was the cursor Brent: the target is in the dam Noowan: ok cool Tom Green: ok so we are actually ready tomake an entry try tonight Crizh: Once we are all geared up and have a plan Crizh: brb Brent: today will be the rest of the prep work, and the set-up to start the entry Noowan: ok after 24 hours of watching the area through phisical and spritual means what do we find out Tom Green: tom sets to they have a force 8 blood spirit ..free spirit patrolling Tom Green: 3 mages Crizh: Can we get knowsofts about Aztechnology employee procedures Tom Green: and 30 guards Tom Green: no more than 2-3 of those death...er batel suits on site Brent: Yes, you can get the knowsofts Noowan: peace of cake :} Tom Green: that about sull oup the recon brent? Brent: yeah, thats about it Tom Green: sull uup?.. i ment sum up Crizh: did we specify a final list of mods for the Everglades? Brent: I it's ok I understand bable Brent: I think is was, Charlie: Most of the guards are cybered or adepts Charlie: The leader of the guards is an initiated twisted adept Brent: I'm thinking of having you guys on watch of the target when we go game on. Crizh: mmm twisted adept, cool... Noowan: twisted adept Brent: Yeah, and bad dude. It's means he uses the "Dark Side" for a lack of a better term Etoile: I do rather wish Etoile had any kind of legwork ability. :/ Crizh: can we say Gaus Cannon? Brent: Are we ready, to go game on? Crizh: fink so Cutter: I'm ready (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Tom Green: once tom gets the weapons he will strat switching over his mods from his nsniper to the berett 121 Armor roll Tom Green: [11d6] => [6,4,5,6,1,2,1,3,4,1,4] Hits: (3) Noowan: what kind of legwork you need Charlie: Did we settle when we are going in (night or day)? Tom Green: night Cutter: I'm we said night Crizh: or front door or back? Charlie: thats what I thought, just wanted to double check Noowan: side window Cutter: There is only one door right now, unless we are going to make one. Charlie: "Making a new door would kind of give us away, and mean they'l probably find the new hardware" Etoile: Personally I think day works better, more people around and thus our cover is more reliable. Tom Green: we saw lots of activity all night Cutter: There are as many people working days and nights Charlie: "They have crews 24 hours a day, and if there are a few less at night thats a few less to bump into us." Crizh: agreed Tom Green: did we come up with a suitable container for my shotgun ? Tom Green: worse case ill make it look like a creat of materials GM: Ok so it's the night of Monday June 2nd, 2070 Noowan: ok folks we come to the part that has me a bit troubled Noowan: do we or dont we keep the sutes in one peace GM: We Have Cutter and Tom on site overlooking the target area. Truth has a drone there too Tom Green: we do unless shit hits the fan Noowan: cus if we keep them in one peace thay can build more and wipe our way of life out Tom Green: best option is we dont get cought if that fails we put the mages gdown hard and fast Charlie: "We'll be going in under concealment from the biggest elemental I can summon, who'll do double duty of knocking the stuffing out of that blood spirit and mechs if need be. We'll also have our Chameleon's with thermal damping. If they can see us through all of that it means they deserve to see us." Noowan: and I am kinda found of my way of life Etoile: We don't want to go anywhere near then combat drones. Because that would raise every alarm in the place and put us on the Azzie shit list. :/ Tom Green: these suits are out Crizh: containers- we need several toolboxes with shielded compartments... Charlie: "The cat is already out of the bag on those suits. All we can do is avoid them." Tom Green: "we cant stop them from hitting the streets wholesale eventually" Cutter: The mechs are 20 miles away right now, Cutter: and if we go after them then we would be dealing with the Aztlan Military Tom Green: "yah.. lets hope they stay that far..and dont have reason to test thier long range fire power" Crizh: Interesting that the Azzies are the first to field them. GM: I see them being a big deal yet, there mostly for Military actions right now. Noowan: well ok just wanted to express my consern and that would be a great diversion Tom Green: "first we know iof" GM: Not really the news has shown UCAS with them too GM: Really they did have there's out first. Crizh: well that's where we pinched them from... Etoile: Etoile already has one shielded toolbox, with appropriate tools too (and the skillsoft to use them if required). Tom Green: GM with the concealment spirit and our chemilion suits is it feasable to just walk in? Cutter: "Guys I have a Helo incoming from the south. It looks like it has something on it's belly" Tom Green: GM im unfamiluar with the mechanics Crizh: put it on the TacNet GM: Yes, it is feasable. Cutter: "it's up now" Etoile: The one concern I have is signals. Truths drones and our communications /aren't/ hidden by concealment. So running a Tacnet seems like bad bad idea. Tom Green: Tom swivels the sniper rifel around for a look feeding the image through AR GM: Not really we are a good ways out. GM: with the coyotes and all Etoile: (I meant when we went into the facility) Charlie: (Its a Force 10 concealment, so the enemy would have a -10 to perception from that. Chameleons with Thermal Damping are another -3.) GM: You all see an Azzie's helo heading in bounded, it has one of the mechs on it's belly Crizh: I'll set you all up with laser links Noowan: oh that sucks Tom Green: "Great" looking at the strapping mechinism.. any way to make it fall Etoile: (Did anyone update the software bundle which was provided last mission or has it degraded by two months?) GM: I just hightlighted the area it's heading Tom Green: accedentally with a well placed shot? Crizh: I've been keeping it up to date Crizh: added some new toys too Charlie: (what is in the software package?) GM: The Helo is 24 meters off the deck (100 feet) and fly at full speed, once they get to the fireing range you see the mech drop. Crizh: TacSoft, ECCM, encrypt and an agent to run them Etoile: (Analyze, Encrypt, ECCM, Spoof, Armour and Stealth) Crizh: yeah them Crizh: most are optimized, some ergonomic Noowan: oh crap think we have been spoted Crizh: I'll check the IC thread GM: resistaning falling damage of 6 meters (6 boxes) [16d6] =>[3,5,4,4,3,6,3,1,6,5,3,1,4,6,6,4] Hits: (6) GM: No damage, it lights up it's LMG on some targets down range GM: They jumps and lands on an Ares Citymaster Crizh: there's a firing range on the map... Tom Green: "that thing is so bad ass" Etoile: @Noowan Why? They dropped a combat drone in testing onto a firing range. GM: You see it's claws light up and rip through the citymaster Crizh: gaus cannon Crizh: thor shot Tom Green: @everyone sorry i misunderstood i thought it was comeing for us wtoo Charlie: "Guess we'll just have to plan around the Mech. My Elemental should be able to beat it to heck...if it needs to." GM: From there you see a Gaus Cannon raise up from it's back and it takes a knee you see a target the hell aways out there an it shouts it. Etoile: (Charlie, posted up a copy paste of the program info for you. Did Gecko provide an agent too? If so what rating and suchlike was it?) Etoile: (On the forum that is) Noowan: thought it was for us, was ready to assult it with my friends GM: Who took my map? Noowan: it just went away GM: I think someone hide it Crizh: Rating 6 GM: right click and hit the show/hide Crizh: scripted to run ECCM, Encrypt and Analyse Tom Green: doesnt show up here brent Noowan: not here Tom Green: it was there a sec then gone GM: I'm loading a new one Noowan: it dont like you bud Noowan: shure just through out the old cus its a bit dificult GM: Ok There we go. Noowan: you know those suits scare the crap out of me Noowan: no map GM: Any who after it blast the shit out of everything it runs off, to rally with with helo. they hook up again and leave south. Etoile: Anyone else finding OpenRPG is crashing a lot? GM: NOpe Noowan: no Charlie: (is there any legwork left to be done? I think the only thing would be Noowan doing any binding, and the rest just observing) Noowan: just cant get the map up GM: does any see the map again? Noowan: no Charlie: no, I don't see the map Crizh: Can we sniff any wireless traffic from the Helo or the Mech GM: Nope they were running slient Etoile: 3rd time it's died now. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) Noowan: got my limit of friends GM: weird Crizh: which version are you running Etoile: 1.7.5 Noowan: Etoil you running a router? or have any AV ware running Charlie: "Well, you can rebind them with the materials we are getting. No rule against having too many services Noowan." Cutter: "Thank goodness that was only a target practice run." Tom Green: i say cutter and I come in from the field and we get ready to go in tonight Crizh: New pants all round Cutter: "no doudt" Charlie: "We put 10,000 worth of binding materials in our list, might as well use them, its not like unused services go poof...right? Actually I have no idea since I haven't studied binding yet Noowan." GM: see the map now? Noowan: no map Crizh: I've got it open in a window somwhere anyway Crizh: why don't you just post the link? Noowan: I have kinda diferant kind of service contract with my friends GM: It's the one from the OOC Thread, any who. Cutter: "yeah I think we have seen all we are going to see out here, I think we should go too." Etoile: Try left click and drag drop on the map window. Seems to make it re-appear for me. GM: The rest of the team is out at Ochir's ranch. Noowan: yep we need to get rid of those some how on both sides Charlie: "I think tonight should be it, remember we don't want them too much time to keep increasing forces at the damn." Cutter: "I don't think we are going to be able to make that happen Noowan" Crizh: Were we not going to get some nanopaste disguises Noowan: map! Cutter: "Right I agree, Me and Tom are heading back. We will talk about plan and get what we need." Etoile: The team gear list has it on, next to fake SINs and licenses. GM: thats what I thought Charlie: They are part of the kitty that Ochir is putting together for us Crizh: k Charlie: "I'm kinda surprised we were able to get the chameleon suits on such short notice, our Johnson and Ochir are really connected to pull off such a list." Noowan: ok lets go geting kinda hungery anyway GM: we are at Ochir's place he is right there. Tom Green: "well i think we are dealing with high end johnsons here" Ochir: "From what the J is telling me she has a lot of stuff laying around Tom Green: " the profit those mechs represent dfor a scorp is stagering" Charlie: If she has all that stuff just lying around and able to be given away I wish I had her accountants Ochir: "Yeah from what I've seen on the news they will be some pritty nice weaponse for the next desert war" GM: Me too, it's called uncle sam. Charlie: "What are the odds that they will see local use?" Noowan: they should not be they are a danger that needs to be eliminated Cutter: "I'd just hate to be on the busness end of one of them" Crizh: we probably shouldn't have stolen teh plans then.. Tom Green: "im ex millitary noowan and theres not much difference between these and some lite tanks they already use" Cutter: "I don't see it for sometime for the Star to get them" Crizh: you have 20 seconds to comply... Ochir: "Right the Star will be one of the last to get them is my guess too" Etoile: "Even if the Star 'ad them they would 'ave to deploy them and that takes time. During which the smart runner /runs/, no?" Tom Green: "by that time wnoowan we will be able to get the specs we have into the hands of people that will have an interest in finding and exploiting any weekness they have" Tom Green: " not to mention it taks a highly trained rigger to pilot one" Etoile: "Was it not two riggers in the plans we took?" Crizh: yup Charlie: "Why would the Star need them though? I mean those are full on military conflict vehicles they can't just deploy them wherever, its not economical." Crizh: have you seen our stats Tom Green: " so yah they will be around but i doubt they will become ubiquous" Cutter: "From what I could tell the Azzie's only had one pilot in it" Crizh: Good, makes them more vulnerable to electronic warfare Etoile: (They need them to stop Gecko punching his way into the nearest gold reserve!) Cutter: "Cheaper then a Cybog" GM: (LOL) Crizh: pah, what do I want gold for? Charlie: Ochir, does the Johnson know that we were the ones who stole the plans from the UCAS military to give to the Azzies, out of curiosity? Noowan: its not just runners that I worry for imagin a cupel of corps comming to an agreement and poof no freedom any where for anyone Crizh: I fjust had a thought... brb Tom Green: " and if it was up to me to put a damper on them...all it would take is a concerted effort to kill anny rigger found to be associated with the program...they would find it harder and harder to get lrg numbers of opperators" Etoile: "Imagine the corporations sharing power.... Yes, I can see it now. Along with the unicorns and flying pigs." Ochir: "She didn't say but I would guess it, I think they are looking to get the guys who stole it to play as middle men for the two powers, Plus less risk of the information leaking too" Tom Green: " freedom ? only freedome we have now is the freedome of the sinless. and that will never change" Etoile: "So they know we robbed them? Can someone check the suits 'ave not got 'oles in them please?" Ochir: "I checked them my self all the gear is good." Tom Green: " you know paranora aside.. lets do go over the equipmen to make sure there are no stealth tags or boobie traps" Ochir: "I take care of my assets you guys are how I make a living." Tom Green: nods to Ochir Tom Green: " appriciated" Ochir: "Not a Problem" Tom Green: (any issues with cutter and I makeing it in?) Noowan: lets just get this job done Crizh: Ochir: Any chance she can get us Intruder (activator) Nanites in Capsule rounds? GM: is everyone ready to fade to the next day? Ochir: Let me check. Charlie: I thought we were going in that same night? Crizh: I've gone over all the gear with a NLJD. Tom Green: ( brent id like to take tonight to mod the weapons i got and a case to carry the shotgun in) Noowan: need some air not so hungery any more Charlie: (or at most, the 3rd night is our deadline from what we agreed earlier) Noowan: (goes to find his center) Tom Green: ( it says infultration can be used to bypass sensors can i use a roll to conceal the contents of the box?) GM: Yes, you can mod your gear. Crizh: @tom we have MDS lined compartments in the toolboxes we asked for. Tom Green: infultration roll Green: [18d6] => [5,2,1,3,1,5,1,4,6,1,3,6,2,5,4,6,5,1] Hits: (7) Tom Green: ( but i doubt an assult 16 shotgun will fit in the tool box without breaking it down Ochir: "Yes she can get you some, how many do you what?" Etoile: (Aren't we smuggling the bigger weapons in via a vehicle anyway?) Tom Green: ( i want to have my weapon on me once we enter) GM: (Yes, cuz the gauss rifle and firing pod will fit no whare else) Crizh: sorry, crashed GM: np Crizh: full clip for the Barrett and half a dozen rounds for my Ingram? Ochir: "Yes she can get you some, how many do you what?" Crizh: [10d6] => [3,2,4,2,1,2,1,5,2,4] = (26) Crizh: sorry Charlie: As far as I know we are going in entirely stealthed, right? Cutter: "Yes" Tom Green: "yes" Ochir: "give me a number please." Etoile: "We won't be if 'e carries that 'uge cannon." Cutter: "right I'll be placed as overwatch" Cutter: "unless we need me up close." Noowan: we ready to do this Crizh: 20? Charlie: (Everyone is going to under a -14 dice penalty to notice us, thats before infiltration rolls) Ochir: "Sure thing" Tom Green: and im pretty dam stealthy Etoile: (Which doesn't affect the rating of a cyberware scanner one bit. So if we walk in through the door while he's holding a gun it goes beep.) Tom Green: ( 18 dice + cloaking dforom magic) Etoile: (I assume we're going in via a check point? Rather than cutting the fence?) Crizh: Cutter, I'll set you up with a laser link back to base if you are overwatch Tom Green: (thats why i rigged the box to fool scanners) Crizh: Can we find anything out about internal security? Cutter: "Yeah I think that will be best, So I can cover our in route and out route." Tom Green: " good i prefer some exit cover " GM: it's only physcial security in side with 10 people on duty, Crizh: do the have a Telematics Infrastructure? Noowan: we were suposed to get internal map and layout of the base GM: the twisted adpet runs this crew, but he works days. Crizh: good GM: You have the an older mapsoft of the dam. Charlie: "Good thing we are going in at night." GM: Ok I'm jumping to the next eveing. GM: it's Tuesday 3rd, 2070 at 1500 Etoile: (Was the Nuyen payment for the job sent to Ochir again this time?) GM: everyone is at Ochir's ranch, and we have all the gear. it's been gone through Tom Green: ( suit up dbl check weapons and gear ) GM: (if you guys like) Crizh: Make sure everyone has their comms set up the same GM: (you didn't get any up front) Crizh: Torture Etoile until she runs the TacSoft... Cutter: (LOL) Noowan: (centerd and geared up) Tom Green: (yes and that we are running all security soft ware we are supposed to be. com IDs and sinns are set to our fake ones) Cutter: "I'm maping my projected location now" Charlie: (at sun down Charlie summons her Force 10 Earth Elemental, 4 services, 2 Physical Drain) Crizh: Give Cutter an extra sensor package and subscribe it to my TacNet. Etoile: (Hehe not the best plan, she has vindictive..... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) .) Charlie: (She is then patched up with a med kit, so she is good to go) Crizh: Ask very nicely?.. Cutter: "That should cover the whole area for us and make it easy for me to exit with everyone." Etoile: (Is Cutter at the red star bit on the map then?) Cutter: "I'll set them up on my gear and the nice gun." Cutter: (Yes) Cutter: (that were he will head out to) Tom Green: "rite ..lets do it. Stay frosty and lets try to make it a clean in/out" Charlie: (once everyone is ready to go Charlie issues orders to the giant earth spirit to conceal itself and the team) Charlie: (3 services left) Charlie: (Does Noowan summon an unbound spirit or no?) Cutter: (Are we going to have the Everglade on the water right?) Noowan: (I thank the sprit for its help) GM: They say: "sure thing Boss" Etoile: Etoile takes a few moments to attach the silencers to her pistols, before tucking them into the concealed compartment. "I am ready when you all are." whispering to deadman, are you going to summon an other spirit? Etoile: (She also swaps out her Pilot Ground Vehicle autosoft and slots in the Industrial Mechanic one) Noowan: lets rock folks GM: Kewl, Charlie: (For Clarification the Concealed are: Cutter, Charlie, Gecko, noowan, Etoile, Tom, Truth, The Everglades, Spirit itself, One of Truth's combat drones) GM: everyone ready to move? Crizh: back, d'oh Etoile: (Co concealment targets have to stay together? Or is it over an unlimited area?) whispering to Crizh, everthing ok? Crizh: um, yup? deadman: (whispering): no got enough for now GM: Kewl lets work on the set-up than. Charlie: (Charlie also attaches her silencer, is Noowan going to summon an unbound spirit before we head out? so he can have an extra on hand?) GM: He has his four spirits GM: I think Charlie: (4 bound spirits, he also can have an unbound one (which is what charlie has)) Noowan: I have 4 with me Noowan: shure will summon one GM: that will be summoning + magic (right?) GM: vs the spirit force Etoile: (Won't Noowans spirit then have to conceal itself? Or it'll get spotted?) Crizh: not if it remains on standby Charlie: Summoning + Magic (and any foci) vs Spirit Force - Drain = 2 * spirit successes GM: what force? Brent: (whispering): k, are you going to be back? GM: one sec. deadman: (whispering): stil here Brent: (whispering): k Charlie: (the type of spirit is also important) Noowan: lets try a force 9 Crizh: brave Charlie: uh, you can't GM: Ok, and what type. Yeah that will be Physcial drain Charlie: you can only go up to force 3 (stun) or force 6 (physical) GM: right, Charlie: The force is limited by what magic you allocated to casting vs what you put into Adept powers Noowan: right GM: You can only go double your magic which will be 3 for this purpose. GM: So a Force 6? and what type You can summon Air, Water, Plant, or Beast Charlie: shouldn't there be 5 types? Etoile: (Plus a Force 9 would really really hurt.) Charlie: air, water, plant, beast, man Charlie: for shinto GM: I'm looking now Noowan: lets do a 4 or would a 5 be better and lets go with a sprit of man GM: and there is Man. GM: K GM: [4d6] => [1,3,4,2] Hits: (0) GM: dame! GM: you roll 4+3 = 7 dice Noowan: [7d6] => [2,3,6,1,6,1,6] Hits: (3) GM: (would there be nay drain with no hits?) Charlie: minimum s 2 drain GM: right just read that so roll drain GM: 2DV GM: thats Chra+Will (9d6) Noowan: [9d6] => [4,4,1,1,2,6,6,6,5] Hits: (4) GM: no drain GM: You have a Force 4 spirit of Man with 3 services. Charlie: It also gets 1 optional power (which if you knew a spell could be that spell) GM: (that woulb be none) Etoile: (Silly question, but don't we need someone to program the nano-paste disguises and suchlike?) Crizh: movement is good Noowan: cool Crizh: yes Cutter: I can do that Crizh: was about to get on that Cutter: I'll help then Etoile: (And then we make disguise rolls. Can people make disguise rolls for other people? Because I'm not sure everyone has the skill.) GM: Gecko add +2 dp for cutters help Crizh: Can we get an idea of the 'racial' profile of the workers GM: Mostly humans and orks with a few trolls GM: there are really no elfs Charlie: (I actually requested that the disguises be of the Fake SINs so they might have come pre-loaded) GM: may be one or two out of the lot. Etoile: (And erm does anyone speak Atzlaner spanish?) Etoile: (However it's spelt.) Cutter: With my chip I do Crizh: I'm going to use an agent to program up some faces but if Crizh: the SIN's came with them Crizh: you'll just have to assign them a Rating Crizh: as a Bonus to the GM: I'm fine giong with them preloaded Crizh: Disguise check Charlie: (don't need to speak spanish, its a joint project with the local indians) Crizh: What Rating? Charlie: (rating 6 fake SINs GM: [12d6] => [2,1,3,2,3,5,2,4,1,3,3,5] Hits: (2) Crizh: Linguasofts>? GM: rating 4 Cutter: I have the linguasoft I can pass it about. Charlie: (what was the 12d6 roll?) GM: radom rating GM: random rating check Charlie: (ah, ok) Noowan: (siting in a corner talking to the sprit of man) Crizh: Dis Crizh: Disguise check GM: you can whisper me and we can talk noowan Charlie: (what optional power did you give it Noowan? I'd suggest fear or movement, but aside from innate spell they don't have much in the way of optional powers) Etoile: What bonus are we getting on our disguise rolls then? And what rating Linguasoft does Cutter have? (It's not all that obvious which number related to which question) deadman: (whispering): just geting to know the sprit and explaning to him why I jerked him away from his home Crizh: 8d6, 6 Rating, 2 for help Crizh: [14d6] => [2,6,1,2,5,5,3,5,6,1,6,2,6,6] Hits: ((IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) Brent: (whispering): ok kewl he not to upset GM: or sorry yeah +2 Crizh: is threshold to pentrate disguises Tom Green: [8d6] => [2,3,5,5,6,4,5,5] Hits: (5) GM: sounds good deadman: (whispering): finding out what he can do and not do Charlie: Is everyone suppoused to roll 8d6 now or something? Crizh: no Cutter: "I have most of the languasofts out" Rating 6 Crizh: that's the Crizh: bonus to the roll I made to apply everone's disguises GM: nope Tom Green: ok Brent: (whispering): he is on page 295 BBB deadman: (whispering): ok Etoile: (Oh, before we leave Ochirs. Does he have a respirator handy?) Brent: (whispering): what power do you want? Crizh: we could use some sort of tribal knowsoft Crizh: so we don't stick our foots Crizh: in our mouths Crizh: hah Crizh: feet Cutter: "I have Silsh" Crizh: Silsh? Etoile: Not worth it for Etoile, with uncouth she can do that anyway.... Even packing etiquette rating 4. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) deadman: (whispering): not shure, movement or healing just incase Noowan: I have no spells just abilitys,and skills of the phisical type Cutter: Salish Cutter: opps Brent: (whispering): it's Fear, Movement, or psychokinesis deadman: (whispering): movement Brent: (whispering): k Crizh: I've got a Gasmask Crizh: what do you need it for? Noowan: It has movement GM: OK I'm going to start up heading out if we are ready. Noowan: nose filters work better Tom Green: (ready) Etoile: Because a respirator wouldn't look suspicious on a construction worker and the place might be dusty. GM: (are we taking the two rigs?) GM: the work van and the everglade Charlie: (Is truth coming in with us, or is he staying in the everglades?) deadman: (whispering): Seahawks at 1pm bud Crizh: we could take both GM: I'd think he would be in the everglade Crizh: keep the Eveglades for emergencies Charlie: (Umm, only the everglades is Concealed) GM: right I was thinking it would be on hwy 174 and move out on to the water or the far beach Charlie: (Also, what is the work van for? Aren't we sneaking in?) Crizh: dunno Noowan: my water sprit can conceal Etoile: Weren't we just driving the van in like all the other workers? GM: K we can just do the everglade. I'll hightlight the route I was thinking. Brent: (whispering): sweet Noowan: thought so Etoile: Erm... Does anyone else have the map? Noowan: what map Tom Green: no Charlie: (I do, scroll all the way up to the top) Charlie: (I did have it, shrug) Etoile: (That trick stopped working) Etoile: (Now it's just gone gone. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) ) Etoile: (Oh and back again) Tom Green: got it back Crizh: died again, got map Tom Green: brent pull the mech icons off its covering them GM: Anywho, it'd be east of the dam on the beach. Etoile: Randomly clicking on it seems to work now. GM: I don't know this thing is bing buggy today. Etoile: (*Duct tapes Crizh online*) Crizh: and again... GM: Dame, I think it might be time to call it a day. GM: what do you guys think? Charlie: (were we going to wait for Truth to do the actual run) Tom Green: up to you brent Noowan: ok let me get stright we be going across the water to the job site Etoile: I think we should wait for Truth before going anywhere we'll risk being shot.. Charlie: (if the answer was yes then we got done what we wanted to get done GM: right the everglade is a hovercraft Crizh: it hate that map Crizh: back again Crizh: turned map off GM: I'm thinking so Crizh keeps crashing. GM: lets see if that helps Noowan: good place to stop geting the stink eye from the wife GM: LOL Crizh: are we going to pause here then? GM: K, I think so we are on the road to the target then. Etoile: The only downside is next weekend is Fallout 3 and Red Alert 3. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) But I shall just have to pull myself away from them for a bit. Tom Green: poke her in the stink eye...er that didnt come out rite Crizh: ewwwww Charlie: It looks like this is the stopping point, and Next week we will start the actual run Noowan: she must want me to do something just havent said what Crizh: I'll be playing PnP next Sunday Crizh: so might need an earlier start Crizh: or a week off Tom Green: im open most every sunday GM: I'm fine with that, Charlie: how early would it need to be crizh? Noowan: got to check the game starts Crizh: maybe 1500 Zulu? Tom Green: earlyer would work for me Tom Green: its just sleep and i can do that anytime GM: that work for me I'll be at work at that time. Charlie: we did just sit around for 30 minutes before starting so that is extra trime, and the hour earlier is fine by me Crizh: shall we hash it out OOC during the week then? GM: which is were I'm at right now GM: Yeah I think so. Charlie: EEP Etoile: Wake up before 3 pm? Hmmm I guess I could manage. Charlie: hehe Crizh: lol Tom Green: lol Noowan: cool game is at 1 next sunday Tom Green: ok thanks guys Crizh: 'k'thx'bai Crizh: see ya on Dumpshock l8r GM: K see yeah Charlie: bye Noowan: ok see ya Etoile: Cya laters. GM: I'm head out |
Oct 26 2008, 07:59 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
I looked at my schedule I'm fine with just about any time next week or the week after. I'm going to swings so I don't work untill 1600 and I have Sundays and Mondays off.
I'll put it up for a vote with you guys. Brent |
Oct 27 2008, 02:18 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
Here is the stuff I'd like Ochir to sell:
Stuff to sell: 2,885 Glasses (Smart link, Flare Comp, Low light, Vision Magnification, Image Link) [800] Contact Lenses (Smart link, Flare Comp, Image Link) [625] Glasses (Flare, Image Link, Earbuds, Camera, Microphone, Radio Scanner (1)) [260] Micro Transceiver rating 6 [1200] |
Oct 27 2008, 11:39 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,973 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Fairfax, VA Member No.: 13,526 |
Glad things went well. I'll give the log another read through in the office today and go forward from there.
Oct 30 2008, 01:28 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,973 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Fairfax, VA Member No.: 13,526 |
After a few more reads, everything looks solid. Here’s Truth’s Shopping List for Ochir that he’s hoping the UCAS military will pick up the tab for.
Parts for 5 Signal 6 drone node upgrade Parts for 1 Signal 6 commlink upgrade Parts for 3 Response 6 drone node upgrades Cyberspace Designs Dalmation -chameleon coating -improved sensor array - reinforced external fixed weapon mount - Mitsubishi Yakusoku MRL As many AV and HE missiles or rockets as the feds will pick up the tab for. |
Oct 30 2008, 05:36 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 765 Joined: 27-July 08 From: England Member No.: 16,167 |
Okay, last minute family thing has come up this weekend for me. So if people are running then I might be around, but then again I might not. Depends largely on what time I set off back from my parents house on Sunday and how bad traffic is.
Oct 31 2008, 07:25 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
Here is the stuff I'd like Ochir to sell: Stuff to sell: 2,885 Glasses (Smart link, Flare Comp, Low light, Vision Magnification, Image Link) [800] Contact Lenses (Smart link, Flare Comp, Image Link) [625] Glasses (Flare, Image Link, Earbuds, Camera, Microphone, Radio Scanner (1)) [260] Micro Transceiver rating 6 [1200] You can get 50% list price for the items. |
Oct 31 2008, 07:27 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
After a few more reads, everything looks solid. Here’s Truth’s Shopping List for Ochir that he’s hoping the UCAS military will pick up the tab for. Parts for 5 Signal 6 drone node upgrade Parts for 1 Signal 6 commlink upgrade Parts for 3 Response 6 drone node upgrades Cyberspace Designs Dalmation -chameleon coating -improved sensor array - reinforced external fixed weapon mount - Mitsubishi Yakusoku MRL As many AV and HE missiles or rockets as the feds will pick up the tab for. You can get the parts, the drone with mods & gun. They will only pick up 8 rockets of each type. |
Oct 31 2008, 07:28 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
Okay, last minute family thing has come up this weekend for me. So if people are running then I might be around, but then again I might not. Depends largely on what time I set off back from my parents house on Sunday and how bad traffic is. Not a problem, I've yet to hear if we are a go to this Sunday anyways. |
Oct 31 2008, 12:06 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,973 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Fairfax, VA Member No.: 13,526 |
Oct 31 2008, 12:08 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,973 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Fairfax, VA Member No.: 13,526 |
Oct 31 2008, 01:13 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
As far as I know we were all going to be there this Sunday, so I thought it was a go...
Nov 2 2008, 12:51 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
Well, how does 1700 zulu (1000 PST or 1300 EST)sound then? Sounds like we are a go then it's just when we want to start.
Nov 2 2008, 12:57 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,666 Joined: 29-February 08 From: Scotland Member No.: 15,722 |
I kinda need it to be earlier than last week. I leave for my PnP game at about 18:30 Zulu and the family will expect me to eat with them before I go.
Nov 2 2008, 12:59 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
that would be later, we play last week at 1630 zulu.
Nov 2 2008, 01:01 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,666 Joined: 29-February 08 From: Scotland Member No.: 15,722 |
So if we start at 16.30 we wont' finish until 18.30...
How about 15.30? |
Nov 2 2008, 01:06 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
OH, I see. I misread your post sorry. Yeah I could do that, I think we would have an issue with DWC being able to show up though. I'm thinking it might be better for next week, if that's fine with everyone. It'll give me some more time to polish some details too.
Nov 2 2008, 01:12 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,666 Joined: 29-February 08 From: Scotland Member No.: 15,722 |
That's fine with me. Tomorrow is going to be real tight for timing, possible but likely to go tits up at the slightest problem.
Nov 2 2008, 01:13 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 651 Joined: 15-September 06 From: Ephrata, Wa Member No.: 9,382 |
I'm thinking the samething.
Nov 2 2008, 01:21 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
I'm fine either way.
Nov 2 2008, 03:35 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 37 Joined: 12-September 08 Member No.: 16,339 |
what ever everyone wants to do as long as I am free for the Hawks game I am a happy guy (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif) |
Nov 2 2008, 06:12 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,973 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Fairfax, VA Member No.: 13,526 |
I'm fine either way.
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 7th January 2025 - 02:56 PM |
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