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post Jul 28 2013, 07:17 AM
Post #826

Old Man of the North

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So, the second half of my vacation starts tomorrow, and will be spent on an island in Georgian Bay (in the Great Lakes - inland sea kind of thing). I won't have internet in the cottage, but we will duck into town once or twice this week, so I hope to be able to keep up. I'll be back home Saturday night.
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post Jul 29 2013, 08:17 AM
Post #827


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Have a good time!

Tecumseh, Smohalla will summon 3 watcher spirits, low enough duration that the drain shouldn't be a problem (I think it's like 1 hour/1s drain, so like maybe 4 hours each?), then he'll send them about a mile north, watching and patrolling ("Astral Alarm" task) something approximating the 3 directions north of our group (NE, N, NW).
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post Jul 30 2013, 08:17 PM
Post #828


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Sounds good, Phlapjack. Thanks for the plan; I was going to ask what exactly you had in mind.

Was anyone else having trouble accessing Dumpshock the last few days? The last time I was able to see anything was on Saturday.

Some OOC chatter while Pbangarth is out:

Anyone playing Shadowrun: Returns? I just finished it last night. EDIT: I just found Phlapjack's less-than-impressed review.

Anyone pick up 5th Edition? I bought it when it came out but reading PDFs is slower for me than reading a book. I've only made my way through chargen and the Combat chapter so far.
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post Jul 30 2013, 11:28 PM
Post #829

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jul 30 2013, 04:17 PM) *
Sounds good, Phlapjack. Thanks for the plan; I was going to ask what exactly you had in mind.

Was anyone else having trouble accessing Dumpshock the last few days? The last time I was able to see anything was on Saturday.

Some OOC chatter while Pbangarth is out:

Anyone playing Shadowrun: Returns? I just finished it last night. EDIT: I just found Phlapjack's less-than-impressed review.

Anyone pick up 5th Edition? I bought it when it came out but reading PDFs is slower for me than reading a book. I've only made my way through chargen and the Combat chapter so far.

Yes, I also had troubles getting on. Honestly the skeptic in me kept me from jumping on the Returns train. It looks like a decent game from what little I've seen but it doesn't seem complete. Are the online PDFs out already? I thought the books were only available in hard-copy.
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post Jul 31 2013, 12:41 AM
Post #830

Old Man of the North

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I had trouble, too. That just means I've missed less.
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post Jul 31 2013, 03:43 AM
Post #831


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jul 31 2013, 04:17 AM) *
Was anyone else having trouble accessing Dumpshock the last few days? The last time I was able to see anything was on Saturday.

Some OOC chatter while Pbangarth is out:

Anyone playing Shadowrun: Returns? I just finished it last night. EDIT: I just found Phlapjack's less-than-impressed review.

Anyone pick up 5th Edition? I bought it when it came out but reading PDFs is slower for me than reading a book. I've only made my way through chargen and the Combat chapter so far.
The great DS outage of '13. One of the admins was off-grid this week, which might explain why the outage went on so long. I had to go over to the "official" SR forums to scratch the itch, and that site is not as interesting as DS (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I played some more SRR last night (Steam says 5 hours total now). Same gripes as in my initial review, plus all of the gripes in this post too. Having said that, the game HAS managed to suck me in, in that I kept playing past when I should've stopped and gone to bed. So there's that, I guess. (I keep thinking that I wish the game had been released for android tablets, the game would be awesome as a tablet game that I can take with me on the bus or wherever...)

QUOTE (AtroposReborn @ Jul 31 2013, 07:28 AM) *
Are the online PDFs out already? I thought the books were only available in hard-copy.

The SR5 pdf is online at both stores (battleshop and drivethrurpg?). I bought it, and I'm also less than impressed with it. *sigh* I feel this is one way you can really tell you're getting older, when things stop impressing you so much and you keep thinking more and more things were better "in the past". (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 31 2013, 05:50 AM
Post #832


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I'm enjoying both SR:R and SR5. They both have things which can be improved but overall I'm happier to have them than not have them. I think the Shadowrun community will come up with some pretty impressive things for SR:R via the editor. I playtested a couple of the user-made campaigns to scratch the itch before Dead Man's Switch was released. One of them, Life on a Limb, is only halfway done and already rivals the main campaign for size and breadth. And I'm curious to see how the Berlin campaign differs from Seattle. I think we've just scratched the surface of what we're going to see.

Phlapjack, I'm under the impression that iOS and Android versions of the game are forthcoming. They were part of the original Kickstarter pitch. I just bought one of the new Nexus 7 tablets and I'm hoping to play through the game a second time with that. (The tablet arrives on Monday. I don't know when the tablet versions of the game will be released.)
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post Jul 31 2013, 07:19 AM
Post #833


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jul 31 2013, 01:50 PM) *
I'm enjoying both SR:R and SR5. They both have things which can be improved but overall I'm happier to have them than not have them. I think the Shadowrun community will come up with some pretty impressive things for SR:R via the editor. I playtested a couple of the user-made campaigns to scratch the itch before Dead Man's Switch was released. One of them, Life on a Limb, is only halfway done and already rivals the main campaign for size and breadth. And I'm curious to see how the Berlin campaign differs from Seattle. I think we've just scratched the surface of what we're going to see.

Phlapjack, I'm under the impression that iOS and Android versions of the game are forthcoming. They were part of the original Kickstarter pitch. I just bought one of the new Nexus 7 tablets and I'm hoping to play through the game a second time with that. (The tablet arrives on Monday. I don't know when the tablet versions of the game will be released.)
Cool - I'll need to try checking out some of the user-made campaigns. And I keep hearing about the Berlin campaign...well, I hope it's good (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) All in all I find myself liking the game, and looking forward to playing it when I get home.

I have the Nexus 7 as well (older model, when it was first released), I think it's a great little tablet. Only complaint is lack of sd-slot, so having to save and load things to a usb stick (with a usb adapter cable) is kinda cumbersome. I think another "negative" is the lack of 3g as an option, but I'm in China so I haven't noticed (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) (are the new Nexus-7's coming with 3g as an option?)
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post Aug 4 2013, 02:55 AM
Post #834

Old Man of the North

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I'm back.
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post Aug 4 2013, 06:04 PM
Post #835

Moving Target

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Welcome back.
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post Aug 5 2013, 04:15 AM
Post #836


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Already did the Welcome Back Kotter song, so I need a new routine to welcome you back...

This seems appropriately upbeat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Aug 5 2013, 08:17 AM
Post #837

Old Man of the North

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Well, I'm not making any promises about roving never more. But I love the song! Thanks.
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post Aug 6 2013, 01:53 AM
Post #838


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Tecumseh, Smohalla doesn't have anything more to do tonight I think - he's just going to sleep after sending the spirits out.
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post Aug 6 2013, 04:20 PM
Post #839


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Smohalla won't be sleeping again tonight.

I'm not sure Stogie will either after what he's been through.

Ellesar, however, should be able to rest peacefully with no Awakened dreams to disturb him.
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post Aug 7 2013, 02:41 AM
Post #840

Old Man of the North

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Hey, one out of three sleeping well is an achievement in the Sixth World.
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post Aug 7 2013, 05:14 AM
Post #841


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 7 2013, 12:20 AM) *

Figure of speech (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Aug 10 2013, 04:40 PM
Post #842


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Atropos, it's been a couple weeks since your last post. Let's get some RP up.

I'll be traveling for the remainder of August but I should have internet access at all times. If anything, my post count should go up. Let's make some progress! I might accelerate things so that we don't spend a week making breakfast, then another week making lunch, etc.
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post Aug 11 2013, 03:09 AM
Post #843

Moving Target

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Things have been crazy around the house here. My roommate is leaving so I had to pack my stuff to get ready to move to my new apartment complex that won't have any available space until the end of this coming week. We're just about finished until I actually move out so my post activity should also increase.
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post Aug 11 2013, 02:36 PM
Post #844


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 11 2013, 12:40 AM) *
Let's make some progress! I might accelerate things so that we don't spend a week making breakfast, then another week making lunch, etc.

Ok, with this in mind I'll go ahead and post some more time-consuming stuff for Smohalla.

*edit* Smohalla will be summoning a F6 air spirit, optional powers: Fear, Guard
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post Aug 11 2013, 07:41 PM
Post #845


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Atropos, thanks for the post. In the course of a two-year game, everyone has some absences. Just give us a head's up and an ETA if you see one coming, or if you unexpectedly find yourself in the midst of one.

Phlapjack, can you do the rolling for this one? I'm traveling today and won't have a chance to post until tomorrow. Rolling instructions, and a warning:
[ Spoiler ]
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post Aug 12 2013, 03:37 AM
Post #846


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 12 2013, 03:41 AM) *
Phlapjack, can you do the rolling for this one? I'm traveling today and won't have a chance to post until tomorrow. Rolling instructions, and a warning:
[ Spoiler ]

Dang! I keep thinking Smohalla has Magic 6. I almost never make characters with Magic 6, dunno why I keep thinking Smohalla does...maybe 'cause he's initiated or something...

Anywho, he'll try for a force 5 spirit with optional power: guard. Save the F6 stuff for when the drek hits the fan (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (definitely summoning inside the Sisters' aspected area, seems to give a boost to Smohalla's power...)

Summoning F5 Air spirit: 24d6.hits(5) → [3,4,6,2,1,1,5,5,6,1,4,4,2,3,6,1,4,5,1,2,3,3,1,1] = (6) hits
Spirit resists: 10d6.hits(5) → [2,2,4,5,6,5,3,6,5,2] = (5) hits
Drain resist: 24d6.hits(5) → [1,1,3,6,6,4,6,5,3,1,6,6,4,5,6,5,6,2,6,1,5,5,1,5] = (14) hits

(just realized I didn't add the extra initiate level(x2) for drain resist, but I don't think it matters (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )
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post Aug 12 2013, 04:56 AM
Post #847

Old Man of the North

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I don't -think- Stogie has tried this inside the 'magic enhancement zone', but perceiving what happens during Smohalla's summoning, he will be reminded that he wanted to try an adept power that has variable results here. So, he will try augmenting his AGI just to see. IC to follow momentarily.
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post Aug 13 2013, 05:33 AM
Post #848


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Pbangarth, Stogie has tried his attribute boost power back in post #518. Ten months ago, yeah, hard to remember. If you want to do it again for giggles, go ahead and roll it. Same rules as Phlapjack: double the number of dice for both the boost roll and the drain roll and I'll count out how many successes you keep.

Atropos, maybe we should have Ellesar suddenly Awaken so he can get in on the fun. Or maybe he'll be the only one who's functional after all this power backfires on the magicker types.
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:07 AM
Post #849

Old Man of the North

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Yeah, something niggled at the back of my mind, but I was too lazy to look for the post. Sorry. I'll try to be more careful in future. Well, rather than retcon the text, I'll do it, and have some fun with Jake.


MAG 7 + Boost AGI 1 = 8 X 2 = 16 dice ==> 3 HITS ... serves me right for not doing my own legwork.

But I have to go with the story, so I'll use Edge to reroll misses (and probably rue the decision when a fight comes):

13 dice ==> 3 HITS ... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) ... well 6 total hits.

The Drain will come a number of combat turns equal to 2 X the hits that you count.

Drain is 1S , resisted by 2 X (WIL 4 + BOD 4) = 16 dice ==> (Don't do this to me, dice!) ==> 5 HITS ...phew.
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post Aug 13 2013, 08:43 AM
Post #850


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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Aug 13 2013, 03:07 PM) *
But I have to go with the story, so I'll use Edge to reroll misses (and probably rue the decision when a fight comes):

I'm sure Tecumseh, being a thoughtful (not to mention generous!) GM, will let Edge refresh before that happens...


*edit* why did I have my character's name above instead of Tec's...my only excuse was tiredness perhaps...
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