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> Announce SR4 Programs Here
post Dec 19 2008, 06:29 PM
Post #26

Moving Target

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Program Name: CommLink Configurator.app
Platform/Operating System Required: Windows / MacOSX (linux one removed for now)
Short Description of what it does: configures a commlink giving the total cost.
Link to where you can get it: http://dogxinu.com/files/
Link to another forum thread that discusses the program: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=24703

edit: I updated the link to the discussions thread to the proper link.
edit2: the application is no longer in beta but has gone to 1.0 FINAL code. Please submit bug reports and RFEs (request for enhancements)
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post Jan 25 2009, 07:31 AM
Post #27

Shooting Target

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[Updated 24-Jan-2009]


I'm slowly moving my tools into VB.Net for practice and practicality (not everyone has MS-Office). I'll eventually wrap as many of these up into one tool, but for now, I am planning to just release smaller tools.

Program Name
* NexiMaker 1.1

Platform/Operating System Required
* Tested on Windows XP. Requires .NET Framework 1.1

What it does...
* You can build Comlinks and Nexus to calculate costs and availability. Accessories and Programs are coming. I've noticed some values don't match stock items but this is intended to be used for "ground up" types mods.

Where you can get it
* NexiMaker 1.1

Forum Thread
* http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=25038

Check the "About" section for ToDo's and contact info.
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post Feb 9 2009, 12:31 PM
Post #28

Moving Target

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Program: DaisyBox's SR4CG Beta
System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista with .NET Framework installed
Description: A character generator. Has a print function that is adequate (nothing fancy), save/open, and other rudimentary features.Now with a modest vehicles and weapons tab. Go check it out.
Link: http://www.dobberisms.com/sr4cg.php
Discussion Thread: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=24282
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post May 6 2009, 08:32 PM
Post #29

Moving Target

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SR4 Dice Roller for Mac OS X

Forum Thread: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=22252

Download XSRDice

The program is an open source native Cocoa app and you can get the source code from the GitHub Repository.

Requires Mac OS X 10.5 aka Leopard.
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post Aug 7 2009, 06:15 PM
Post #30


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Hey all!

I've just finished v1.7 of my group's SR4 excel sheet and I thought I'd share it with everyone.

The sheet gives you the ability to make a SR4 character, export that character, and import other exported characters. The import/export function is for when I update the sheet (saves all that work of re inputting everything when more options become available).

The sheet covers the main book, most of Arsenal, Augmentation, Street Magic and some of Unwired (mainly technomancer stuff).

I'll be updating often and I'll post a link once a month to the sheet.

The sheet is based on the one found here: http://shadowrun.nerps.net/ That project seems to have been abandoned, so I took it up and updated it for my own group. I've got lots of plans to continue updating the sheet over time as well.

Grab the sheet HERE (latest version is 1.7): http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3e4a7bd...04e75f6e8ebb871

Any updates I do will be uploaded there as well with beta sheets clearly marked.

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post Aug 9 2009, 11:09 AM
Post #31


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SR4 Combat Modifiers Quickifier
I've just started playing Shadowrun again after a good few years of not having the time and have found it handy to put together a few aids for my new online campaign. The first of these is a dynamic html-based webpage for calculating melee/range combat attack and defence modifiers. It's rough and not thoroughly bug-tested but it should run on pretty much any modern browser that doesn't have javascript disabled.

You can test/download it from this here link thing you can click on like.

It includes all of the modifiers from the core rule book and most of those in Arsenal and also does things like displays the relevant rules blurbs, range categories for weapons, calculates strength-based ranges (for weapons like bows and shuriken), and so on.

I've found using it to save quite a bit of time when working out modifiers to attack tests and the like -- and having the rules as mouse-over popups beats wading through the SR4 to read what a particular modifier means.
As I've said earlier, it's a work in progress, so any feedback would be appreciated.

Also on the horizon is a re-write of my old diceboy IRC script, dropping IRC in favour of a web-based 3D-accelerated plugin that uses PhysX to resolve the dice rolls. A rough prototype of it in action can be found at this here link thing you can click on.

UPDATE: After some feedback, switched out the text-entry boxes for dropdowns, making it a little faster to use.
UPDATE: Added defence modifiers to the mix, improved some functionality, etc.
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post Feb 20 2010, 11:31 AM
Post #32


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SR4 Dice Tool(Platform : iPhone / iPod touch)

This is a Dice roller($0.99).
Support using edge and extended test.
Support page is here.

Free edition exists but can't support using edge and extended test.
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post Jun 3 2010, 09:20 PM
Post #33


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From: Rhein-Ruhr-Megaplex (Germany)
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Just wanted to let you know that I (once again) picked up the real great work of WizDoc an Jamz and proceeded developing the "SR4 - Excel Character Spreadsheet".

SR4 - Excel Character Spreadsheet

What it is:
Excel based character generator with focus on nice looking, ready2use character sheets to print out

What it covers:
So far all basic rules including all Races, Skills, Qualities, Gear and Wares from the following Rule-/Source-books:
  • Core-book (Anniversary Edition)
  • Arsenal (Including Martial Arts)
  • Augmentation (Including Genetics)
  • Street Magic
  • Runners Companion (Including SURGE, Changelings, Drakes and so on)
  • Unwired (Here we got still a bit missing)
It also comes along with a lot of functions for modification of Weapons, Vehicles, Drones, Armor, Lifestyle and Commlink

What it needs:
Excel 2007+ (Regretfully Excel 2K3 and OpenOffice are currently not supported but I am looking to get this working again), but you can use 2010-beta

Where to Download:
Download Link (MediaFire)

Where to get Support:

What is planned
Extend this sheet to pretty complete toolbox for player and GM
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Pogo Pete
post Aug 29 2010, 09:39 PM
Post #34


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Hi there! I'd like to post a link to a SR4 GM Tool that I created in Excel (2007 and up only atm, sorry).

The tool should help GMs be able to resolve (atm only mundane) combat.

Here's the link:


This post has been edited by Pogo Pete: Sep 30 2010, 03:29 PM
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post Sep 18 2010, 04:09 AM
Post #35


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From: Rhine-Ruhr-Megaplex, Allied German States
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Hi there!

I am sorry to post here, but it seems that the link to ismodred's Combat Scratch Pad ist broken. As i am not allowed to PM or email you, i am asking (or rather begging) you to be able to have a look at your work. So please re-post a new link, if willing and able to!

Thanks a lot in advance,

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post Sep 30 2010, 07:26 PM
Post #36


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Just look at his signature (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Delete this post pls to keep this Topic clean (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Nov 23 2010, 05:11 PM
Post #37

Moving Target

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I am looking for a program that supports character creation but also web based gameing. I would also like the program to support ingame news articles with archive capabilities. Does such a program exist?

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question.
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post Mar 22 2011, 07:44 PM
Post #38


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Version 2 of my PHP Based roller is now up now with more functionality!

The Roller

Feed Back Thread:

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post Apr 2 2011, 06:33 PM
Post #39

Shooting Target

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Operating System Required: Windows XP/Vista/7 with .NET Framework 4.0 installed
Character generator and management tool for players and GMs.
Download: http://www.dndjunkie.com/dev/chummer/Chummer.zip
Forum Topic: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=34674
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post Sep 27 2011, 04:41 PM
Post #40


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GASR - Gamemaster Assistant for ShadowRun (requires .NET 4.0)

GASR started off as just a die roller that would do all the various types of tests for SR4. Yes, I know other people have made other die rollers, and probably did a better job of it, but I wanted to make my own, just for the heck of it. After that I decided to expand it to automaticly handle supressive fire, since I could never remeber the rules for it, then I added shock effects, then... Finally, I just decided to take a shot at the whole of basic shadowrun combat. and this is what resulted. Ok, after all that buildup, here is what GASR actually does...

What GASR Does:

Basic Shadowrun Combat - Guns, Projectiles, Melee, Spellcasting. No drones, vehicles, or spirits (yet)
Explosions - Scatter and damage
Supressive Fire
Shock/Taser Effects
Perception Tests
General Die Roller - Success, Opposed, Extended, Teamwork, and Teamwork/Extended (Not sure if that is even a real test, but it is now)

All the above sections let you use Edge before the roll or after.

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post Oct 22 2011, 06:22 PM
Post #41


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QUOTE (deden @ Aug 9 2009, 06:09 AM) *
SR4 Combat Modifiers Quickifier
I've just started playing Shadowrun again after a good few years of not having the time and have found it handy to put together a few aids for my new online campaign. The first of these is a dynamic html-based webpage for calculating melee/range combat attack and defence modifiers. It's rough and not thoroughly bug-tested but it should run on pretty much any modern browser that doesn't have javascript disabled.

You can test/download it from this here link thing you can click on like.

It includes all of the modifiers from the core rule book and most of those in Arsenal and also does things like displays the relevant rules blurbs, range categories for weapons, calculates strength-based ranges (for weapons like bows and shuriken), and so on.

I've found using it to save quite a bit of time when working out modifiers to attack tests and the like -- and having the rules as mouse-over popups beats wading through the SR4 to read what a particular modifier means.
As I've said earlier, it's a work in progress, so any feedback would be appreciated.

Also on the horizon is a re-write of my old diceboy IRC script, dropping IRC in favour of a web-based 3D-accelerated plugin that uses PhysX to resolve the dice rolls. A rough prototype of it in action can be found at this here link thing you can click on.

UPDATE: After some feedback, switched out the text-entry boxes for dropdowns, making it a little faster to use.
UPDATE: Added defence modifiers to the mix, improved some functionality, etc.

I love this page and will be using it in my game. However, it appears that changing the recoil compensation rating does not translate to the final modifier... but still very good. Thanks.
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post May 2 2012, 07:59 PM
Post #42


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Well, to celebrate Shadowrun Returns kickstarter project I was inspired to publish a Shadowrun diceroller program called ShadowDice to Android Play store.

ShadowDice in Play store

Yeah, I know. Nothing revolutionary, we've all seen these before. But if you use Android tablets or phones and play Shadowrun, you can give it a try. I created it to use for our groups tabletop games. Design plan was to go for least amount of buttons and switches. If I can figure out ways make it simpler, I will.

Most recent version has optional dice roll sounds and responds to accelerometer so you can throw the dice by flipping the device rapidly - or just press a button. If you manage to crash it feel free to report it so I can fix it. I also accept requests but since this is just a hobby I don't have time for really, I reserve right to only implement the funky ones that get me excited (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) And no, character tracking system is not in the plans.

Oh, and if you use it, leave feedback please!
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post Sep 25 2012, 03:04 AM
Post #43

Moving Target

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Program: Shadow Companion
OS: Windows Phone 7.5+
What it does: Track multiple characters' physical/stun tracks, edge, karma, weapons & ammo.
Where to get it: In the Windows Marketplace
Discussion: Forum discussion thread
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post Mar 29 2013, 07:48 AM
Post #44

Moving Target

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Bones for Shadowrun,
an IRC dicebot

Download link: bones-003.5.zip (21 KB)

This is a modification of the famous d20 dicebot "Bones", by Jonathan Drain It can run on Windows, OSX and Linux. The bot was written in Ruby and requires a version 1.9 interpreter. I've modified the bot, so it tracks hits, glitches and can use exploding dice. The bot only uses d6, but other versions still supporting the d20 dice-set are included in the archives folder.

1.) Bot parameters (name, owner name, server, channels to join) are specified in the "bones-go.rb" file. Edit it with a plain text editor (e.g. notepad) of your choice.
2.) Let me repeat: the bot need Ruby. Install it, the installer or package can be downloaded here
3.) Start the bot from either the command line, or a batch file like this from the directory where you have extraded the bot to: "ruby bones-go.rb", simple, neh?

Once started, Bones will join the IRC channels of your choice and start listening. It will also react to rolls in private messages. Individual dice in a roll are still shown.
Roll format is the following:

<k>#<n>d(e) <comment>; <next roll> - k=sets of dice; n=number of dice;"d" indicates this is a roll; if "de" is written exploding dice is used for edge; the "comment" will be attached to the reply, making it easier to track which roll is which, ";" is used to separate rolls, more than 1 roll can be given at the same time.

3d - roll 3 dice
12de - roll 12 exploding dice, using edge
2#6d6 - roll 2 sets of 6 dice
6d attack; 8d defense - rolls 6d and returns result with "attack" comment attached, rolls 8d with "defense comment attached.

In practice:
Flaser: 3d
Bones: Flaser, 3d: [3d=1,1,6] hits: 1 Glitch!
Flaser: 12de
Bones: Flaser, 12de: [12de=1,5,3,1,1,6,4,4,4,6,5,5,1,1] hits: 5
Flaser: 2#6d6
Bones: Flaser, 2#6d6: [6d=5,1,3,3,6,3] hits: 2, [6d=4,1,2,1,1,3] hits: 0 Crticial Glitch!
Flaser: 6d attack; 8d defense
Bones: Flaser, attack: [6d=3,5,3,5,6,5] hits: 4; defense: [8d=5,3,4,5,4,6,4,1] hits: 3
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post Jul 15 2013, 04:00 PM
Post #45

Moving Target

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Found a basic run generator on ENWorld. Kinda fun to click through.

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post Jul 18 2013, 08:41 PM
Post #46


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Smartlink - An essential piece of gear

Seems like it is time for me to plug Smartlink App for your iPhone & iPod. It supports SR3,SR4, and now SR5. It is an initiative, and condition monitor tracker.

You can get it for free at:
Apple App Store

Will be updating it soon with a more time saving interface to keep combat running smoothly. So, the images on Apple's website will only be accurate until this weekend next week.

Any questions / bug reports? Feel free to PM.
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post Feb 3 2014, 09:38 PM
Post #47


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Program Name: Google Earth Shadowrun Map
Platform/Operating System Required: Anything that can run Google Earth
Short Description of what it does: Very comprehensive map of the world of shadowrun
Link to where you can get it: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8hvwtut8...m/Shadowrun.kmz
Link to another forum thread that discusses the program: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=40215
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post Apr 19 2014, 03:11 AM
Post #48

Moving Target

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Hero Lab appears to be ready to release next month!

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Adam Schmidt
post Jul 4 2014, 10:47 PM
Post #49


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Posted in wrong thread. Please delete this.
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