Bones for Shadowrun,an IRC dicebot
Download link: (21 KB)This is a modification of the famous d20 dicebot
"Bones", by Jonathan Drain It can run on Windows, OSX and Linux. The bot was written in Ruby and requires a version 1.9 interpreter. I've modified the bot, so it tracks hits, glitches and can use exploding dice. The bot only uses d6, but other versions still supporting the d20 dice-set are included in the archives folder.
1.) Bot parameters (name, owner name, server, channels to join) are specified in the "
bones-go.rb" file. Edit it with a plain text editor (e.g. notepad) of your choice.
2.) Let me repeat: the bot need
Ruby. Install it, the installer or package can be
downloaded here3.) Start the bot from either the command line, or a batch file like this from the directory where you have extraded the bot to: "ruby bones-go.rb", simple, neh?
Once started, Bones will join the IRC channels of your choice and start listening. It will also react to rolls in private messages. Individual dice in a roll are still shown.
Roll format is the following:
<k>#<n>d(e) <comment>; <next roll> - k=sets of dice; n=number of dice;"d" indicates this is a roll; if "de" is written exploding dice is used for edge; the "comment" will be attached to the reply, making it easier to track which roll is which, ";" is used to separate rolls, more than 1 roll can be given at the same time.
3d - roll 3 dice
12de - roll 12 exploding dice, using edge
2#6d6 - roll 2 sets of 6 dice
6d attack; 8d defense - rolls 6d and returns result with "attack" comment attached, rolls 8d with "defense comment attached.
In practice:
Flaser: 3d
Bones: Flaser, 3d: [3d=1,1,6] hits: 1 Glitch!
Flaser: 12de
Bones: Flaser, 12de: [12de=1,5,3,1,1,6,4,4,4,6,5,5,1,1] hits: 5
Flaser: 2#6d6
Bones: Flaser, 2#6d6: [6d=5,1,3,3,6,3] hits: 2, [6d=4,1,2,1,1,3] hits: 0 Crticial Glitch!
Flaser: 6d attack; 8d defense
Bones: Flaser, attack: [6d=3,5,3,5,6,5] hits: 4; defense: [8d=5,3,4,5,4,6,4,1] hits: 3