Sep 22 2005, 02:09 PM
OOC thread for the Interception game.
- No sigs in the IC thread. I find them distracting from the game.
- First or Third person posting is fine in the IC and is up to your preference. I'm a first person gamer myself, but I know that's not for everyone.
- Don't use spoiler tags in the IC thread, just post over here if you have questions or rolls.
- Feel free to throw dice whenever you damn well please to. If you describe your character as looking around a room, throw a perception test over in this thread right away. Don't wait for me to ask for rolls all the time as that delays the game even if only for a few hours.
- In case you block pop-ups, watch your PMs. I tend to send personal messages to characters when they get information to which others may not be privy.
- Have fun. Happiness is mandatory, citizen. Oh wait. Wrong game

Sep 22 2005, 02:15 PM
Go ahead an introduce yourselves IC for the moment. Give me a real quick post below and let me know the method of contact for your characters. I imagine most if not all have commlinks (I hope so at least) but not all may have AR vision capabilities and a handy reference at the top of this thread will come in .... well .... handy
Sep 22 2005, 02:17 PM

I be thinking that I wouldn't mnd either a little more info, or a little more motivation to get us all started on the same page.
Sep 22 2005, 02:53 PM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
Have fun. Happiness is mandatory, citizen. Oh wait. Wrong game |
Lol. Funny you should mention that. I'm going to be playing that game for the first time this weekend with some friends in RL.
I suppose we have been running the shadows as a team for at least a little while, so we'll know each other. Correct?
My character goes by the handle Slacker, same as me. He is a Jack of most trades and somewhat skilled at hacking, his specialty. Meaning he has a very wide variety of skills and knowledge of low level and really only good at things associated with hacking.
Personality wise, he is very laid back, he lets other people worry while he is along for the ride. He hates making decisions for himself or others, and refuses to lead. He seems well educated but its hard to tell since he doesn't talk much. Instead he spends much of his time playing games in both AR and VR.
When not on the job, he tends to walk around with his commlink in Active mode, looking for people to game with. However, you may have noted that his presonality profile changes among several fake names.
For security's sake he has an agent running constantly designed to detect nodes, detect attempts at hacking his PAN (along with the group's network if they want), track any such attempt, spoof his access ID to confuse any attempts at trace, and all while keeping itself hidden (i.e. its running Scan, Analyze, Track, Spoof, and Stealth).
Sep 22 2005, 02:55 PM
Sounds like my agent.
Though you did remember to purchase and stock up a dummy commlink, right?
anyways, what time of day?
Sep 22 2005, 02:57 PM
Actually, no. I only have the one commlink. I worked something else out with Dashifen for just where the agent is loaded.
Sep 22 2005, 03:44 PM
It's the morning in my post. I intentionally left it vague since I figured you could simply post a little about your character's intentions on starting the day. I guess it was too vague but I did mention a "morning commute" I thought.
Edit: yup it's there. that was my hint. Crap hint, but that was my hint.
Sep 22 2005, 03:46 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
I be thinking that I wouldn't mnd either a little more info, or a little more motivation to get us all started on the same page. |
I'll add something for you all to react to. In general, though, if I don't provide something for you to react to, make it up. I don't mind if you insert a barrens fight into the middle of the post just so your character can run away from it, break it up, finish it, etc.
Sep 22 2005, 03:49 PM
preferably considered a "newer" member of the Team, under "probation".
Boris the Ear, a halfer physical adept from the sprawl gang the "Sevens" who due to his talent for being the "Last halfer Standing" has moved up from the simple world of being the street bosses pet Leg Breaker to the much cooler and sophisticated world of Running The Shadows.
Boris is a street bum. There is no mistaking the cheapest "No Wash" brand of throwaway shirt and pants not actually being washed or thrown away, and patched with last weeks screamsheets, all under under a normal human sized long coat. Even if you can't see it under the coat, you could smell it. The couple of feet of long coats tails are worn away and tattered by the dragging on the ground. Mis matched patched gummy sneakers, scratched up goggles, poorly fitting trodes, fingerless AR gloves, and a headset and earphones made from duct tape complete this fashionable ensemble.
Of course most people don't pay much attention to street bums, which explains how Boris can follow people around and somehow hide in plain sight. And the first, occasionally last, time some thrill gangers try "Get the Bum!", they discover that soft ganger flesh is nothing to a halfer who can punch a finger through a full can of NutriSoy Beer in less then a blink of an eye. Unfortunately, though The Ear has trained hard at running he still can't quite get over the handicap of his halfer legs when chasing people away. This is why it's better to corner or ambush people so he won't have to run. Or bring a gun, since most people can't out run bullets.
Boris cannot hide his eagerness to do everything he can to help the Team in any way possible and learn as much as he can, though every member of the Team should immediately realize they should never let Boris talk to any third party if they can help it.
Boris The Ear has two perfectly fine ears and has no hearing trouble whatsoever.
Boris has a Commlink and can be reached through it most of the time, provided he is in a service area.
Sep 22 2005, 03:57 PM
Gabai Fedorov has enough street cred that anyone who's dealt with smugglers or with organized crime in the past has probably at least heard the name.
Anyone who has an appropriate knowledge skill in dealing with smugglers, organized crime, or the Vory v Zakone (russian mafia) specifically give me a roll to see if you know anything more about our unfortunate Gabai Fedorov. Alternatively, if you have an contacts that you want to tap for more information that works, too. Or, if your character just doesn't give a damn about a high profile arrest like this, then feel free to just describe some form of morning routine.
Sep 22 2005, 04:28 PM
Sundown is a elf mage. Occasionally he shows up for a run well fed and with a good night sleep. Mostly he shows up a little on the lighter side. He usually looks like he hasn't slept in a week and has 3 days growth on his face. He usually hangs out at Ricos and drinks his money away.
For contact he has a cell phone.
Sep 22 2005, 04:52 PM
Heather McLaine, who goes by the street name Flair, appears to be in her early 20's, and is relatively good looking, although she has always been considered average by Elven standards. She stands 1.77 meters in height, and weighs 55.8 kg. Her long, dirty-blonde hair is usually kept in a ponytail, or hanging loose beneath a bandanna. Flair has emerald green eyes, their color appearing natural despite being full cyber replacements. Heather's semi-obvious cyberware consists only of a datajack set in her left forearm, typically concealed by her Commlink, protected in turn by a forearm guard, but even so it's usually fairly clear that she is wired. Heather sports a tattoo on her left shoulder of the Ancients symbol inside a flare burst, and another one depicting a feathered serpent twining around her right arm all the way up to her shoulder. Flair can usually be found dressed stylishly, in either street or club clothing, her preferred colors being black, green, and lavender.
Flair is a survivor, having learned early in her hard life on the streets that there are always unpleasant things that need to be done. She has no problems with killing when the need arises, although she tries to avoid killing those she considers innocents. She tends to be a little protective of people that she sees to be under her care, and those elves stuck in the slums of the Sprawl, especially Tarislar. Flair has a thrill-seeker streak, and has a tendency to jump into things before taking full stock of the situation. She is quick to anger, and tends to takes insults very seriously. Her spare time is usually spent listening to, or playing her music at home, or out enjoying the variety of the Seattle nightlife.
Flair has a Commlink, but doesn't really know much about how it all works, or anything about Commlink security other than the basics ... yet.
Sep 22 2005, 04:55 PM
[ Spoiler ]
INT + Criminal Organizations = 6 (6 5 5 3 1 1 )
INT + Law Enforcement Procedures = 6 (6 4 4 4 3 3 )
from a dice roller at
http://www.dashifen.com/content/shadowrun/...dice_roller.phpmodifed results to make all cascades 6s.
Sep 22 2005, 07:47 PM
Morgan is a thief/covert operative who provides sound financial advice.
He doesn't speak much of his past, only that he was in Boston the day of the second crash. He seems to blend into background, metaforically speaking. His only striking feature is that he has no striking features.
Sep 22 2005, 09:45 PM
I should really make a web app for sr4 dice roller when I finish the python one.
Sep 22 2005, 09:55 PM
I have
Slacker - Slacker
Fortune - Flair
Nikoli - Morgan
Shadow - Sundown
Panzergeist - <Crash?>
Whom am I missing?
Are we going with all of us having known each other previously, or do we play out getting to know each other during introductions? Or a mixture.
(I totally understand everyone IC not -wanting- to know Boris...)
Sep 22 2005, 10:31 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I totally understand everyone IC not -wanting- to know Boris... |
Who's Boris???
Sep 22 2005, 11:20 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 23 2005, 07:55 AM) | I totally understand everyone IC not -wanting- to know Boris... |
Who's Boris??? |
Boris forgets himself!
Sep 23 2005, 01:18 PM
That list looks good DR, if you include yourself next time
Sep 25 2005, 03:48 AM
I just got a job for the weekend, so I will be a couple more days with the character. I'm done doing skills and cyberware and stuff, just need to buy drones and a vehicle. I'll send you the partial character sheet, which should be enough for the meet with Mr. Johnson.
Sep 26 2005, 01:45 PM
Stanley (the agent) Spoofing ID
4 Hits
Socket search (Matrix)
Electronics Gr + Browse garners
Pass #1 3 hits
Pass #2 4 hits
Pass #3 3 hits
Bear Search (Matrix)
Pass #1 2 hits
Pass #2 3 hits
Pass #3 3 hits
Sep 26 2005, 03:06 PM
Slacker is having his search agent look for info about the Socket, while he takes a nap.
Pass 1 = 2 successes
Pass 2 = 3 successes
Pass 3 = 6 successes
Pass 4 = 1 success
And another search on somebody calling themselves Bear
Pass 1 = 5 successes
Pass 2 = 3 successes
Pass 3 = 7 successes
Pass 4 = 3 successes
Sep 27 2005, 03:29 PM
Damn, I just realized a vital skill group I neglected to take.
Not going to be easy climbing without the athletics group, or just climbing in general.
Sep 27 2005, 04:32 PM
In most cases if you didn't explicitly buy the skill it is considered skill(0) and you can still make a roll, for climbing it will be STR.
e.g. You can still drive a car without Pilot Ground skill, as long as you didn't take Incomptent. You just get (0) dice to add to your attribute when a roll comes up.
There are some other negative qualities that make it so you are considered to not actually have the skill at all, and you may be required to roll in circumstances that do not require a roll.
This is one of the mechanical effects which makes attribute pools so important relative to skill pools.
Sep 27 2005, 04:36 PM
You do suffer a -1 penalty for defaulting when you don't have the skill, though.
Sep 27 2005, 05:40 PM
-2 actually
But I don't want the penalty, I meant to build him as acrobatic to some degree, balance augmentations, grapple gun, etc.
Sep 27 2005, 05:49 PM
No. It is only a -1, says so on both page 54 and page 110.
But that is beside the point since you're saying that you were trying to make him as an acrobatic type. In which case, any penalty is a bad thing.
Sep 27 2005, 05:56 PM
So, my concept changes.
Instead, maybe he relies on cyber to make up for lack of skill.
But I do know where his first 10 karma are going.
Sep 27 2005, 06:16 PM
It probably isn't too late to do minor tweaks to your current build. We haven't made any rolls or done anything related to climbing, other then getting out of bed. Unless you'd be trading out some Hacking Skill pool, but even then, unless we've gotten data back from Dashifen it probably doesn't matter yet. Or at least, I certainly don't mind.
In case it isn't obvious, Boris The Ear is not making any matrix search rolls whatsoever, so nobody should be waiting for some.
Sep 27 2005, 06:17 PM
nah, it's cool. my fault for not double-checking before submission. I'll make do as best I can.
Sep 28 2005, 12:35 AM
Someone please tell me Boris is an A-1-something-useful, cause I'm beginning to wonder at his sanity.
Sep 28 2005, 01:15 AM
Aren't all shadowrunners crazy?
Boris is a tough little Halfer, wash him up and get him into a nice high security weapons free area and you got yourself some serious firepower.
When all the drek starts flowing, you really want the dirty little halfer to be around, he's used to being on the receiving end of it all, and he can take it real well, and keep going for a long long while. And he likes it!
Though, you seem to have noticed Boris needs a little guidance on the social front.
Don't worry, Boris can be quiet when he needs to be.
Sep 28 2005, 12:31 PM
That's good. I figured it was something like that.
So, how would he be most comfortable being told something was a bad idea?
And, I figure Morgan has a basic aversion to seeing someone seemingly go out of their way to stand out from the crowd.
Sep 28 2005, 01:31 PM
Sorry for the slow day guys. A bunch of people wanted full web applications done on Monday and told me about them on Monday afternoon. Thus Tuesday was a really long day for me. But, I'm back now and I'll get to resposnes.
Sep 28 2005, 01:35 PM
It's cool man.
Sep 28 2005, 01:35 PM
Actually, you guys are doing good. Love the AR converstaions
Sep 28 2005, 01:35 PM
Oh, quick question. Who is our face?
Sep 28 2005, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
So, how would he be most comfortable being told something was a bad idea? |
What most of the Team can surmise fairly easily is that Boris considers the Team to be his new gang, and that he thinks he is is on his super double secret probation. Thus all kinds of abuse directed at Boris can be expected and handled by Boris with perfect calm. Note that Boris can take thumps to the head and not notice, so the strategy of punching his face in to get his attention may not work.
However, it will be discovered that giving Boris the handle "The Ear" is someone's very sick joke. Somewhere in the darkness someone is sobbing..."He just doesn't listen!"
Sep 28 2005, 02:00 PM
Sep 28 2005, 02:36 PM
Nikoli, how did you come up with that info on the Socket and Bear? I didn't see a "[ spoiler ]" from Dashifen to you, so did you get a PM from Dashifen or did you just make it up?
Still new and learning, thanks for your tolerance.
Sep 28 2005, 02:38 PM
got a PM.
It's summarized based on character's viewpoints so some data is altered slightly.
Sep 28 2005, 02:40 PM
Thanks. I wasn't sure I wasn't missing out on something. I just started lurking here and in SR4-First Run and I'm still learning about these forum games.
/done hijacking OOC thread
Sep 28 2005, 02:41 PM
It's cool. Gotta learn some how.
Sep 28 2005, 05:07 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
Who is our face? |
Wouldn't that be you?
Sep 28 2005, 05:12 PM
I certainly hope not.
I'm a thief.
While I can act as a ackup or talk my way past a guard, I'm no face.
Sep 28 2005, 07:06 PM
Unless you want TPK or to show up in the C.L.U.E. files, do not under any circumstances consider Boris The Ear as a Face.
On a seperate note, I can quickly see that I can hit timing issues between events if I use a timestamp header. It could be that one of you may post after I do, but the post contains content that is occuring before the events in my own post. Not intrinsically bad, since there are often scenes that wouldn't need everyone and the timing isn't important. What this means is that I will use it inconsistently, only using it when I want to re inforce timing or location. Any advice on this issue?
Conversations also seem a bit tricky. The AR communications are pretty good, mimic the forum post structure fairly well, but in a scene where several people are together you really don't get into long conversations. Does you have times where you run a conversation IC on the side, PM each other several times or something, and then essentially post the results to the forum in a single post?
Sep 28 2005, 07:12 PM
Fair enough. I just always forget to post Timestamps.
Maybe we should post our Ettiquette and Negotiation pools and compare, Boris is of course excused from communicating in front of / with the [anyone of importance].
Both are 6 dice for me.
Sep 28 2005, 07:32 PM
Flair is not what I would call the ideal Face (Charisma 3/Influence 3), but she manages to make do when it is necessary. I'm not volunteering her for the primary Face role though.
Sep 28 2005, 07:35 PM
same boat as me.
it's a survival thing, cause if you need it, you usually can't afford to default.
Sep 28 2005, 07:42 PM
I've only got 4 dice for each. So certainly I'm no face.
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