Dec 22 2005, 12:43 AM
Guys, I've had a death in the family. I'll be away for a few days to attend the funeral.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dec 22 2005, 02:45 AM
No problem. Take the time to do what you need to do. My condolences for your loss.
On a similar note, I will be relegated to a dial-up connection for the next seven days as I travel as well. I'll still try to check in once a day, but if we don't move forward too much for a week or so between my semi-absence and Nikoli's complete, that's okay with me.
And, so at the very least I can give Boris a little something to do: BaronKen, give me an intuition + perception test if you will. intuition only if you don't have the skill. I don't force the -1 for no skill for perception tests.
Dec 22 2005, 04:34 AM
Intuition 5 + Perception 2
Dice: 2,6,3,6,6,4,3
Hits: 3
As I may be heading to the hospital at any moment for the birth of my child, a slow game right now isn't a problem for me.
Dec 22 2005, 02:22 PM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
And, so at the very least I can give Boris a little something to do: |
Uhoh..!.. the Evil Eye has spotted Boris!
Dec 23 2005, 05:20 PM
From the roll and your post it looks like Slacker succeeded at lifting the folder. He neither points it out to the others nor tries to hide it.
He's just lazily flipping through it and won't actually mention it to the others unless they ask him about it (which i would think is coming as soon as they notice what he has in his hands).
Hopefully there is some more info in there that can help make plans.
Dec 25 2005, 05:13 PM
Happy Holidays!
I got my Christmas present last night.
She weighs 7lbs 4oz
Today is her first Christmas.
Give me a few days and I'll be back to the forums...RP my character if you need to keep the game moving.
Take care and be safe,
Baron Ken
Dec 26 2005, 12:45 AM
QUOTE (BaronKen) |
Happy Holidays!
I got my Christmas present last night. She weighs 7lbs 4oz Today is her first Christmas.
Give me a few days and I'll be back to the forums...RP my character if you need to keep the game moving.
Take care and be safe, Baron Ken |
Dec 26 2005, 03:40 AM
Thank you all for the kind words.
Juast wanted to say Happy Holidays and I'm ready to resume.
Grats BaronKen, Glad to hear of something happy this holiday.
Jan 13 2006, 07:59 PM
Well its been more than two weeks since the last post. I am going to go ahead and drop. Bewtween my escalating work duties and my rough personal life time for DSF is less and less.
I hope all is well Dash.
Jan 14 2006, 12:39 AM
I was having fun with this game (despite how little we had accomplished so far), but it does seem like it has fallen to the fate of so many good forum games and died before ever really taking off.
Jan 14 2006, 03:04 AM
I'm still around
Jan 21 2006, 03:18 PM
Yeah, this ones screwed. I'm calling it dead. My life is nuts right now at work, which is where I usually post from and, thus, I'm not having the time to visit any of my usual forum-based haunts (this one included). My intention is to start a new SR4 game (after I test run it at a Con this afternoon) in a few weeks so watch for my post. Hopefully, with a new run, new characters, and a module written entirely for SR4 it'll hold me to my guns. Sorry for the disappointment and thanks for creating wonderful characters. I loved the interplay within the team, seeming to create history between them when there really wasn't any. See you on the boards.
-- Dashifen --
Jan 21 2006, 04:16 PM
I'll certainly be up for it whenever you do start up that other game. This was fun, short lived though it may have been.
Jan 21 2006, 05:00 PM
It's all because no one likes Boris....
I'll keep a look out, enjoyed interacting with everyone.
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