Sep 23 2005, 06:11 PM
Anyone know the name of the AA corp that virtually runs Miami in the novel Shadowboxer? I can't remember.
Sep 23 2005, 06:12 PM
QUOTE (NightmareX) |
Anyone know the name of the AA corp that virtually runs Miami in the novel Shadowboxer? I can't remember. |
Gunderson Corporation. Shredded apart by Art Dankwalther, according to canon, but AFAIK, it's still around.
Sep 24 2005, 05:08 AM
anyone know for sure if Art ever did actually finish them off?
Sep 24 2005, 01:11 PM
I don't think that he did personally, but other corps (Wuxing specifically is mentioned) jumped in and got the good parts. The shipping and related companies were sold off, Atlantic Security is a shadow of its former self. Miami is a warzone. Gunderson's just a shell at this point, probably because no one thinks there's much worth in what's left.
Sep 24 2005, 02:16 PM
The two major assets of Gunderson were sold off, Montclair Industries (sold to Global Oil) and TransSea (sold to Wuxing). They still have Atlantic Security, but had to scale back their operations and funding for it, leading to Miami becoming lawless and chaotic. It is mentioned that Gunderson was reduced to 30% of its former assets by Dankwalther. If it's still an AA, it's in name only... certainly not a AA in size. My guess is that the Corporate Court will revoke Gunderson's AA status and it will simply be an A multinational corporation or even an unrated local corporation.
Note that all of this happens in 2061. Before then, Gunderson is the most powerful corp in Florida and Miami, and is one of of the larger extraterritorial AA corps.
Sep 27 2005, 08:46 AM
Thanks guys
We're doing a 2070 campaign in Miami, so the info is much appriciated.
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