Sep 24 2003, 09:56 PM
I've recently come across a few online stores that have a SR3 hardcover printed by Fanpro, this year. I hadn't heard of a new hardcover printing, and have been to suspicious to order one. Does anyone know anything about this?
Sep 24 2003, 10:49 PM
I haven't heard anything about any SR3 hardcover produced by FanPro, and I'm pretty up-to-date on what they've published. I'd be very leery of ordering such a thing--the only hardcover SR3 that was produced AFAIK was the BABY.
Sep 24 2003, 10:59 PM
Rob Boyle mentioned this in a conversation recently. Apparently several online stores, most notably one of the Amazons, has screwed the pooch and got their information wrong. There might be others. As of last weekend there was no SR3 hardcovers printed by FanPro this year (at least that's what Rob replied to somebody who asked the same thing during the RatCon SR Q&A session).
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