Oct 7 2005, 02:25 AM
Will we eventually see events that happened between 2066 and 2069? Or will it make a big hole in our timeline?
Perhaps in novels?
Oct 7 2005, 02:47 AM
They have a basic one page version in the history section in SR4. Neonet forms from a merger between Transys Neuronet and Novatech and between them they create the new Wireless Matrix.
Horizon replaces Cross Applied Technologies on the Corporate Council after Lucien Cross dies in a plane crash
New Revolution tries to reform the old USA by attemping to stage a coup. They kill the president, but are put down. General Colloton is elected President for her work in cleaning up the mess
The UTE nation is absorbed by the Pueblo Corporate Council and Tshimshian is effectively absorbed by the Salish Shidhe
And the somewhat dubious earthquake causes Southern California to flood
Oct 7 2005, 02:47 AM
It wouldn't surprise me that it ends up mostly being a hole, although no doubt there will be references to events that occured during that time. So books will be written as being set in 2070 and later, but things that happened in 2066-2069 will come out as historical tidbits. Not unlike the history section in the BBB.
Oct 7 2005, 03:59 AM
A bit of two-pronged questioning, if I may.
Horizon-I don't believe I found much of any reference to this corp pre-SR4. Perhaps a off-handed reference about new simchips in either SOTA:64, or SF, but I have no books on hand presently. It isn't impossible for them to ascend to the ranks of the AAA, but it seems a bit surprising.
Lucien Cross died in the "Second Crash", right? Navigation failed, plane crashed, or something like that?
SL James
Oct 7 2005, 05:26 AM
"Everyone vas on vacation. On your left is Munich's first city hall, erected in 15 ... "
Followed quickly by, "Nothing bad happened. Sie werden sich hinsetzen. Sie werden ruhig sein. Sie werden nicht beleidigen Deutschland."
But, yeah: "Not much happened. What? Just because there has barely been a month go by for the last 15 years when some awful shit didn't go down, especially in 2064 doesn't mean that anything had to happen from 2065 to 2070."
Oct 7 2005, 05:40 AM
I'd liken it to Robert Heinlein's view of the 1990's and early 21st century, AKA "The Crazy Years". Between the matrix crash, information overload, and general human stupidity drives us all bat shit crazy for about 3 years or so. Nothing of relevance happened.
Oct 7 2005, 11:21 AM
QUOTE (FiveVenoms) |
Horizon-I don't believe I found much of any reference to this corp pre-SR4. Perhaps a off-handed reference about new simchips in either SOTA:64, or SF, but I have no books on hand presently. It isn't impossible for them to ascend to the ranks of the AAA, but it seems a bit surprising. |
As far as I know, Horizon had three sentences in a talk in SOTA:2064, p.141, because the Tairngire government hired them as spin doctors. Eventually, it could be considered that Horizon Software, described in Matrix, was in fact the software division of the Horizon Group. I don't know any other reference, nor did I list any in the corporate index.
Oct 7 2005, 01:29 PM
QUOTE (NightRain) |
They have a basic one page version in the history section in SR4. Neonet forms from a merger between Transys Neuronet and Novatech and between them they create the new Wireless Matrix.
Horizon replaces Cross Applied Technologies on the Corporate Council after Lucien Cross dies in a plane crash
New Revolution tries to reform the old USA by attemping to stage a coup. They kill the president, but are put down. General Colloton is elected President for her work in cleaning up the mess
The UTE nation is absorbed by the Pueblo Corporate Council and Tshimshian is effectively absorbed by the Salish Shidhe
And the somewhat dubious earthquake causes Southern California to flood |
Yeah, i've seen that... but that doesn't make enough entry to call that a year.
Oct 7 2005, 01:51 PM
This is what I have collected from various books: (Contains Spoilers)
(sorry for the bad on the fly translation)
[ Spoiler ]
<strong>1. Januar</strong> - Foundation of Palastinan Republic
<strong>13. Januar</strong> - Elections in Tshimshian
<strong>15. Februar</strong> - 2nd Global Matrix Conference.
<strong>6. April</strong> - Tranys-Erika starts in cooperation with Novatech to rebuild the Seattle Megasprawl to one of the first complete WireLess citys.
<strong>??. Mai</strong> - First WireLess Products are presented at ICOMA in Hannover.
<strong>1. August</strong> - In Seattle the WireLess Matrix goes online.
<strong>1. Oktober</strong> - Novatech fueses with Transys-Erika and becomes the new AAA Con NeoNET, which is the 3rd largest one.
<strong>???</strong> - Crippled from the Crash, Ute Nation is absorbed into the Pueblo Corporate Council.
<strong>6. November</strong> - General Angela Colloton get elected Presodent of UCAS.
<strong>??? (early)</strong> - A pair of major earthquakes from the San Andreas and San Pedro Shelf fault lines cause widespread destruction never seen before in California. Parts of Southern California and the Central Valley fall below sea level, and Los Angeles as well as other coastal cities are cut off from the mainland, effectively becoming islands.
Oct 7 2005, 06:06 PM
There is a definite window for Cross to lose its Corporate Seat, as Corporate Court justices are elected at 13 month terms, and they gained their seat in 2060. So midway through 2066 or just into 2067. I'm surprised Monobe or another corp didn't pick that seat up, but then again, it is decided through a vote of the other justices, and the Japanacorps have lost much of their monolithic voting block.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 7 2005, 06:59 PM
Los Angeles is an
island now? Ugh, it's the Calfree sourcebook all over again. I had this odd idea brewing about most of SoCal burning during 2070's fire season (for those not from around there, SoCal has two seasons: a 1-2 month Fire season where everything dries up and burns, and the rest of the year

) and the actual Calfree country moving in to clean up, taking back its "rightful" borders in the process.
That would have had lots of neat hooks for runners. So much for that idea, I guess. But an earthquake, and an island LA? Feh, sounds too much like a cliched movie plot to me.
Oct 7 2005, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Los Angeles is an island now? Ugh, it's the Calfree sourcebook all over again. I had this odd idea brewing about most of SoCal burning during 2070's fire season (for those not from around there, SoCal has two seasons: a 1-2 month Fire season where everything dries up and burns, and the rest of the year ) and the actual Calfree country moving in to clean up, taking back its "rightful" borders in the process.
I think it's time we got Snake Pliskin on the job.
I'm surprised they didn't label the "island" of L.A. a new supermax prison.
Oct 7 2005, 08:21 PM
QUOTE (Vertaxis666) |
I think it's time we got Snake Pliskin on the job. |
Snake is an exemplar Shadowrunner of sorts.
I do enjoy the occasional pop-culture reference included in a game, but I do not look forward to reading about ex-Navy dophin hackers or a Detroit cyberzombie cop.
SL James
Oct 7 2005, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Los Angeles is an island now? Ugh, it's the Calfree sourcebook all over again. I had this odd idea brewing about most of SoCal burning during 2070's fire season (for those not from around there, SoCal has two seasons: a 1-2 month Fire season where everything dries up and burns, and the rest of the year ) and the actual Calfree country moving in to clean up, taking back its "rightful" borders in the process.
That would have had lots of neat hooks for runners. So much for that idea, I guess. But an earthquake, and an island LA? Feh, sounds too much like a cliched movie plot to me. |
This topic has been quite thoroughly beaten to death already.
Oct 8 2005, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 7 2005, 12:59 PM) | Los Angeles is an island now? Ugh, it's the Calfree sourcebook all over again. I had this odd idea brewing about most of SoCal burning during 2070's fire season (for those not from around there, SoCal has two seasons: a 1-2 month Fire season where everything dries up and burns, and the rest of the year ) and the actual Calfree country moving in to clean up, taking back its "rightful" borders in the process.
That would have had lots of neat hooks for runners. So much for that idea, I guess. But an earthquake, and an island LA? Feh, sounds too much like a cliched movie plot to me. |
This topic has been quite thoroughly beaten to death already.
This is topic can ever be beaten enough - even after it's dead...
Oct 8 2005, 01:51 AM
QUOTE (snowRaven) |
This is topic can ever be beaten enough - even after it's dead...
Hmm that reminds me of a joke. A bad joke. I won't inflict on you lovely peeps.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 8 2005, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (snowRaven @ Oct 7 2005, 05:48 PM) |
QUOTE (SL James @ Oct 7 2005, 10:50 PM) | QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 7 2005, 12:59 PM) | Los Angeles is an island now? Ugh, it's the Calfree sourcebook all over again. I had this odd idea brewing about most of SoCal burning during 2070's fire season (for those not from around there, SoCal has two seasons: a 1-2 month Fire season where everything dries up and burns, and the rest of the year ) and the actual Calfree country moving in to clean up, taking back its "rightful" borders in the process.
That would have had lots of neat hooks for runners. So much for that idea, I guess. But an earthquake, and an island LA? Feh, sounds too much like a cliched movie plot to me. |
This topic has been quite thoroughly beaten to death already.
This is topic can ever be beaten enough - even after it's dead...
Well, consider it a (fruitless) campaign to get the devs to stop doing stupid random illogical crap to California. I know it's not going to happen, but I feel I still have to try.
Oct 8 2005, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 8 2005, 02:54 AM) |
Well, consider it a (fruitless) campaign to get the devs to stop doing stupid random illogical crap to California. I know it's not going to happen, but I feel I still have to try. |
but Californians do it to themselves. They Voted Schwarzenegger in didn't they

EDIT readies full defence for the flames.
Gothic Rose
Oct 8 2005, 02:04 AM's California! If you're going to do stupid, illogical things, where BETTER?
Eyeless Blond
Oct 8 2005, 02:20 AM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 8 2005, 02:54 AM) | Well, consider it a (fruitless) campaign to get the devs to stop doing stupid random illogical crap to California. I know it's not going to happen, but I feel I still have to try. |
but Californians do it to themselves. They Voted Schwarzenegger in didn't they  EDIT readies full defence for the flames. |
Hah! Well you do have a point. Then again we also voted in Reagan, and he didn't turn out *that* bad; we figured what the hell, why not chance another actor-as-governor?

If only this one figured out to concentrate on the bigger money-saving projects his task force recommended instead of the small ones. Like reformatting the DMV; I gaurontee you noone would have shed a tear at tearing down and rebuilding the DMV to be faster and cheaper.

But no, he had to go and piss off the unions. I doubt his political career will survive that; the unions around here are too good at playing the holier-than-thou card around here.
But enough of *that*. Is there anything else known about the four years between SF and SR4?
Oct 8 2005, 02:24 AM
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, "Future Boy", who's President in the United States in 1985?
Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then who's VICE-President? Jerry Lewis?
Dr. Emmett Brown: I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!
Marty McFly: Whoa! Wait! Doc!
Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny, the Secretary of the Treasury.
Marty McFly: Doc, You gotta listen to me.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 17 2005, 09:04 PM
Well, taking some artistic licence (which I usually do in almost any game system I GM unless I am using a pre-written module) I have a war brewing in the Balkans, Terrorist attacks hitting London, Strange things seen on the water and in the air around the Kingdom of Hawai'i (& not paracritters either), strange things (not) seen outside of Cambridge in the UK, and child like young woman who...(well I can't give this one away yet).
It is late 2062 and this is just for starters...
BTW, I finally have my long awaited copy of SR4 now & am just starting to go through it
SL James
Oct 17 2005, 10:33 PM
For me, the fallout from the November 3 coup intiates a crackdown in the UCAS that makes Reconstruction look downright pleasant. God help the people who copped deals with the Justice Department. They're getting it good from both sides, assuming they live long enough. Imagine something like the ends of the first two Godfather movies only about 10x bigger.
Oct 18 2005, 02:58 AM
Then again we also voted in Reagan, and he didn't turn out *that* bad; |
That's the story that the media keeps circulating, but Reagan's "let's throw all the people in mental asylums onto the street" plan was just about the single most destructive thing that has ever happened to Californian society and economics since we legalized slavery for Native Americans. I've never understood the drive to rehabilitate Reagan's governorship. That was the most failed failures that ever failed.
If it wasn't for the fact that the conservative anti-media media like him because he's conservative, and the rest of the media like him because as president of the screen actor's guild he personally sent everyone in the media who didn't like him before HUAC for blacklisting... he wouldn't ever get any good press at all. None of his programs ever worked, and his entire cabinet ended up getting indicted for seriuous felonies.
Gothic Rose
Oct 18 2005, 03:17 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
QUOTE | Then again we also voted in Reagan, and he didn't turn out *that* bad; |
That's the story that the media keeps circulating, but Reagan's "let's throw all the people in mental asylums onto the street" plan was just about the single most destructive thing that has ever happened to Californian society and economics since we legalized slavery for Native Americans. I've never understood the drive to rehabilitate Reagan's governorship. That was the most failed failures that ever failed.
If it wasn't for the fact that the conservative anti-media media like him because he's conservative, and the rest of the media like him because as president of the screen actor's guild he personally sent everyone in the media who didn't like him before HUAC for blacklisting... he wouldn't ever get any good press at all. None of his programs ever worked, and his entire cabinet ended up getting indicted for seriuous felonies.
He had a funny nose. And funny cheeks, it was like they were cut off of someone else and epoxied onto him.
Oct 18 2005, 07:43 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Oct 17 2005, 09:58 PM) |
QUOTE | Then again we also voted in Reagan, and he didn't turn out *that* bad; |
That's the story that the media keeps circulating, but Reagan's "let's throw all the people in mental asylums onto the street" plan was just about the single most destructive thing that has ever happened to Californian society and economics since we legalized slavery for Native Americans. I've never understood the drive to rehabilitate Reagan's governorship. That was the most failed failures that ever failed.
If it wasn't for the fact that the conservative anti-media media like him because he's conservative, and the rest of the media like him because as president of the screen actor's guild he personally sent everyone in the media who didn't like him before HUAC for blacklisting... he wouldn't ever get any good press at all. None of his programs ever worked, and his entire cabinet ended up getting indicted for seriuous felonies.
Its like we're having a flashback as an entire country... except for the actor part...
SL James
Oct 18 2005, 08:05 AM
Even more reason to send Schwarzenegger back to Hollywood, or better yet, Austria.
Oct 18 2005, 08:21 AM
My head is still spinning from that... don't get me started...
Oct 18 2005, 08:37 AM
We Europeans don't need Arnold either. So just keep him. Or perhaps George Bush still needs someone for his mission to Mars....
SL James
Oct 18 2005, 08:55 AM
That could work. He can meet Kuato and release the oxygen hidden in million year old glaciers to create a breathable atmosphere. Plus we can get rid of Ronny Cox in the process.
Oct 19 2005, 02:25 AM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
We Europeans don't need Arnold either. So just keep him. Or perhaps George Bush still needs someone for his mission to Mars.... |
Bush only gets to send Ahnold to Mars if he goes with him c.c
Get your ass to Mars!
Oct 19 2005, 03:14 AM
So THAT'S the big secret about mars everyone is trying to cover up!
Nov 4 2005, 11:34 AM
Reference to "Horizon" - the lady who was in charge of giving General Saito (San-Fran-NAzi) a public relations makeover was one of their top people [Vaguely remembered from "Threats 2"]
And her Father was a Senator... I am reasonably sure the shadowtalk inferred that the reason he was elected was the public image wizardry that was perfromed on him by Horizon.
This all sort of ties in with the "This is the New Big-Evil" - Horizion is now, apparently, _the_ PR company, they're gifted with marketing, superbly skilled at wireless jiggery-pokery/visual spam (?) [SR4] and encourage their employees to "improve themselves".
Does anyone else look that that and think "souless media frenzy made corporate?".
Nov 4 2005, 01:13 PM
I was a little frustrated that the SR4 BBB didn't mention the name of the "former simsense star" at the helm of Horizon. Was this mentioned somewhere else? I hardly expect it was intended to be a secret so why not mention it in the corporate description block like they did for Damien Knight?
Nov 4 2005, 01:27 PM
I'm a bit bugged by Horizon my self. It's always been rpesented as damn near impossible to make the jump from AA to AAA, and these guys seem to have come up form A status. Anyone know hos they scored a court seat? Just seems like they were trying to shuffle things up a bit and decided to bring these guys up. Perhaps I'm just bugged by the current lack of personality, or identity of the corp might be a better way to put it. Hopefully that will be remedied soon with Corp Downloadv.2.0 or whatever.
Nov 4 2005, 02:07 PM
So far, it makes no sense. How they could rise to AAA status? Who are their clients? How can they survive as a AAA only by doing PR?
Nov 4 2005, 02:18 PM
Simple, they don't just do PR.

QUOTE (SR4 page 42) |
In addition to its primary focus on entertainment and media pursuits, Horizon is also strong in consumer goods and services, real estate and development, and pharmaceuticals. |
Nov 4 2005, 02:19 PM
What books was Horizon mentioned in before SR4? Somehow I'd never heard of them before that...
Nov 4 2005, 03:25 PM
Media, PR, consumer goods.... hmmm.... looks like the Azzies might have some competition for 'most annoying corporation'.
Although I have to agree with everyone else, these guys seem to have come out of no where. I have never seen a mention of them previous to SR4 and System Shock, and the tidbits they give are less than satisfying.
Nov 4 2005, 08:13 PM
QUOTE (JesterX) |
So far, it makes no sense. How they could rise to AAA status? Who are their clients? How can they survive as a AAA only by doing PR? |
If Tir Tairngire is one of their main clients, this could be an elven plot.....
Gothic Rose
Nov 4 2005, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (JesterX) |
So far, it makes no sense. How they could rise to AAA status? Who are their clients? How can they survive as a AAA only by doing PR? |
Sounds like EXCELLENT fodder for runs, mi amigos!
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