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Shanshu Freeman
Post your pet peeves here, I'll start.

One of my biggest sr pet peeves is when people don't understand basic equipment. I see it here, on the boards all the time, especially with grenades. They are often described as the pin and ring, handles and all pineapples of WWII. Now call me anal, but I'm a stickler for details.

IIRC, the books describe them as electronic and ring or disc shaped (for areodynamic, I forget about the non.)
can be both IIRC. Can also be set to go off upon impact with something, which is always funny when a runner tries to bat it back with their rifle (ahh... that was good times).

I hate having to calculate CXII damage for players that decide to carry lots of it, but won't calculate their own damage sarcastic.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
can be both IIRC.

in that case I stand as an example of my own idiocy.
It's not like all the current-tech grenades are going to get launched in a rocket ship at the heart of the sun any time soon. For much the same reason you can purchase Yugo (or Chinese, or several other Commie-satellite country) SKS rifles (50+ years old) for next to nothing, I imagine in Shadowrun's timeline you can get "outdated" grenades, still. And AK 47's. And old kevlar vests, and helmets, and (god knows) MRE's.

The stuff doesn't magically disappear once a newer, "better," model comes out. And if an out-dated weapon is gonna end up anywhere, years after a newer electronic doohicky covered in bells and whistles shows up, that out-dated weapon's gonna be on the streets.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Critias)
And old kevlar vests [...]

Unless the materials have all changed, I'd stick with flexible body armor manufactured in the last 15 or so years. It won't fall apart, but I wouldn't want to be wearing it when I first notice it no longer stands up to design specifications.
Sick of GMs who dump you in 'their' world and expect you to know whatever minor details they've put in without telling you in advance or giving you warning that you're doing it wrong (although this is more of a CP2020 complaint than SR. In SR at least you can point to the book and say HEY! Cops don't do that and most cars don't require biometrics.)
I don't mind a little deviation from canon as its freeing for the GM and can lead to a much better game, in my experience.

Within reason, of course - I draw the line at Great Dragons being sent on SRTs. grinbig.gif

QUOTE (Critias)
And if an out-dated weapon is gonna end up anywhere, years after a newer electronic doohicky covered in bells and whistles shows up, that out-dated weapon's gonna be on the streets.

true dat. this is why a lot of "Street gangs" and such in SR carry AKs and frags.
There are some illustrations of grenades in FoF on page 48.

My pet peeves are deliberately freeing a spirit so that it can be permanently bound as a free spirit and people wanting to channel ally spirits and/or free spirits but retaining control of them after the channeling period ends.
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