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Toptomcat looks good except:
No EX explosive ammo for Warhawk
No alpha ware
No EX explosive ammo for the Kahr MK40
Contacts look good if a little strange.

Everyone else: I've got 5 complete characters (Jared Connerly, Glyph, Toptomcat, Lindt and Mystweaver), still to see who else submits.

Also I don't make the seperation between Assault Rifles and Rifles, both use the same skill.

Something I forgot to mention earlier, if anyone is interested, you can purchase gang or tribal membership for 50,000.

From SR2 Rule book p. 44 "The character may be a member of, or have close ties to, a local gang tribe. There are 2D6 member of the gang or tribe available at any time. They come when called (arriving in 1D6 x 10 minutes) and are very loyal. All gang or tribe members have Skill and Attributes Ratings of 3)"

In addition to that, gang and tribal members have colors and symbols which they display with pride, so its something that can be a hinderance. I'll be using the general gang member and tribesmans from the book (SR 2) plus racial modifers.
Musashi Forever
Don't wait up for me. Thanks for the consideration, but I've got a lot on my plate right now.

I'll definitely lurk in your game thread though, it still sounds very interesting.
Hmmmm, I would really like to do that as it fits Chi-Sao quite nicely, however I would have to redesign my character as I dont have any cash nyahnyah.gif
Due to this being a lower power game, I will reduce the cost of a gang to 20,000. However, it can only be either a street of go-gang (gangs may have connects to any organized crime syndicate).

Now for your free contact:

Jacob Baker
Date of Birth: 15 June 1999
Place of Birth: Omaha Nebraska
Nationality: UCAS citizen
Metatype: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue Gray

Background (this is knowledge available on the streets)
-Both parents are dead, killed in a food riot shortly after Jacob was born.
-He was raised by his grandmother.
-Drafted into the military for the indian wars
-Business degree from Iowa State University 2028
-Masters degree from Creighton in Finance spring 2038
-Worked for Aztechnology's accounting and asset recovery department 2038-2049
-Opened a dance club in Bellevue 31 Dec 2049
-Began connecting club patrons with other patrons for small time shadowruns

Chi-Sao, master of the german art of 'Ching-Ching-Pow", the way of the intercepting 9mm.
Can I go with the desert eagle and add-on bits?

(Chi-Sao does not shoot with ickle 9mm pistols!)
Ninja Please
Here is a nearly complete version of my character without gear. I can finish and e-mail it to you by the end of the week.

Brandon Spears
Combat Medic

Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Tatoos & Identifying Marks
Serpent & Staff of Aesculapius on Right Upperarm
Slight Scarring on Left Shoulder where Cyberarm grafted to body

College Educated 1
Friendly Face 1
Good Looking 1
Allergy Uncommon - Tetracycline 2
Weak Immune System 1

Body: 4
Quick: 6
Strength: 3
Charisma: 4
Intel: 6
Willpower: 3

AR 5
Pistol 4
Athletics 4
Stealth 2
Biotech 6
Copmuter 3
Electronics 3
Etiquette 4
Car 2

Biology 4
Chemisty 3
Medicine 6
Gang Turf 2
Magic 3
Politics 2
Cuisine 2
Investing 4
Weightlifting 3

English 5
Chinese 3
German 2

Left cyberarm - Synethic
Data Jack
I have updated Chi-Sao (Bottom of second page of this thread)... all i really need is the go-ahead for the gun Im gonna use (reserved 10k for it)
Ninja Please: looks good, go ahead and send me the gear.

Mystweaver: The gun is fine, and I like all the backgound you've put together so far.

Everyone: Due to a feeling of stagnation I'm getting, characters will be due on Thursday, and the game will begin on Friday (18 Nov).

Any questions, comments, bitches, gripes or complaints so far?
Can I have a pony? howabout a pet dragon? [smirk]
Lindt: If you want to pay for the lifestyle costs (horse would be Mediumlife style, and a Dragon would be Ultra Luxury x 3) then you can have either.
Alright, I've got approved Characters from Glyph, Jared_Connely, Lindt, Mystweaver, Ninja Please and Toptomcat.

I'll be making the first post sometime after midnight (central US) before I go to bed.

Welcome and good luck to all.
[ Spoiler ]

There, how's that?
Sorry for my absence, I was out of town the last few days, and will post IC shortly.
I believe I neglected to post a description of Henry, so I will rectify that here...

Henry is a blonde (spiked hair), green eyed, dwarf decker of a slight build. He wears thin, square glasses, and prefers to wear jeans, a denim jacket, and tenis shoes, as well as worn out T-shirts of bands that were probably popular about 5 years ago.

He has been working his way to "tech wizard" status, tinkering with just about anything he can get his hands on. His size has its advantages too, as he is able to get his hands into fairly small spaces to do electronics "repairs".

When he starts thinking heavily, you will noticed he starts to rub his datajack. Normally, he'd be plugged into the Matrix to do his major thinking, and it feels odd to have that silence when he is producing thoughts outside the 'trix.

Inside the Matrix, his avitar is Yukari, an elvish looking female that resembles something you may have seen older Anime movies in the trid.
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