[ Spoiler ]
James Drake
Human street samurai
Strength: 4 (7 cyberlimb)
Quickness: 6
Body: 4 (6)
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 5
Charisma: 3
Reaction: 5 (7)
Initiative: 5 + 1d6 (7 + 3d6)
Magic: 0
Essence: 0.15
Karma Pool: 1
Good Karma: 0
Combat Pool: 7
Cyber-Implant Combat 3 (Spurs 5)
Pistols 6
Rifles 5
Athletics 3
Stealth 3
Etiquette (Street) 1 (3)
B/R Electronics 2
Chemistry 4
Military Theory 4
Gang Identification 4
Urban Brawl 4
English (Radio lingos) 5 (7)
R/W English 3
Japanese 2
R/W Japanese 1
Sperethiel 2
R/W Sperethiel 1
600,000 nuyen spent
Level 2 contact: Jordan, female human (for now) talismonger and mage. Has magical powers with bizzare side effects: her spells usually do what they're supposed to, but also do weird things like changing Jordan's gender (three times now,) cause nearby mirrors to display disturbing images, create an astral impression of an event that didn't happen, or forcing nearby mages into the astral.
Level 2 Contact: Fixer, Talks-With-Walls. An orcish Lion shaman fixer prone to having conversations on his headware radio and telephone at top volume, and over other conversations.
"SO I SAID TO HIM, THEN I SAID the meet'll be difficult to set up, that's not exactly Girl Scout cookies yer sellin THE GOLFER WAS REALLY A VIKING! HA HA HA!"
Level 1 Contact: Aldolf von Leiterhoef, psychotic human male German weapons dealer/smuggler with a nasty habit of slipping really heavy, truly nasty stuff into standard orders...like putting a radioactive 'dirty bomb' into a box of grenades, or substituting capsule rounds with high-potency, carcerand-delayed acid for gel. A neo-Nazi.
"And this, the SPECIAL 9mm caseless! An excellent Jew-killing round, I got twenty boxes just today."
Level 1 Contact: Mao Mao, female human Chinese fence specializing in small arms and chemical/biological/pharmaceutical goods. She is about four feet tall and savagely confrontational, a textbook case of Napoleon syndrome. She is also an incredible polyglot, speaking over thirty languages. This can be interesting when she starts cussing you out: with so many languages to choose from, she never runs out of invectives or repeats herself. However, her good prices inspire her clients to tolerate the abuse.
Level 1 Contact: Fixer, That Guy Who Does That Thing. A fixer of unknowable racial origin and gender, considering he only communicates through heavily-encrypted text messages using a complex lingo taught only to his customers, That Guy Who Does That Thing takes secrecy and anonymity to a sometimes ludicrous extreme.
"The rodeo clown is to leave the coop when the clock strikes blue."
9 months Low lifestyle
Wire Clippers
Pocket Computer w/ 1,000 Mp memory capacity.
Accessories mounted internally in the pocket computer:
Internal Rating 5 Micro-Transciever w/ Rating 2 ECCM, Rating 6 Broadcast Encryption, and Rating 6 Broadcast Decryption
Nav-Dat GPS System
Rating 6 Data Decryption
Rating 6 Data Encryption
Cell phone capability
Accessories mounted externally:
Subvocal mic
1,000 MP optical memory chip
Wraparound ballistic-plastic sunglasses containing a 100 Mp Heads-Up Display system, bone-conduction speaker system, and pinhole-camera micro-camcorder
Rating 6 Bug Scanner
Rating 6 Micro-Recorder
Rating 6 Scanner
Rating 6 Hand-Held Cyberware Scanner
Notes on the pocket computer and all its various accessories: everything is networked together, controlled either through voice command with the subvocal mic or through datajack. The computer and all its accessories are ruggedized and combat-hardened, with magnesium cases, gel-cushioned components, Kevlar III sleeves, dikoted parts, multiple redundancies, and the like. Data from dozens of constantly-switching radio frequencies is anylized by the computer for key words like 'shadowrunner', 'Lone Star', and 'James Drake', with encrypted frequencies automatically decrypted and recieving special attention. The bug and cyberware scanners are constantly running, pulling up an audio-visual alert on the HUD if bugs or combat cyberware is detected. So are the micro-camcorder and recorder, constantly recording to an (encrypted) log of approx. 30 hour capacity (dropping to ten hours if data such as GPS location, multiple concurrant radio frequencies, cyberware and bug scanner readings, and bio-scanner status is kept as well.)
Rating 3 Maglock Passkey
Rating 6 Jammer
Rating 3 Maglock Passkey
Rating 6 Ultrasound Emitter/Detector
Rating 6 White Noise Generator
Rating 6 Chemsuit
5x Trauma Patch
5x Rating 6 Antidote Patch
5x Rating 6 Stimulant Patch
5x Rating 6 Tranq Patch
Medkit w/ 4 supply refills
Ascent/Descent Harness, Ascent/Descent Kit, Rappelling Gloves, 200 m Rope, Grapple Gun, 200m Stealth Grapple Line, Catalyst Stick
Survival Kit w/ 20 days' ration bars
Twenty caches of equipment scattered across Seattle: each is a gym bag containing a smartlinked Remington Super Warhawk, ten rounds of match-grade and ten rounds of armor-piercing ammunition for it, an Offensive HE grenade, a secure long coat, a hundred and ninety nuyen, and a handset cell phone
Obvious Cyberarm w/3 pts Strength Enhancement, integral Dikoted Retractable Cyberspur (damage code 8S), and built-in Smartgun Link (1.25 Essence)
Alphaware Boosted Reflexes Level 3 (2.8 Essence)
Datajack (0.2 Essence)
Retinal Mods: Flare Comp, Low-Light, Thermo, Electronic 3 Mag (0.6 Essence)
Dermal Plating level 2 (1 Essence)
Secure Jacket
Conc 9, Ballistic 5, Impact 3, wt 2
Notes: Has Velcro straps to attatch reversible night/day camoflage-pattern covers in desert, snow, woodland, urban, and winter woodland. Has various reinforced pockets, hooks and straps to protect and conceal the various bits of electronics James carries.
3x Normal Clothing
Two of each kind of book-listed grenade, except mini-grenades
Smartlinked Smith & Wesson X-Frame: Model 500 Hunter
Range Light Carbine, Conceal 3, ammo 5 cyl, mode SA, damage 10S, wt 3 kg
Standard muzzle brake uninstalled: Gas Vent III installed. Second shot still suffers a +3 recoil penalty.
In gun: 5 match-grade bullets (+35% range)
Spare: 195 match-grade bullets
1,000 normal bullets for practise, stored at the firing range
Kahr MK Series MK40
Range Light Pistol, Conceal 8, ammo 5©, mode SA, damage 8M, wt 0.7 kg
Silencer installed, gun is in concealable holster
In gun: 5-round clip Explosive (not factored into the damage code)
Two spare 5-round clips Explosive
Two spare clips Armor Piercing
1000 normal bullets for practise, stored at the firing range
Smartlinked Glock 20 w/ attatched FSSG and +Floorplate
Range Heavy Pistol, Conceal 6, ammo 17©, mode SA/FA, damage 9M, wt 0.8
In gun: 17-round clip Armor Piercing
Nine spare 17-round clips Armor Piercing
1,000 normal rounds (kept at the firing range for practise)
Smartlinked Browning A-Bolt Eclipse M10000
Range Medium Machine Gun, Conceal NA, Ammo 3©, mode SS, damage 12S, wt 4.45 kg
A-Bolt detachable magazines require a Complex Action to change. (Open floorplate, change magazine, close floorplate.) Alternately, the action can be opened and a number of rounds equal to the user's Quickness can be added to the magazine one at a time.
Accessories: Bipod
In gun: 3 match-grade rounds
Spare: 97 match-grade rounds
100 armor peircing incindiary rounds
1000 normal bullets for practise, stored at the firing range
Formerly of the Crimson Streets go-gang on the outskirts of the Redmond Barrens, James' life changed drastically when the gang was hired to serve as assasins for a corp to get rid of a troublesome group of shadowrunners. The runner group shot their way out of the ambush and proceeded to absolutely flatten the Crimson Streets, impressing James deeply and inspiring a change of profession. He decided to become a shadowrunner himself.
Despite his origins as street trash, his relentless drive for self-improvement and newfound appreciation for subtlety and professionalism has impressed many of his associates. He studies The Art of War, Jane's Firearms, and The Anarchist's Cookbook, and has begun to visit a firing range and dojo. He views his mental image of a 'true' shadowrunner and street samurai to be an ideal to work towards, and almost laughs out loud when people call shadowrunning a dirty profession: he's seen- and lived- far, far worse.
Not having the contacts to access top-of-the-line cyberware, James has poured his early gains into something unique: an integrated computing/communications/sensor rig built mostly from retail components, but networked together into something largely unprecidented. Its diverse capabilities have surprised many who wrote him off as just another slab of street meat.
Appearence: James is a small-framed, wiry man with brown hair and cybereyes, his ethnic background an unremarkable mishmash of European influences. He tends to wear wraparound sunglasses everywhere, something no longer as weird as it was now that you can just turn up the gain on your artifical retinas, but still noticable.
There, how's that?