Dread Polack
Nov 8 2005, 01:15 AM
I liked the old initiative system (2nd and 3rd editions). I liked the way a random initiative roll gave you your initiative and the number of actions you got that turn.
It made sense to me that really fast characters could go once or three times before other characters got to go at all in 2nd edition. When they changed it in 3rd edition, I was funny, but I understood the annoyance of having slow character (magicians) waiting around until all the adepts and sams finished all their actions first.
They unified it even more in 4th edition by giving all characters a fixed number of "initiative passes" each round. I'm a little funny on this one too, but I'm gonna give it a try.
So, on to my point: there seems to be only a couple ways of getting more than one initiative pass:
1) Cyberware (i.e. Wired Reflexes)
2) Adept power (i.e. Improved reflexes)
3) Go VR
4) Astrally project
5) Have the Increase Reflexes spell cast on you.
Do you think it would be fair to allow a more mundane way to get another initiative pass? Here's an idea I've been playing with:
Allow the purchase of a quality - call it "Natural Reflexes" - that gives you an additional initiative pass. Wired reflexes 1 costs 10,000

, which comes out to 2 BP, so I think 5 BP is fair for this quality. I'm thinking of only allowing it for characters who meet a prerequisite Reaction rating.
What do you think?
Dread Polack
Nov 8 2005, 01:18 AM
Make it a 10 or 15... an extra pass is rather amazing for simple natural ability. I'm unsure about it personally though...
Gothic Rose
Nov 8 2005, 01:22 AM
QUOTE (Dread Polack) |
So, on to my point: there seems to be only a couple ways of getting more than one initiative pass: 1) Cyberware (i.e. Wired Reflexes) 2) Adept power (i.e. Improved reflexes) 3) Go VR 4) Astrally project 5) Have the Increase Reflexes spell cast on you. Do you think it would be fair to allow a more mundane way to get another initiative pass? Here's an idea I've been playing with: Allow the purchase of a quality - call it "Natural Reflexes" - that gives you an additional initiative pass. Wired reflexes 1 costs 10,000 , which comes out to 2 BP, so I think 5 BP is fair for this quality. I'm thinking of only allowing it for characters who meet a prerequisite Reaction rating. What do you think? Dread Polack |
Don't do it. It's too cheap, for one thing - Wired Reflexes is a hit to essence. That's big.
There IS a mundane way to get another pass. Edge. Spend a point of Edge, get another pass.
Nov 8 2005, 01:26 AM
One thing to note is that two of the book's mundane animals (great cat and wolf, I think) inexplicably have two IP's, with no special qualities or anything mentioned.
The nuyen cost for an extra initiative pass is low because all cyberware tends to be extremely low. To get an extra initiative pass as a magic character has a heavier cost:
- 3 BP for a caster to learn it, then required to sustain it (or purchase a foci) which can be painful on their other actions
- To get one extra IP as an Adept costs an entire 2 power points, or 20 bp worth of Magic attribute.
Not to mention the cost of taking the qualities to gain Magic.
So yeah, I'd lean more towards 10 or 15 BP as the cost for Natural Reflexes, but I do think it should be possible. A lot of qualities are kinda cruddy as is, and this would make sense to add.
Nov 8 2005, 01:34 AM
QUOTE (Dread Polack) |
So, on to my point: there seems to be only a couple ways of getting more than one initiative pass: 1) Cyberware (i.e. Wired Reflexes) 2) Adept power (i.e. Improved reflexes) 3) Go VR 4) Astrally project 5) Have the Increase Reflexes spell cast on you. |
6) Spend Edge.
Nov 8 2005, 02:23 AM
I say bad idea. 2 probs for me:
1. Cybered/magicked/whatever characters PAY a decent amount for that extra pass, It would be unfair to make a normal guy as good as augmented characters...Thats why normal folk become augmented...
2. Everywhere you looked would be Street Shamans with this new fancy quality. Also you would get a lot of Street Sams that would get it to save essence and the even more valuable starting cash (used on other ware) Same deal with adepts...Thats 2 magic points saved...Yikes....
This idea is kinda like a a character wanting to make a new Heavy Pistol that fires burst and has teh ruger damage codes, everbody would get it....
Nov 8 2005, 02:52 AM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
This idea is kinda like a a character wanting to make a new Heavy Pistol that fires burst and has teh ruger damage codes, everbody would get it.... |
Didn't the Germans put one of those in one of the official German language sourcebooks?
Rotbart van Dainig
Nov 8 2005, 08:51 AM
No, but you could build such thing perfectly with the CC rules.
Nov 8 2005, 11:15 AM
QUOTE (Veggiesama @ Nov 7 2005, 08:26 PM) |
- To get one extra IP as an Adept costs an entire 2 power points, or 20 bp worth of Magic attribute. |
I would say that natural augmented reflexes could only be purchased at rank 1.
I think the cost should 150% or 200% the cost for an adept, so 30 or 40 points.
if it cost only 15 or 20 points there is no reason for an adept to take the aumented reflexes power (edit) at level 1 (except for purpose of increasing it later).
Nov 8 2005, 11:20 AM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
No, but you could build such thing perfectly with the CC rules. |
I once used the CC rules for fun to create a burst-capable bullpup hunting rifle with 7S damage, 40rds magazine and concealability 7...
Nov 8 2005, 12:06 PM
Who hasn't?
Nov 8 2005, 12:13 PM
*rising a hand* Me!
Nov 8 2005, 12:59 PM
Nov 8 2005, 09:32 PM
Of course, you could just develop a nasty addiction to any of whole range of great combat drugs! That'd be worth the extra passes, surely
Nov 8 2005, 09:47 PM
Okay, so I use combat drugs and get addicted. Then I pay twice the Negative Quality's value in karma and get the Quality removed. I keep using the drugs, though. Repeat.
So I'm just fueling my extra IPs with karma. Yay!
Nov 8 2005, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Azralon @ Nov 8 2005, 03:47 PM) |
Okay, so I use combat drugs and get addicted. Then I pay twice the Negative Quality's value in karma and get the Quality removed. I keep using the drugs, though. Repeat.
So I'm just fueling my extra IPs with karma. Yay! |
Until you fail an addiction roll, then the spiral down begins anew.

EDIT: Oh, i see. You intend on repeatedly buying off the Negative. Hrmmm, have to check into that to make sure you can buy off a Negative Quality that you pick up during play.
Nov 8 2005, 10:23 PM
GM Discretion.
Which means at some point a wise GM might smack you down for exploiting him/her.
Nov 8 2005, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (Azralon @ Nov 8 2005, 04:23 PM) |
GM Discretion.
Which means at some point a wise GM might smack you down for exploiting him/her. |
Hehe, i also noticed that the GM doesn't have to use the Addiction Test to see whether or not the character is addicted. I'd be inclined to think that someone that was addicted and went through Withdrawl (you don't even need to spend Karma if you can tough it out) or buyout of the Negative is automatically addicted again at at least the previous level if they voluntarily choose to reuse.
I mean they
want to use it, right? I'd say that's a clear sign the addiction is still there. Even if it is just the character's powergamer player addicted to cheap IP.

EDIT: Dropping Negative Quality also explicitly talks about shedding Addiction, and it don't sound good for that little Jazz/Cram popping muchkin. Basically he has to go through Withdrawl and then stay clean long enough (in the GM's opinion) before being allowed to buy off the Negative. There is also interesting wording about "made nessasary changes". I wonder if you might consider 'ware that boosts Rea and/or IP part of those changes if getting a combat edge was part of what was driving the use to start with?
Nov 8 2005, 11:45 PM
Allowing a Quality that gives you an extra IP should cost a minimum of 20 BP, and preferrably 25 or maybe even 30 BPs. That extra IP should NOT be compatible with any magical or technological IP enhancing stuff - you simply get the higher bonus.
Nov 9 2005, 02:44 AM
Not stacking with 'ware or Magical IP bonuses is probably the best way to allow it from a gaming perspective, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense since it is "natural".

I would NOT increase the cost above 20BP because that would preclude some character types from having it. At 25BP Magicians could no longer take it, at 30BP Mystic Adepts cannot.
Dread Polack
Nov 9 2005, 06:19 AM
Good points, all around. I'm not sure if it's still a good idea, but here's a revised version, ready to be picked apart:
"Natural Reflexes" -15 points
Prerequisite: Reaction 6 (or higher, or perhaps an Initiative minimum of 12 or so)
This gives the character an extra initiative in normal combat. This extra pass does not stack with extra initiative passes gained from other means.
This quality would be meant for characters who want to go "natural" and aren't awakened. They're simply naturally gifted individuals or dedicated martial artists.
Dread Polack
Nov 9 2005, 07:05 AM
You know, I really dig that truthfully...Since it requires a lot in the first place...Can't really knock it...
Nov 9 2005, 04:59 PM
Yep i like that as well. The sammies and adepts arent going to get too bent out of shape over a mundane having one extra pass... not sure how if it could be abused by mages/shaman though.
Nov 9 2005, 05:17 PM
QUOTE (Gambitt) |
Yep i like that as well. The sammies and adepts arent going to get too bent out of shape over a mundane having one extra pass... not sure how if it could be abused by mages/shaman though. |
They save a sustaining focus, and the problems associated with having one active, with the trade off that they must spend a point of Edge to gain each time for a 3rd IP and can never have the 4th (unless they cast and sustain the appropriate spell).
With Adepts, the 15BP is cheaper than the two points of Magic for the first level of the Improved Initiative power. But that path deadends there.
P.S. Not that many Adepts will take Improved Initiative. Currently the reasons an Adept would take Improved Initiative over bioware are not wanting to wait to save up the cash to get that 3rd IP (but in the process limiting their character's power), deciding to gimp their PC by putting 5 PP into getting the 4th IP, "story esthetics", or for the NPC types that cannot use bioware such as critters with the Regenerating power or dracoforms.
Eyeless Blond
Nov 9 2005, 05:45 PM
Or the poor bastards who have to convert an SR3 character to SR4.
Nov 9 2005, 05:57 PM
@Dread Polack
I'm not crazy about having a "Prerequisite". Prerequisites are few in the Positive Qualities, and none of them hing on a fixed attribute value. They are centered around awakened/techno status and and a few on race. For example First Impression does NOT have a Charisma prerequisite, and can co-exist with social Negatives.
I'm especially leary of setting it at Rea (6), which actually precludes a Dwarf w/o Improved Attribute (Reaction) from taking it, or Init(12) which precludes the Dwarfs and also Trolls w/o Improved Attribute (Intuition).
How could a low Init or Rea character have an extra IP? They are the Tortoise, slow and steady they win the race. They aren't first off the mark, they don't have the twitch factor or particular obvious grace. But their smooth, methodical technique allows them an extra IP.
Nov 9 2005, 06:00 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Or the poor bastards who have to convert an SR3 character to SR4. |
Ya, them too.

Although, umm, well it is kinda open to interpretation there of how close you have to follow. I'm talking results over form. If they were solid Initiative performers before, that's what you are really aiming for. [/rationalization]
Nov 9 2005, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (blakkie @ Nov 9 2005, 12:17 PM) |
With Adepts, the 15BP is cheaper than the two points of Magic for the first level of the Improved Initiative power. But that path deadends there.
P.S. Not that many Adepts will take Improved Initiative. |
For sure ... most of them will take "Natural reflexes" ... much more interesting.
without saying the base cost for a sypatic booster is 0.5 essence plus 16 bp, even beta wired-reflexes are 1.4 essence / 11 bp.
Nov 9 2005, 08:07 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
I would NOT increase the cost above 20BP because that would preclude some character types from having it. At 25BP Magicians could no longer take it, at 30BP Mystic Adepts cannot. |
Why shouldn't they take it ?
Because of the official rules of chargen ?
You mean you accept very alter qualities as Natural reflexes, but you don't accept alter rules as overcoming the max number of points for qualities ?
Nov 9 2005, 08:23 PM
QUOTE (Taki @ Nov 9 2005, 02:07 PM) |
QUOTE (blakkie @ Nov 8 2005, 09:44 PM) | I would NOT increase the cost above 20BP because that would preclude some character types from having it. At 25BP Magicians could no longer take it, at 30BP Mystic Adepts cannot. |
Why shouldn't they take it ? Because of the official rules of chargen ? You mean you accept very alter qualities as Natural reflexes, but you don't accept alter rules as overcoming the max number of points for qualities ?
This minimizes the changes. Adding the Quality does NOT change the rules. Remember that Qualities are one of those items that are built for extension. To keep inside the framework they should not require or encourage changes in the core rules. So as long as you build Qualities that are consistant with the Qualities framework (i.e. if it was really worth 25BP or 30BP it is likely doing too much) you are extending the system in the same manner as the supplment books will.
Of course if it was actually changing to the rules, keeping the change localized is desirable too.
What i also didn't mention there was that i also don't think it is worth 25BP, although that is a bit hard to gauge since there are no 25BP Qualities. I think it is probably a 20BP Quality, but 15BP is OK with me too given that it is a dead end instead of a base to build from or the final step in a pinacle. If i thought it was actually worth 25BP i'd suggest that it was too much for a Quality.
For sure ... most of them will take "Natural reflexes" ... much more interesting. |
Over Improved Initiative? Sure, if they don't figure on ever advancing past 2 IP.
Nov 9 2005, 08:27 PM
I thought the core rules (and its philosophy) didn't allow to have more than 1 ip except with unatural modifiers or edge ...
Nov 9 2005, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (Taki @ Nov 9 2005, 02:27 PM) |
I thought the core rules (and its philosophy) didn't allow to have more than 1 ip except with unatural modifiers or edge ... |
Normal metahumans act in 2 IP only by spending Edge. But other creatures, including mundane ones have, can act in 2 IP normally (and 3 using Edge).
Without a Quality a Human cannot have more than Edge (7). In the same way that that Quality doesn't change the core rules, neither does this.
EDIT: Now if it allowed a character to act in more than 4 IP, well that'd be an issue.
Nov 9 2005, 08:38 PM
I have nothing to add ...
If a quality 1 bp cheaper than synaptic booster (and without the loss of .5 essence) doesn't seems obviously unbalanced to you (and your dm if you are not him) - then go for it !
Nov 9 2005, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (Taki @ Nov 9 2005, 02:38 PM) |
I have nothing to add ... |
... and then you go on to add...
If a quality 1 bp cheaper than synaptic booster (and without the loss of .5 essence) doesn't seems obviously unbalanced to you (and your dm if you are not him) - then go for it ! |

So do i think that 0.5 Essense and 1BP is roughly worth not dead ending yourself at 2 IP (without repaying the cost of going to 2 IP using other means)? Frankly as a player i'd find that a damn tough choice most of the time, which says to me it's something close to "balanced".
EDIT: I am though partially taking into account the fact that you have a limited number of BP to spend on Quality.
I did suggest that 20BP would likely be a better cost choice. But that's when trying to assess it vs. other Qualities. No way i'd see it as more than 20BP though.
Nov 9 2005, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Taki @ Nov 9 2005, 02:38 PM) | I have nothing to add ... |
... and then you go on to add...

I didn't add anything ... I just could'nt help repeating something
To finish (I swear I stop after that )
since your character don't pick up any 'ware later, I think for 20 bp it is balanced, because "no ware" is a severe flaw for mundane characters to my mind.
But still I think it is not balanced as a quality open to anyone.
Nov 9 2005, 11:29 PM
To make it a bit more balanced, simply say the quality does not stack with other means of increased initiative passes. Allows mundane characters to go with a bit more omf (to make up for being screwed without cyber,bio, magic, or powers.) Keep it at 15 so that it costs more than most 1st level enhancements.
And remember folks that the quality does not even boost reaction; that is a factor almost as powerful as the extra pass itself.
In addition, perhaps allow a negative quality to characters with improved initiative pass boosts to have a similar initiative check threshold or they lose one of their extra passes. Makes things more interesting. Perhaps a 5 or 10 bp flaw and make the two qualities uncompatible.
Nov 10 2005, 06:04 AM
QUOTE (Taki) |
But still I think it is not balanced as a quality open to anyone. |
Bah, with the 35BP limit a Magician at 20BP she cannot take any other Positives...including Mentor Spirit. Even at 15BP that precludes things like Spirit Affinity and Focused Concentration.
Adepts are the one possible place where it can be a clear good deal, but then only for the ones like Faces and VR Hackers. However those two, especially Faces, are liable to not miss the Essense as much as they are likely to have a bit of 'ware in them anyway. While the combat orientated ones aren't likely to want to stay at 2 IP.
Dread Polack
Nov 11 2005, 07:37 AM
Wow- looks like people are at least finding it an interesting debate
The original idea was simply to give non-cybered, mundane characters a way to get more than one initiative pass. I pictured highly trained characters able to move
almost as fast someone with cybernetic or supernatural speed. It would be meant for characters who are unable to, or never plan to gain extra initiative passes any other way. I still think that adepts and cybered characters should be able to go faster than normals (and with this option they can). That's why I would attach the stipulation that it does not stack with other means of gaining initiative passes.
I don't know if it'll ever come up in my campaign, but if anyone tries it, let me know.
Dread Polack
Nov 11 2005, 10:36 PM
I personally think it is a good idea. Some of the combat drugs allow an extra IP, so that is a way of saying that a normal persons body is capable of it, without magic or bio/cyber, and therefore so some highly trained mundanes should be able to purchase the ability.
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