Nov 30 2005, 05:09 AM
Anyone see any precedence for only bonuses to skills not magical related?
Like +2 perception and +2 leadership?
Nov 30 2005, 06:29 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a spirit that gave such bonuses, although penalties have no issues with going into the realm of the mundane. If you are going to give a bonus on a non-magical skill, I would suggest it be with a limited condition, so it's not constant. otherwise it's just an abuse of dice power.
IMO, anyways.
Nov 30 2005, 06:51 AM
Almost every mentor spirit modifier is one part physical and second part magical (bonus)
Like Dark King
+2dice to perception and assensing test +2dice for spirits of man
-1die to resist damage.
+2 for infilitration tests, +2 for resisting disease or poison
must make test to not flee from combat.
I'm wanting to make something like
The Dark King's Son.
+2 for Leadership tests +2 for Con Tests.
-1die for resisting physical damage, when in the presence of a Dark King follower must make a composure test to disobey a command.
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