Dec 29 2005, 05:15 AM
These are my first two--First a quadriplegic hacker (He is always in the matrix- never stops hacking) Second A Human-Looking,Ork-Poser, Troll, Steet Sam (Basically a Mongelized Look)-Who is Also Good a Disguise {Has the Cross Dressing Ability}- and One Cyber arm Has a Cross Bow and a microwave laser, The other Cyber arm can spray Mace/Peppper Spray and has a Blowtorch in the palm
emo samurai
Dec 29 2005, 05:46 AM
How can any troll look like a human without losing, like, all his stat bonuses?
Dec 29 2005, 05:59 AM
well at the worst he just does't have any horns or dermalplateing(or the dermal deposits are lessened) but he is still troll sized (so in tweaking he could be a giant metavariant), so he just decided to get some fake tusks and be a ork posser (and he likes to cross dress too)
emo samurai
Dec 29 2005, 06:00 AM
Is there anything more to the character's personality besides cross-dressing and tusks?
Dec 29 2005, 06:02 AM
so course an other mongrelization character could be an Elf looking, Human, Troll Poser (Mongrelization should be rare-This is when a character of one Metatype looks like another Metatype but Poses as a Third Metatype
Dec 29 2005, 06:04 AM
@emo samurai: Does there need to be? I mean, a flamingly gay troll is an awsome character concept, and an easy one to write a history for. For extra fun, make him a cat shaman.
emo samurai
Dec 29 2005, 06:05 AM
Dec 29 2005, 06:14 AM
Is A Kidnap/Extraction/Grab-up specialist-Likes to use Disguises (Doesn't just cross dress for fun) The others in his crew are the human Male Quadriplagic Hacker- A Militiaite Female Dwarf Sorcery Adapt (Like the Pinkskins but MUCH more militant and they admit ALL RACES AND METATYPES-basicly just Very anti Corp-Cort and UN[unless you count the PINKSKIN MAFIA but that is another story] (AND THEY REMEMBER WACO AND MOVE!!!!!!!
) and also the FIRST WINDLING/SPRITE TECHNOADAPT (just a SR4 version of the oft-therorized but rarely used O-RIGGER) [These are ment to be very experimental characters], {and I have more ideas
Dec 29 2005, 06:17 AM
He isn't limited to being GAY- he is more METASEXUALL- he will basicly do it with almost ANYTHING, and all his cyberarm weppons are quiet for extractions
Dec 29 2005, 06:20 AM
didn't see the cat shaman part- he isn't a magic user he is a Street Sam
Dec 29 2005, 06:47 AM
Dec 29 2005, 06:58 AM
you responded to emo samuri, Critas- can I at least get some real input?
Dec 29 2005, 07:06 AM
The quadripegic hacker is nothing new or exciting. There've been wheelchair-bound deckers in novels stretching back...well...pretty far. And, similarly, there've been plenty of crippled/handicapped/whatever-term-you-like decker and rigger player characters running around for quite some time. Nothing terribly shocking or clever to it. Sorry. Oh, hey, wait. I just said they were "running" around. Woo, I kill me. Anyways, moving on:
As far as the other, it's such a mish-mash of really weird shit I'm largely incapable of commenting on it without remarkable vulgarity being involved, of the level that gets me those oh-so-friendly PM's from Bull with subject lines like "time out" or "warning" or "you've been a naughty puppy." But, since you specifically asked for me to comment, I'll do my very best to give some input and keep Bull of my back. No promises.
Crossbows and flamethrowers and shit built into arms are bad enough. A human-looking ork-poser troll something a housecat-looking jackal-poser timberwolf (see how silly that sentence looks?). Then, on top of having a crossbow and a flamethrower in his arms, for some silly reason he's a cross dresser (to make him even more subtle and covert, for extractions!).
Picture that, in your head.
Picture some dude that's about four feet taller and three feet wider than you, IRL, but is somehow supposed to be "human looking" despite all that. Give him tusks, now. Give him cyberarms, now. Put a crossbow in one arm, a flamethrower in the other, and toss in a lasergun and a mace-sprayer for good measure. Now put him in a dress.
What about that says "covert operative/subtle professional criminal," to you?
Dec 29 2005, 07:12 AM
And, for some reason, "edit" doesn't work.
In closing: Look at that character I just described. The giant dude with tusks in a dress, with all the stupid guns and lasers and stuff in his arms. Picture that guy, in your head.
Now, imagine yourself as a professional criminal in your default Shadowrun game. Picture walking into a Meet, and being told you're doing an extraction with that...dude/chick, ork/troll/human...whatever. And now picture them flirting with you, and Mister Johnson, and your dog, and your girlfriend, and your team-mate, all either at the Meet or at the planning session just afterwards.
Do you really wanna trust your life and rep with that person? Do you want to go on a sneaky-sneaky-tip-toe intrusion with them? Do you want to hear they specialize in "subtle, nondescript, extraction" work?
Dec 29 2005, 07:12 AM
May I suggest that all of these "cool new character concept" posts be archived for posterity in the official
Shadowrun NPC Wiki?
Seriously. That's what the thing is for.
Dec 29 2005, 08:00 AM
As I mentioned before, I fully support the idea of a flamingly homosexual troll, however, I do agree with Critas about him being, well, riddiculous. He needs to be the baddest mother-fragger in the room, so bad that Mr. Johnson doesn't care that he showed up to the meet wearing lipstick and a mini-skirt (or pink star shaped glasses, or whatever). He definately doesn't need all of that superfluous crap in his cyberarms. Really, he doesn't need two cyberarms either, one will sufice. That way he saves quite a bit of money, and gives him a 'good hand' for melee combat (because the Strength scores on cyberarms just plain suck). A crossbow is a dumb cyber-implant weapon too, give him a silenced SMG instead. From a game mechanic point of view, Human Looking is just a waste of BP if you also take Ork-Poser, you can safely drop that aspect of his character without hurting the concept too much (just take one of the two, you don't need both). I think you just need to tone him down a bit (and by a bit, I mean to the point where he fits within the boundries of common sense).
Dec 29 2005, 08:21 AM
I just wanted to add that I hereby agree with Critias in all things he may say in the future. Unless he's bashing SR4.
I remember when I went through a phase where I would makre REDICULOUS characters for no reason. I can clearly look back on those days and say to my self "what the hell was I thinking" Yet no character i ever concieved even comes close to these. And I made an " Albino quadrapeligic troll mouse shaman" once. *shudder*
Dec 29 2005, 08:41 AM
QUOTE (Halabis) |
I remember when I went through a phase where I would makre REDICULOUS characters for no reason. I can clearly look back on those days and say to my self "what the hell was I thinking" Yet no character i ever concieved even comes close to these. And I made an " Albino quadrapeligic troll mouse shaman" once. *shudder* |
Don't we all?
I mean, we all came up (yes, we did ALL) with these kind of characters:
1)Quadraplegic hacker
2)Blind swordman-adept in aura perception
Comon, I know we all did... and we all droped them too, at least, most of us did.
And the funny part is: we all think our idea is better than the one from the guy next'door. We all came up with something unique in their backgroud to make them 'alive', 'special'.
My hacker wasnt really quadriplegic he was just lying in a DocWagon hospital'bed because he felt that was the safest place for him, and such he hacked the medical tools to make him appear as comatose.
See? We all had those 'pass'... youth has to come-and-go-by I guess
((Can I say come-and-go-by? I speak french, and it makes sense when I translate it..)))
Dec 29 2005, 09:04 AM
QUOTE (Tarko) |
1)Quadraplegic hacker |
Nope, never made a decker.
QUOTE (Tarko) |
2)Blind swordman-adept in aura perception |
Nope. The closest I ever came to a swordsman are my plethora of psychotic razorboy characters. The closest I ever came to a blind character were my ghoul characters.
QUOTE (Tarko) |
(Can I say come-and-go-by? I speak french, and it makes sense when I translate it..) |
It should be 'come, and go by'. Also, remember to capitalize proper nouns, that's the number one mistake I see Francophones make when they write in English (I can't blame them either, I think that it's a rather stupid convention of this language).
Jan 4 2006, 06:44 AM
Look My Human Looking Troll Ork Poser Could Just Be A Giant Metavriant Ork Poser---And Yes He Likes to Cross Dress But He Also uses that AS A TALENT in his RUNS~as for his sex like well......He will do it with just about anything.....
PERIOD![U]....ok Though I could see him having just one cyberarm with The Peppper Spray/Mace and the Microwave Laser....But PLEASE!!!~~~I need feedback on my WINDLING CYBERADAPT!!!!-[A Cyberadapt is an updated version of the Theroetical O-Rigger]
Jan 4 2006, 06:45 AM
and yes I have many other ideas for characters!
Jan 4 2006, 07:02 AM
Let me guess, Boskop-albatros: You decided to go off your medication because you thought it wasn't helping you.
Jan 4 2006, 07:35 PM
Feedback for Windling Cyberadapt (updated O-Rigger):
Well to start, what do the following terms mean:
- Windling
- Cyberadapt (cyber adept?)
- O-Rigger
I'm guessing the windling is a earthdawn critter like a D&D pixie might be. I'm not even sure what to make of an O-Rigger, does the O stand for something? like "Oh crap"? or "Orgasm"? "Organic"? ooh, organic would work. So if we're looking at a pixie looking adept that drives cars.
Given that my guess work above is true or close enough to the truth, then my only question is: What would being a windling add to the mix? If they can fly, why drive?
Jan 4 2006, 08:40 PM
And Jesus, B-A, learn learn when to use capitalization and smileys. I thought I was bad, capitalizing words in the middle of sentences. Do Not capitalize whole sentences. you think it adds emphasis. It just makes your posts impossible to read. Do not add smileys, especially more than one. You think it adds emotion. It just makes you look dumb. Use parapgraph breaks. It makes your posts easier to read.
If you want your ideas taken seriously, learn to present them well. Please.
Jan 4 2006, 08:47 PM
A good point was made when it's been said many of us have been thru the 'weird character' phase. Where you just want to make something as different as possible, for whatever reason...somtimes we tire of playing the 'Ninja Adept' or 'Elven Mage" or 'Bruiser Troll". But we learned the hard way there is going against the grain (troll mages, adepts built not like ninjas, etc), and then there is just plain WAY the point where the usefulness of the character is questioned.
"Troll Magician with Infirm" isn't so bad. That character can still act professional, can still be a useful member of the group. 'Elf with Two Kid Stealth Legs, 2 Cyberarms with Flamethrowers, Horns, a Tail and fangs with SURGED red eyes and a furry chest with the Criminal SIN flaw, a severe addiction to BTL, Combat Monster, Vindictive and Impulsive" just becomes well.....not a good idea.
Jan 4 2006, 09:09 PM
You can always get the point across by having them start with said character, and letting things progress logically. I've had runs where the other characters refused ot work with the oddball outright, and that player had to spend the session making a new character because the rest of the group wouldn't run with their first one. Heck, as a GM now, I'd allow the player to make that character, then just not invite them to the meet. After all, no sane Johnson would work with them. then they'd have to spend the session watching those who can make good characters do thier stuff, and maybe learn.
Or go home in a huff, never to play with me again. Either way.
On the other side of the coin, if the whole party wants to do that kind of thing, then they can go for it. It can be fun to play rediculous characters for a while, and if the whole group wants that kind of beer and pretzles game, Then blow your wad, go crazy.
Just, Please, don't post the charater up for review.
I say this in general, to every character concept.
Don't post it up for review.
Your idea isn't new. It isn't cool. It fits perfectly in your campaign, great. It fully illustrates what you enjoy about SR, fine. But I guarentee, it will either bore or offend a large number of people here, and if you really, really want approval for your character concept, talk to the people you game with. They are the only ones qualified to evaluate it.
Jan 4 2006, 09:29 PM
Interesting and unique characters.... 'Scout', an uncybered mundane sociopathic ten-year-old contract killer. Specializes in improvised explosives and social engineering but is handy with a shotgun in a pinch. Her street name comes from her sizable collection the girl scout uniforms which she often uses on runs. She isn't really a girl scout, she just kills them and takes their clothes. No one takes her seriously because of her age, of course, and she plays into that fact. Her cute and innocent act gets her close to targets and lets her avoid capture.
Memorable quotes include:
"Sticking a knife in someone's gut and feeling their life flow out.... it's better and sex."
"When I first ran away I survived by working as a cheap joytoy. The differences between that and this are that I enjoy this and the pay is much better."
"Don't eat my cookies; there's C4 in them."
"Frag it!, there's chunks of him on my clothes. I'll have to kill another girl scout "
Bullet Raven
Jan 4 2006, 09:45 PM
I actually had to check who started the topic. I was convinced this was one of emo's
Jan 4 2006, 10:15 PM
Quit picking on Emo. Sure, he's made a thousand posts lately, but at least hes usually sane. Boskop here, on the other hand, is, at best, occasionally coherent.
Jan 4 2006, 10:37 PM
in our games we referred to those charactesr as the chicken-cow-moose-pig
I did a GURPS victorian horror game, and one player was a female ninja samouri werewolf in London, with a pet worf that was her offspring from when she was stuck in wolf form for a while.
Jan 10 2006, 06:15 AM
Ok first to clear things up An O-Rigger is the Theoretical Rigger Version of an Otaku from SR3-I figure that with the new rules of SR4 an O-Rigger would become the Cyber-Adapt--basicly the trick here would be for Resonence to someway be induced/inducted into either a vehicle, drone, or building--A windling is one of the Earthdawn races-but if used in shadowrun it may be called a sprite as well
The real cool concept then is to just go overboard and have a-Windling/Sprite Cyberadapt; He/She(it?) is one of the members of my admitingly Extreamly high concept shadowruning team. This Windling operates under the code-name Frenzeak (Transformers reference) the other members of this team I have mentioned so far are Perv (Everyone's fav Cross-Dressing, Giant-Ork Poser, Cybered Streetsam) One(Qudra-Pleagic Hacker), and Milti-shiela, The Militia-ite female dwarf sorcery Adapt
I've also got an other idea for a Hacker, The first Sasquatch Hacker! He goes by the code name FuzzyLogic
If anyone wants anymore characters just ask, I'm not out yet!
Space Ghost
Jan 10 2006, 06:51 AM
Aww, man... i sound like such an ass when i do this.
See the E? It's there for a reason.
Jan 10 2006, 07:25 AM
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
If anyone wants anymore characters just ask, I'm not out yet! |
No thanks. I think you've done enough.
SEAL Intel
Jan 10 2006, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
I've also got an other idea for a Hacker, The first Sasquatch Hacker! He goes by the code name FuzzyLogic
If anyone wants anymore characters just ask, I'm not out yet! |
When SR1 came out, I used to make characters like that. Then again, I was in high school and like all teenagers did not have a fully developed brain.
Try the Wiki in the future. Generally speaking, you are going to get ripped apart putting them here and people will find your other posts to be less than worthless even when you have a serious question.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 10 2006, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
I've also got an other idea for a Hacker, The first Sasquatch Hacker! He goes by the code name FuzzyLogic |
The first?
Capt. Dave
Jan 10 2006, 03:21 PM
Ugh. I woke up to this.
B-A: Upon reading your posts, then re-reading them in an attempt to glean more sense from them, I must say your ideas, while certainly creative, hurt my head.
In my opinion, those kinds of characters belong in a highly customized version of Shadowrun that most of us here at DS don't play. As for my players and I, we like to stick to canon races and abilities, so that may explain why I am less than receptive about your character ideas.
Jan 14 2006, 04:06 AM
This will be my last update to this thread
so I guess my human magican's way adept with his orichalcum sprayed plastic bag for kidnapings and his Leshy Single Spell Adept (camouflage) assistant- is to weird as well?
I now turn this thread over to all other dumpshockers---please post the most experimental characters you can come up with, I hope you can be psychotically creative (I spell checked!)
Jan 14 2006, 04:20 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jan 4 2006, 09:29 PM) |
Interesting and unique characters.... 'Scout', an uncybered mundane sociopathic ten-year-old contract killer. Specializes in improvised explosives and social engineering but is handy with a shotgun in a pinch. Her street name comes from her sizable collection the girl scout uniforms which she often uses on runs. She isn't really a girl scout, she just kills them and takes their clothes. No one takes her seriously because of her age, of course, and she plays into that fact. Her cute and innocent act ges her close to targets and lets her avoid capture. |
That post may just give me nightmares.
stupid overactive imaginaton.
Lessee... there was my slightly unstable "Swarm" rigger, who had more spider drones than you could shake a stick at. thier legs were refitted with rusty razor blades.
sometimes coated with venom. sometimes not. depends if he was feeling cheritable
Jan 14 2006, 04:45 AM
Cheers, Critas, for giving me five minutes of sustained laughter.
Jan 14 2006, 07:28 AM
one question; just how is a flame thrower a stealth weapon?
Let's examine this shall we:
GM - "you sneak to the corner of the hall. You see one human guard just around the corner in medium security armor, attempting to stay awake. However, about 40 feet down the hall is a security desk with three more guards drinking coffe."
"troll" -ok, I defintely don't want to have those other guards noticing me, so I'll take him out with my flame thrower."
GM - hmmmm.... ok, he drops to the ground screaming, erupting into a ball fo flame after you hose him down with your flame thrower. The fire alarm goes off, and the other guards pick up their weapons and begin firing, since they can see you pretty clearly in the 'fire light'.
"Troll" - Hey! That was my stealth flamethrower!
........ [crickets chirp]......
Jan 14 2006, 07:43 AM
back again
Even I didn't think that a flamethrower was a stealth wepon
of course even mace or a microwave laser could have draw backs(chem detectors, Gaurds Screaming in Pain)
Of course puting a orichalcum sprayed plastic bag wepon focus over a gaurd's face when he can't see you whit a Leshy helping you is probalby even better (ummppphhhh, ummppphhhhh,--we got him; {leshy-yeah yeah})
Jan 14 2006, 07:48 AM
It's important that you take the pills every day, just like the label says.
Jan 14 2006, 07:55 AM
orichalcum sprayed plastic bag wepon focus |
you do realize that orichalcum is a mteal, right? So it wouldn't be a bag, it'd be a bowl, making closing it somewhat difficult. That being said, what the hell is the point of an
orichalcum sprayed plastic bag wepon focus |
and how are you making a bag a weapon foci? Unless of course it's a crown royal bag full of dice ,which anyone in my group can tell you is a viable weapon.
Jan 14 2006, 08:27 AM
Grind the orihalcum into a powder and mix the powder with an airbrush paint . Instant spray-on orihalcum. It'll look great on
your car, too.
As for making a plastic bag into a weapon focus, it would be doable. Reach 0 or -1 weapon for use exclusivly in subduing combat, uses exotic weapon skill or unarmed, breaks if a successful STR test is made against it.
Jan 14 2006, 08:41 AM
but for the love of god WHY!? Just use a friggin' garotte! And don't say because a garotte is a weapon, because a foci is a lot more restricted, where your garrote, that's probably not even restriced, since those certainly don't have to be obvious.
seriously, why make a plastic bag a weapon focus? Just makes no sense.
Jan 14 2006, 08:59 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
but for the love of god WHY!? Just use a friggin' garotte! And don't say because a garotte is a weapon, because a foci is a lot more restricted, where your garrote, that's probably not even restriced, since those certainly don't have to be obvious.
seriously, why make a plastic bag a weapon focus? Just makes no sense. |
Stupidity. Plastic bag as a disposable subdual weapon is a great idea. Plastic bag as a weapon focus is a giant waste to karma and nuyen since it won't survive one use.
Now a rubber bag, that's where its at.
Jan 14 2006, 01:45 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
QUOTE | orichalcum sprayed plastic bag wepon focus |
you do realize that orichalcum is a mteal, right? So it wouldn't be a bag, it'd be a bowl, making closing it somewhat difficult. That being said, what the hell is the point of an
QUOTE | orichalcum sprayed plastic bag wepon focus |
and how are you making a bag a weapon foci? Unless of course it's a crown royal bag full of dice ,which anyone in my group can tell you is a viable weapon. |
You use a Crown Royal bag, too!?
Jan 14 2006, 09:24 PM
Who DOESN"T use a crown Royal Bag? I don't even drink and I bought a few of those things for the bags. Gave the liquer to a friend.
Jan 14 2006, 09:47 PM
Who about a pantheistic character with multiple mentor spirits (one bonus at a time determined at the start of every day) who follows the Four Horsemen. Not the ones from Revelations but Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson, The Enforcer "Double A" Arn Anderson, and The Nature Boy Ric Flair.
Jan 14 2006, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (Space Ghost) |
Aww, man... i sound like such an ass when i do this.
See the E? It's there for a reason. |
Then just shut up then, we don't need a Grammar/Spelling bee cop to point out every error there capatin D*** juice.
The things people will do to make themselves feel bigger, it's so weak.
Now i'll just sit back and waite for some one to knock me for what i did....