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Full Version: Old movies as an inspiration
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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...and miles to go before I sleep Vladimir, miles to go before I sleep.

yes most of the charles bronson movies to include "The Great Escape" "Telephon" and the "Death Wish" series work well for SR movies also some of the old rat pack movies like the orriginal "Oceans 11" or Humphry Bogart movies like "The Maltese Falcon" and "Casablanca"

on the RARE occurance of running a game to prep i watch the following to get into the mood.

The Saint
The Postman
Ocean's 11 (orriginal)
Con Air and

i also watch a bevy of Mel Brooks movies for one liners to throw in at random moments
QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
No matter how hard we want to.

Actually, the first two weren't that bad. The third one zigged when it should have zagged.

Yes Paul, i also Agree that the first 2 where awsome and the 3rd lacked.

I was given on my birthday the whole set with a NEo Bust.
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