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Full Version: Twisted Minds IC: Act 0
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Dual nods. "If magic can do it. Awesome."

"I was also thinking that if we had the Doc's commlink ID - or figure out how people get a hold of him, we might be able to track him down using that. I'm guessing this information is either with the Nurse, the Aunt, or both. I had already planned to dig around in the Aunt's commlink and look for scheduled appointments or commlink IDs related to doctors. If I found one labeled Doc Severinsen, I could start a track of him - and if his commlink's online (and able to recieve calls) we should be able to narrow our search to a block or so. Likewise, if anyone gets any information out of the nurse - but getting it at the last minute is no good then."

Dual looks around, "Anyone object to that plan? I've never really stolen a car before - but I think the fact that its probably already illegal would make it easier (no transponder chips - maybe a morphing plate, or an already forged license). It sounds like Bubbles might have the tools and skills to get past the locks and maybe start the engine. I could certainly bypass the vehicle's OS and get it working for us - even remotely if someone took along a commlink that I had an account on." He smiles, "Unless the thing is a total junker, I could probably drive it away for us too. We're also going to want our magician there to try the spirit search thing, and if we're assuming the Doc lives in his van (or near it) we might as well bring along some firepower in case things go sour. Worse comes to worse, but a few holes in the engine."

"Sounds to me like Codger, Bubbles, and Spook should head to the Loveland area of the Puyallup barrens, and start looking for our Doc, or his van. Snapp could head to the apartment complex and try talking to the Aunt before it gets too late today. I could head home and try the old lady's commlink while keeping communication between the two teams (so long as someone on each team trusts their commlink - or wants to barrow one of mine)."

"Its still early in the evening, I would be surprised if we didn't have time to try all of these ideas before we call it a night."
*pop* When we find the doctor we should put a tracker on him or watch him even if we take he van away. And pretty boy should not go alone to see Aunt, at least one person needs to cover his back, watch street. Some things you cannot sweet talk out of.

Bubbles glances around the parking lot, moving from foot to foot as if about to run.

*pop* Can we go yet? Anyone need a ride, I can take one on my bike.

I don't believe how long we have been out here jawing!
"I'll go with Snapp, I suppose. I don't mind working from AR."

"One more thing we should be clear on. If the Doc is near the van - say, living in it - we should probably let it go. Even if he's chosing to live in the Barrens to keep his profile low, I expect he's still got connections, and we don't want to give the mob the impression that we're willing to off a guy for nuyen.gif 2,000."

"If they wanted a hit, they could pay for one - and would have handled it themselves. Wetwork isn't part of this mission's parameters, and I'd rather not kill the Doctor if we can avoid it."

"Course, I'm not opposed to roughing him up a bit...."

"Okay, Snapp, did you say you had a bike? Or should I get us a taxi? Spook, would you want to keep your commlink connected to mine so the two teams can stay in touch?"
I shouldn't go alone! Sweety I've been working alone for years! The nerve of her! Calm down. No need to rock the boat right now. I can teach her manners later.

"While I don't see going to talk to an old lady too terribly dangerous, an extra set of eyes couldn't hurt. Dual, I have a scoot parked over there, which can accommodate the two of us. Could you also transfer all of the information you have on Ida to my comlink?"

Speaking to Codger, "Hopefully, I will just have a pleasant conversation with Ida, and scope out the interior of her building for the extraction a couple of days later. If there is nothing else to discuss, I would like to get a move on. I wouldn't want to get there to find out the old gal had gone to bed already."
Duals agrees, "Sure, I'll send the information to anyone intersted." He looks at the Dodge scoot and frowns a little bit - imagining the two of them bouncing along on the little bike. Oh well, better than taking the bus, I suppose. I'm gonna have to bump "obtain cool shadowrunner vehicle" higher on my to-do list.

Dual concentrates for a moment while he packages up some of the data he collected during the meet. Anyone with a commlink still online (hidden or public) gets a data transfer request a second later, from a new (unrecognised) commlink ID.

For those who accept the data-transfer
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Bubbles looks in turn to Codger and Spook.

*pop* "Puyallup? I'll need to pick up my tools. You just want to meet somewhere there?"
"i should be able to call on a spirit to track down the doctor... provided i can get a picture of him or something, at the least."

"as far as doing anything about tracking down the doctor, i'd rather go pick up some gear from my place before doing anything that might devolve into a firefight."

"and my commlink should be able to handle the degree of security you need to set up. i don't have anything too amazing on it right now, but it can certainly handle quite a bit. If necessary, i have some encryption on my end as well, and i can have my electronic friend keep an eye on my commlink."
I go all Thoreau on them, and what do they do? They start tacking on complications again! Oh, well. Best to let it go. If it works, it works, and if it doesn't they'll listen to me next time when I tell them to stop complicating things.
"Pullayup it is- it two hours. I've got to change into something a little more bulletproof if that's where we're headed."
Dual looks at Spook, "Yeah, I'd prefer to use my own hardware, but it would be inconvienent for me to run home and grab it right now. Your commlink looks pretty good - its not as though we'll be talking about Megacorp security or anything."

"If you don't mind the inconvenience though, I would appreciate it if I could get an actual account on the commlink, at least, for the night. That way, should you guys get the Van opened up - you could connect it to the commlink and I could bypass any security software on it - maybe even hack the thing to drive 'on its own'..."
To Snapp he says, "You ready to leave now? Or need to pick anything up on the way?... I don't want to hold you up - and we're not expecting the kind of action they are, so I think I'm set."
"I'm set with what I have. I'm not expecting trouble. Let's go."

With that Snapp walks over to his scoot, and hops on.
After getting whatever information he needs from Spook, Dual reluctantly hops on the back of Snapp's scooter. "Okay, let's do this." He looks over his shoulder at everyone else, "...we'll be in touch."
Snapp hops on his Scoot, and activates the electric motor’s start sequence. Dual looks worriedly at the tiny space that passes for a rumble seat on the electric commuter bike. It seems to have been designed more to hold a briefcase than an actual passenger, but the bike is (supposedly) rated for two. You both check the address given to you by Dirty Jimmy, and are relieved to find out it is still in Renton. It’s on the northeastern end of Renton, almost as far from where you are as you can get in the district – but at least you aren’t going through any of the barrens. The two of you cramed onto the tiny commuter bike might make an amusing target to the go-gangs that still ply the highways and the run-down parts of town.

With a straining “whirr” sound, the bike struggles off out of the Impish Delights parking lot headed for Ida Ricetti’s address.

Dual uses this time to get in touch with one of his contacts; the straining electric motor drowns out his sub-vocalized conversation.

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On the phone,
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Dual continues to ride along, becoming less unhappy with the situation as they go. I mean, a dodge-scoot is by no means the sort of ride he hoped he'd be seen around town in (especially sitting in back, hugging onto an elven dude) but the ride was kind of fun. Could be worse. Could be riding behind 'Bubbles'.

According to his AR map (which was overlayed to the side of his ride) they were in for sort of a long ride. Might as well get started, Dual thinks to himself, and begins to reshuffle his programs.
Wednesday, March 5th, 2070. Seattle, Impish Delights Parking Lot, Early Afternoon. Cool and Overcast

Bubbles watches the pair ride off, then when they are out of earshot, turns back to the others.

*pop* "Everyone in the Hold thinks I talk too much."

Bubbles inclines her head at the departing duo.

*pop* "But they haven't met him."

"Remind me again what to do, and keep it simple, I'm a troll. If I remember right, it seems like I need to be in two places."
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Dual curses beneith his breath,
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To Snapp, verbally, and to Spook, electronically:
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So then, meet up in a couple of hours, in Puyallup? If you need a spot to meet, then i know a place we could meet up again.

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Spook heads off to his apartment to gather up the gear he needs for tracking down the doc, and heads off to meet up with the rest of the group to start on the tracking.

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Once he arrives, he prepares to summon a spirit to track down the doctor, bracing himself for the draining experience that always accompanies calling on a spirit for assistance.
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Codger toys with the run in his head as he heads back to his apartment to get what he needs.

This Dirty Jimmy would be a good man to know...I don't know anyone in the Mafia. Maybe I'll refuse the second half of the payment when the run's complete and let him impress his capo with his frugality...the association could prove more profitable than the cash, in the long run.
The group...actually not that bad, especially for something thrown together on the spur of the moment. The troll bears watching, but she seems unusually careful for someone in Day-Glo pajamas. Maybe there's even a reason for the getup, I'll have to ask.

Turning it over in his mind, he half-conciously notes gunfire in the distance and changes his route home instinctively.

Should I call someone up and try to find the good doctor that way? Naah- no use spending that kind of human capital on a job this minor. Maybe if the mojo route doesn't work.

When he reaches home, Codger ditches his tiny bulletproof vest for a more formidable armor jacket, and does likewise with the rest of his equipment. Throwing a few more important, and more illegal, articles into a gym bag, he hits the street again, showing up at the agreed-upon place

Just have to hope I don't get picked up with this lot on the way to the Barrens. Even then, there's quite a few beat cops that'll overlook an automatic weapon if you're headed in there...shows you're sane. I still get a kick out of the one that looked at the Ares Predator in my glove box, shook his head, went back to his patrol car, gave me the AK-98 carbine he'd confiscated from a punk in an AA zone, and told me to keep it under the seat until I got out of the Barrens. There was a kindred spirit.
Wednesday, March 5th, 2070. Seattle, A Stuffer Shack in Puyallup, Late Afternoon. Cool and Overcast

Bubbles concentrates briefly, studying the selections, then grins as a large cup fills with bright pink bubble gum flavor slurpee. Grabbing a combo straw and spoon she starts sucks down a mouthful as she steps out the doors. Using her Chromed and Soot Black Growler as a convenient seat, Bubbles winces and shuts her eyes tight, then rubs her forehead. She look at the cup ruefully, then sips slowly and intermittently as she waits, scanning the street.

Does that every time. I don't know how Spade manages to slam those Blue Cherry Slurpee Bombs, must have a thick skull.

Chains and Spade think this Doc is a bad character. Someone got all that schooling and job to help people, and throws it away. They'd come help, but this is my job, so they are going to let me handle it.

Knuckles though....

Took me aside and made a point that a skilled Doc is something East Simpson could use, even one we'd have to watch all the time. Having a crew watch a Doc is way cheaper then having one come out to East Simpson on House Call every time granny Jaworski complains about her chest pains.

Bubbles watches the street, thinking....
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Wednesday, March 5th, 2070. A Stuffer Shack in Puyallup, sometime after five. Cool and still overcast.

Codger, Spook, and Bubbles
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Snapp pulls into the parking lot and parks his scoot towards the back of the lot. He turns to Dual and says, "I think, I'll go in alone, but I will send you the video and audio feed from my eyes and ears to your comlink. We should also use a text chat, like at the meet, to talk to each other. The more information I have, the better this will go, so any information you dig up while I'm in, forward it to me. Any questions?"
As he arrives at the meeting place, Spook takes a quick look around just in case, steps to a place that is slightly less open, then calls the spirit to him to fulfill it's obligation.

"I need you to find this person," he says as he focuses on the image of the doctor as he pulls it up in his image link, focusing on everything he knows about him. "Track him down, seek where his feet have touched the earth, and return to me and report. If you are unable to find his presence, then also return and report to me. Go quickly, for the sun stays it's course for no one, man or spirit, and may the Dark King guide you."

He then turns to the rest of the group.

"We should hear back from it within an hour or two at the most.
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As the electric bike comes to a stop outside the apartment building, Dual dismounts. He takes a moment from his work in the AR window, and doesn't say a word. Almost as soon as Snapp is done speaking he recieves a connection request from a new commlink ID. Dual also logs into Spook's commlink, and opens up a three-way communication between all of them - all in the span of a few seconds.

In Chat (Snapp and Spook):
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He also accepts the connection from Snapp's eyes and ears and links them to his own - so that his visuals appear in another AR window, and so that his select sound filter is filtering the audio link for sounds of trouble.

More Chat...
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Wednesday, March 5th, 2070. Seattle, A Stuffer Shack in Puyallup, Late Afternoon. Cool and Overcast

Bubbles slurps the last bit noisily, then tosses the cup into the overflowing trash can.

"So we just stand around here and wait for a couple of hours?"

Snapp pats his upper left shirt pocket. A look of annoyance crosses his face as he swears under his breath.

In Chat
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In Chat:
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His eyes glance over at the door, and begin to analyze the scene.
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"Well, no one said we don't do anything. We don't know when it will be back, but that doesn't mean we do nothing. I should stay here so it doesn't have to track me down to report, but if you want we can just link commlinks and you can get started looking for him the old-fashioned way. Certainly, if you can narrow down the search area that will help for the spirit to track at least."

"And of course, if you have anything else you'd like to try to pass the time, that's fine too."

Just as he finishes talking, he cocks his head as if listening.

"Oh, and the others just reported in. Seems Dual was able to dig up a little bit for us. She has an appointment tomorrow at 2, but no information beyond that really. not much to go on. i have the full text if you want, but there's nothing really beyond that."
*pop* "How you want to handle this? I could cruise around, might accidently run into this guy. Don't think that works too well. I could put the word on the street, problem is that word may get back to him."
Rubbing her lower stomach...
"Could say I got a -special- problem, and I need a good discrete doc to take care of it? Happens all the time I heard if you party too much with the wrong boys."

That's what Knuckles always says anyway
"Ok, be back in a bit."

In chat:
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Snapp starts a slow walk to the door, keeping an eye out for anyone heading into the building.

In chat:
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In Chat:
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In the door's node:
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Snapp (and Dual if he looks up from AR)
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Dual looks up when he hears the real-world yelp, but the scene he sees only increases the urgency of his mission in AR, so his focus soon goes back to the windows in front of him.
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In chat
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