Feb 9 2006, 05:48 PM
[ Spoiler ]
<Dual>: Got it. Decrypting the door controls, but I don't want to alert him by opening it for you. See if you can either get him to let you in, or to leave.
Feb 9 2006, 06:43 PM
Dual[ Spoiler ]
You begin adjusting the levers and dials to the positions you believe the schematic indicates. After each lever or switch is flipped, the system takes a short moment before you hear the combination begin to ‘click’ into place. It is going to take some time to get the system working.
Meanwhile, just outside the guard shack, you can see a Doberman sniffing the ground, trying to pick up your scent. It doesn’t look like he’s spotted anything yet.
Feb 11 2006, 12:01 PM
Snapp[ Spoiler ]
You begin to make your entreaty to the man behind the glass door. At first he is unmoving – or rather, points to his ear and shrugs. Either the glass blocks sound, or he’s hard of hearing. Left with only visual cues to make your plea, your lost puppy-dog face eventually wears down the old man, and he opens the door a crack, releasing your coat.
You explain that you are having difficulty figuring out the announcing device, and he eyes you suspiciously. “Just ask out loud fer the person you came ta see.” he says. He stays behind the door, holding it open a crack – he seems to be waiting to see what you do.
Feb 11 2006, 03:45 PM
After carefully considering Bubbles' suggestion for a moment, Spook adds his opinion.
"I dunno about asking around. I think it's too likely to warn the doc someone's looking for him. If you want to ask around, make sure it's someone who won't tell the doc. As far as plan B... well, i dunno. Story still sounds fishy to me. Maybe Snapp could get someone to swallow it, considering what he got out of Johnson, but I don't think I'm good enough at lying to pull it off, personally. After all, i don't think that's the doc's main business, and the only way to be looking for him is to have been referred... in which case we should already have his information, and we shouldn't need to look for him."
"As a last ditch effort, you could just go around looking for him. You know what he looks like, though unfortunately we don't have any pictures of his van. But you could always hope for it to work out. You could even go shopping with your advance payment, if there's anything you think we will need for the next phase of the run."
Feb 11 2006, 06:41 PM
*pop* "I'm good at lying."
Bubbles looks over the others with her critically.
"Nope, neither of you can be the daddy."*pop*
Bubbles looks around the area.
"Let me start asking around."
Feb 13 2006, 01:55 PM
"Uh...Thanks." Snapp turns to the display still putting on the show of being uncertain of the technology. "Umm...Ida Riccetti...Please." This could be a bit more difficult.
Feb 13 2006, 03:42 PM
Snapp[ Spoiler ]
The man stands behind the door, holding it open a crack, until someone answers the system’s page. Upon hearing a voice pick up, he nods as if to affirm your legitimacy of purpose, and turns around to continue on his way.
The voice that responds when you ask for Ida sounds weak and slightly raspy.
“Hello? Who is this?”
Feb 13 2006, 07:23 PM
Dual[ Spoiler ]
A close look at the guard that you share the shack with reveals he is little more than a sophisticated user interface; his tasks consist mainly of verifying the legitimacy of users in order to operate the decryption panel. You note he is unarmed and rather oblivious unless interacted with – he’s definitely no threat, and most likely incapable of retaliating or even informing anyone of your presence.
You set another combination on the panel, and while the next stage of ciphers is clicking and blinking in to place, you take the opportunity to examine the guard dog in detail. Moments before you can bring your scanning programs to bear, the dog looks suddenly up from its nasal investigation of the surrounding terrain, and looks you straight in the eye. He seems to sense the unauthorized nature of your visit in the depths of your eyes, and leaps to attack!
Feb 14 2006, 06:44 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Time for the big sell. Don't screw this one up.
"Hello Ms. Riccetti. My name is Michael Stanton. I am desperately trying to find my mother and you are my last hope. Please... Could I come up and have a moment of your time? Please Ms. Riccetti."
Snapp pauses hoping that his fake pleas softened the heart of Aunt Ida.
Feb 15 2006, 09:57 PM
Snapp[ Spoiler ]
“Your mother? I’m afraid I don’t understand. I don’ see how I’d be. . .”
Sensing her indecision, you cut in, repeating your plea and re-iterating that it really is your last hope.
There is a long pause on the other end of the link, and at last a sigh. Ms. Riccetti says no more, but you hear a simulated “click” as the door unlocks. The old man from before is nowhere in sight, apparently he hurried on to his own business once he believed yours was legitimate.
Inside the hallway, you see that the interior of the building is much like the exterior. The floor is some sort of plastic-based tile simulation, and is old but relatively clean. The walls were once a cheerful white, but are now somewhat faded. On your left is a set of steel doors, with a thumb scanner and a room number on each – most likely mail boxes. To the right is a closed door, with “Patron Care” written on the front in a metallic font – the leasing office. Ahead a short way is a small alcove holding both the elevator and the stairs. From the address in your commlink, supplied by Jimmy, you see that Ida’s room is on the 8th floor of this 11 story building.
Feb 15 2006, 11:28 PM
Spook[ Spoiler ]
Roughly half an hour has gone by since you sent your spirit out. You, the troll, and the old man haven't come up with a definate alternative plan yet. Knowing the energies spent on this type of an astral search, you realize you are coming to the point where the spirit will either find the footsteps of the not-so-good doctor, or it will fail. Wondering curiously which it might be, you are suddenly struck by an odd sensation. You think at first it might be the spirit returning with the news. Then you are hit by a very brief feeling of falling, as if the earth has dropped its support from under your feet. You know immediately that your spirit has been disrupted; something has destroyed it and sent it back to its earthy home.
Feb 16 2006, 04:10 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Ugh...8 Floors. Better get going. Snapp glances at the elevator but decides it's not such a good idea, so he begins his trek up the stairs to Ida's room.
Feb 16 2006, 05:24 PM
After Dual's commlink comes back online, he spoofs a new commcode ID and reestablishes his connections with Snapp's eyes and Spook's commlink - and brings the chat-room back up.
In Chat:
[ Spoiler ]
<Dual>: Okay, Spook. Its looks like we're in the building. Any leads on the van? I've got some idle cycles here, I could start looking into more information if you think it would help - but I'm guessing the van isn't registered to him in any way.
Feb 16 2006, 05:56 PM
Snapp (and virtually Dual)[ Spoiler ]
Once you reach the 8th floor, you take a few moments to catch your breath. You then quickly find the correct hallway, and head to Ida’s apartment. The door’s telltale indicates that you are expected, and so you enter.
Inside, you find a sparsely decorated living room. The walls are practically covered with trideo-stillframe boards with a wide variety of content displayed in the pseudo-3d of early 50’s trid technology. They show an impressive selection of exotic locations, famous people, and insignificant seeming people. Most also contain a woman you assume to be Ida, at various ages ranging from six to at least mid fifties.
There is a small couch, a plain coffee table, a straight-backed chair, and a rocking chair for furniture in this room. All but the rocking chair are very plain, bordering on the practical pre-built furniture look. In the ornate rocking chair, across from the straight-backed chair and sideways to the couch and coffee table, sits a woman you guess to be in her mid 60’s. Her gray hair is smooth and tidy, as is her slightly outdated clothing. The woman herself looks less tidy, less healthy however. Her cheeks are slightly sunken, and have a distinctly unhealthy pallor to them. Her hands, resting on the arms of the rocker, are gnarled and ashen-colored, and her breathing is shallow. Her eyes, however, are clear and sharp as she looks you over. They alone reveal the vibrant woman that was Ira Ricetti.
“You get lost or something? I could have made it here faster scaling the wall. Now what’s all this business about me being your only hope to find your mother?”
Feb 16 2006, 06:51 PM
*pop* "So you don't want to be my Pimp, I'm guessing. Good thing, as I can't remember where the nearest group of Trogs hang out."
*pop* "How about we start one of those Treasure Hunt contests where everyone has a list of clues and they have to track down stuff hidden away in wierd places? Just like the contest on KSEA they hold every summer. We could set up a hot line and make clues that will have people searching for vans filled with doctors in Puyallup?"
Feb 16 2006, 11:36 PM
Snapp starts his charade. His words gush as if a man desperate, clinging to his last bit of hope. He regales Ida of a story where his dear mother became terminally ill, of how she lived in great pain knowing she was going to die. He recounted how she begged him to find someone to help her end the pain and pass peacefully to the next world, and with a heavy heart he learned of a Dr. Severensin. He couldn't bring himself to do it himself so he set up for his mother and Dr. Severensin to meet. Later Snapp's mother let him know that Dr. Severensin would take care of everything, and she started to make her goodbyes.
At this point Snapp tears up on que.
"That was over a month ago, Ms. Riccetti. I haven't seen my mother since that day. I know what has happened, but I wanted to give her a proper funeral and burial. This may sound cliche, but I need closure. I've tried to contact Dr. Severensin again, but with no success. I even hired an investigator to find him. The only thing I have is a name of one of the doctor's current patients, and that led me to you, Ms. Riccetti. If you could just put me in touch with him. I'd like to talk to him to just know for sure, and maybe even learn where the remains are to have a proper burial. Please Ms. Riccetti, will you help me?"
That was rather well done. I hope she bites.
Feb 17 2006, 02:12 AM
Dual focused on the conversation - looking through the eyes of someone else was nothing new to him, but he wanted to take in everything he could. This was the point where a mission really began. Planning only ever took you so far - then a Runner just has to go with his guts. Whether or not she swallowed Snapp's drek wasn't really important (although, it did sound quite convincing from where Dual stood - he kind of wished he had had prep-time to hook up his emotive-track). What was important was her reaction to what was just said.
Either she was going be helpful, clueless, or hostile - either way, the team was going to learn way more than what they had been able to druge up about the Doctor thus far... and we were close enough to the target to make sure that, one way or another, she was going to miss her appointment.
Feb 17 2006, 04:10 AM
Snapp (and virtually Dual)[ Spoiler ]
You tell your story, all the while watching Ms. Riccetti for reactions. She seems shrewd, but you’ve lied to shrewd people before. She seems annoyed when you mention your search for Severensin leading to her – but you’ve lied to annoyed people before too. When you are finished, there is another long silence, with Ida staring at your face, into your eyes, as if trying to judge you.
Her forehead bunches up into a scowl, and she says in her rasp “Now look, mister. . .” she doesn’t wait for you to give her your name before continuing. “Look here mister. I don’t know how you found out about me being tied to Doc Severensin. And you’ve got no right to come tramping in here, dragging up things that are none of your business!” She tries to stomp her foot to emphasize the point, but it falls weakly to the floor, and she begins coughing. Her eyes roll back in her head with the pain.
After a brief moment, she stops coughing, and her eyes again focus on you. “My business is none of your business. But. . . You didn’t really come here about my business. You came here about your business – about your mother.” Ida sighs heavily, and it almost starts another coughing fit. “I’ve got to respect a man that values his family, even if he goes prying about in the unpleasant business of an old woman. Much as I hate it – the prying part as well as the old part” she says, her stern face almost – almost breaking in to a grin.
The almost grin evaporates, and the shrewd, business look returns. “If I tell you how to contact Severnsin, so you can find out about your mother, you’ll keep this whole business to yourself?”
Feb 17 2006, 02:44 PM
With the anticipation in his voice Snapp believes appropriate for the tail he weaved, "Yes Maam."
I like this old bird. She's got spunk. Snapp get's this odd warm fuzzy feeling from knowing that his ultimate goal is to save this gem of a person.
Feb 17 2006, 02:51 PM
Outside the building, next to the bike, Dual smiles.
Good. Not only did she admit to knowing the Doctor, she admitted to being a patient of his, and offered to help us find him. She seems well aware of her situation - if it wasn't for the fact that I was just hired to prevent her death, I'd just as soon let her make her own decisions... oh well.In AR chat:
[ Spoiler ]
<Dual>: Good news, Spook. Snapp has made contact with Ida, and she has offered to help us find the Doc.
Feb 17 2006, 07:31 PM
Snapp (and virtually Dual)[ Spoiler ]
Ida gestures towards a notepad on a counter that borders the small kitchenette and the living room. Snapp retrieves the pad, and a nearby pen, and hands them to Ida. Her hands shake as she scrawls a comcode address, turning her normally flamboyant penmanship into nearly illegible jitters.
“Leave a message for Severensin at this voicemail, and he should call you back. You can set up whatever meeting you need to then” says Ida, as she hands you the small slip of paper. Her face regains the scowl she wore wile admonishing you about digging in to her business, but says only “and good luck with your mother.”
Feb 17 2006, 07:44 PM
AR Chat
[ Spoiler ]
<Dual>: Might want to assure her that we, er, you, will do your best to keep the Doc from finding out how you got that number. Even if she's not worried about it, it might keep her from mentioning it to him if she talks to him in the next day or two.
<Dual>: Speaking of which... I might as well screen her calls for her, right?
<Dual>: Anyways, I can start a trace on that commlink ID, if we want... if he has it on him, or keeps it near him, it might give us some clue as to where he's at. If he accesses it remotely, I coudl try to hack in and wait for him, there....
In AR, Dual brings up another window containing the login information for Ida's commlink. Confident that her OS hasn't been upgraded in the last 20 minutes he sets about granting himself administrator access again.
Feb 18 2006, 06:36 PM
Blackhat[ Spoiler ]
Without much difficulty you again slip into the grassy clearing that is the representation of Ida’s commlink. Certain that your camouflage will keep you from being spotted, you set up a few telltales to catch any incoming or outgoing traffic.
Looking over the comcode address that Ida gave Snapp, you recognize some similarities. A quick comparison shows that it is from the same anonymous service that left the appointment time in Ida’s commlink, though it is not the same number.
Feb 18 2006, 06:50 PM
AR Chat
[ Spoiler ]
<Dual>: Scratch that, guys. I compared the ID to the one in her commlink that created the appointment reminder - its from the same anonymous service he used before. If we want to leave a message, it might cause him to at least check his mail - and when he logged on, I could grab his personal commcode ID.
<Dual>: Unless you guys have a lead....
Feb 20 2006, 03:15 PM
Snapp takes a sigh of relief. "Thank you Ms. Riccetti. You've been very kind, and don't worry I won't mention to Dr. Severensin how I found him. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for helping me."
Snapp stands up to leave. "Thanks again." With that Snapp walks out of the apartament and back to the stairs and outside to the waiting Dual. What a waste. I hope the others are having better luck.
Feb 22 2006, 03:08 PM
*pop* "Okay, no pirate Trid Jockey."
*pop* "How about climbing that tower over there and looking around."
*pop* "Or rent a helicopter and fly around?"
*pop* "Calling the doc in to the Star is right out."
*pop* "Doc probably wouldn't show up if we made a big accident somewhere, maybe crash 20 cars into each other."
*pop* "Making a bunch of people sick would take too long."
*pop* "I need another slushee."
Feb 22 2006, 10:37 PM
"We could always put a tracer bug in an envelope and mail it to
Doc Severinsen
Some Random Van
Puyallup Barrens
and see where it ends up. of course, the postal service isn't that fast, and we haven't got all year.
Or we could hold a convention for unlicensed doctors, and give away free stuff to the first 50 to show up. That should draw a crowd for sure. Of course, we'd have to work pretty fast to get it together in time."
Feb 23 2006, 01:59 AM
Dual and Snapp[ Spoiler ]
Putting together your notes and images and security background, you come up with the following likely security profile for the building:
Outside: There is likely a camera at each door – front, fire exit, and the underground parking garage. There are also two cameras at the entrance to the underground garage – which requires the same wireless card key as the front door – one on the vehicle’s occupants, another on the license plate. The three entrances all require the wireless card you observed at the front.
Inside, there are few cameras, and no evidence of other detectors, such as chemical or Cyberware scanners. You noticed a camera in the elevator, one that observes the mailbox area, one that observes the office area, and one every two floors in the stairwell, starting on the first floor.
You both agree that it is unlikely a place of this quality would have much magical security, beyond perhaps a few simple wards. But individual owners sometimes have specific paranoias, and neither of you are experts on magic.
As far as personnel, there is currently someone in the office, though you’d hardly call them “security.” On the way out, Snapp notices a flyer advertising the place’s features – one of them is “night security guard on duty.”
Feb 24 2006, 01:02 AM
Spook quickly opens up a new AR chat window, has Robby encrypt it and watch over it, and invites Bubbles and Codger
(Bubbles and Codger, if you accept chat):
[ Spoiler ]
looks like the other group is having a little bit of luck, at least. They've made contact, and have a lead on the doc it seems. not much, but it's a start.
In AR Chat with dual and Snapp:
[ Spoiler ]
Sorry about the delay, i've been a little distracted swapping lame ideas for tracking the doc. No luck here yet
Suddenly Spook tenses and begins to develope a somewhat worried look on his face
(To both chats)
[ Spoiler ]
Frag it... something's disrupted the spirit. This doc has some kind of mojo backing him up it seems... Drek, i was hoping he wouldn't have the money for it. Alright, well the good news is, we now know he's at least somewhere close to here. The spirit can only search so far at once, so he's definitely within 5 miles, probably within 3 or 4 at most. Assuming that was him that disrupted it and not just some random punk. In any case, i think it might be best to be cautious for the next little while. They probably at least got a good look at my aura, and they probably know someone's looking for them, and they may know it's me when they see me."
Feb 27 2006, 03:04 PM
Shit. I didn't want to tip our hand this early.
in chat, (ya know, its weird that we've taken up the convention of making our thoughts public, but our chats secret. Over half the team is in on this chat, it's not a spoiler)
<Dual>: Well, we did get some information out of it. He has magical resources, so now that won't catch us by surprise. <Dual>: We made contact with the Ida, and she gave us the commcode to contact the Doctor, but it's an anonymous voice-mail service. I'm going to start finding a way into that node, and I'll wait for the Doctor to connect, and nab his commcode that way. Then I can pinpoint his location to within a city-block, and we can move in on the van. I hope. <Dual>: Want Snapp and I to meet you guys, since you think he's nearby?
He then sends the commcode address to Castor and Pollux, loads them up with the appropriate tools, and enters in the parameters of their attack.
Mar 5 2006, 04:21 PM
Dual[ Spoiler ]
Before you stands the rag-tag bunch of miscreants you’ve ‘hired’ for this run: two teams of four runners gathered in the gloom of an abandoned building. Their faces show a variety of metatypes and backgrounds – a clean-faced elf, a scarred and bruised troll, a dwarf almost lost behind his extravagant beard. In sharp contrast to the variety of their faces is the uniformity of their bodies: All eight, despite the size and shapes of their heads, have identical bodies. It’s almost enough to ruin the metaphor, but in the dim, dusty atmosphere of the simulated building, the effect is good enough. All eight wear identical urban camouflage uniforms, with the four on the left wearing an emblem of a blazing horse, the four on the right wearing a similar symbol with stylized boxing gloves.
You give them what you feel is a rousing and motivating speech about their professionalism and the pay they will be getting, the kind of thing you are quickly finding Johnsons in the real world don’t give. They give a variety of salutes - hand to the forehead, fist to the heart, clasping hands at their side – the effect of eight widely differing salutes on eight identical bodies is a bit disconcerting. Then slip off into the shadows to begin their work.
Mar 5 2006, 11:50 PM
Spook quickly sets up a relay between the two different chat programs, and then says in both,
"Just for convenience, i've connected everyone. Should be safe, i have encryption, but still, you never know.
Anyways, the doc shouldn't know who we are or where we are, so i don't think we need to worry too much about sticking together. I don't expect to hear from the doctor anytime soon on our end.
Besides, it's not as if he can't move around from where he's at. What i do recommend is that we keep an eye on Johnson's aunt. Wouldn't want the good doctor to push his timetable forward on us, now, would we?
So, are there any hotels nearby? Something where we can see her place. Even an abandoned building, provided it's actually abandoned and not just officially abandoned, could work.
Also speaking of which, we should probably look into finding a place where we can lay low if need be. Just in case, you know."
Mar 6 2006, 02:48 PM
*pop* Bubbles jumps onto her growler and fires the ignition, pausing only as her companion doesn't move. She cocks her head and stares of into the distance, reviewing something. Settling down onto the seat, she cuts the engines.
Not a bad idea to keep the engines warmed up
>>o oOoOoOo o>> So we staying here and waiting to track the doc, or watching the building? |
With a slight look of concentration and focus while twisting around on her growler seat, Bubbles asks, "Are we staying here long enough for me to go inside for a minute? I can be quick."
Darned Slushee running right through
Mar 6 2006, 03:16 PM
Dual's messages come across as a blur of text, quickly spilling out of your AR displays, and probably requiring a bit of scrolling up to re-read and digest them.
<Dual>: It doesn't make a lot of sense for us to cross the sprawl, just to reorder who is in charge of each position. I would suggest that Codger, Spook, and Bubbles remain in that area and do what they can to find the Doctor. <Dual>: It will be a few hours before my programs get me the data I need to set a trap for the Doctor's commlink - so we won't even have a chance of starting a trace on him until the middle of the night. <Dual>: If he doesn't check his mail at night, this might not work until he's on his way out the door in the morning, heading this way.
<Dual>: Snapp and I will take a look around and can secure a safehouse in the area - ideally overlooking the apartment complex we're interested in. I'll message you if I notice any activity on Ida's commlink. <Dual>: I think it is a good idea to still maintain surveilance here, just in case he moves his time-table forward, but I don't think he would unless he had reason to suspect that someone searching for him had something to do with this particular patient. <Dual>: I could also call in a surveilence drone, but without a few of us here to take care of things it wouldn't be able to do much other than tell us when we're too late.
<Dual>: Once we've secured a place for us to stay for the next couple of days, we'll set up a time where you guys should give up on searching for the Doc and meet up with us here - falling back on our plan to interceed when he arrives tomarrow afternoon. <Dual>: Oh, and when you guys come, could you bring some food?
Mar 6 2006, 05:07 PM
Snapp and Dual[ Spoiler ]
A visual and AR inspection of the surrounding area provides two possible stake-out locations. The first is a rather shoddy looking four-story motel that squats behind a gas pavilion on the opposite side of the road from Ida’s building. Rooms on the close side would have a view of both garage and front entrances, provided they could see over the gas pavilion – 3rd or 4th floor rooms would suffice. AR advertising shows they have no daily rates – only weekly and hourly. Obviously, it’s intended for low-rent squatting and hourly entertainment of clients. Fortunately, weekly rates aren't that high -- starting at 250

a week. Hourly rates are about 15

. The building looks like you get what you pay for and more -- if possible rodent infestations can be counted as "more."
A bit further down is a more middle-class establishment, a seven-story hotel complex. It has no view of Ida’s building (save perhaps for a view of the top story windows), but is close enough for easy drone surveillance (and even has “private” balconies on the upper floors for easy roto-drone launching.) This building does offer daily rates, though the prices are significantly higher at close to 150

a day, more for larger rooms. This building is just over a block from Ida’s building, and the only rodent infestation in evidence is the marketing convension that has the lobby reserved for tomorrow morning.
Mar 6 2006, 08:08 PM
In the AR chat, Dual links two ARos (two still-frame images, one of each perspective building) which link to the public node data about their rates, locations, and other information. (The spoiler information above - but will include accurate distances, either gathered from high rating mapstoft, or Dual's ultrasound emitters)
<Dual>: I'm a little partial to the motel. :nuyen: 250 will cover us for the rest of the mission, and we have a good view of all entrances to the building. Its just across the street, so we could even take drastic action with long-range weapons if need-be. <Dual>: The hotel is going to be a little more expensive, have a little less visability, and is too far away for us to take action in an emergency. The balcony would be nice, but my flying drone is small enough it could take off just as easily from a window-sill. <Dual>: Any other ideas or considerations?
Mar 6 2006, 10:44 PM
In Chat:
<Spook>: the motel sounds good to me. Keep the drone handy for aerial surveillance though. There's no such thing as a building with no back doors of some kind. <Spook>: also might pay off to have your drone do a quick sweep of the area around. compare the map you have to what's really there, maybe even get an idea of traffic. <Spook>: i'm also gonna suggest we might want to consider getting a covered vehicle that can seat more than two people if necessary. maybe you should consider a method of transportation, possibly even Ida could 'help you out' with her vehicle. in which case, you'll also want to clear that with the garage. <Spook>: meanwhile we can do a quick look to see if we can find the doc nearby. don't know how much we'll find though. <Spook>: oh yeah, and are there any preferences for food? since we're already at a stuffer shack, and Bubbles needs a moment to get ready anyways, may as well get the shopping out of the way. |
Meanwhile, Spook will get some food shopping done. Figuring on being in the motel, main concerns include: utensils included, heating (if necessary) included. Also, he will pick up something to deal with unpleasant odors...
Mar 13 2006, 09:08 PM
Spook, Bubbles, Codger[ Spoiler ]
Codger suddenly sights up straight, and his eyes unfocus – the characteristic indicator of an incoming comcall from a cyber comlink. You hear him mutter one end of the conversation:
“Who? Right now? Alright, I’ll arrange… You’ve already handled transportation? Through Abdul? Swell. These guys? Yea, I’ll take care of them en route. Nothin’ I haven’t handled before. Ciao.”
In the distance, you can hear a diesel engine straining – the doppler shift seems to indicate it is getting closer. The other patrons still at the stuffer shack don’t seem to have noticed yet.
“I hate to run out on you punks like this, but trust me, right now you’d rather me leave than stay. Don’t worry though, Codger’s got you covered still. I’ll ring ya soon as I get time.”
He finishes speaking just as a light humvee-styled jeep, painted black and yellow in a checkerboard pattern, screeches to a smoking halt in front of the stuffer shack. Most patrons notice the arrival; a few, relying on their finely-honed barrens reflexes, dive for cover. In the chaos of the startled stuffer shack patrons and your own confused looks, Codger calmly stands, tosses the wrappers from his dinner in the nearest waste disposal, and steps into the jeep. Before you can even blink, the armored vehicle - labled “Mad Abdul’s taxi service” - peels out in a cloud of choking black smoke, whips around a corner, and is gone save for the receding sound of its rumbling engine.
Mar 13 2006, 10:47 PM
[in chat]
<Spook>: ok, uhhh... Codger just kinda disappeared on us. And i think it may be a good idea to go someplace he wasn't standing at just now. <Spook>: so, we'll stop by another stuffer shack on the way there and pick something up... meet at the motel i guess? <Spook>: unless you have something you need to do first, Bubbles? |
Mar 13 2006, 11:37 PM
<Dual>: WTF? Did he say where he was going, or when he was coming back? <Dual>: Codger? You still in this chat?
Checks the list of subscribers from his account on Spook's commlink.
Mar 14 2006, 01:57 AM
<Spook>: he just ran off. dang, i wish 'd spent the money for audio/video recording now so we could review it a little better... <Spook>: he said he'd get back in touch with us later, so that's something... still, he seems to be in trouble of some kind. the kind of trouble we probably don't want to deal with mid-run. <Spook>: so much for experience. drek, this is not what we need right now. <Spook>: well, guess we better start planning what we do if he doesn't come back. for one thing, he's not getting paid for work he didn't do... |
Mar 14 2006, 04:23 PM
>>o oOoOoOo o>> Err, sorry, I'll be right out! No handicapped stall. I had to re arrange things. >>o oOoOoOo o>> And the self cleaning doesn't work. Then I had to wash my tools. >>o oOoOoOo o>> I think I should have had only a couple slushees instead of 5. >>o oOoOoOo o>> Hey. >>o oOoOoOo o>> You know red and blue slushee turn into a purple color? >>o oOoOoOo o>> Spook, I can give you a ride on the Growler. |
Mar 14 2006, 04:25 PM
<Dual>: That's true. Whatever trouble he's gotten himself into, at least he was considerate enough not to drag us into it. <Dual>: Good thing the Johnson's not paying us by the head.;-)
Mar 14 2006, 09:02 PM
<Snapp>Odd one that Codger. I'd suggest you two leave that area quickly. And if you could, pick me up a bean burrito on the way to the motel, it'd be appreciated. |
Snapp hops on the scoot. "Come on Dual, lets go check in and get things set up."
Mar 14 2006, 09:41 PM
Dual reluctantly climbs on the back of the Scoot again (even through they're only going down the street). I really need to get myself a set of wheels. This is just degrading.
Mar 14 2006, 10:08 PM
Dual and Snapp[ Spoiler ]
You “scoot” across the street and through the fuel plaza to the motel, which you find has the confusing name of “Stop ‘n Go Motel.” Inside the office, you find a man of some unknown eastern decent watching Terry Springer (great granddaughter of the original trash TV host) with the volume turned up to approximately that of jet engine level. That makes it just audible over the three wailing Hispanic ork children (triplets, from the looks of them) who’s mother is pointedly ignoring their cries while looking over the vending machine’s menu. You notice that today’s episode is on magicians who use the mask spell to change races and genders, only to find out their partner is also transgendered.
Eventually, you are able to get the man’s attention over the din. However, all attempts at communication fail until the ork woman leaves, carrying four grape Blast! sodas and a bag of instant popcorn, and with her screaming triplets in tow. With only the jet-engine roar of the television and the extreme lack of basic English skills of the proprietor to contend with, you eventually impart that you want not only a room, but a room on the 3rd or 4th floor, facing towards Ida’s building.
“Ah… you wish suite rental, very good!” says the man in an accent that you do not believe originated in any country on earth. You doubt not only the accent, but the word “suite” as well. The man glances quickly at Dual, then rapidly looks the trim, polite elf Snapp over from toe to head. He then glances back at Dual, and gives him a wink. “Very good!” he repeats, “will you be desiring one hour rental, or two?”
Mar 14 2006, 10:31 PM
*pop* "Hop on" , Bubbles waves a large bag labeled Nuke It Burritos. The growler starts up instantly.
*pop* "No wheelies. I promise." Bubbles grins.
Mar 14 2006, 10:40 PM
Spook grabs the rest of their 'groceries' and gingerly climbs onto the growler behind Bubbles.
"Let me guess... only thing to hold onto is you? Anyways, let's go before anything too interesting happens. You know where you're going?"
Then, resigning himself to whatever fate has in store for himself, Spook braces himself for what he expects is going to feel like a very long trip...
Mar 15 2006, 03:17 AM
Dual put his hand up to his forehead, as if dealing with a headache. Quite quickly his face curled into a smile. Eh, worse things have happened. He lowered his hand and looked the man back square in the eye, "Actually, we were thinking we'd need it for about a week...."
Mar 15 2006, 08:11 PM
Dual and Snapp[ Spoiler ]
“A week! Very good!” the man’s face lights up with surprised and impressed joy, which is then replaced by a slight frown and a look of suspicious confusion as he realizes you are probably there for some reason other than the one originally suspected. “Very good then” he repeats, somewhat less enthusiastically. “I require ID and deposit, which gentleman will provides these?” the man asks in his un-placeable accent and bad grammar.
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