Churl Beck
Jan 31 2006, 05:50 AM
Long ago, a friend created a Piranha totem to use in a Shadowrun campaign. I never allowed it into the game, and we never reached a compromise on it. I post it here as an exercise to the reader.
Piranha Totem
Characteristics: Piranha are highly sensitive, territorial and vicious. Thrown into murderous rampages at the drop of a hat, piranha's have a tendency to shun large groups as too avoid the social implications of some claustrophobic slaughter in a crowded mall. Always aware of infringements of their large personal space bubbles both on the physical as well as the astral planes, piranha's tend to kill whatever has invaded their space, whenever they feel crowded. Piranha also are very sensitive to wounded, and instinctively attack all that are sick or wounded in their presence. Piranha shamans only originate from a small group of tribes found along the Amazon river in the southern part of aztlan, therefore Aztechnology has a tendency to look for and abduct all the magically sensitive children from that region at very young ages.
Favored Environment: Near water, Wilderness and low populated areas.
Advantages: +4 dice for all spells when used as an attack, +2 dice for healing self spells. Piranha shaman have +4 dice to combat pool as a naturally occurring Combat Sense Spell.
Astral Awareness: Any time something enters the piranha shamans personal space bubble of 20 meters in astral space, the shaman is automatically pulled into astral perception, and may make a willpower (4) test to resist, if failed however, the piranha shaman is pulled all the way into astral projection, immediately attacking the intruder with his most damaging spell (usually to the surprise of the intruder).
Disadvantages: Piranha shaman cannot learn detection, illusion or spells to heal others. Piranha shamans must make a willpower test against the number of people and spirits that have invaded their 20 meter personal space bubble, or begin attacking the invaders with his most damaging spell until he can successfully make the test . If there is any wounded on the physical or astral plane that can be perceived by the piranha he must make a willpower(4) test ,or attack the wounded that he has perceived, with his most damaging spell. A wounded piranha will lash out at anything that moves unless he makes a willpower (6) test ( each time he is wounded) until nothing living around him is moving, or he's incapacitated.
Piranha Spirits:
B: F+4
Q: F*2
S: F+2
C: 1
I: F-2
W: F
E: F
R: F+4
Powers: Mana Bolt, Mana Missile, Mana Ball, Power Bolt, Power Missile, Power Ball, Bite(Strength (S))
Domain: Piranha spirits school anywhere there is a piranha shaman.
Special notes: Piranha spirits have the same characteristics as the shaman and must make willpower tests for claustrophobia, or wounded. Piranha spirits also travel in schools, when summoned 1D6 +3 spirits show up, they attack the same target , as a unit ( attacks are resolved individually per spirit.) . Once called, Piranha spirits will never wander farther then 1000 meters away from the shaman that called them, and new spirits will come each time the shaman calls for some *. Many stories have been told of piranha shamans being devoured by all the spirits that he had called on in his life time. To reflect this, each spirit requires it's own 20 meter space bubble, so once the shaman has called on more then 50 spirits, they all infringe on each other's as well as the shamans personal space and eventually large battles between spirits and shamans come to a head **. Piranha spirits ban together and attack anyone that tries to banish them, the shaman who called them can not banish them due to his positive feelings of being in a school...
* Sometimes the spirits of the past may wander through and attack wounded (this includes the shaman as well) the more spirits the shaman has called in the past, the higher the frequency of this occurring.
** If a piranha shaman is killed by his spirits then the school will continue to wander the astral plane untethered to any one area.
Optional rules:
1) for every piranha shaman that is not under the control of Aztechnology, there is one that is.
2) All piranha shamans that are not under the control of Aztechnology, are being hunted by the corporation and start with a hunted -3 flaw.
SL James
Jan 31 2006, 05:57 AM
Jan 31 2006, 06:19 AM
that's, uh.... that's way too much. Even for MY campaign.
Jan 31 2006, 06:20 AM
QUOTE (Churl Beck @ Jan 31 2006, 12:50 AM) |
Advantages: +4 dice for all spells when used as an attack |
Halve that and restrict it to Combat Spells.
+2 dice for healing self spells. |
Piranha shaman have +4 dice to combat pool as a naturally occurring Combat Sense Spell. |
Astral Awareness: Any time something enters the piranha shamans personal space bubble .of 20 meters in astral space, the shaman is automatically pulled into astral perception, and may make a willpower (4) test to resist, if failed however, the piranha shaman is pulled all the way into astral projection, immediately attacking the intruder with his most damaging spell (usually to the surprise of the intruder). |
Disadvantages: Piranha shaman cannot learn detection, illusion or spells to heal others. |
This is a totem, not a class. No.
Piranha shamans must make a willpower test against the number of people and spirits that have invaded their 20 meter personal space bubble, or begin attacking the invaders with his most damaging spell until he can successfully make the test . |
Getting better, but I suspect whoever came up with this has no idea how far twenty meters is.
If there is any wounded on the physical or astral plane that can be perceived by the piranha he must make a willpower(4) test ,or attack the wounded that he has perceived, with his most damaging spell. |
Change that to "attack" and we're getting there.
No. Not unless you're making them a separate path of magic (like Vodoun or Wu Jen). Totems do not confer special spirits (save Insect totems, granted).
Jan 31 2006, 06:21 AM
I've got an idea. Just do a find/replace in the existing totem descriptions, and change "Shark" to "Piranha."
Ta-da! My idea wins, because it's not bug fucking insane.
The Stainless Steel Rat
Jan 31 2006, 06:22 AM
Instead of making a new thread, you should have simply posted that obscenity
Jan 31 2006, 07:22 AM
*ROFL* That reads like it is written by a 12 year old wannabe-munchkin.
Jan 31 2006, 07:49 AM
Well, in Churl Beck's defense, he did say "a long time ago" (IE, maybe when they were dumb kids), and "I never allowed it into my game."
So it could be worse.
Jan 31 2006, 07:58 AM
That's exactly why I didn't call him a 12 year old munchkin.^^
Jan 31 2006, 08:22 AM
Wow, I like it.
Per say, I wouldn't ever allow it for a PC due to the impossibility of being a successful shadowrunner, but I like the character idea. Maybe a random event occurance to throw against the team (a strong team

Most of the advantages both positive and negative were well explained, nicely done. I can see why aztechnology would try to grab these guys, very powerful but hard to control.
Why wouldn't this character work as a shadowrunner? No subtelty and 0% teamwork. Wherever this shaman goes, people die. Massive carnage, immense numbers of dead, and amazing amounts of forensic evidence. Maybe as a one shot expendable assassin...
Jan 31 2006, 08:30 AM
I think several people have no real concept of how ridiculous a "personal bubble" of 20 meters is.
Whenever any living creature moves anywhere within 65 feet of this Shaman, he starts making Willpower tests, or goes bug-fucking-insane and starts flinging around his most potent spells.
That's beyond absurd.
Jan 31 2006, 08:32 AM
Agreed. Make it about 2 or 3 feet. And then only if they stay there. Maybe.
Jan 31 2006, 08:56 AM
If I was going to create a piranha shaman it wouldn’t look close to that.
I see the defining aspect of piranhas as there weak pidlynes individually and the fact that they come in large schools that add up to dangerous.
Those piranha spirits are incredibly powerful as an individual and attack each other.
My proposal
Wise Piranha appreciates the strength of numbers and considers him self strong only as part of a group, and understand that as a group they can defeat opponents many times there individual strength, he will throw himself into the fray with reckless abandon knowing that his life is small and his fellows will succeed even if he dies. He is also more than happy to take advantage op an opponent’s weakness preferring to choose targets that have already been weakened buy another.
Advantages +1die to all spells when working with a group of at least 4(in addition to the Sharman, all must be with the shaman at the time)
Disadvantages, +1 to all target numbers if the shaman dose not have the assistance of at least 2 team mates (need not be with the shaman but the shaman must believe them to be working with him). When the shaman dose have 2 or more team mates /with/ him he can not back down from a fight without making a TN6 will check. (similar to combat monster, once the team mates have run the shaman will be able to run but will be taking +1 to all target numbers because nobody is helping him).
If you want special spirits this is what I would do.
Perana shamans summon spirits that are not quite the same as others, instead of summoning a single spirit they summon a swarm of smaller spirits, the number of spirits is equal to the force. They move and attack as a group taking only one set of actions and having stats as a normal spirit but must be killed individually. They benefit to immunity to normal weapons only as a 1st level spirit but use there full force to soak. Any attack that deals damage will kill one of the small spirits and reduce the force of the whole buy one. In all other respects perana spirits are the same as normal spirits of the land/nature.
Great form piranha spirits gain all the usual advantages except they can not be given extra armour, instead a number of additional spirits are summoned that must be killed before effective force can be affected.
Churl Beck
Jan 31 2006, 09:19 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Well, in Churl Beck's defense, he did say "a long time ago" (IE, maybe when they were dumb kids), and "I never allowed it into my game."
So it could be worse. |
The arguments that raged over this proposed totem were long and protracted. He did eventually create a pared-down version, but in my opinion the changes were rather superficial (a few less bonus dice here and there) and far from satisfactory. We eventually agreed to settle the dispute by submitting it to TSS: if they agreed to publish it, I would let it in the game. Thus the piranha totem was stillborn.
I'm disappointed that no one has mentioned my favorite part:
Piranha spirits also travel in schools, when summoned 1D6 +3 spirits show up, they attack the same target , as a unit ( attacks are resolved individually per spirit.) . ....once the shaman has called on more then 50 spirits...
So a single conjuring test can summon from 4 to 9 spirits (each with the ability to cast mana bolt, mana ball, power bolt, etc.--individually about as powerful as an Ally). And not much has changed. When I asked my friend for permission to post his totem here, he said yes and added "I still think the spirits weren't all that overpowering." The negative reviews brought the old arguments back to the fore, and he still insists that the various bonuses are necessary to capture the essence of piranha.
Jan 31 2006, 09:21 AM
I'll stick by my "if someone really wants to call themselves a Piranha shaman, fine -- use Shark stats, and change the name" idea.
Churl Beck
Jan 31 2006, 09:26 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
I'll stick by my "if someone really wants to call themselves a Piranha shaman, fine -- use Shark stats, and change the name" idea. |
Don't think I didn't try that. I also tried Edward's idea with the spirits (or at least one similar to it), but he didn't like that either.
Jan 31 2006, 10:10 AM
Heh. I'd allow it.
I'd then hold the meet at a cafe alongside a busy street, and watch as he fails that TN 100 test to avoid going beserk.
Oh, look, a Lonestar blimp drone just caught you killing people on camera! Don't worry, a Lonestar FRT is on the way to rescue all of those innocent victims, assumingthe other runners don't attack the apeshit mage first.

Moral of the story: Don't peeve off the DM with munchkin antics.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 31 2006, 10:28 AM
I'll just comment on the spirits. Those stats are horribly wrong. The only penalty being mental stats, which are set to Force for all non-ally spirits is completely absurd.
A proper pirahna spirit is numerically just a materializing watcher doing Force L physical damage. The fishies are dangerous because they have numbers, not because they have innate spells of everything in the combat section and massive attack power that puts swordsminotaurs to shame.
Jan 31 2006, 02:47 PM
.. Don't Piranhas swim in schools anyway???
According to this article they doso piranhas would from more of a gang mentality, at least until they get older.
Churl Beck
Jan 31 2006, 11:56 PM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
.. Don't Piranhas swim in schools anyway??? |
I suppose it depends on the genus. The link says that the species in the genus Pygocentrus are social, but that most species of the genus Serrasalmus are solitary (with the proviso that their behavior in the wild is largely unknown). The piranha totem tries to have it both ways. My friend would emphasize the intra-group aggression that occurs even in the social varieties, but IMO that is best explained as social behavior--establishing dominance hierarchies and so on.
At any rate, it seems beside the point. A totem is supposed to be an archetype, and so the common-sense, almost-mythological narrative of an animal generally presides over any zoological trivia that one can drum up. My friend tried to account for every major characteristic of piranhas: their strength (+4 combat), their regenerative powers (+2 heal self), their paranoia (+4 combat sense), their shoals (1D6+3 spirits), etc. I joked that if he ever made a Chicken totem that it would specify that the player could walk around for a month with his head cut off.
Feb 1 2006, 12:39 AM
If you were going to make a Piranha Mentor for SR4, it would look something like this:
Small and individually unimpressive, the piranha is nonetheless amongst the most of all animals. While alone a piranha is a weak and timid individual, travelling in schools she is able to skeletonize her enemies in seconds. Piranha recognizes the strength of the group, and will do anything for her friends. Those outside the group are merely food.
Advantages: +2 Dice to Ritual Spellcasting, +2 Dice for Combat Spells
Disadvantages: Piranha are uncomfortable outside of a group setting, and are at -1 dice to all social tests while alone. A follower of Piranha must succeed at a Willpower + Charisma (3) test to intiate combat against an opponent that outnumbers her.
Feb 1 2006, 12:53 AM
Don't forget, folks:
In addition to being bloodthirsty under certain circumstances, piranha are CANNIBALS.
I'm not sure I'd want to be (a) a Shaman following the Piranha totem if the spirits decide to turn on him/her; or
(b) someone in the vicinity of a Shaman following that totem should he/she fail a Willpower check and end up under the control of the totem.
(If that's possible. My (admittedly) limited expertise is in the area of Adepts, not Shamans or Mages.)
Feb 1 2006, 03:58 AM
Cannnibals? Not really. Most of the time they seem to be fairly tame rather than the film version of natures shredding machines. Couple minutes searching turned up pages saying how a lot of locals in South America swim in waters with Piranhas without getting a scartch and that some types also eat vegetable matter.
Feb 1 2006, 04:04 AM
Piranha are a little bit of both. As pets, nearly all kinds are recommended to be kept solitary, as otherwise you will eventually end up with one piranha (or at least one healthy and one rather injured piranha).
Feb 1 2006, 04:31 AM
Someone should make a candiru totem.
Feb 1 2006, 04:42 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jan 31 2006, 11:31 PM) |
Someone should make a candiru totem. |
No problem.
Followers of the Candiru Mentor like to nest in very private places, and are prickly with those around them. They are willing to follow another for a long time, but have no problems going through the private things of others. A follower of Candiru does things that others wold consider unfair, even disgusting, as a matter of course. Dealing with Candiru can be painful.
Advantages: +2 to Intimidate, +2 for Spirits of Man
Disadvantages: A character with the Candiru Mentor does not fight fair, even when it would be advantageous to do so. The character must pass a Willpower + Charisma (3) test in order to perform an "honorable" act.
Feb 1 2006, 04:55 AM
I'm sorry, but every time someone mentions the Candiru, I keep getting that routine by The Monarch in The Venture Bros. cartoon.....
Feb 1 2006, 05:19 AM
I'm sorry that people talk about Candiru in your presence enough that you have something you "always do", "every time."
Churl Beck
Feb 1 2006, 05:55 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Piranha are a little bit of both. As pets, nearly all kinds are recommended to be kept solitary, as otherwise you will eventually end up with one piranha (or at least one healthy and one rather injured piranha).
~J |
The would-be Piranha shaman was, in fact, keeping an aquarium at the time of his creation. He had 2 or 3 piranha, plus some others, but eventually was left with just one. If you got up next to the aquarium and opened your mouth as it swam by, it thought you were trying to eat it, and in an attempt to escape would dash head-first into the glass. Thunk. It lasted quite a while, but eventually it too died. Probably from a concussion.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 1 2006, 10:51 AM
While on strange totems:
Humahumanukunukuapua is a small topical fish. However that has little to do with the benefits or drawbacks of the totem.
Advantages: +3 dice to all tests involving something that requires a word with more than 5 syllables. Such as any actions involving an antidisestablishmentarianist.
Disadvantages: the player may be called upon at any time by the GM to properly pronounce the totem. If this fails, the character is devoid of magic for 24 game hours or until the next GM questioning whim.
The Stainless Steel Rat
Feb 1 2006, 05:47 PM
Don't forget that they swim in and around water that is boiling due to lava flows... so maybe add:
Immunity: Steam/Scalding Water
edit: Oh wait, you were just joking. *feels stupid now*
Feb 1 2006, 06:58 PM
It is true that there are several spices of vegetarian fish closely related to piranha. They sell in Australia as silver dollars (although they reach the size of side plates). Although taxonomically they may be a type of piranha and the similarities are easy to observe they are now what is commonly thought of as piranha.
Most of the totems pull from social or mythical interpretations of the animal (bears don’t practice first aid) this is something that should be kept in mind.
Feb 1 2006, 09:00 PM
What about a kookaburra totem? try coming up with something for that...
Shanshu Freeman
Feb 1 2006, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Most of the totems pull from social or mythical interpretations of the animal (bears don’t practice first aid) this is something that should be kept in mind. |
bear don't practice first aid!!!!?!!?!?!!?!!!!!111eleven
*crash* You hear that? That's the sound of my illusions shattering!!!
lol, actually, you make a very good point. totems are a tad existential, in that they seem to derive meaning from how metahumanity historically relates to them... not from what we know empiracly about the species a totem represents.
Feb 1 2006, 09:49 PM
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman) |
lol, actually, you make a very good point. totems are a tad existential, in that they seem to derive meaning from how metahumanity historically relates to them... not from what we know empiracly about the species a totem represents. |
... which is why Mantids eat their mates. It's a rare occurence in the wild, but it's so visually impressive when it happens that it becomes the archetype for what humans think of when they think of the mantis.
Feb 1 2006, 11:26 PM
Here's a thought, folks:
Does anyone think that a Mayfly totem is worth the effort?
On second thought, probably not.
After all, you couldn't do much with a Shaman who lived for a day....
Unless you were looking for the ultimate in "deniable/disposable assets", that is.
The magical equivalent of a one-shot disposable rocket launcher, as it were.
Calvin Hobbes
Feb 1 2006, 11:32 PM
Advantages: +1 on instant duration spells.
Disadvantages: Double the usual "Subject is Awakened" penalty for medical care. It's against the totem's will that you live longer than natural.
Churl Beck
Feb 2 2006, 12:36 AM
I am disappointed by the dearth of Mentor Spirits that are suitable for Mages and Adepts. IMO Mage Mentor Spirits should reflect scientific or proto-scientific concepts and inventions, rather than animals (unless it's a lab rat or a fruit fly). While brainstorming I came up with this idea for a Scientology Mentor Spirit:
Egsusheyftef: Egsusheyftef is the ultimate computing machine, more fantastically capable and infinitely more elaborate than any ever constructed. It is perfect and absolutely incapable of error. It directs the shaman in the dynamic principle of existence: immortality or infinite survival.
Advantages: +2 to Health spells.
Disadvantages: -1 to Physical spells. Followers of this totem insist that at least 70% of all magic is psychosomatic.
P.S. I also envision "Dissection Mages," the mad scientist equivalent of Toxic Shamans--"Dissected Frog," "Dissected Pig," etc.--conjuring up scarred and eviscerated undead spirits.
Feb 2 2006, 01:03 AM
Dissection mentors and infinite survival. That gives me an idea for a new mentor spirit to unleash upon your PCs.
The Eternal Friend
Advantages: Followers of the Eternal Friend cannot die no matter how hard they or anyone else tries to kill them. They possess Imunity to Age, Immunity to Toxins and Pathogens, and Regeneration. Their regeneration cannot fail. Even when they throw themselves into volcanos and nuclear explosions out of dispair (and they certainly will) their bodies regenerate perfectly.
Disadvantages: Followers of the Eternal Friend cannot have any contacts. If the character obtains a contact through roleplaying the GM will roll 1d6. If the roll is less than or equal to the contact's loyalty rating the contact is transformed into a beautiful sculpture of dissected flesh. The GM may repeat this roll and is encouraged to do so often.
Friends and family not classified as contacts will instantly suffer this fate without a roll.
Churl Beck
Feb 2 2006, 03:22 AM
And that gave me an idea: Television Totems. E.g.
Friends: The Friends Mentor has an insipid sense of humor and tends to overact.
Advantages: +2 dice to all social skills tests if the target is using English as a second language or has an IQ less than 100.
Disadvantages: Automatic failure when casting any Entertainment spells.
Walker: Texas Ranger: Walker is the god of cheese and B-movie acting, always looking for the right moment to drive a big truck or deliver a roundhouse kick.
Advantages: +6 dice to all Roudhouse Kick tests.
Disadvantages: Followers of this Spirit lack a sense of reality. -2 dice to resist all Illusion spells.
Feb 2 2006, 03:24 AM
Kookaburra, no need. there defining trait is laughter, just copy one of the trickster totems and ignore the fact that the kookaburra’s laugh is actually an aggressive territorial call.
Feb 2 2006, 04:52 AM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
While on strange totems: Humahumanukunukuapua |
You know, the law that makes that the HI state fish is coming up for review fairly soon (or was it, fairly recently?). I saw it in the paper the other day.
And it isn't
that hard to say.
Feb 2 2006, 05:19 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Dissection mentors and infinite survival. That gives me an idea for a new mentor spirit to unleash upon your PCs.
The Eternal Friend |
I hear the whirring…
Feb 2 2006, 06:22 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Feb 1 2006, 08:03 PM) | Dissection mentors and infinite survival. That gives me an idea for a new mentor spirit to unleash upon your PCs.
The Eternal Friend |
I hear the whirring…
Chantrel's Horror, isn't it?
Also, I'll point out that that would result in all the other PCs getting autogibbed- and that isn't fun.
Feb 2 2006, 06:37 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Also, I'll point out that that would result in all the other PCs getting autogibbed- and that isn't fun. |
Says who?
Churl Beck
Feb 2 2006, 07:10 AM
Power Rangers: Power Rangers are heroic and naive, always eager to save the world and help little children join the local soccer team all in the same afternoon.
Advantages: Power Rangers are always getting new and improved weaponry. With every new encounter, character receives a cumulative +1 die for all Combat spells.
Disadvantages: Unfortunately, the new and improved weaponry always functions exactly as before. With every new encounter, character receives a cumulative -1 die for all Combat spells.
Feb 2 2006, 08:14 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE (nick012000 @ Feb 2 2006, 01:22 AM) | Also, I'll point out that that would result in all the other PCs getting autogibbed- and that isn't fun. |
Says who?
What, are you saying that having your PC get blown to little bits by a Horror with no means to stop it is fun?
Feb 2 2006, 08:54 AM
Well, many Earthdawn groups think so...
Feb 2 2006, 10:16 AM
Give them the feeling that the death of their PCs maybe was avoidable if they fought better and the players feel much better

And you can grin those "evil-gm-grin".
Feb 2 2006, 10:23 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
What, are you saying that having your PC get blown to little bits by a Horror with no means to stop it is fun? |
As Oracle says, to argue that it isn't you first need to explain the existence of a good deal of Earthdawn, Call of Cthulhu, and Paranoia players.