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Josie sighs.

I have no recourse.

He slips his helmet on and starts the engine on his bike. Moments like this haunt him, moments of indecision. Perhaps he could have helped the blonde. Its not like bullets hurt... much. But he had no support, and no means to help her friend escape.

Only room for one more on the back of a bike.

Engine on, he streaks back to his apartment.
[ Spoiler ]
The man in black had finally joined the rest of the fiery group in the convertible, at the prompting of the driver. The engine revved again, and the bikers ready to go, the urban caravan started moving. Their pace was slow and ponderous, as if showing off their flashy car, but their actions left you with a feeling of nothing but disgust for the group.

As the night rolled into the peak dance hours, the streets slowly began to fill up with more pedestrians and traffic. The cool evening grew longer and darker as the characters started to exit the meeting point.
Mister Juan
When A-In turned around to speak to Patrick, the irishman already had his commlink out and seemed to be scrolling thru some sort of list. Obviously concentrated by his reading he didn't answer the young man right away. It seemed for a few seconds that maybe he hadn't even heard him, when he finally replied.

His voice was low, his mind obviously elsewhere.

"Glasses wired for it..." he said while tapping his silvery glasses on the rims.

Patrick shifted his head from side to side, as if he was looking at something only he could see. His forehead started to slowly show wrinkles. Whatever he was doing, or seeing, he wasn't quite satisfied by it. A pair of AR gloves came out of inside his jacket, and the man started punching away at airborne keys only he could see.

"By the way mate" her said while looking at A-In from over his glasses "you can call me Patrick."

He was about to say something when he swung his eyes to the side, as if something had caught his attention.

"There there there.... Hoi mate, it's me!" and those were the only words of english he spoke. The irishman, who had pretended to be italian, now spoke in a russian that seemed to fluent and autentic that his origins were put back into question.

(OOC: Writing the thing in english just to keep it all clear)

"Thanks for hooking me up with that gig! Fair price.... yea.... I milked it for all it was worth. Anyways, I need something from you..... no..... no.... Not yet.... Need a rather quiet and discreet place to stash people and hardware for 6 days time, starting tonight..... Yes.... Yes.... As early as possible... 6 heads... doesn't need to be comfortable, but I need easy and discreet access..... Yea... Probably going to be a lot of coming in and going out....

He paused for a moment, looking for the ashtray in A-In's car.

"Something in Bellevue, as close as possible to the highway as you can..... I know.... Yes I know thats a lot things on short notice.... No... No, it doesn't have to be furnished. Just your basic quiet, discreet safehouse. Got the top cred to back it up........ How much?..... Yea, I'll wait."

Patrick turned in his seat toward the young hacker.

"I think I might have found us something" he said while cracking a smile at him.

"WHAT! Are you fragging kidding me!.......... LIKE HELL! Does it have a fragging jacuzzi and a view on the lake!!! I'm not looking to buy some realestate for the future chummer!...... No I don't care where it is in Bellevue....... I can be a fragging church's basement for all I care............ No, I don't want to rent a church...... Just stop pulling those numbers out of your ass and give me something solid...."

He waited for a few minutes, obviously on hold.

"I'm here..... Ok.... That makes a bit more sense.... I'll call you back in a minute."
A-in brings up a 3-d map of the city in AR, and sends a connection request to Patrick's commlink. If he accepts he, too, will see the map, and be able to place markers on it, which A-in will command the vehicle to drive to.

Otherwise, he seems a little distracted himself, as he begins to pour over the information the Johnson provided on the datachip.
(OOC: Miron's commlink call with Patrick in Russian)

"I believe I have found something for you, my friend:"

"In the May Creek section of Bellevue, there is a small, empty auto shop that would be perfect. It's right by I-405, near the east shore of Lake Washington. You can easily see the towers from the place. Security and facilities are what you make of it, but for location and space you can't beat it. Three car garage, small upstairs area, office. Everything you need."

Ace Auto
3210 N Park Ave
Bellevue, WA

"It's in a rough, industrial part of town, pretty low class, but not likely to have a 'concerned citizen' problem either. The Star doesn't patrol frequently. Sound good? For you, I can discretely arrange its use for a week for 1,500 nuyen.gif . That is the friend price!"
Mister Juan
Patrick smirked in his seat. Miron came thru, as always, with some very good deal. And 1 500 was a very very very good price.

"You got yourself a deal chummer. I'll wire the cash in a few minutes... Call me back when you get the transfer. We have to move in in there as soon as possible. Thanks a bunch chummer".

Disconnecting the call, he took his glasses of and rubbed the side of his nose. His day had started rather early, and fatigue was slowly setting in.

"Alright kid, I need you to wire 1500 to this account" he said while transfering the number to A-In's commlink.

"Once that is done, take us to 3210 N Park Ave. It's in Bellevue."
A-in sets up a wireless transfer between the credstick and the commcode account Patrick provided - authorizing nuyen.gif 1,500 to be deducted. As he is doing so, the address Patrick gave him appears as a red dot on the 3D map, and a dotted green line appears overlayed on the mapsoft's suggested route. The car immediatly responds of its own accord, as the autonav accepts its new destination.

As they are driving along, A-in starts feeling kind of fidgety. It was easier to be quiet and not speak to Patrick when he was on the phone, but now he felt like he should break the ice. "So, what do you think we're going to need to spend the rest of the 30,000 on?" He asked, somewhat out of a desire for something relevant to the job to talk about, but also because Patrick seemed a lot better with money than A-in - and probably had done this "Shadowrunning" thing enough times before to know what gear would be necessary for a job like this. "I was thinking... if this guys works in the drone research labs, its a good bet that security will consist primarily of security drones - or at least that there would be more than usual there. We may want to get our hands on some jammers or something to counter them."
Nvwati took the tube across downtown, back toward the suburbs a bit. She wanted to take a look at the corporate facility, but whizzing across town in the astral was a risky prospect at best. She'd dissipated the spell from before, but it left a lingering ache in her head.

She checked in, using certified cred and giving a fake name. It was just the way the place was. No one gave a real name and they definitly didn't check your SIN. You also dropped a nice fat security deposit along with your rent time. You got it back when you left, but it still cost for the meantime.

She settled into the narrow coffin and reclined. Her mind went three thousand different directions, but she forced herself to try to sleep. She set her commlink to awaken her if it got a call and dozed off.
Chiller pauses in his mindless energetic stroll through the late night streets as a particularly vibrant piece of augmented reality catches his attention.

//Covington Motors: Yes I want to see a virtual display of the Cherry Bomb Convertible.
//Covington Motors: Activate moving display.

right about there should work

//wires ON

Turning his head to track the AR display, Chiller suddenly runs six steps, voraciously covering ground, before leaping and twisting in the air in a half spin.


Stepping back onto the curb, Chiller makes a friendly wave at the honking cab before continuing down the street.

Probably would have ended up sitting in the back seat, uncertain footing, but easy enough to handle, would just have needed to keep one hand clear, all the targets would have been accessible. Once in the car, then the bikes aren't much of an issue, stomp the brakes to let them hit or turn into them or run them over, no contest.

Then this Tusker makes the grateful lady even more grateful!

Damnit, the rest of the team is going to have to make it up to this Tusker.
Sat 12 April 2070 22:45 – Ace Auto, 3210 N Park Ave – Bellevue, UCAS

The long trip down I-5 went smoothly in the black Comet sedan. Towards the south end of Lake Washington on the left you could clearly see the six illuminated Mitsuhama towers, standing ominously in defiance of the ground. As quiet and dark as the evening was just riding in the car, you couldn't help but feel just a little intimidated.

Looping around on the I-405, you drive by Renton and a small municipal airport, where several T-birds and fixed wing aircraft noticably zoom overhead. Slowly, the relative safety of office complexes and high-rises is replaced by the cold metal hardness of an industrial wasteland. Opposite the Mitsuhama complex on the east side of the lake, this section of south Bellevue was anything but the ritzy mansions you may have heard of. Old docks, shipyards, and metal industries dotted the shore as you exit the freeway, a blight on what might have been a nice view.

The streets are pretty quiet with fewer cars and more pedestrians, though that isn't much of a relief. Gang members are clearly present, but the largest threat might be the populace at large. North Park Ave is easy enough to find, and you quickly find the address, right on the corner at 32nd St.

The place looks a bit down, but that fits in well with the rest of the area. A brick exterior, painted white long ago, chips and cracks in several places. Weeds have grown up in the cracks of the pavement, while several busted out windows have been replaced by plywood. An office section is on the left, while three garage doors are closed on the right. Without any streetlights nearby, the terrain is pretty dark. An abandoned lot is across the street, while off to the side appears to be an old car wash, also not in business.

Mister Juan
During the drive, Patrick couldn’t help himself but smirk at the hacker. His discomfort was obvious… but he did his best to keep his cool; which was a good thing. A lot of new operative tried to act tough and puffed their chest out. Usually, those guys didn’t last very long; their overconfidence got them killed very fast. This kid was different. He wasn’t trying to be anyone else… or to impress Patrick. The Irishman wouldn’t have admitted it, but he started to like the young man.

“Well, I’m depending on how we do this thing, we might not need to spend the whole 30 000… that would mean just more cred for our own pockets” he said, flashing him one of his pearly white smile.

“Security is probably going to be of all kinds: matrix, rigged, physical and magical. Those towers are MCT HQ in this part of the world.”

As the towers appeared from the other side of the lake, Patrick looked at A-In over his glasses, a dead serious look in his eyes.

“This, mate…. Ain’t going to be any cakewalk. Something goes wrong… and a lot of people are going to get killed.”

As they neared the old auto shop, Patrick went back to his commlink, giving a ring to Miron.
Miron's Russian cut in quickly on the comm call:

"The cred is good, as always, friend. Use this access code to open any of the maglocks on the building. Of course, it is timestamped for validity for the next week. I want it back in one piece, too. Good luck Patrick, I have a feeling you're going to need it."

An instantaneous encrypted transfer later, a small key appears in your AR, ready for use or to be filed away. It glows orange, spinning in place.
Mister Juan
We're going to need a lot more than luck...

"Thanks chummer; I'll take good care of it"

As he hung up, Patrick started undoing his tie... then took his jacket off. His clothes made him stick out a bit too much in this sort of neighborhood, and he was quite aware of that. After throwing his chic jacket in the back of the sedan, he unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt, and flipped the collar up. Giving himself a quick onceover in the rearview mirror, his attention went back to A-In.

"Alright kid; if you're packing, I'd suggest you get your piece ready." he said in a hushed tone. As he spoke, Patrick had taken a taser out, and made sure it was at full power. He then switched the safety on and hooked it under his shirt, in his belt.

"You ready?"
A-in nodded, "Um, its in the trunk... are we expecting trouble in our safehouse?" As if in response to his comment, the back seats of the sedan fold down, revealing two things in the trunk - a backpack, and a strange gun." A-in reached back and grabbed them both, pulling the backpack onto his lap, and holding the weapon up for Patrickp to see. The weapon appeared to be a rather ordinary (though well-made) paintball gun with the Ares logo on the side. A-in smiled a little, "I'm a terrible shot, but I'll try to cover you."
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
Mister Juan
"Well mate..."

He nodded toward the right hand side of the building.

"We already got company... stay sharp" he said in a whisper.

Patrick hooked a thumb in his belt hoop, close to his hidden taser. He didn't feel like already getting into trouble. What made him even more nervous was the fact that A-In was carrying over 30 000 in certified creds, and that he had all the data for the run. If they got mugged; they'd loose the money, and blow the run totaly wide open for anyone who checked the chip. All in all, it would be a very very very bad.

Taking a laid back demeanor, as if he owned the world, Patrick started walking toward the closest door, pretending not to notice the form approaching them.
As he noticed the form approaching, A-in connected his weapon to his glasses, wirelessly, and checked the smartgun data to make sure the weapon's onboard computer reported everything was alright. A small three dimensional map of the area seemed to form just above the weapon in A-in's linked field of view as the gun's ultrasound scope began scanning the area.

He slung his backpack over his shoulder and followed behind Patrick. For this being a 'safehouse', I'm not feeling all that safe. If this hooded guy attacks, I want my cred back.

He keeps the gun low, held close to his hips, but keeps it trained on the hooded figure. In AR, he brings up a window containing his gun-cam, and he sees his smartgun ARO indicating that his aim is pretty good (except for being jostled by walking around).
Sat 12 April 2070 22:30 - Beacon Hill Condo - Seattle, UCAS

With a click, the door to his condo closed as Mr. Scorpion returned to his home. It was way too early to be heading in for the night, but this whole meeting was weird from the start. Aside from the one Carver had addressed directly, he didn't even know any of their names. And gathering a bunch of runners who had never worked together before to hit a AAA corp with just a few days notice really didn't sit well with him. But, at least they got 30000 up front.

He wasn't sure how he felt about two people he didn't know walking around with nuyen.gif 30000 and all the relevant data for the run, but at this point he didn't have much of a choice. "A-In" and the Negotiatior were presumably out looking for a safehouse and getting the inital data on Mitsuhama. There was no point in trying to dig for info himself before knowing what they had already uncovered. So until they contacted everyone else, all he could do was wait.

Setting his commlink to inform him if anyone on the team contacted him, Mr. Scorpion undid his tie and sat down at his desk. He started to reach for a stack of papers that needed filing, but he paused and reminded himself that he was on an official job now, and the mundane stuff could be put off til after. Instead, he went to his commlink and checked the Matrix for the day's news, seeing if anything on Mitsuhama came up.
The form stops about 15 feet from you. The shadows finally receding from his hooded face, you get a glance at his appearance. Wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt that has seen better days, his ragged jeans and ruffled, dirty clothes remind you of someone who just came out of the gutter. The twitchy, grizzled look of a middle-aged man with greying hair stares suspiciously at you. A voice speaks out in a low, grating tone:

"Y-y-you guys here for the stuff?" He pauses, looks around, and adds, "Nuyen talks, you know. H-h-h-how much do you want?"

His hands, folded into the pocket of his hoodie, never come into view.
Mister Juan
At least, it's not an angry troll with a roomsweeper...

Keeping his assured attitude, Patrick took a few more steps toward the man and stopped. When he spoke up, his irish accent had fadded off.

"Well, that depends on how much you have to offer." he leaned in a bit closer, whispering while looking around him "You know who told me you'd be around here... so what do you have for us?" he finished, giving him a sly smile.

Maybe the guy has some amph... wouldn't such a boring night after all.

A-in lowered his weapon when Patrick began talking to the man.

Um, was he planning to meet this guy here? What are we buying? I wish he'd mentioned this... and if he knew we were gonna buy something from this guy, why did he suggest we get out our guns?
"You want a gram or two of novacoke? I also got some b-b-b-bliss. 100 on the coke, 50 for b-b-bliss. You're square with that, right chummer?"

He looked side to side, then placed his view directly at you again.
Mister Juan
Patrick beamed at the man, trying to make him feel comfortable. It was almost obvious he was already hooked on something. Having grown up around the drek of society, the irishman knew very well junkies were unpredictable. His right hand stayed on his hip, close to the hidden taser, as left one slowly went to his back pocket.

Patrick took very good care of always having hard currency on him at all time. Even if people could now be bribed via electronics, there was no substitutes to cold, hard paper money. Always made people feel richer than they actually were.

When Patrick's hand finally came up, he had a wad of ucas dollars. In the dimmed light of the alley, it was hard to say how much there actually was.

"Tell you what chummer, here's 250 for 2gs of nova."

Overpaying wasn't something Patrick usually did. He knew perfectly that he could easily get twice as much nova, for half that price... but building a good "relation" with the street dealer could prove very profitable. The man probably knew the neighborhood better than anyone, and could act as a lookout for the safehouse...

He gave him a wink "You go ahead and keep the change."

The man picked two baggies of white powder out of his sweatshirt pouch and tossed them to Patrick after receiving the cash and counting it.

"Thanks for the deal chummer. The name is Twitch if you need anything else. Later man,"

Watching the streets closely, he trailed off back to the alley on the right and disappeared from immediate view. Although no one else seemed to be around, you could almost hear him talking. Interesting fellow.

Mister Juan
Catching the two bags, Patrick rapidly pocketed them.

"Good doing business with you. I'm John. I'll definitely see more of you soon."

Nodding him a little goodbye, the irishman started walking toward the auto shop again. He couldn't be total sure on how reliable Twitch could be, but in a few hours, he'd make sure to have him as a look out for the perimeter. If anyone was on them, they'd stick out in the neighborhood. A streetwise squatter like Twitch would spot them. After all.... he had spotted A-In and himself.

Patrick made his way toward the closest door, unlocking it with the encrypted key Miron had sent him. As they neared the door, the irishman turned slightly toward A-In.

"My bad mate" he jerked his thumb toward Twitch "you want something?"
A-in shook his head, "No thanks - not my kind of fun. Though... if you're going to try that stuff, and don't mind wearing trodes, I'd be interested in tagging along for the ride." I don't think its very professional, though - but who am I to talk. A-in closed the window he had open in AR with his credstick balance. Shame he didn't have chips on him - I wouldn't mind being someone else for a few days....
Nvwati woke up to the buzzing of the comm and checked her messages. There was only one, but it was the one she had been waiting on. She took a moment to scrub any signatures she might have left in the coffin away on the astral and checked out, collecting her deposit and heading for the tube.

Some hour later, she arrived at the meeting site.
Sat 12 April 2070 23:00 – Ace Auto, 3210 N Park Ave – Bellevue, UCAS

Although scrubby and dank, the inside of the auto garage reminded you auto garage. Grease and oil stains mark the concrete floor of the work area, dimly lit by the set of fluorescents mounted to the ceiling, still flickering from when you turned them on. The cinderblock walls, painted a dull gray long ago, show the effects of age and are covered with dirt and cobwebs. A worktable and some mounted drawers are off to the right, as well as a blocked in one-person bathroom.

Several other tables mounted to the wall lead off to the left, where the concrete floor segues to vinyl tile of an undetermined color. The far left corner has a stairwell leading up and a closet door underneath. Next to that are some full size lockers and a sink, with a soy-preparation machine and a soykaf machine. Probably was a break area of some sort before. A round formica table is in the middle of the room, which appears to have been used as an ashtray for several hundred all-night poker games. A nasty brown couch serves as seating across from that.

The office at the front is bare, with a large wooden desk and two metal chairs. Vinyl flooring, slightly whiter than the other set, large windows boarded up and free swinging doors to the garage distinguish this room.

On the second floor, after climbing the creaky, wooden stairs, you reach a loft with a low ceiling and wooden floors. The entire room is bare, with a single mattress on the floor towards the center. A window at the other end would let in light, if it weren't boarded up. The whole place reminds you of somewhere that has been used a lot for unsavory activites since its last legitimate owner. Still, it will work for what you're wanting to do, and the deal was too good to pass up.
Sat 13 April 2070 01:30 Banque Suisse Storage, 3210 S Oliver Street, Downtown Seattle, UCAS

The flashing AR icon blinks Banque Suisse Storage as Chiller leaves through the double glass doors toting two large black hard plastic cases and placing them into a waiting Johnny Cab. Tossing his soft duffel into the back seat as he gets in, he says, "3000 N Park Avenue Bellevue"

Sat 13 April 2070 02:00 Ace Auto, 3210 N Park Ave Bellevue, UCAS

Couple blocks of warmup is good before I get there.

Approaching the garage, Chiller puts the cases down in front of the door, then does a circuit of the grounds, before standing again in front of the doors and issuing the key codes. As the door swings open, he stands outside looking in through the door for at least 5 seconds before shrugging and grabbing his cases and carrying them in.

Inside, Chiller puts the cases down, and snaps them open after dialing in some codes, reaching inside he pulls out a high folding camp stool, and from the other case he pulls out a shotgun. After checking the weapon quickly, he comments, "I'll handle the door. We got cameras yet?"
A-in makes his rounds of the place while Patrick puts out the call. By the time the others start ariving he has taken a seat on the "nasty couch".

In response to Chiller's inquiry he shrugs, "I don't think so. I've just got one or two. You mean, you want me to set up surveillance inside the safe house?" He then shuts up before he makes himself seeem stupider in front of the hardened Shadowrunner.

Now that he was no longer at the meet, A-in found he could think a bit more clearly. It hadn't occured to him before, but now, in the dim lighting of the safehouse entryway, he noticed Chiller's signature ice-tusk, and remembered for a second a bouncer giving him a hard time a few weeks ago with the same sort of cosmetic dentistry.

... couldn't be the same guy... but two Orcs with ice-teeth?
Sat 12 April 2070 23:15 - Beacon Hill Condo - Seattle, UCAS

Relaxing wasn't helping. Mr. Scorpion hadn't found anything interesting on the public side of the news, so he had simply been waiting for a call to come in. To his surprise, his commlink buzzed no more than half an hour after he had returned home. Reading over the message, Mr. Scorpion got the address and passcodes to the safehouse.

Not exactly a great part of town, but not a bad choice for the location.

Swapping out the plain leather glove he had worn at the earlier meeting with his usual ones, Mr. Scorpion grabbed the rest of his usual gear and headed out the garage. The others were probably already on their way, but who knows how long it would take for everyone to get there?

Down on the streets, Mr. Scorpion called a parked taxt. Not to take him directly to the site, but to a random address somewhere between his appartment and the safehouse. After arriving at his first destination, Mr. Scorpion rounded the block and called a different taxi, which then took him the rest of the way to the meeting site.

Sun 13 April 2070 00:45 - Ace Auto, 3210 N Park Ave - Bellevue, UCAS

The entire trip was a bit longer than necessary, but taking a taxi from one of the nicer parts of town to one... less so was something that was probably best played safe. Stepping out onto the sidewalk, Mr. Scorpion straightened his tie and adjusted his sunglasses, which were by now set to amplify light rather than block it.

Walking up to the run-down garage, Mr. Scorpion took a good look at the building and the surrounding area before heading over to the door. Although it was run down, it at least looked like the building had electricity. With a slow, moaning creak, the front door opened as Mr. Scorpion stepped inside.
Grinning. Chiller answers, "Cameras for outside. This tusker only has one pair of eyes."

After donning a holster and his slivergun, he continues, "You've swept the place... for bugs? Don't want to tempt the landlord with anything too juicy. If we got the place cheap it might be because someone plans to make money later on."

Make the kid think a bit.

Under his other arm, Chiller slings another holster, and attaches a stun baton to it, after testing the release action a couple times, he nods to himself. Glancing around he grimaces.

"Could do with a sweeping with a real broom." , continuing with a grin, "Leave the cleaning to the Tusker as usual."
A-in nods when Chiller suggests sweeping for bugs, "Yeah, I can do that, I'll set up a couple of cameras outside, too." He then begins to pace around the building examining it very closely in AR, scanning for any radio-traffic comming or going that shouldn't be there.

After he is done, A-in moves out to the garage again, opening it up and ordering his car to "stand watch" out in the driveway (making room for someone else's vehicle, when they arrive). He is a little bit weary of leaving such a nice car out where the junkies can get to it - but that's why he had the ultrasound motion sensor system installed, and all the cameras and speakers and whatnot. He maintains a connection to both his sedan and his kanmushi drone so he can keep an eye on anything suspicious going on outside.
In the middle of inventorying the interior of the garages amenities, as A-in returns from the garage, Chiller waves his commlink at A-in.

"Hook us up to the cameras so I know whom not to shoot. Be a bad way to get started."

"Seen a fridge in here?"

Grocery run! Hope this isn't like the job last year where we spent more time arguing about food allergies and what to eat then watching out for the opposition.
A-in nods, "I think the others are arriving, I'm going to head back into the main room."

After a moment, Chiller recieves two requests for incoming simsense feeds. One is a simple night-vision video feed that seems to be doing a lot of extra image-processing, resulting in a much cleaner crisper picture. It also seems to be sideways, and moving alongside the top of the walls of the auto shop. The second simsense signal has a 360-degree panaramic view of the front lawn, front door, and garage door (from a position on the driveway just outside of the garage) with night-vision, but none of the video-enhancment processing. There is also an average-quality audio feed of whatever nighttime noises are common in this part of the city. Lastly, there is a motion-sensing spacial-awareness signal that doesn't translate immediatly to a visual representation.
A-in also calls back, "Oh, and I didn't see a fridge, but I wouldn't trust it if I had. We should get some take-out."
Nvwati arrived somewhat later with a stuffer shack bag in one hand and a dufflebag in the other. She dropped the bag on one of the work benches and it tipped to the side, spilling out a couple of boxes of cheap street chalk.

"Oi," she said, by way of greeting. "Where we going to be setting up shop? I've got the stuff to keep out the spooks. What's going on tonight, too. It'll take a while to get the ward up."
Mister Juan
Patrick did a quick once over of the place. Miron was good, very good. The place was simply perfect. A tad decrepit, of course... but in a good way. As he came down the stairs, the irishman took his cigarette case out of his pocket, it's opening "click" echoing in the empty autoshop.

The wooden stairs creaked heavily under his shiny black shoes, as he stopped a second to light his cigarette with a decorated silver zippo. Apparently, Patrick liked silvery thingies... His glasses were silver, his lighter, cigarette case, his watch... He haddn't brought it, but his fichetti was also nickle plated.

Finally arriving in the large garage area, it didn't take long for Patrick to spot A-In, trying out the couch. With a heavy sigh, he took a few quiet step up to the hacker.

"Well, I think this might just do. We'll have to get bunkbeds and some opaque curtains to make this place a bit more... liveable."

He gave a kick to the couch.

"And a fragging couch."

The irishman gave a smile to the young technomancer, and started pacing the room.

"The call's out. The others shouldn't be too long."

After going round and round like a animal stuck in a cage, Patrick simply went back upstairs. He had calls to make... and felt like sampling some of nova he had just bought. The crash would be bad, as always, but he could always sleep thru it. Not like he REALLY had anything to do.

One by one, the rest of team started to slowly file in. Soon, the planning could begin.
A-in relaxes on the nasty couch, but isn't bothered too much, since his attention is in AR. When Patrick is off making phone calls, A-in decides to do a little preliminary legwork himself.

He opens a connection to Open Casket's blog-site. He spends 10 minutes looking it over for any information on MCT, and then also leaves a private message for Open Casket asking if he knows anyone who knows anything about their matrix security (preferably, a hacker who has already been inside once before).

He isn't overly chatty, but multitasks enough to communicate with the rest of the group when they arrive and begin introducing each other. He doesn't immediatly announce that he is a technomancer, and, instead, describes himself as a hacker.
Inside the auto shop, Mr. Scorpion took a look around. The others were coming in, and the two who found the place looked like they were already starting to do some research. The shop was in a nice location for their purposes, and suitable run down. Of course, that also meant that the place was a gamble on some of the more basic necessities, like plumbing. It looked like there was a bathroom in the back, but not much else. Regardless, Mr. Scorpion walked back to the main room where everyone was gathering, seemingly doing their own things.

"With everyone here, I imagine we can start discussing what we need to do. First off, it would be a good idea if we introduced ourselves. If we're going to be working together for the next few days, knowing each other's names will be a good start."

Mr. Scorpion adjusted his sunglasses. He paused for a second as he realized that he didn't introduce himself, but continued anyway, figuring that there would be time for that once he got a conversation going with the rest of the group.

"Tonight we can get the initial introductions and a basic overview of what information we already have. It would be best if we first see what options are available to us before we do any serious work tomorrow. We're going to need every second of our time between now and the actual job, so wasting time tracking down redundant information or items we won't end up needing is something we should eliminate now."

Mr. Scorpion looked around the room once again. Not at the occupants, but at the building itself. If they were going to spend until Saturday here, living arrangements would need to be discussed too.

"As for this place, it may be a good hideout, but actually living here for several days will be pushing it. Food, adequate rest, and not least of all, showering are all things we'll have to acquire somewhere else. Looking into nearby motels and restaurants would be something else to consider. We don't want to draw unnecessary attention to this place or ourselves, so it's best to not spend too much on making this place more livable. We'll certainly use this as our base of operations. However, I suggest we don't get comfortable."
Perusing the Wild Corporate Escapades section of Open Casket's news site, you run a query on posts concerning MCT and whether they concern drone research. A few titles catch your eye; maybe there's some interesting info in there:

MCT taking aim at lucrative security drone market segment

Anonymous hacker in Puyallup killed by MCT black ice, corp denies involvement

Local hacker claims MCT is ripe for the plucking, holes in security large enough to drive a Citymaster through

Prosecution of MCT exec and alleged Yakuza member Takagawa called a show trial, accused says he is being thrown to the wolves

Magical focus with MCT logo kills user in spectacular fashion; corp claims it's a fake

MCT Fly-Spy used in murder for poisoning victim; accused drone rigger remanded

After sending a quick secure message to Open Casket, he replies back in a few minutes:

Haven't heard of mctspy? He's the best source of info on the corp. Good luck finding him though. Don't you think MCT has tried plenty of times? I've only seen him once on the matrix, at the Liquid Lounge. Once again, good luck getting in. Later.

The Liquid Lounge? Only the best hackers make it in there. At least you know where it is.
The native american woman also speaks, "I'm called Nvwati. I'm a mage and a good hand with a medkit. I've not gathered any info on this job, aside from what we've all seen. I have a feeling that I'm not going to see anything useful on the astral, though I intend to have a look tomorrow. The whole place is probably swarming with spirits and wards, if their magical security guy is worth his pay."

After the introductions, she does something causing a hazy astral form to appear before her. In a few seconds, it fades and she begins using the street chalk to mark sigils on the walls of the first floor lounge and the second floor area.
A-in yawns and glances at his bare wrist, "Are we crashing here tonight, or heading home? I've got a bead on some information that may help me get into their system. Found some conflicting reports online about the level of security there - everything from security holes large enough to drive a van through, to Black IC that will melt your brain if you try.... Anyways, I was going to log into a VR Club for a bit, and try to make contact with a certain hacker - but I'll stay in contact."

He then pulls some trodes from his backpack and begins attaching them to his head.
Selecting the "View Full Article" from your query on Open Casket's blog site, you come up with the following brief posts:

MCT taking aim at lucrative security drone market segment
Goodbye Doberman and Steel Lynx, hello MCT-bot? Well known for their Fly-Spy, MCT is breaking into the medium to large security drone market according to recent paydata sources. Drone research taking place at MCT America has already produced designs for perimeter, tracking, and heavy defense models in direct competition with Lockheed and GM-Nissan. Discrete and high-stealth applications are also being researched for the upper market segment. Shadowrunners will long for the days of real guard dogs when these bots hit the streets. Look for other corporations to react based on this aggressive move by MCT.

Local hacker claims MCT is ripe for the plucking, holes in security large enough to drive a Citymaster through
Refuting claims of impenetrable Matrix security and MCT's reputation for slaying hackers by the bushel, a local hacker who wishes to remain nameless (not for long if MCT has anything to say about it) has blown open several large security holes for the hacker community at large. Independent checks have verified two of three holes are still open, but don't expect that much longer. Inside information says MCT is overextended and may be prone to embarassing lapses in policy. Score one for the downtrodden hacker!
A-in collects the information from Open Casket's node, forwarding the articles to his teammates (the first one probably pertains to why we're being hired to extract him), and then lets his mind drift to where he believes the Liquid Lounge is currrently hiding in the Matrix.
As the pulsating lights of the Matrix rush by, you speed down the Seattle wireless network to the last code you had for the lounge. Hopefully it's still there. You press through the glowing public access area and arrive at a silicon beach, with a great view of an ocean. Here it is.
Mister Juan
As everyone spoke, Patrick paced the room back and forth, flicking the top of his lighter closed and open with the twist of a hand. He was particularly nervous or excited about the run: he was actually rather bored. The irishman had three talents, talking, scheming and counting... none of which he was currently using. He always loved the planning part of any run; all the little plotting. It was, for him, a simple game of conning the mark out of whatever he needed. But this time, it was different: they were, basically, kidnapping someone out of a high security megacorp complexe.

Once the native american woman introduced herself, Patrick jumped in.

"I'm Patrick," he said, with a heavy irish accent.

He ashed his cigarette on the floor and continued.

"and if you need anything, I'm your mate."

Taking his glasses off, he folded them closed and hooked them on his shirt's collar.

"This place is ours for the whole duration of the run... as long as we don't trash it too much" he said with a smirk.

He walked up to A-In, sitting next to him on the couch.

"So, while our cowboy over here" he gave a little nudge to the young hacker "digs around on his own accord" his eyes darted to Mr.Scorpion "I agree we should go over what we know and what we don't."

Patrick gave a give once around the room, making sure he had everyone's attention.

"This is going to be one tough extraction. The only way to pull this crazy drek is to have one fragging bold plan. MCT might already suspect that the extractee wants to leave, and it's quite possible they already have a close eye on him. The only way to pull him out, without having most of us in bodybags, is going to be throught stealth and subtlety. Blasting are way in will look very entertaining on the trid, but we probably won't live to see the broadcast. If we need any special gear, I'll have to start poking around as soon as possible... especially if we have to establish solid cover IDs. "

The irishman yawned and stretched in his seat.

"So, what is it that we know?"
Chiller sticks a thumb out and indicating himself, "Chiller"

Grinning, "I'm the Tusker, I get to do the dirty work."

"But you're right smash and grab is out. Wires and chrome aren't going to help this tusker outrun lead."

"But aside from the physical stuff, with the right chips and softs I can be whatever we need for getting in and out, Pilot, Techno specialist, entertainer, salaryman, whatever. But it'll take a few days to get what we need. And we need to do some serious legwork to pick out the weak spots in their operations."
It looked like A-In, the hacker, was already deep in the Matrix looking for information, so this discussion would be between everyone else. As what Patrick said basically agreed with what he thought, Mr. Scorpion couldn't help but notice the Irish accent. Was this one fake too? Not that it mattered, but he wondered how many personality options this guy had.

"Their security will certainly look daunting if you read the entire list, but unless you set off every alarm in the building you won't be facing all of it at once. The thing to keep in mind is that the security in places like this falls back on procedure and routine, almost to their detriment. Security is going to be less focused on actively searching for intruders and geared more around to responding to anything unusual. Give them nothing to be suspicious about, and they'll ignore you for the most part. I'm confidant that getting in will be the simple part, it's what we do after that will take all the planning."

Mr. Scorpion paused. Well, he was positive he could get in, whether or not the others could as well would depend on their plan.

"The doctor works in the Drone Division, and since we're to be extracting him as well as his work, we'll probably also be stealing either data or a prototype drone. Regardless of what it is, it's not likely that they will just let the doctor leave. What we need to look into is under what circumstances are personnel and equipment from that division allowed to leave the building, and with whom. If we need to do impersonations, it would be best if there's someone already allowed to leave with what we're after. If there's nothing like that, we at least need to know what outside groups can have access to the building and under what restrictions. Posing as employees would almost certainly be a waste of time. And if it's a working drone we're after, although it would be tempting to use their latest creation against them remember that we'd need to get it out in one piece, keeping it safe is just as important as keeping the doctor safe."

"For now, what I think we need to start looking for is information on the complex itself, specific security procedures, and personnel information. As you have so aptly pointed out, we don't have much time to procure equipment so we will need to think of our plan soon if we want to get started."
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