Mar 6 2006, 06:24 AM
A-In[ Spoiler ]
Knowing where the Liquid Lounge was, you quickly dialed up the exclusive VR club and sped to its location in the Seattle Matrix. The familiar sea-themed landscape appeared with the barest information about the node. Sandy beach, calm waves lapping against the shore, blue sky with high clouds above. Despite the look, you knew you were supposed to hack your way in, to prove you belonged there, keeping out the wannabes of course.
Feeling a bit powerful and aiming for admin access, you bring up your best exploit complex forms, diving into the node's coded backend. After a few seconds, you feel the firewall start to weaken and bend to your will. Suddenly, something went wrong. Something on the other side noticed the intrusion and sounded the alarm. Instantly the sea went blood red, the clouds darkened, and two black octopuses arise from the waters in front of you. Slinging a tentacle out, one begins a trace program, but your stealth form redirects the packets and you quickly log off before it got anywhere. Well, that was close.
Mar 6 2006, 06:37 AM
A-In[ Spoiler ]
Out of the matrix appears a man in a black suit with a doctor's bag of tools. Around his neck is a stethoscope. He messages to you a very quick and clear,
"At your service..."
Mar 6 2006, 03:09 PM
"Legwork I do is usually the painful and destructive kind.", Chiller cocks his free hand into a pistol shape and pantomimes pulling the trigger while pointing it low, as if kneecapping someone.
"I'll put a couple feelers out, never know, but in the meantime I can go pick up any stuff we want to buy, cots, blankets, chemical toilets, rat bars, bottled water, anyone got special diet or other needs, just comm me or supply it yourself. If anyone has a regular supplier, we can buy it from them, but this Tusker will still do the usual heavy lifting."
This place is better then sleeping in the sewers
Mar 15 2006, 04:35 AM
Before heading out for supplies, you bring up the quick-dial icon for Streets and ring him up. A few seconds later, the audio connects and a video feed of a slightly overweight human male begins. He appears to be doing several things at once, but his southern drawl comes through with a typically familiar charm:
“Well greetings there my good Tusker friend. You’re really missing out on the Black Blaze troll metal concert, too bad you had to pass that one up. Those fellers tend to get a bit rowdy. Anyways, I see you are looking for someone who worked at Mitsuhama. Might be a tall order, but I’ll see what I can round up. Check you later, chummer.”
The call clicks out, and you feel a need to hit the stores. A quick view of the surveillance feeds shows no active targets around the facility.
Coast is clear, time to go shopping.
Mr. Scorpion
With plenty of legwork to be done, and very little of it in your area, you figure it would be best to get some sleep and return in the morning. Perhaps then, the team will have some preliminary reconnaissance to do. You arrange for the same two taxi trick, obscuring any direct path between your two locations and safely arrive at your condo.
Sure is a lot to be done, but it feels good to be on a job again. Just like old times
The hours go by at the safehouse, with Nvwati alternating between still meditation and silently waving her hands on the walls. A-In is securely passed out on the couch, commlink in hand. With Chiller out for supplies and Patrick making calls in the other room, it was awfully quiet in the main area. Soon, the sun begins to rise and the neighborhood comes to life with a gradual rise in vehicle traffic and pedestrians, but like most Sunday mornings, it’s pretty sedate. Few seem to notice the car parked in the driveway of the abandoned auto garage.
Mar 15 2006, 04:41 AM
Sun 13 April 2070 10:00 – Ace Auto, 3210 N Park Ave – Bellevue, UCAS
Your commlink rings, coming into view on your AR feed. It's Aiko, calling from your apartment:
"Hey, you didn't come home last night. Is something wrong, or did you make some hot VR hookup. I thought we might do something tonight if you're not busy. Give me a call, ok? Byyyye..."
Mar 15 2006, 02:35 PM
When A-in rolls out of bed, shortly after being woken up by his commlink's notification about the waiting message, he text-messages his apartment's comm - so that his conversation isn't overheard by his newfound collegues.
Hey, Aiko. No, I'm fine - I was just up late online and decided to crash at a friend's place. Sure, I'd love to go out tonight. Be home in time for dinner, maybe we can grab something. -A |
Frag, I better get some work done today before dinner so the others don't think I'm slacking...
A-in then attempts to re-locate the node for the Liquid Lounge to renew his efforts from the night before.
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