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EETimes article.

The writeup mentions that they can be used as watermarks in paper. Watermarks with 128-bit encryption, that is.
Well that certainly is going to make counterfeiting more difficult, imagine RFID'd currency or ID cards.
QUOTE (stevebugge)
imagine RFID'd currency

What imagine? smile.gif
You'll forgive me if I'd like a corroborating source on this. I suspect the site owners wrap more than their bills in Tin Foil.

Still RFID'd official documents or currency seem like a good idea (the number one reason the US goverment wouldn't do it, the number two being it might actually work)
Oh, I'm not saying there's any truth to it.

I'm also not saying there's not.

.... Dun dun dunnn!
Careful they are watching smile.gif
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Feb 6 2006, 03:03 PM)
You'll forgive me if I'd like a corroborating source on this.  I suspect the site owners wrap more than their bills in Tin Foil.

Germans top IT news site. They are extremely reliable. Naturaly its in German, though.

EDIT: sorry, refering to wrong post.
Can you confirm they're not just parroting the source in the OP?
If at all, they are parroting hitachi themselves:

EDIT:Refering to wrong post again.
The Hitachi press release simply states that they could be used that way.

Says they are not currently in use in US Currency.
Opps, my mistake. I didnt read the prissonplanet thing . . . thats the unreliable source. I thought you meant the initial post.

Of course, there are no RFIDs in dollar notes (yet).
Yeah, I got a little confused there myself. First post, interesting technology note. Second post, whackjob realizes microwaves burn things in the middle.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (Serbitar)
Of course, there are no RFIDs in dollar notes (yet).

And, probably, never will be.
Because paper money will become obsolete in next future anways?
Rotbart van Dainig
Because advanced security against forgery isn't exactly something the dollar is known for...
RFID is a great invention. For forgers. Everything you have to do to create a good forgery is to copy the Data on an RFID chip. You do not even have to touch the chip to do that.^^

The company I am working for is one of the world's leaders in the application of RFID technology, METRO Group, the third largest trading corporation. Many areas of RFID tech are still experimental only.
The new RFID credit cards worry me. You know, the touch-and-go ones? With those, all a fraudster has to do is have an RFID reader and just stand there in the middle of a crowd and get lots of credit card codes from those he bumps into. I would imagine that subways and other public transportation will become hotbeds for theft of credit card RFID's.

Good to know, but the Federal Trade Comission has simlar worries.
those credit cards are silly. they need atleast to have some sort of pin code or similar. hell, im surprised anyone wants to use a card that you dont have to verify thats your the owner of...
ya need to read the fine print on those... the only non pin use is under 25 beans.
still, a good fraudster never charge much on the cards...
The Horror

The truth is much, much more horrible than that. The real future is more like Daedalus from Ex Machina. And its getting here slowly and systematically.

I've been following RFID very closely for years now. Them and their implantable variety (the Verichip). Anybody who wants to find out more about what RFID chips are driving us towards would do well to pick up a copy of this book. Fantastic read, and even if your mind chooses to ignore the horror you can still use the info for your SR4 gaming.

The Horror
Great now i need to check out this book, i am very curious now.
I think it's a bit pre-emptive, truthfully. The US, for the most part (as in, barring Bush), puts a very high premium on privacy. Plus, these devices are simple enough that they arne't too tough to overcome. I wouldn't sell the house and move to Montana quite yet, but it would be a useful book for SR4.
SL James
QUOTE (Azralon)
Oh, I'm not saying there's any truth to it.

I'm also not saying there's not.

.... Dun dun dunnn!

Yeah, but here's the thing that makes me doubt it: The chip would never survive the torture test BEP puts test bills through. If a hologram has yet to come close to suriviving, I can't say I have much hope for RFID in the spy strip.
QUOTE (The Horror @ Feb 12 2006, 08:27 AM)
The truth is much, much more horrible than that.  The real future is more like Daedalus from Ex Machina.  And its getting here slowly and systematically.

I've been following RFID very closely for years now.  Them and their implantable variety (the Verichip).  Anybody who wants to find out more about what RFID chips are driving us towards would do well to pick up a copy of this book.  Fantastic read, and even if your mind chooses to ignore the horror you can still use the info for your SR4 gaming.

The Horror

Great, a book written by a Christian whackjob about why RFID chips are the mark of the Beast. I'll get right on that!

Here's some more info on Katherine Albrecht (the author).

Article on Boing Boing
Ok I am going to get nutty now-just a warning

Bush is evil!!!!---The christian right is really the FalseChristianReicht-THEY ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT CHRISTIANITY!!!-They Really Worship Satan!!!-EVEN PAT ROBERTSON!!!-HOME CHURCH AND HOME SCHOOL NOW!!! THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS REAL--and if you worry about your children so much then ritually link them to you telepathicly!!!(IT CAN BE DONE!)-The government wants childabusers on the streets so they can imprison you for your own so called "safety"-WE ARE JUST CATTLE-IODS TO THEM-THEY BREAD US UP TO BE SACRAFICED FOR THEIR EGOTISTICAL MENTAL ILLNESS!!!-The Bushes, The Clintons,- all of them are just the most pure expression of the mental illness of Greater Western Civilization-We Will not die for their Perversions!!!!
We may need Earthlodge/Bunkers soon in the worst case senario

That is all-Thank you

The Horror
Katherine Albrecht is the leading advocate for consumer privacy in the world. She founded the worldwide organisation CASPIAN (more info here and here). She is out there every day fighting to protect consumers from invasive data collection by corporate entities.

The book Spychips was put out to illustrate what corporations have in store for RFID - what the world is moving towards. To help get the message out she has very recently put out an alternate version of the book.

Both versions are:

Spychips : How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID


The Spychips Threat : Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance

I am not one to judge people by their religion or beliefs. What I do know is that this woman is fighting to protect us, that the issues she is fighting for are very real and very important, and that RFID is a reality that is not going to go away by itself. If she can reach out to even one more person by putting out a different version of the book, calling RFID 'the mark of the beast', and quoting some bible text then more power to her. If you don't want to hear that just get the original version of the book.

Or you can go for option 3. Stay at home. Do nothing. Close your eyes. Go back to sleep. And let your players correct you during your SR4 games about what RFID chips can and can't do.

The Horror

edit: Here is an interview with the author.
I am certainly happy with anyone who fights for my privacy. I would also agree there's a lot RFID COULD be used for. But there's a difference between what it can be used for and what it IS used for. There are plenty of technologies available now that could be used for nefarious ends but aren't. For the reasons already stated, I suspect RFID will be similarly restricted.
Or I could call the Fashion Houses in Paris and let them know Tinfoil is this year's black biggrin.gif
QUOTE (The Horror)
Or you can go for option 3. Stay at home. Do nothing. Close your eyes. Go back to sleep. And let your players correct you during your SR4 games about what RFID chips can and can't do.

I'd love to go out and join the crusade, but I'm already busy rooting out the secret commie pinko sympathizers infiltrating our schools.
QUOTE (The Horror)
What I do know is that this woman is fighting to protect us, that the issues she is fighting for are very real and very important, and that RFID is a reality that is not going to go away by itself.

This woman is not fighting to protect me. She is not fighting to protect my family. She is fighting to protect the people who agree with her, Luddites or otherwise. I never asked her to crusade against the next scary technology on my behalf. If she'd been born earlier, she'd be writing books about how UPC codes will be used to track people against their will and why we should all fight against them. RFID is a reality that should not go away, by itself or otherwise, and the biggest threat to my personal freedom and happiness is reactionary psychopaths like her.
I don't really think it matters what she is fighting to protect.

The points that are made stand by themselves INSPITE of what views she holds.

The skinny is, though the tech may or may not be high enough yet to do what is being said, at some point it will be.

Laws should be made befor it becomes possible to keep it in check and still usable. Just like building flood walls befor the flood shows up, not after.

You don't want to stop the tech from happening, but restricte its use within the societies views of right and wrong.

As for the goverment, its been well documented its germ warfare reseach on the american public and came to light in such a degree, Cliton had to sign a bill that the american public can no longer be experimented upon without due consent.

(Notice, its wording is American public)

But the goverment is made up of people just like you and I and there are assholes and good people in it, but its the earlier one's you have to watch for and they WILL take advantage of anything that they can if possible.

Forsight with some logic and a will to back it, can go a long ways with dealing with this and other things related.
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