Feb 18 2006, 06:17 PM
Serbitar's House-rule Package:
SHP v1.7 (House Rule Package PDF. including a modified karma generation system)
Serbitar's extremely complicated karma advancement system:
SECKSY v1.8 (an Excel sheet incorporating the modified karma creation system. not as complete as blakkies, though)
System's Guide to Paranoia:
SGP v1.3 (a security guide for runners. how to survive in a wireless world where everything is watched, dealing with Johnsons, a little matrix fluff. work in progres)
v1.2 (an Excel sheet to compare RAW and houserule damage outputs)
SIN Master Tables SMT
v1.0 (a one page PDF to keep track of the various SINs of a runner. supplement to SGP)
Edit: added descriptions
Edit: Updated Versions (switched to LaTeX, expanded SGP)
Feb 18 2006, 07:30 PM
How about a blurb explaining why we should desire these things of yours?
Feb 18 2006, 07:50 PM
For a larger member today, guaranteed or your money pack! Shipping, handling, and restocking charges may apply.
Oh wait, that is a different spam message. No, it's because rocket-jumping in Quake is fun!
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 18 2006, 07:50 PM
..which raises the question - due to
what popular demand?
Feb 18 2006, 08:01 PM
Well, i remember one guy in this forum interested in this ... so, it is probably more in demand than my own house rules

Fun aside, i might have read one or two of his ideas. I don't agree with Serbitars solutions most of the times, but he has an eye for identifying trouble spots in the rules.
Feb 18 2006, 08:06 PM
Well, I havnt' been demanding anything, but I have really liked what I have seen from Serbitar. Keep up the good work.
Feb 18 2006, 08:22 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
..which raises the question - due to what popular demand? |
Im getting PMs quite regularly to post newer versions.
Feb 18 2006, 08:34 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I could do without seeing Serbitar's package.
Feb 18 2006, 10:27 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
..which raises the question - due to what popular demand?  |
Well, if you search the forums for 'Serbitar House Rules' you'll find at least a couple hundred posts. Problem is, they're all by Serbitar.
Feb 18 2006, 10:40 PM
I think it's nice that you're not being modest about how proud you are over your house rules. Why don't you link to them in your signature, or make a homepage about them and link to that in your sig? That way you wouldn't have to post about them to remind people all the time. I think a lot of the scornful reception you get is due to all the advertising you make of your suloutions. I've even seen you reprove people for not having read your pdf's in discussions about certain issues. You should make your documents available to people who are interested, but you shouldn't take for granted that everyone wants to go through it all. Just copy and paste the sections relevant to the topic at hand.
Eyeless Blond
Feb 18 2006, 11:26 PM
Well *I* was one of the people who asked Serbitar to post his system. The Karma rules for chargen in particular are something that I think ought to have been implemented in SR4; with the change to an even more intricate build point system than SR3 it's not really much of a jump. The result is a far more intuitive, fairly seamless integration of the character generation and character advancement rules, which would eliminate a great many of the odd rules loopholes that currently exist in the system.
The discontinuity between chargen and advancement is a relic passed on from SR1-3, back when chargen was a simple five-letter process. This IMO was one of the better attempts to fix it, and IMO should be discussed a bit before everyone starts up with their hate-ons.
Feb 18 2006, 11:59 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Feb 18 2006, 06:26 PM) |
The Karma rules for chargen in particular are something that I think ought to have been implemented in SR4; with the change to an even more intricate build point system than SR3 it's not really much of a jump. |
That might be. But because he also messed around with advancement costs his stuff is pretty much useless to anyone that doesn't either start off with it or turfs the existing characters and redo them with it. Even then it forces a rule change on someone using that is not otherwise needed.
Becks worked so well because you could drop it in to existing SR and away you went. Even then maybe 1 in 6 groups actually use Becks, and SR3 had a much larger inequity between starting versus advancement costs.
Plus there are issues with among other things rocket-jumping using anti-personel rockets. I noticed that although this time he put in the AP stuff for grenades in an example he still left the rockets/missles out. Not that his anti-personel grenades really much of an area threat as long as you have more than 1 point of impact armor, which with his frag grenades is exactly the same has having no armor. I liked that SR4 made grenades somewhat dangerous, and he fixed that for fragmentation grenades.
I guess in short I think he is so good at finding problems with SR4 that he manages to find problems that aren't even there. Then spams it.
Feb 19 2006, 12:42 AM
1.) I was explicitly asked by several people to post my stuff here when I did major updates.
2.) Nobody is forced to read this post
3.) Nobody is forced to use my stuff
4.) Im not getting money per download. Im just posting my stuff here because I think it could help somebody.
5.) If you don't like the way I post, ignore it. See point 2.
Feb 19 2006, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 18 2006, 07:42 PM) |
5.) If you don't like the way I post, ignore it. See point 2. |
Or maybe we let you know so you can show some consideration for other board members?

Seriously, that multiple people are taking the time to ask you to stop spamming should give you an indication of just how far you are going. Put a link in your sig already. Hey, you could even PM Eyeless Blond that there is a new update!
Feb 19 2006, 12:58 AM
Yeah I got the hint.
But I dont want to write a PM to several people everytime.
Maybe ill make a thread in this community project section and establish a newsletter or such a thing.
Feb 19 2006, 01:34 AM
Progress! Now if you would only pick up on the hint that you are undercutting yourself by unnessasarily forcing tangental changes on people and that doubling armour ratings, just like halving armor ratings, leads to bad things.
Feb 19 2006, 01:37 AM
QUOTE (Shalimar) |
I don't know about anyone else, but I could do without seeing Serbitar's package. |
i agree,although, i am sort of curious as to how he has multiple packages. Must be useful wne he has multipe ladies digging him. Maybe he's had a couple Mr. Studds installed.
Feb 19 2006, 01:52 AM
QUOTE (Brahm) |
Progress! Now if you would only pick up on the hint that you are undercutting yourself by unnessasarily forcing tangental changes on people and that doubling armour ratings, just like halving armor ratings, leads to bad things. |
Last time I checked all your math to back up your "claims" were wrong. And I gave up on trying to explain you. As this has not changed, I am not going to discuss this issue with you.
Feb 19 2006, 02:13 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 18 2006, 08:52 PM) |
QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 18 2006, 08:34 PM) | Progress! Now if you would only pick up on the hint that you are undercutting yourself by unnessasarily forcing tangental changes on people and that doubling armour ratings, just like halving armor ratings, leads to bad things. |
Last time I checked all your math to back up your "claims" were wrong. And I gave up on trying to explain you. As this has not changed, I am not going to discuss this issue with you.

You certainly did give up before you attempted to explain where the -3 AP you used came from for rockets/missles. Or maybe you did in the intern, I've been out for more than a week. It certainly doesn't show up in the current iteration of your PDF anywhere. You also
gave up before you tried it without the dubious 1 net success, or if the grenade was only a few feet away.
In short you gave up before you actually checked out the math you
claim is so wrong. The only
wrong part so far was the portion created by your incomplete PDF, and that extra -2 AP (armor piercing fragmentation grenades?) creates wierdness of its own.
Feb 19 2006, 06:36 AM
I, for one, appreciate the convenient collection of links. Thank you for the material, Serbitar.
Feb 19 2006, 08:41 AM
I think the problem here is that it's house rules. Everyone's got them. Every thread here has at least a few people suggesting some way of changing the rules in one way or the other. In that process others might like the suggestions made and modify them slightly for their own use. The problem comes when one person elevates his house rules above everyone elses. That's gonna irritate people a little. I'm not posting this to be mean or anything.
Eyeless Blond
Feb 19 2006, 10:42 AM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
I think the problem here is that it's house rules. Everyone's got them. Every thread here has at least a few people suggesting some way of changing the rules in one way or the other. In that process others might like the suggestions made and modify them slightly for their own use. The problem comes when one person elevates his house rules above everyone elses. That's gonna irritate people a little. I'm not posting this to be mean or anything. |
Where exactly do you see this now? At the top of the thread? I see "Serbitars Packages", not "THE House-Rules package" or "SR4 Rules Fixes" or even "Use this for a better game". Is there any implication there that his house rules are any better than anyone else's.
In fact it's the opposite. It was actually me and several others who persuaded Serbitar to post this, to keep people up to date on how his ruleset, particularly the karma system, was progressing. I actually stopped talking to him--and everyone else, for that matter--a few months ago, so I know I wasn't the only person asking about it.
Then again, with the hateful shitstorm I'm seeing around here, I doubt many people who actually want to see the system developed will bother to come around. Oh well.
QUOTE (Brahm) |
That might be. But because he also messed around with advancement costs his stuff is pretty much useless to anyone that doesn't either start off with it or turfs the existing characters and redo them with it. Even then it forces a rule change on someone using that is not otherwise needed.
Becks worked so well because you could drop it in to existing SR and away you went. Even then maybe 1 in 6 groups actually use Becks, and SR3 had a much larger inequity between starting versus advancement costs. |
Yeah, it is a bit unfortunate. Really though I attribute that to the silliness of having attributes cost so much at chargen, but then being so relatively cheap afterward. Attributes costing less to advance than skill groups? What's up with that?
Feb 19 2006, 10:54 AM
I'm just voicing my opinion of how I think Serbitar is coming across. Not in this thread particularely, but when it comes to his house rules in general. Maybe it's unjust, I dunno. But I thought it best to take this opportunity to be up front about it.
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 19 2006, 10:59 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
I was explicitly asked by several people to post my stuff here when I did major updates. |
And you were explicitly asked by some more not to spam anymore - even provided with alternative, more acceptable methods of distribution.
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
Nobody is forced to read this post |
That doesn't matter, as it already has reached the level of annoying spam - so the classic spammer excuses won't help.
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
Nobody is forced to use my stuff |
Thats nice to know. Then don't force the ads for it on us.
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
Im not getting money per download. Im just posting my stuff here because I think it could help somebody. |
We don't care whether you get cash or an ego boost out of it.
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
If you don't like the way I post, ignore it. See point 2. |
You may want to take a
Feb 19 2006, 12:04 PM
Uh, its always nice to get feedback from superior "hacker " people. But where is the question I have to ask in a way, more suitable for superior persons?
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 19 2006, 12:24 PM
Well, since you seem unable to understand a guideline and transfer it to the problem at hand, here's the question you should have asked yourself:
Am I allowed to spam a forum repeatedly with links on the same subject?
Where to the simple answer is: Probably not.
Feb 19 2006, 12:25 PM
It's ok Serbitar, go ahead and share your "packages" with whoever wants to play with them... err mess around see...err YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

oi, i think i've hit a long-time low with this one..
Feb 19 2006, 12:34 PM
Nah, its always a pleasure to find out the hard way how many words in the English language actually have "certain" double meanings.
@Rotbart: Thanks for the advice, I am a better person now.
Feb 19 2006, 02:53 PM
Which is worse? Semi-useful spam? Or spam about spam?
My group will definately get to read System's Guide to Paranoia, and though i don't use the entire houserule package, certain helpful bits are useful as a guideline to your own houserules for fixing things like low karmacosts for contacts and ammo guidelines.
Thanks Serbitar, but try to keep it to one thread as to annoy less people in the future
Feb 19 2006, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Feb 19 2006, 05:42 AM) |
QUOTE (Brahm) | That might be. But because he also messed around with advancement costs his stuff is pretty much useless to anyone that doesn't either start off with it or turfs the existing characters and redo them with it. Even then it forces a rule change on someone using that is not otherwise needed.
Becks worked so well because you could drop it in to existing SR and away you went. Even then maybe 1 in 6 groups actually use Becks, and SR3 had a much larger inequity between starting versus advancement costs. |
Yeah, it is a bit unfortunate. Really though I attribute that to the silliness of having attributes cost so much at chargen, but then being so relatively cheap afterward. Attributes costing less to advance than skill groups? What's up with that?
So far with my character I have, in order, added a new Active Skill, Specialized, Specialized, increased a Background Skill, and finally at the end of last session Increased a Attribute. Charisma from 3 to 4 on my Stealth Face. I was extremely close instead raising two skills, and adding another specialization. If I hadn't done it on impulse I likely would have increased the skills instead, and might yet ask the GM if I can roll it back since we haven't played with the changes yet.
That is for a human with their lower prime Attributes. Increasing the Attribute costs for the metahumans becomes brutal towards the upper end.
That Attribute costs are too low in comparison to skills is less real and more an illusion created by comparing two numbers outside the full scope of game play. Which I've seen as a common thread in many of Serbitar's fixes.
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Then again, with the hateful shitstorm I'm seeing around here, I doubt many people who actually want to see the system developed will bother to come around. Oh well. |
I went through 4 stages:
1) Initially glanced at them, and noticed the error in the underlying premise that there was much of a problem and the error being amplified in the solution given.
2) Ignored Sebitars numerous posts.
3) Decided to look closer. Notice errors and shortcomings and pointed them out. Got told to "do the math", when I already had and was trying to explain why and how the math he was doing didn't match the game.
4) Jumped on the JSTFU bandwagon.
Serbitar threw up his hands when I'm still asking questions that are actually important to people that might try to use this rules. He fixed one error I pointed out, but the other one is still out there. I get the distinct impression that his
giving up is more a matter of him trying to avoid answering the questions.

It might even help if he didn't bite people's heads off and maybe even thanked them for their input when he actually decides to incorporate it.
Feb 19 2006, 11:20 PM
Brahm, Im just not incorporating your input. I have stopped even considering your suggestions some time ago. I could now write half a page why, but that would only lead to another 2 pages of arguments, so I dont.
Just accept it. I don't consider your posts useful.
Feb 19 2006, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 19 2006, 06:20 PM) |
Brahm, Im just not incorporating your input. I have stopped even considering your suggestions some time ago. I could now write half a page why, but that would only lead to another 2 pages of arguments, so I dont.
Just accept it. I don't consider your posts useful. |
Hogwash. This last revision you actually put in the previously missing AP information about fragmentation grenades that I pointed out.

You haven't added the rockets/missles information yet. Perhaps next time? I'm not sure about the document length, I don't have a copy of the previous version.
I do not doubt you could write a half page about why you want to ignore me. I feel confident you could write several pages. I just find you have maintained an extremely defensive tone that seems to me more concerned with your own ego and less concerned with actual improvements to your
insert phallic joke here.
Feb 19 2006, 11:36 PM
Fine. Would you now please go and torment somebody else?
Feb 20 2006, 09:37 AM
Security advice fluff... nice. The rules... less so. Insulting one who gave input after consideration... not at all.
A paranoid setup needs only two commlinks, as under normal circumstances a device is not connected to the comlink (what for?). If it needs to be connected, it is for wireless transfer of data.
The Horror
Feb 20 2006, 02:17 PM
A lot of this is really good stuff Serbitar. Thanks.
Feb 20 2006, 07:08 PM
I'm unclear what about Serbitar's post makes it spam. It seems perfectly consistent with posting useful ideas about the game. It seems like it would be an accepted part of forum culture in other places I post. Why's it objectionable to some folks here?
I mean, it's not an ad for a supplement you can purchase. It's not unrelated to the board (like ads for viagra or nigerian scammers). It's fan material shared with the fan community. I'm really not getting the objection. It seems perfectly in keeping with the point of the board to post it. Plus, this is a low-traffic board, anyway, so it's not like he displaced a hoard of other hot topics.
I'm honestly not seeing the problem.
Feb 20 2006, 08:46 PM
I think the main problem is, that I responded to a lot of house-rule threads, where people were searching for solutions with a link to my house-rule package (oh, beware the evil English language where every word can have sexual double meaning . . .) because I simply had thought about the problem already and wanted to provide a contribution.
here 8 posts, including this one and a citation of myself in the same thread)
I got quite a lot of feedback in PMs, and some in threads(same unwanted feedback also, see the ammo house rule thread) asking me to put all the stuff together. So I did that.
Feb 20 2006, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
my house-rule package (oh, beware the evil English language where every word can have sexual double meaning . . .) |
Eho, no biggie, you just rule your house(hold) with your package. Bad wife!<slap> bad!<slap>
On topic now, i would agree the the proliferation of mentions in house rule threads might have provided some torqueing, when other, less obtrusive methods might be available, such as the afore mentioned link, and simply saying, "Yea, i worked something up for this you might wanna look at, it's in the link." but to each his or her own.
Feb 20 2006, 11:40 PM
The classification of a critical reading of his rules as unwanted feedback pretty much sums up the matter.
Feb 21 2006, 09:23 AM
Definition of unwanted feedback:
Feedback based on missunderstanding of the proposed rules, wrong math and the inability to suggest better solutions which are balanced with respect to the rest of the rules. Paired together with insults, jokes and the insistance that the criticism is valid and right though prooven wrong several times.
Feb 21 2006, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 21 2006, 04:23 AM) |
Definition of unwanted feedback:
Feedback based on missunderstanding of the proposed rules, wrong math and the inability to suggest better solutions which are balanced with respect to the rest of the rules. Paired together with insults, jokes and the insistance that the criticism is valid and right though prooven wrong several times. |
I was
wrong where? Two places that I count. First, due to nebulous wording in your document and curious armor rating 1 ignoring property of your fragmentation grenades, I didn't give the precise number of the relatively low armor rating where anti-personel grenades are effectively negated.
The second place is where I didn't correctly guess the -3 AP for your fragmentation rockets and missles. I'm still trying to confirm that is correct and where exactly that is coming from. I would hate to go through all the trouble of showing the rocket jumping example in detail only to have you claim it just cannot happen ever because I didn't read your rules correctly to give you the exact senario where it is. Even though the senario that it occurs at is close by and you could find it if you wanted to.
You are not answering that question about the AP why?
EDIT Confirming the DV would be handy too. Or maybe a chart just like in the book? Because they are adding their fragmentation modifiers to a hypothetical base grenade and rocket, which is why they don't have that odd extra -2.
Or are you counting a third one where I was corrected by you that the rule of buying 1 hit with 4 dice is actually 1 hit for 3 dice?
Feb 21 2006, 03:49 PM
As I said before I will not discuss this matter with you.
everybody can see for himself here:
Feb 21 2006, 03:58 PM
Indeed. We can all see this -3 AP popping up in your calculations. But where is it coming from?
Reading through we can also see where this claimed problem of Trolls getting knocked out so quickly if the wear more armor doesn't really exist outside of rare contrived situations.
Maybe someone else can help out Serbitar help me out? I'm drawing a blank where this is -3 AP coming from.
Not discussing it certainly isn't keeping you from waving your hand and claiming I've been proven oh so wrong. It is like you are at a shell game table and claiming there is no ball based on upon not finding the ball under one of the shells flipped over.
EDIT Until I get some confirmation on hard numbers for what your damage rules are it certainly isn't very easy for me to show the Rocket Jumping example. Oh wait.
Feb 21 2006, 04:32 PM
QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 21 2006, 04:58 PM) |
Indeed. We can all see this -3 AP popping up in your calculations. But where is it coming from? |
Which is only a typo. It should be -2 according to his houserules. The normal high explosive rocket has a -2 AP modified accordingly to his rules to get fragmentation rockets.
QUOTE (Brahm) |
Reading through we can also see where this claimed problem of Trolls getting knocked out so quickly if the wear more armor doesn't really exist outside of rare contrived situations.
Only everytime his armor is high enough to convert physical to stun damage. A really rare situation. Which happens to everyone with a shorter stun than physical damage track.
Which will only happen, if someone will upgrade his armor high enough, that he doesn't get any physical damage.
Yes rare indeed.
Feb 21 2006, 04:36 PM
@Brahm: You are really getting on my nerves:
QUOTE (SHP v1.6 p. 7) |
The revised flechette rules also apply to the appropriate grenades and rockets.
Example: A fragmentation grenade has a damage code of 12/+Imapct2. The DV is 10 for the base HE grenade +2 for flechette. The AP is -2 for the standard HE grenade +Impact for flechette.
See also the AP modifiers of rockets(-3) and grenades(-2) in the rulebook.
You sure, im pretty convinced HE rockets have -3 AP.
For the "rare events" (or was this ironic?): A troll runner with an armor jacket has armour of 9/7. As runners like to emphasize their strengths and be specialists, he will most likeley have either orthoskin or demermal plating. Lets give him dermal plating of only 1. Now he has 10/8 armour.
An assault rifle has 6/-1 (that right?), which means that the guy with the assualt rife will need 4! hits to make it physical. Thats net hits, after the opposed reaction thest and any modifiers. You need about 12+modifiers+trollreaction dice for that.
I would not call that rare.
Feb 21 2006, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
You are really getting on my nerves:
QUOTE (SHP v1.6 p. 7) | The revised flechette rules also apply to the appropriate grenades and rockets.
Example: A fragmentation grenade has a damage code of 12/+Imapct2. The DV is 10 for the base HE grenade +2 for flechette. The AP is -2 for the standard HE grenade +Impact for flechette.
See also the AP modifiers of rockets(-3) and grenades(-2) in the rulebook.
I beg to differ. SR4, p. 314 Rockets have an AP of -2 unless i'm overlooking something.
Feb 21 2006, 04:48 PM
If thats true I will have to apologize to Brahm for the -3 issue. Then it should be only -2. I dont have the book with me. Anything else on the page that has -3 which I could have mistaken for rockets?
Feb 21 2006, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 21 2006, 11:48 AM) |
If thats true I will have to apologize to Brahm for the -3 issue. Then it should be only -2. I dont have the book with me. Anything else on the page that has -3 which I could have mistaken for rockets? |
Flashbangs at the other end of the table? But apology accepted.
For the "rare events" (or was this ironic?): A troll runner with an armor jacket has armour of 9/7. As runners like to emphasize their strengths and be specialists, he will most likeley have either orthoskin or demermal plating. Lets give him dermal plating of only 1. Now he has 10/8 armour. An assault rifle has 6/-1 (that right?), which means that the guy with the assualt rife will need 4! hits to make it physical. Thats net hits, after the opposed reaction thest and any modifiers. You need about 12+modifiers+trollreaction dice for that. I would not call that rare. |
Somewhere along the way you dropped the word
contrived. There isn't anyone using burstfire, other firearms, or weapons? Also you are talking about the average hits to require the number of dice that high, but that is misleading unless you compare it against the number of times you score 1, 2, or 3 net hits. For a Reaction 4 target, after penalties, and shooter with only 10 dice after penalties about 1 in 5 or 6 of all the successful shots will be 4 or more net hits. I didn't work out the exact numbers, just eyeballed it from a color coded chart. But feel free to
do the math yourself. any event, even if all the damage is converted to Stun, how how many times does the Troll need to be hit to be knocked unconcious? Assuming he hasn't overburdened himself with armor he'll be rolling a minimum of 14 dice, and that is a on the low side for a Troll or even augmented human and respresents worst case for getting knocked out with Stun. I'll leave you to
do the math for all of it, but my Mathomatic guesstimation is that even with a Willpower 1 Troll it'll be only about 1 in 8 times that the Troll not using Edge will get knocked out by two hits that don't exceed 3 net hits, and close to 1/3 the time a P damage hit is going to come along before the 2 hits. So we are looking at something like 1 in 12 times that even in the most extreme example that Stun damage will drop him before he takes Physical.
That is if he doesn't realize he is in deep dog doodie or had already spent his Edge, because the chances of him getting knocked out drop dramatically if he spends any Edge.
How about the odds of the first two shots instead causing 10+ P damage, against his 11 total damage boxes? Somewhere around 1 in 25. If that occurs he'll need to resist a minimum of 10 boxes or fall unconcious to P damage. Without Edge he'll pull that off about 1/2 the time.
So if my guesstimation is anywhere close to correct, in the example where the target has a Willpower 1, Body 5, and Reacton 4 and the shooter has 10 dice, of the few times he falls unconscious to the first two successful shots
approximately 20% of them will be to Physical Damage!EDIT And it will be a much more common occurance that the damage is split between the Physical and Stun tracks than them getting knocked out on either the Physical or Stun track.
I'll leave it to you as an exersize find the actual ratio.
Feb 21 2006, 07:41 PM
Just looked it up. Its definetley -2. So if it comes down to this, you are right, I am wrong.
And I do not argue the fact that most of the time damage will be split between physical and stun, which is correct even to very high armour values under normal circumstances (including called shot rules, burst fire, exceptional dice rolls, karma, better ammunition, and so on).
What I do not like is, that the net efficency (damage/total boxes in this track) of a converted attack is higher than if it was not converted. But I wrote that at least 4 times now . . .
I also said, that I do not WANT stun damage to be in the same ordner of magnitude as physical damage, by design desicion. Again, a number of times.
Feb 21 2006, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 21 2006, 02:41 PM) |
What I do not like is, that the net efficency (damage/total boxes in this track) of a converted attack is higher than if it was not converted. |
That is a judgement based on an incorrect emotional assumption. It ignores the fact that in game play it IS NOT more efficent outside of the cases where the damage being done is so low in comparison to the armor that any efficency is lost in the shuffle when the damage is mostly overcome by the resist rolls.
As you suggested, ---do---the---math---.
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