Wounded Ronin
Apr 19 2006, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (eralston) |
I wouldn't have commented on this; however...
I have Giardia when I was <2 and it put me in a coma for days and I almost died... (for the record I was in the US at the time of infection)
That's about it.
Oh yeah, horror in RPing only works if your players are really attached to their characters. I know one time I ran a spike through a character (attempting much the same as described squirming) and the whole team just left them...it was sad...then the guy just went "yeah, I didn't like him anyway, I understand why you guys left him" |
Especially in young children complicated diarreah can be a very serious business. It basically kills through dehydration. It's a leading cause of infant mortality in the developing world.
James McMurray
Apr 19 2006, 11:33 PM
I thought that would have been people swatting the flies on the eyeball too hard and causing brain damage, but I may have seen too many Sally Struthers commercials.
Apr 20 2006, 01:19 AM
I knew I should have worded my thread differently...
Then I might have ended up with a thread similar to this one, ie - no ED Horror discussions.
I'll try harder next time
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 20 2006, 01:41 AM
Long-winded rant ahead:
That whole rape thing really bugs me.
Honestly, I think it's completely irresponsible for a GM to use such an element without making absolutely sure the players can handle it. Yes, you have to make a horror game scary - and it's often real, or at least semi-plausible events, that are the scariest - but traumatic events should not be used as dramatic fodder without some serious research into player pasts first.
This reminds me of a situation that happened recently in the Mage: The Awakening LARP that I play in:
Apparently, one of the characters was given a magical camera by what looked like a kid (actually the "big bad" of the chronicle in a seemingly innocent disguise). By grabbing the camera, the character (an arrogant but powerful 14-year-old whose player, a college student, dresses up as Naruto to play as) ended up under the big bad's control, and while under the influence he raped an 8-year-old (or so the GM ruled, I'm assuming). Not just any 8-year-old, but the tribal chief's daughter (the city lies near an Indian reservation), whose rape appeared in the newspapers. Just as the big bad wanted, I assume.
For the record, when my character (a samurai/militaristic sort, very much into righting wrongs and in general being a fighter for justice) heard about this, he put his hand to his wakizashi's hilt and was about to lop the prick's head off right then and there, until he was told the prick wasn't under his own control at the time.
Anyways, what makes me bring this incident up is this: one of the women players in the game arrived late, and when she heard what this character had done, she (the player, NOT her character) became visibly upset and left the game, not returning for the night. I don't know this woman personally, so I don't know what's in her past, but judging by her reaction she has some pretty strong feelings for whatever reason.
This incident led the GM next week to declare to the group that, if anyone had a problem with the plot for personal reasons, talk to the GM and they'd try to tone things down.
Obviously, in a LARP it's practically impossible to poll EVERYONE and find out if they're comfortable with such elements (or at least in ours it is, given we have over 20 people), and it's even harder to make everyone happy while still going ahead with the planned plot. The best they can do is handle it with increased sensitivity, which is what the GM tried to do.
In a smaller group, however, where things become more manageable usually, I believe the GM has a responsibility to do his homework more thoroughly and make it as comfortable as possible for EVERYONE. If a woman had that happen to her in the past but can handle the element coming up as long as it's handled sensitively, then do that. But definitely DON'T go into it blind - it's just plain disrespectful.
As the book "Exalted: The Lunars" put it: "You don't have to worry about your fellow players' real-world previous experiences or opinions with necromantic sorcery or maruading river dragons, but rape isn't a fictional problem."
Apr 20 2006, 12:47 PM
That is a terrible thing to roleplay anywhere. Not only that ... he made it child rape.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 20 2006, 01:53 PM
QUOTE (Platinum @ Apr 20 2006, 08:47 AM) |
That is a terrible thing to roleplay anywhere. Not only that ... he made it child rape. |
I highly doubt the GM made him roleplay the whole event out. More likely, I think he just said "Ok, you're under the influence of the camera, and you do this" and just left it at that.
I don't know for sure, since it happened in the game that occured just before I started attending again, but that's my theory given what I know of these guys, having gamed with them for a good four years.
I don't know of any GM in that group that would be so irresponsible as to make a player roleplay the gory details of something that terrible.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 23 2006, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
As the book "Exalted: The Lunars" put it: "You don't have to worry about your fellow players' real-world previous experiences or opinions with necromantic sorcery or maruading river dragons, but rape isn't a fictional problem." |
Hmm, let me play Devil's Advocate.
In US society there seems to be a Puritannical aspect where violence and death is okay but sexuality isn't; this is the old argument about why parents cover the eyes of their kids when James Bond has sex but not when Bond blows away someone in cold blood. This issue was brought to the forefront of my mind recently when an elderly man from the FSM asked me, "isn't it better that we show love than killing?"
So, I ask you...why is rape verboten because it isn't a "fictional problem", but murder and violence is okay when it clearly isn't a "fictional problem" either? I'm sure that there are many people in the US who have lived in slums with high crime rates at one point or another and perhaps had relatives murdered, or perhaps had traumatic experiences being the target of violence on the street. We also probably know a few people who are combat veterans and who may have had very traumatic experiences with violence
Since violence and brutality are most definitely not a "fictional problem" why does it fall in a seperate category from sexual assault. If I run a Shadowrun game where a character (even a NPC) gets captured by gangers and is savagely beaten and tortured why is that so much more tasteful and better than a similar incident with some sexuality added?
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 23 2006, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Apr 23 2006, 07:15 PM) |
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter @ Apr 19 2006, 08:41 PM) |
As the book "Exalted: The Lunars" put it: "You don't have to worry about your fellow players' real-world previous experiences or opinions with necromantic sorcery or maruading river dragons, but rape isn't a fictional problem." |
Hmm, let me play Devil's Advocate.
In US society there seems to be a Puritannical aspect where violence and death is okay but sexuality isn't; this is the old argument about why parents cover the eyes of their kids when James Bond has sex but not when Bond blows away someone in cold blood. This issue was brought to the forefront of my mind recently when an elderly man from the FSM asked me, "isn't it better that we show love than killing?"
So, I ask you...why is rape verboten because it isn't a "fictional problem", but murder and violence is okay when it clearly isn't a "fictional problem" either? I'm sure that there are many people in the US who have lived in slums with high crime rates at one point or another and perhaps had relatives murdered, or perhaps had traumatic experiences being the target of violence on the street. We also probably know a few people who are combat veterans and who may have had very traumatic experiences with violence
Since violence and brutality are most definitely not a "fictional problem" why does it fall in a seperate category from sexual assault. If I run a Shadowrun game where a character (even a NPC) gets captured by gangers and is savagely beaten and tortured why is that so much more tasteful and better than a similar incident with some sexuality added?
You've got to be fucking kidding me...
RAPE IS NOT ABOUT LOVE! It's about violence and brutality, and from what I've heard of the stories of victims it is a horrible violation that's a very different (and I'd venture to say more severe) form of violence than just killing someone.
Simply put, rape is a form of torture. And rapists seem to think like torturers do - "Killing you is too easy. I'm going to violate you in the worst way and let you live with that pain." THAT'S what makes it so much goddamn worse than James Bond shooting someone in cold blood.
I think it's offensive that you try to link a violation like that with "just some sexuality." And any respect I had for you just took a big fuckin' nosedive.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 23 2006, 11:44 PM
I think you're misreading my last post. If you think that anyone would suggest that rape is about love then you're being quite silly. The point of the post was to question the distinction between violence and brutality with and without some sexual element to it.
It sounds to me like you're saying that torture in general, then, has no place in any game, since in your last post you basically said that rape and torture are exactly the same thing. Is that correct?
So, for example, if a Johnson has your arm sawn off in a really painful because he hates you for some reason, that's not allowed to happen. Is that correct?
Incidentally, do you know what playing Devil's Advocate means? Just makin' sure, so that you don't get to upset...
I just noticed something.
It's about violence and brutality, and from what I've heard of the stories of victims it is a horrible violation that's a very different (and I'd venture to say more severe) form of violence than just killing someone.
I guess you got emotional at this point. Firstly, logically, you can't really make that statment unless you claim to have interviewed dead people. Secondly, what about the systematic massacres that took place in Rwanda, or the insanely cruel mutilations in Sierra Leone? Surely, you don't mean to write all these things off just because they didn't always have a sexual element to them.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 23 2006, 11:47 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
I think you're misreading my last post. If you think that anyone would suggest that rape is about love then you're being quite silly. The point of the post was to question the distinction between violence and brutality with and without some sexual element to it.
It sounds to me like you're saying that torture in general, then, has no place in any game, since in your last post you basically said that rape and torture are exactly the same thing. Is that correct?
So, for example, if a Johnson has your arm sawn off in a really painful because he hates you for some reason, that's not allowed to happen. Is that correct?
Incidentally, do you know what playing Devil's Advocate means? Just makin' sure, so that you don't get to upset... |
If I could explain why rape is a more severe form of torture, I'd be a psychiatrist, not a journalist. It just seems to be, for all intents and purposes, just that - a much more severe form of torture. Don't ask me to explain it, it's just...different.
And I know what playing Devil's Advocate is, and frankly I don't give a shit. I'm not in the mood to hear why people who have gone through something horrible in their real lives shouldn't be given consideration when they're supposed to be playing a fun RPG, hypothetical argument or not.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 23 2006, 11:49 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
QUOTE | It's about violence and brutality, and from what I've heard of the stories of victims it is a horrible violation that's a very different (and I'd venture to say more severe) form of violence than just killing someone.
I guess you got emotional at this point. Firstly, logically, you can't really make that statment unless you claim to have interviewed dead people. Secondly, what about the systematic massacres that took place in Rwanda, or the insanely cruel mutilations in Sierra Leone? Surely, you don't mean to write all these things off just because they didn't always have a sexual element to them.
OF COURSE I'M NOT writing these things off! They're terrible, and they should never have happened.
See my post above - I can't explain it, it's just different, and I'm not a shrink so I can't really explain it.
Apr 24 2006, 12:08 AM
Love is not mutually exclusive to violence and brutality. In fact, they often go hand-in-hand. Most violent crime is perpetriated by people who love their victims and the vast majority of rapes are date rape/spousal rape. But that really isn't relevant to the problem at hand.
The problem is roleplaying rape. There is nothing wrong with roleplaying rape in and of itself. By some estimates a quarter of all men and a third of all women fantasize about rape (the statistics I found didn't differential from those who fantasized about being victims, perpertrators, or both.) The problem that arises from roleplaying rape is the same problem that arises from roleplayng nymphomaniac lesbians. Forcing one's own sexual fantasies into the nariative can violate interplayer and player-GM boundries and just plain creep everybody out. Certainly, there are various types of sex in the Shadowrun world but they just get glossed over, joked about, or transformed into absurd memes because most people play shadowrun for the violence, not the sex. For the sex, there is always BBSW.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 24 2006, 12:17 AM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Apr 23 2006, 07:44 PM) | I think you're misreading my last post. If you think that anyone would suggest that rape is about love then you're being quite silly. The point of the post was to question the distinction between violence and brutality with and without some sexual element to it.
It sounds to me like you're saying that torture in general, then, has no place in any game, since in your last post you basically said that rape and torture are exactly the same thing. Is that correct?
So, for example, if a Johnson has your arm sawn off in a really painful because he hates you for some reason, that's not allowed to happen. Is that correct?
Incidentally, do you know what playing Devil's Advocate means? Just makin' sure, so that you don't get to upset... |
If I could explain why rape is a more severe form of torture, I'd be a psychiatrist, not a journalist. It just seems to be, for all intents and purposes, just that - a much more severe form of torture. Don't ask me to explain it, it's just...different.
And I know what playing Devil's Advocate is, and frankly I don't give a shit. I'm not in the mood to hear why people who have gone through something horrible in their real lives shouldn't be given consideration when they're supposed to be playing a fun RPG, hypothetical argument or not.
Hey, you're a journalist? Sweet! I had a friend who was a journalist once. I once learned in a media advocacy class that if the press ever comes to me I'd better speak with them. Otherwise they'll video tape me running away and hiding my face and that just looks bad. On the other hand reporters usually want more material for a story so if I interview with them in good faith they'll probably try to present my argument which is better than showing footage of me running away.
Hmm, since you're a journalist, I'd better try to answer nicely and explain what I'm doing, instead of being acrimonious and logical like I usually try to be.
OK, here we go.
I made the post you got upset about to open up discussion on the issue of why most people would probably say that violence and brutality without sexuality is OK in a game, but with sexuality it's not OK.
This isn't a commentary on violence and/or sexuality in real life. This is instead asking people to explore why we make this distinction in a *game* when, as you yourself has put, distinguishing between rape and horrible mutilation and torture is pretty much an empty academic effort, isn't it?
Note that this has *nothing* to do with the issue of not granting special consideration. In fact, on the contrary, you'll notice that the post didn't dismiss the idea of special consideration, but rather asked why since there are possibly victims of violence among your gamers they also shouldn't be granted special consideration.
I think that you got emotional and projected something that wasn't written onto the post after reading a few words.
(Hardcore! Just clarified to a journalist!)
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 24 2006, 12:21 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
The problem that arieses from roleplaying rape is the same problem that arises from roleplayng nymphomaniac lesbians. Forcing one's own sexual fantasies into he nariative can violate interplayer and player-GM boundries and just plain creep everybody out. |
I think it goes beyond that. Yeah, putting one's fantasies into the open like that COULD creep everyone out - I really would not want to see everything that goes on in my GMs head in that regard - but in my opinion it's also about respect for those who have gone through something that horrible.
Let me put it another way: say a player was from, say, Sudan and had been through horrific torture (from what I've heard, it's commonplace over there). I think it would be a matter of respect to see if he was ok with going through a torture scene in-game. By that same token, I think rape should be handled the same way. The only reason it's a more delicate matter is, I suspect, because people in Europe and the U.S. are FAR more likely to have gone through rape than they are to have gone through a Sierra Leonne torture room.
As far as why killing in general is not treated the same way - I dunno. Maybe it has something to do with seeing it on TV all the time or in movies. I suspect people sensitive to that kind of thing (I mean seeing it on TV or in movies) wouldn't go for Shadowrun anyways, seeing as how it's an action game in a similar vein to a bloodbath-style action movie (which I also doubt they'd watch).
For the sex, there is always BBSW. |
What does that mean (BBSW)?
Apr 24 2006, 12:28 AM
Apr 24 2006, 03:31 PM
In general with this (and really, most related situations), the GM should say up front that this system/game/campaign may include death, violence, mutilation, sexuality, rape, etc. etc. The player in turn, if he or she is particularly sensitive to any of these, should indicate beforehand which subjects he or she would not like to be involved with and the two can work something out. This is called communication, and all players and GMs should engage in it (the GM's responsibility is to warn players what to expect in the game, the players need to warn the GM of particular problems they have).
Anyone playing in a violence-oriented game should expect there to be violence (of many sorts). However, I see no reason why a game that has perhaps tens or even hundreds of deaths per session should suddenly feel so squirmish about a single rape. The point of the RPG is to model itself somewhat off fo real life, right? We include tax evasion and generally bad people and paper cuts, right? Life sucks. If you don't want an aspect of the game in it, change it, but don't expect the GM to read your mind and avoid your particular taboo subjects.
Apr 24 2006, 05:46 PM
well ... all rpg's include violence and death. The sexuality, I guess comes down to the comfort level of the GM and players. If a GM had an NPC trying to get it on with my PC I would be giving him the strange eye. Rolling dice for attraction well that's ok, especially if it helps the run or gains a contact, but rollplaying out the details, is very creepy. They have phone lines for that type of stuff.
I have been in games where there was an assault in progress and we intervened. That is different when two NPC's are involved rather than two PC's.
However, I see no reason why a game that has perhaps tens or even hundreds of deaths per session should suddenly feel so squirmish about a single rape |
Death is business, rape is a personal hate crime. I would have a problem with a character that shot every orc, or indian, or japanese person they saw just as much. I see death is sad and greivous but it has closure, rape doesn't until the victim gets to kill the purpotrator.
Apr 24 2006, 07:03 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
well ... all rpg's include violence and death. |
That's not true.
Rolling dice for attraction well that's ok, especially if it helps the run or gains a contact, but rollplaying out the details, is very creepy. They have phone lines for that type of stuff. |
Funny, I'd be far more creeped out by someone pointing a gun (even a play gun) at me than the same person flirting with me. Of course, by your example, rolling dice for character contact is the same level as rolling for combat, which we generally do in place of props, but my point is that you're expressing a personal preference not everyone shares. I have no problem with flirt in play.
However, I see no reason why a game that has perhaps tens or even hundreds of deaths per session should suddenly feel so squirmish about a single rape |
I would have a problem with a character that shot every orc, or indian, or japanese person they saw just as much. I see death is sad and greivous but it has closure, rape doesn't until the victim gets to kill the purpotrator. |
While I disagree that killing the perp brings closure, I'm pleased to see that you think killing for fun is just as bad as rape for fun. I will say I've had some odd stories were sex (debatably rape) was business, for instance in the case of inheritence or breeding particular traits. Would you feel Aztechnology's forced breeding programs are better than a rapist in the street because it's "just business"? What if business happens to include scare tactics?
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 24 2006, 07:13 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Would you feel Aztechnology's forced breeding programs are better than a rapist in the street because it's "just business"? What if business happens to include scare tactics? |
Actually, no I wouldn't think that's any different. Just like I think Tamanous's forced implantation of embryos (described in the old Underworld Sourcebook) is little different from rape.
Apr 25 2006, 02:13 PM
Not to be rude, HMHVV, but my question wasn't directed at you. You never indicated that killing is okay when it's just business. In my view of things, rape is rape and murder is murder, it's just as bad regardless as to whether you're paid to do it or not. However, Platinum seems to disagree, so I was testing his supposition.
Apr 25 2006, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Not to be rude, HMHVV, but my question wasn't directed at you. You never indicated that killing is okay when it's just business. In my view of things, rape is rape and murder is murder, it's just as bad regardless as to whether you're paid to do it or not. However, Platinum seems to disagree, so I was testing his supposition. |
I have not read Aztechnology, so I was not aware of the breeding programs. But I would rate them inhumane and akin to rape.
I feel that in shadowrun, not everyone that is shot dies. I personally do not play savage killing machines, but when you are in the shadows it is basically like war. And there are casualties of war. People who die usually deserve it, people that die by my character's hands definitely deserve it.
What I just cannot seem to bend my head around is people's mindset. I see shadowrun as a strategy game, where roleplaying is one of the tools, etc. Roleplaying rape is something I cannot understand because I see it in the same light as shooting an innocent baby. (I have seen other PC's do this. Right before I Tk'd them) but just do not have the capacity to perform these acts anywhere in my body. I cannot fathom shattering someone like that. I have seen its effects far too often.
I guess I am not a good roleplayer/actor because I can't step too far out of my persona, but if you are roleplaying it, then it is for enjoyment, and if you enjoy doing something like that in a game you must have it somewhere within you, and I guess that is what bothers me.
Now I know that I can kill someone if I have to. I have been put into that situation before and thankfully I didn't have too, but I had to protect my wife and daughter. I guess I am saying that murder is ok if there is a reason. I cannot see any reason for a rape. (if I was to get paid to do it, I would not take the job and Mr.J would be dead)
James McMurray
Apr 25 2006, 03:47 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
but if you are roleplaying it, then it is for enjoyment, and if you enjoy doing something like that in a game you must have it somewhere within you, and I guess that is what bothers me. |
Sometimes you're roleplaying it because it makes sense within the game. That doesn't mean you enjoy it, nor that you are a closet rapist, just that you're playing a game.
Apr 25 2006, 05:54 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
I have not read Aztechnology, so I was not aware of the breeding programs. But I would rate them inhumane and akin to rape. |
Nor am I. I made it up. But I think it would work in the context of the game. FASA/FanPro has avoided sexuality for the most part because rape IS such a taboo subject. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't take place in the world as it is set. Bunraku parlors anyone?
I personally do not play savage killing machines, but when you are in the shadows it is basically like war. And there are casualties of war. People who die usually deserve it, people that die by my character's hands definitely deserve it. ... Roleplaying rape is something I cannot understand because I see it in the same light as shooting an innocent baby. ... but if you are roleplaying it, then it is for enjoyment, and if you enjoy doing something like that in a game you must have it somewhere within you, and I guess that is what bothers me.
This is based on the assumption that the PCs are roleplaying the rape. No one in this thread thus far has suggested the PCs should roleplay out rape (except for you). Rather, rape was included as an aspect of the world, generally committed by NPCs or, in the example given, by a PC under an NPC's control. In the situation in question I also suspect the rape was just business, a means to draw another PC into doing something that meets the perps intentions. The example I gave was also 'just business' and didn't involve actions by the PC.
As I said, if you personally don't like rape, that's fine, it's easy to leave out of the game world. It isn't really integral to anything. However, your personal preference has no bearing on, objectively, whether rape should happen in the game world. Rape happens in our world, it will certainly happen in the future in all sorts of forms. Some of these will be cold business (at least from some point of view, including oftentimes the provider of victims), and for others it will be passion. Regardless, it will happen and there's no inherent reason it shouldn't be included.
If a PC engaged in rape, barring extenuating circumstances, I'd probably consider the PC mentally deranged in some form or another and would question how long he'll survive. I wouldn't begrudge any other PC who shot him dead (or, truthfully, any other PC who shoots the PC who shoots the rapist).
Apr 25 2006, 06:38 PM
My mistake, I thought you were dismissing rape as nonconsequential since this is just a roleplaying game.
Apr 25 2006, 07:59 PM
QUOTE (Platinum @ Apr 25 2006, 10:06 AM) |
I guess I am not a good roleplayer/actor because I can't step too far out of my persona, but if you are roleplaying it, then it is for enjoyment, and if you enjoy doing something like that in a game you must have it somewhere within you, and I guess that is what bothers me. |
Can we get a complete list of the number of fallacies in that statement, both explicit and implied.
At this point I have:
Emotional Appeal
Existintial Assumption
False Analogy
False Choice
False Delemia
False Necessity
False Premise
Ignoratio Elenchi
Package-Deal Fallacy
Reductio ad HitlerRapistum
The Fallacy of the Consequent
Wisdom of Repugnance
There are probably more.
The heart of this problem is the premise that people who fantasize about things and enjoy roleplaying them will always enjoy them in reality. This is obviously false.
In fact, it is quite possible for people to enjoy roleplaying things that they would find repulsive in reality. Take, for example, being the victim of torture. It can provide a great cathartic roleplaying experience, in my opinion. Of course, while I might enjoy having a character subjected to the electrified testicle clamps I would not take one bit of pleasure from it in reality. In fact, I would prefer to not be tortured in reality and would dislike it if I were.
Next is the False Analogy, the comparison of roleplayed "rape" to actual rape, The two could not be any more different. The act of roleplaying such a scene is, by definition, founded upon the consent of all involved. Without this real consent it ceases to be roleplay and become real. This real consent is shrouded by the characters' lack of consent but it is still always there for the performers.
This starkly seperates the act of roleplaying a rape scene from actual rape which is, by definition, non consensual.
And finally, the Package-Deal Fallacy. The assertion here is that the capacity to roleplay rape and the capacity to commit rape are mutually inclusive. This, however, is not at all true. According to studies referenced earlier, about 24% of men and 36% of women fantasize about rape. This percentage is no higher amongst convicted rapists than amongst the general population. Therefore, more than 2/3 of rapists are unable to fantasize about rape. Likewise, the number of people who fantasze about rape is far larger than the number of people who commit rape.
Seriously, at this point I recomend some research into BDSM, sexually roleplaying, and rape fantasy to help you better understand the difference between what people enjoy as fantasy and what people enjoy in reality. There are plenty of other example s I can give of people enjoying something as a fantasy but disliking it as a reality.
Age-play amongst people who are not actually attracted to children is a good example. Also, try vampire roleplaying amongst people who know that they aren't really vampires.
edit: added Wisdom of Repugnance to the list of fallacies.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 25 2006, 10:49 PM
Hyzmarca wins the thread, again. Using logic, no less. I'm impressed.
Apr 26 2006, 03:27 AM
The thing is, the examples that he gives (vampire roleplayers, BDSM, etc.) all involve people who share the same kinks, and who know what they're getting into. That's the biggest difference between killing and rape in Shadowrun. If you sit down to play a game of Shadowrun, you expect there to be violence and possible killing. Rape is a completely different matter. I'm not talking about it being out there, as part of a bleak distopian environment, or even happening to a PC but being glossed over. I'm talking about the GM suddenly starting to describe the scene in vivid detail.
I disagree with Nezumi's statement "don't expect the GM to read your mind and avoid your particular taboo subjects." I don't think it's the responsibility of every player to individually sit down and tell the GM exactly what things disturb them. I think if the GM is going to deliberately introduce things into the game that are intended to be disturbing, then it should be his responsibility to make sure that everyone will be okay with it. Especially something like rape, which many people may have actually experienced.
But that also goes for horror roleplaying in general. You are not only introducing some potentially disturbing things, but you are also changing the traditional power dynamics of the game. Horror games involve a lot more railroading and GM fiat by their very nature. They require more trust.
If players merely see their PCs being abused, they will probably be less likely to get "into" it. They will complain, be more concerned with the TN modifiers than with the descriptions of the actual injuries, and will probably write their characters off once they get too maimed. They will use jokes and puns to break the mood, and shrug impatiently while waiting for you to finish describing what happens to their character. And they will probably be more concerned with getting revenge than on any of the rest of the plot - and they may lose interest altogether if revenge isn't possible.
Apr 26 2006, 05:29 AM
QUOTE (Glyph @ Apr 25 2006, 10:27 PM) |
The thing is, the examples that he gives (vampire roleplayers, BDSM, etc.) all involve people who share the same kinks, and who know what they're getting into. That's the biggest difference between killing and rape in Shadowrun. If you sit down to play a game of Shadowrun, you expect there to be violence and possible killing. Rape is a completely different matter. I'm not talking about it being out there, as part of a bleak distopian environment, or even happening to a PC but being glossed over. I'm talking about the GM suddenly starting to describe the scene in vivid detail. |
That is an Ignoratio Elenchi. It is true and I completely agree with you. In fact, I stated so earlier in this very topic.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
The problem that arises from roleplaying rape is the same problem that arises from roleplayng nymphomaniac lesbians. Forcing one's own sexual fantasies into he nariative can violate interplayer and player-GM boundries and just plain creep everybody out. |
This is beside the point.
I was responding to Platnium's claim that everyone who enjoys roleplaying rape must want rape in reality. This common sense conclusion, like most common sense beliefs, seems correct on its face but is easily proven false. It is quite possible for an individual to enjoy playing a character who is a rapist without wanting to commit rape. In fact, one can enjoy being the dominant partner in rape roleplay while being so turned off by actual nonconsensual sex as to be psycologically incapable of commiting a real rape. Likewise, one can enjoy being the submissive partner in rape roleplay without asking for it in reality. That is my point.
I agree completely that players and GMs should respect each others boundries and that everone should understand the flavor of the game from the begining. Of course, it is possible for the flavor of a game to be inconsistant and a well roleplayed game can evolve in unexpected ways. This is why respecting everyone's boundries is so important.
In all but the most dangerous and least accepted BDSM roleplaying the submissive partner seems to give of a degree of control over the scene but in reality retains absolute control over it. At any time either partner can break character, use a safeword, and end it. The same mechanism can be applied to tabletop roleplaying. If events become intense for a player or for the GM that indivdual should be able to stop things and refuse to continue in that direction. Any gamer who doesn't respect such a decision should be shot, set on fire, shot twice more while still on fire, put out, and then set on fire again. In the BDSM community refusal to accept a safeword is the most heinous crime one can commit. So it should be for the P&P roleplaying community.
However, something important has been glossed over. HMHVV Hunter and Platnium weren't objecting to hardcore immersive roleplaying. They were objecting something so simple as a single informative sentence of the form "[PC's Name] rapes [inconsequential NPC]." Platnium seems to have been coming from the position that such a simple sentence should be grounds for orbital bovine bombardment before it creeps them out.
It seems that Platnium doesn't want anyone to go there. At all. Ever. Because it creeps Platnium out. They have the right to be creeped out and I certainly respect their boundries ... BUT ... Excuse me, there is an entire Law and Order series dedicated to going there and it gets consistantly high ratings despite being pitted against the best lawyer show William Shatner ever starred in. Every other episode of every other television series goes there. The fucking Sopranos went there Movies don't go there nearly as often but when they do they go their ten times bigger as is befitting the big screen. Ever watch the local news? It's all rape, child molestation, rape, murder, political corruption, child rape, sports, something funny, and weather. Rapes happen, yes, but the rate that they are reported compared to more important news is disproportionate to the rate at which they occur in relation to more important things. Just look at it. Kobe Bryant. The Michael Jackson trial. Just step back and look at it all. Rape sells. Rape sells because 24% of all men and 36% of all women are willing to admit that they enjoy rape and there's probably a shit pot load more who like it but are too scared to say anything.
And, of course, "But on SVU the rapists are the bad guys, we only like it because they go down in the end", someone retorts. To that I say, fuck you, you fucking fucking hypocrits. Oh, we all get to feel good about ourselves when the evil rapists gets his just deserts at the end of the episode but that isn't why so many people watch, not by a long shot. People watch so they can learn the juicy details. They get to identify with the heroes and feel all warm and fuzzy about their motives but the real vicarious thrill comes descriptions and the details of the crimes both explicit and implicit. It is the same reason televised trials are so captivating.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 26 2006, 05:39 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
However, something important has been glossed over. HMHVV Hunter and Platnium weren't objecting to hardcore immersive roleplaying. They were objecting something so simple as a single informative sentence of the form "[PC's Name] rapes [inconsequential NPC]." They were coming from the position that such a sinple sentence should be grounds for orbital bovine bombardment before it creeps them out. |
You're seriously misunderstanding me (or conveniantly forgetting things from earlier in the thread).
As a roleplaying element, I think it has it's place. I DON"T think that place is as a description of EVERY GORY DETAIL of the act. A one- or two-sentence description is more than enough.
I NEVER said that it should never be in RPing at all. I said that GMs NEED TO TALK TO THEIR PLAYERS ABOUT IT FIRST! GMs have to be sensitive to their players, and I think to do anything less is irresponsible.
My exact words were:
I think it's completely irresponsible for a GM to use such an element without making absolutely sure the players can handle it. |
If a woman had that happen to her in the past but can handle the element coming up as long as it's handled sensitively, then do that. But definitely DON'T go into it blind - it's just plain disrespectful. |
I never said it should absolutely never be used in-game. Honestly, facing a villain capable of doing such things would probably make it that much more satisfying to bring him down in the most painful manner possible (I tend to lean towards playing justice-seeking type characters quite a bit).
Apr 26 2006, 05:50 AM
I noticed the mistake before you posted. and correctd it, sorry about that.
Of course, I'm more interested in your opinion about an otherwise heroic robin-hood esque philanthropist nice-guy PC in the following situations.
A)being a little too agressive on a date and refusing to accept no for an answer but (s)he didn't fight back physically.
B)Raping a villian as a form of revenge or retribution.
C)Keeping a harem of personafixed ex-villians.
edit: Note that I'm using "guy" as a gender-neutral term. If you'd feel differently about a female rapist PC than a male rapist PC then please say so.
James McMurray
Apr 26 2006, 05:53 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca) | The problem that arises from roleplaying rape is the same problem that arises from roleplayng nymphomaniac lesbians. Forcing one's own sexual fantasies into he nariative can violate interplayer and player-GM boundries and just plain creep everybody out. |
This is beside the point.
He's finally lost it. Quoting himself and then shooting down the post. I guess it's only a matter of time before the urges turn inward, eh?
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 26 2006, 05:55 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Of course, I'm more interested in your opinion about an otherwise heroic robin-hood esque philanthropist nice-guy PC in the following situations.
A)being a little too agressive on a date and refusing to accept no for an answer but (s)he didn't fight back physically.
B)Raping a villian as a form of revenge or retribution.
C)Keeping a harem of personafixed ex-villians. |
What the hell kind of scary-ass characters are you playing?!
Seriously though, about those situations:
A) I've never had the opportunity to RP a date, but if I did, I would sure as hell not RP a date rape (mostly because I don't make my characters with those kinds of character flaws, because I know I'd be uncomfortable RPing them)
B) No way in the thousand hells that a character of mine would do that either. The worst one of mine would do is a massive beat down, followed by letting the fucker bleed to death.
C) Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot?! See my comment about scary-ass characters above.
James McMurray
Apr 26 2006, 05:58 AM
I've done B before. The punishment fit the crime. We didn't RP it out beyond me giving a few details to ensure that the GM knew how far the character was willing to go to get his revenge.
Apr 26 2006, 06:14 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Apr 26 2006, 12:53 AM) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca) | QUOTE (hyzmarca) | The problem that arises from roleplaying rape is the same problem that arises from roleplayng nymphomaniac lesbians. Forcing one's own sexual fantasies into he nariative can violate interplayer and player-GM boundries and just plain creep everybody out. |
This is beside the point.
He's finally lost it. Quoting himself and then shooting down the post. I guess it's only a matter of time before the urges turn inward, eh? |
Don't take things out of context.

I was quoting my previous statement to prove that I had previously agreed with Glyph's assertion. The entire assertion was unrelated to the point I was trying to make in the post that Glyph was referancing. (Just in case you really are that dense.)
HMHVV Hunter, I wasn't asking about what your characters would do, per se. Rather I was asking about what your reaction, as a player (and a GM), would be if someone else's character did these things.
I didn't mean to imply that the date rape was in RP. It could just as easily be part of the character's background that just comes up for some reason or another (victim seeking revenge, perhaps).
As for C, giving villians who are too dangerous to let live a second chance with new personalities is certainly better than killing them.
James McMurray
Apr 26 2006, 07:06 AM
Don't take things out of context. I was quoting my previous statement to prove that I had previously agreed with Glyph's assertion. The entire assertion was unrelated to the point I was trying to make in the post that Glyph was referancing. (Just in case you really are that dense.) |
No use trying to cover it up. Your insanity has slipped through the cracks and that door can't be unopened.

As for C, giving villians who are too dangerous to let live a second chance with new personalities is certainly better than killing them. |
Only if you think that having your personality and memories whiped away is different from death, but that's a whole other topic altogether.
Apr 26 2006, 07:25 AM
Hyzmarca: I wasn't really disagreeing with you, just using your examples as a springing-off point for my own little spiel.
As far as the three hypothetical examples, I don't think most of the characters that I have played would approve of any of them, committed by another PC or NPC. The most amoral of them would be, at best, apathetic.
A. is the least defensible, since it is perpetrated against someone who cannot be said to "deserve" it. Their being too scared to fight back mitigates the crime in no way.
B. is where I would show a bit of hypocrisy. If the villain was, himself, a rapist, then some of my characters would consider it "poetic justice". An example of that would be Midnighter's revenge when Appollo was raped, in The Authority. On the other hand, it would probably change my character's opinion of the person doing it. Deserving victim or not, that person has still demonstrated that they are capable of doing such an act. So my character would probably start to wonder if the PC/NPC was capable of doing that to a less "deserving" victim.
C. would probably be considered monstrous by most of my characters, much more so than simply capping the bad guys would be. Combining slavery, brainwashing, and rape would be too far beyond the pale for them to accept even if the victims were scum of the earth.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 26 2006, 10:05 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
I NEVER said that it should never be in RPing at all. I said that GMs NEED TO TALK TO THEIR PLAYERS ABOUT IT FIRST! GMs have to be sensitive to their players, and I think to do anything less is irresponsible. |
I think it's offensive that you try to link a violation like that with "just some sexuality." And any respect I had for you just took a big fuckin' nosedive. ... And I know what playing Devil's Advocate is, and frankly I don't give a shit. I'm not in the mood to hear why people who have gone through something horrible in their real lives shouldn't be given consideration when they're supposed to be playing a fun RPG, hypothetical argument or not.
I'm glad we could discuss the appropriateness of the issue in the context of gaming in that calm, rational manner.
Apr 27 2006, 03:31 AM
Holy crap, step away from the board for a day and hyzmarca writes a freaking novel.
I would like to see references with actual stats, because 93.234% of statistics are made up on the spot.
The heart of this problem is the premise that people who fantasize about things and enjoy roleplaying them will always enjoy them in reality. This is obviously false. In fact, it is quite possible for people to enjoy roleplaying things that they would find repulsive in reality. Take, for example, being the victim of torture. It can provide a great cathartic roleplaying experience, in my opinion. Of course, while I might enjoy having a character subjected to the electrified testicle clamps I would not take one bit of pleasure from it in reality. In fact, I would prefer to not be tortured in reality and would dislike it if I were. |
BS. If you enjoy it in roleplaying then there are elements that you will enjoy in real life. You might not like the sensation of electrified testicles, but I am sure the kink/bizarro factor would turn you on. Roleplaying gives you are safe way to experience scenarios, roleplaying just circomvents your inhibitions because it is not reality, but there still is some element of you that enjoys or wants to.
James McMurray
Apr 27 2006, 03:36 AM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
BS. If you enjoy it in roleplaying then there are elements that you will enjoy in real life. You might not like the sensation of electrified testicles, but I am sure the kink/bizarro factor would turn you on. Roleplaying gives you are safe way to experience scenarios, roleplaying just circomvents your inhibitions because it is not reality, but there still is some element of you that enjoys or wants to. |
I have to completely disagree with this, but there's just so much crap in it I don't know where to begin. One question though:
Do you enjoy playing a game where you break into an office, steal some stuff, and then kill the security gaurd on the way out because he spotted you? If so, when do you plan on starting your career as a thief and a murderer?
Some people play characters that are themselves (or who they want to be) but with different skills and abilities. Some people play charaters that are nowhere near the people they actually are (or want to be).
Apr 27 2006, 04:03 AM
Actually ... I do really enjoy sneaking into places undetected. And I admit that if the world was more lawless I probably would have shot a few people. truth is, I don't have a problem with shooting someone if the situation warrants it.... and stopped being a thief after I reached the age of majority. There was a huge thrill factor.
I never said I would have a career change, I said that some element of you has to get off on it, or at least the idea of it.
I am not sure if when you roleplay you visualize everything. When I roleplay, there is a movie rolling through my brain, and I can see, hear, smell, feel everything my character does. I get to make some decisions based on the situation I am in, and the GM orchestrates the external setting.
Some people play characters that are themselves (or who they want to be) but with different skills and abilities. Some people play charaters that are nowhere near the people they actually are (or want to be). |
I guess I keep thinking that if you are playing a character you have to be able to identify with them, and actually become them. I have played chars that are not at all like I am, but usually those are more mechanical, and wind up being more of a choose your own adventure than a roleplaying session.
Apr 27 2006, 04:14 AM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
Holy crap, step away from the board for a day and hyzmarca writes a freaking novel.
I would like to see references with actual stats, because 93.234% of statistics are made up on the spot. |
My statistics come from
Wikipedia which cites
This Page which cites Knox, D. (1984). Human sexuality: The search for understanding.
This Knox fellow seems to have a decent reputation.
http://www.wadsworth.com/cgi-wadsworth/cou...issn=0534363539 QUOTE |
BS. If you enjoy it in roleplaying then there are elements that you will enjoy in real life. You might not like the sensation of electrified testicles, but I am sure the kink/bizarro factor would turn you on. Roleplaying gives you are safe way to experience scenarios, roleplaying just circomvents your inhibitions because it is not reality, but there still is some element of you that enjoys or wants to.
Actually, I am turned off by torture, despite my BDSM referances. A light spanking can be nice, but that's beside the point. My feelings for torture roleplaying as a cathartic release are as non-sexual as anything can be and is probably a mild form of Mary Sueism. You can't have a Mary Sue who doesn't endure tragic suffering.
James McMurray
Apr 27 2006, 04:29 AM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
Actually ... I do really enjoy sneaking into places undetected. And I admit that if the world was more lawless I probably would have shot a few people. truth is, I don't have a problem with shooting someone if the situation warrants it.... and stopped being a thief after I reached the age of majority. There was a huge thrill factor. |
So then you would enjoy the cold-blooded murder of someone who was just doing your job? There is something inside you that wants to see people die and have their children mourn them? How does that make you better than people who put a rape in their game?
Simply because you can't roleplay someone you can't identify with doesn't mean that everbody suffers from that inability. Or do you think that because Anthony Hopkins played a believable Hannibal Lecter he must somehow fantisize about and enjoy the idea of cannibalism?
Apr 27 2006, 02:31 PM
As dark as it sounds, there is a snapping point that I could reach and yes, have the capacity for cold blooded murder. (for example, the guy from nova scotia that just went and killed those sex offenders, I could do that for a living) There might be a few people that will mourn them, but meh... can't make an omelette without braking some eggs.
I don't know if he fantasizes about it ... that is not what I was saying, but I do think he gets a thrill from the idea. How can you play 3 movies about such a character if you don't have any interest in it? He might not like the taste of human flesh, if he tried it, but I think that the capacity for such acts is there.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 27 2006, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
How can you play 3 movies about such a character if you don't have any interest in it? He might not like the taste of human flesh, if he tried it, but I think that the capacity for such acts is there. |
So by that logic:
-Thomas Jane wants to be a vigilante (he played The Punisher in the 2004 movie)
-Brent Spiner wants to genetically engineer psychotic killers (playing Dr. Arik Soong who did just that in "Enterprise")
-Michael Douglas wants to cheat the stock market ("Wall Street")
-Stephen Dorff wants to drink blood ("Blade")
-Ron Livingston wants to be a major corporate thief ("Office Space")
-Alan Ford wants to be a psychotic crime boss that feeds people to pigs (Brick Top in "Snatch")
The list could go on forever, but I think you see what I'm saying.
Apr 27 2006, 03:12 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
QUOTE (Platinum @ Apr 27 2006, 10:31 AM) |
How can you play 3 movies about such a character if you don't have any interest in it? He might not like the taste of human flesh, if he tried it, but I think that the capacity for such acts is there. |
So by that logic:
-Thomas Jane wants to be a vigilante (he played The Punisher in the 2004 movie) -Brent Spiner wants to genetically engineer psychotic killers (playing Dr. Arik Soong who did just that in "Enterprise") -Michael Douglas wants to cheat the stock market ("Wall Street") -Stephen Dorff wants to drink blood ("Blade") -Ron Livingston wants to be a major corporate thief ("Office Space") -Alan Ford wants to be a psychotic crime boss that feeds people to pigs (Brick Top in "Snatch")
The list could go on forever, but I think you see what I'm saying.
no .... read this SLOWLY ... I said you have the capacity and you probably enjoy it on some minor level, not that you are going to become totally immersed in it.
Apr 27 2006, 04:05 PM
Platinum, do you have any support for your claim, or are you simply deriving something from your own preferences and applying it to everyone else in the whole world?
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 27 2006, 04:32 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Platinum, do you have any support for your claim, or are you simply deriving something from your own preferences and applying it to everyone else in the whole world? |
Perhaps he's living by his sig. quote
Apr 27 2006, 04:48 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
QUOTE (nezumi @ Apr 27 2006, 12:05 PM) | Platinum, do you have any support for your claim, or are you simply deriving something from your own preferences and applying it to everyone else in the whole world? |
Perhaps he's living by his sig. quote |
Mainly just opinions based on what I have learned in psychology courses and discussions with several psychologists about roleplaying. Same amount of support you guys have.
James McMurray
Apr 27 2006, 05:09 PM
Not quite the same, as hyzmarca cited sources.
I said you have the capacity and you probably enjoy it on some minor level, |
So Stephen Dorf enjoys drinking blood?
How can you play 3 movies about such a character if you don't have any interest in it? |
You might be surprised at the kinds of things people will act out for 50 gajillion dollars.
Apr 27 2006, 05:22 PM
It's worth pointing out that there's a difference between enjoyment and interest. I enjoy studying (most of) my interests, but I have interest in things that I gain no enjoyment from.
I will oftentimes play a character completely disimilar to me to the point that I personally actively dislike him (this is especially true as a GM) not because I enjoy what he's doing, but because I'm curious if I can see the world like him for a while.