Feb 23 2006, 04:40 AM
I'll will try not to cluter up this new thread to much, just safe to say everyone if you have very experemental caracters just post them here--anything goes ALL exotic races are allowed, If you can explain Why you can have a Jackleman Caracter in Shadowrun I'd love to hear it; for example.
Dours-Leshies, hell if you can BS a jubruq into shadowrun That would be great
Lets see what happens
Feb 23 2006, 06:39 AM
Anyone made a Leafer?
Feb 23 2006, 07:06 AM
How about a Centaur-horse shapeshifter-ghoul-vampire-drake-immortal-otaku-mystic adept that comited suicide because both the player and GM were retarded for even thinking about it existing?
Feb 23 2006, 07:14 AM
Sounds good. But please do not withhold the stats of that character you made...
Feb 23 2006, 07:36 AM
the most out there we've seen in our group were:
Nightone gunslinger Nosferatu
ninj-erk drake hidden life receptacle from former ally spirit that went free
SURGEd former vampire gecko shaman that has puckered fingers, can change his skin color, and lisks his own eyeballs
Guy that SURGEd into a puddle of water. Think Hydroman from Marvel comics, except that he really can't do any of that cool stuff. We threaten to drink him all the time.
As you can see, SURGE really hit our group in a wierd way.
Feb 23 2006, 09:28 AM
I'm thinking of playing a Hacker that got cauight "down the rabbit hole" during Crash 2.0. Hes stuck in the Matrix and the only way for the team to talk to him is by going online in some way. He'd be pretty messed up and schitzoid, but a hell of a Hacker. But I just don't know.
Feb 23 2006, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
Dours-Leshies, hell if you can BS a jubruq into shadowrun That would be great |
I can read the words, but they don't make any sense.
Oh, what about a lesbian elf face/gun-bunny! Is that original?
Feb 23 2006, 03:22 PM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Feb 23 2006, 08:02 AM) |
QUOTE (boskop-albatros @ Feb 22 2006, 11:40 PM) | Dours-Leshies, hell if you can BS a jubruq into shadowrun That would be great |
I can read the words, but they don't make any sense.
Jubruq is a race/creature from Earthdawn I think.
Oh, what about a lesbian elf face/gun-bunny! Is that original? |
Is she
hot? Snd pic plz.

A female right? Or are they a male in drag pretending to be a female so he can get some FFM action?
Feb 23 2006, 03:53 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
I'm thinking of playing a Hacker that got cauight "down the rabbit hole" during Crash 2.0. Hes stuck in the Matrix and the only way for the team to talk to him is by going online in some way. He'd be pretty messed up and schitzoid, but a hell of a Hacker. But I just don't know. |
So, make a technomancer, say he can't ever log off, forget about his meatbod, and you're there.
Obviously, there would have to be some balance to make up for not taking half the attributes, or most skills, but in the hands of a non-munchkin it could be fun.
Feb 23 2006, 04:14 PM
give the meat bod all stats of 1...of course the question I'd ask is how long before the IV drip and catheter give up the ghost. The concept has merit, but would require a lot of work going into the background. Maybe he's a former exec or corp-kid in a coma.
It might be possible to use a variant of "Borrowed Time" where there is only so long before the hospital pulls the plug, but the runner doesn't know when. So now he's doing everything possible to set the timeline according to his own wishes and setting up a seperate place to live, with nurses etc.
EDITED for Technomancer wireless capabilities and add second paragraph.
Feb 23 2006, 04:19 PM
Oh, see, I thought we were going for a Ghost in the Machine character, untethered to his meatbod (which is presumably putrifying somewhere)
This is the wacky character thread, after all. Otherwise it's just the same old quadrapalegic decker.
Feb 23 2006, 04:24 PM
In that case just do a free sprite...extra critter powers and the like.
Feb 23 2006, 05:22 PM
My concept was definatly Ghost in the Machinesque. Meat body gone. I suppose it could be a long tern goal to find another meat host, but getting into it (and its current soul out) would be exceedingly difficult.
And like I said, I'd want him to be very frightened and kinda unbalanced.
Remember the Star Trek Next Gen episode where there was some kind of reality time split thingy and there were a whole bunch of Enterprises from alternate realities. One of them was from a Borg dominated universe and Riker was like a scared rabbit screaming that the Borg "were everywhere!"
Kinda like that.
Ancient History
Feb 23 2006, 05:26 PM
Jubruq wouldn't be that hard. It's just a weak, infertile ork or human with a talent for magic and a free spirit contact.
emo samurai
Feb 23 2006, 05:59 PM
The thing is, you can't reach Ares's research servers from within your Barrens apartment anymore; you have to move in. So you'd pretty much have to live on a comlink that your friends carry in to the building before you can be useful.
Feb 23 2006, 06:01 PM
Couldn't you just hop from one wireless device to the next to get there?
emo samurai
Feb 23 2006, 06:29 PM
God, that is so munchkin.
Feb 23 2006, 06:31 PM
I agree.
That's why I said it was an interesting idea only in the hands of a non-munchkin. Otherwise it's just another infirm hacker who doesn't want the hassle of babysitting his meat.
Feb 24 2006, 12:44 AM
At least it's not playing a fully AI character.
Feb 24 2006, 12:47 AM
Nah, you can do that right up until you bump into (A) jamming or (B) some of that nifty wireless-proof wallpaper. Unless you want your runner crew dragging a bunch of signal repeaters along.
Feb 24 2006, 01:10 AM
my weirdest char (SR3) is a blind satyr magician's path adept with a custom flaw called Spirit Blind that keeps her from ever taking astral perception. her other senses are maxed out, and she melees using a mankiri-gusari (a weighted chain). with her powers, melee maneuvers, and reach, her final TN in melee is 3. she also has a few custom spells that allow her to quickdraw her mankiri-gusari in response to a melee attack, so she's never unarmed unless she's surprised--and with her sense package, including 8 levels of the sixth sense power, she's hard as hell to surprise.
Feb 24 2006, 09:08 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
give the meat bod all stats of 1...of course the question I'd ask is how long before the IV drip and catheter give up the ghost. The concept has merit, but would require a lot of work going into the background. Maybe he's a former exec or corp-kid in a coma.
It might be possible to use a variant of "Borrowed Time" where there is only so long before the hospital pulls the plug, but the runner doesn't know when. So now he's doing everything possible to set the timeline according to his own wishes and setting up a seperate place to live, with nurses etc.
EDITED for Technomancer wireless capabilities and add second paragraph. |
that's a cool idea, I like that.
The Jopp
Feb 24 2006, 12:14 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
QUOTE (McQuillan @ Feb 23 2006, 11:14 AM) | give the meat bod all stats of 1...of course the question I'd ask is how long before the IV drip and catheter give up the ghost. The concept has merit, but would require a lot of work going into the background. Maybe he's a former exec or corp-kid in a coma.
It might be possible to use a variant of "Borrowed Time" where there is only so long before the hospital pulls the plug, but the runner doesn't know when. So now he's doing everything possible to set the timeline according to his own wishes and setting up a seperate place to live, with nurses etc.
EDITED for Technomancer wireless capabilities and add second paragraph. |
that's a cool idea, I like that.
Interesting concept, but put some more things into it. Have him have himself as a dependant (his body) and a lifestyle cost for having access to various networks within the matrix. He has to run the shadows in order to keep his body alive since medical care costs money.
Since he is in essence a “ghost in the machine” and not living “in” his body he is able to perceive the body from medical surveillance cameras. The main storyline would be that he really, really wants to get back into his body and for that he needs more expert care.
If someone manages to trace him back to his body then he might be toast, the only thing between his meat and quite possible a certain death would be the local security, and whatever ideas he might have.
Possible flaws:
Borrowed time (or a variant of it, he might not be dying)
Dependant, Meatbody
Mar 4 2006, 04:08 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
The thing is, you can't reach Ares's research servers from within your Barrens apartment anymore; you have to move in. So you'd pretty much have to live on a comlink that your friends carry in to the building before you can be useful. |
Sounds like McCoy Pauley (aka Dixie Flatline, from
Mar 4 2006, 04:38 AM
QUOTE (b1ffov3rfl0w) |
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Feb 23 2006, 12:59 PM) | The thing is, you can't reach Ares's research servers from within your Barrens apartment anymore; you have to move in. So you'd pretty much have to live on a comlink that your friends carry in to the building before you can be useful. |
Sounds like McCoy Pauley (aka Dixie Flatline, from Neuromancer). |
Didn't he ask to be erased at the end?
Mar 4 2006, 01:42 PM
QUOTE (Frackula @ Mar 3 2006, 11:38 PM) |
QUOTE (b1ffov3rfl0w @ Mar 3 2006, 11:08 PM) | QUOTE (emo samurai @ Feb 23 2006, 12:59 PM) | The thing is, you can't reach Ares's research servers from within your Barrens apartment anymore; you have to move in. So you'd pretty much have to live on a comlink that your friends carry in to the building before you can be useful. |
Sounds like McCoy Pauley (aka Dixie Flatline, from Neuromancer). |
Didn't he ask to be erased at the end?
[ Spoiler ]
Indeed, at one point he barginned to be erased in exchange for helping. However at the end of the book he was not erased and nor did he want to be because he was given something that he didn't think possible. Life.
Mar 5 2006, 06:11 PM
Back in the time of SR2 the oddest character would be a toss up between the shapeshifting ferret who was also a Ferret shaman (based on Fox IIRC) and the Pimp mage with five hookers (friends for life) who were all adepts. It was one of the strangest groups I played in but it was a lot of fun.
Mar 5 2006, 06:58 PM
about the wireless age and the "decker-in-a-box":
remember that even tho things are all wireless and supposedly mesh based, the big corps still need a way to link their buildings together. i dont think they would rely on the comlinks of the people walking by to carry it, so therefor i expect there to be high signal rating nodes around that you can "hijack" to get to nearly anywhere in the world.
if i ever GM a SR4 game i would just allow a matrix search for the hacker to locate any active node in the world (if he knows what he is searching for, the more specific, the less hits needed). passives and hiddens are something else...
ok, so there is the ever-present offline node, but those was allso a problem in SR3 and older, so i dont see that as something related to the new wireless matrix.
hell, given that a drone can act as a routing point now, its even simpler to compromise those kinds of systems. just have two microdrones link each other with a fiber cable, and have them string that cable thru the door leading into the "shielded" area. then you have another drone piggyback on one of the runners
Mar 5 2006, 06:59 PM
This is one concept that I was toying around with, along the lines of the previously mentioned ghost in the machine concept. depending on how you want to GM it this would either be two different player characters highly linked together or one player character with essentially two game characters.
The concept is that there were two twins before the crash. One of them was an otaku, very good decker or hacker, whatever pleases you. When the crash happened this twin was in the Matrix and their meatbody died. After the dusk settled it was found, however, that this twin was 'stuck' within the machine. The character quickly made contact with their twin, who had thought their sibling long lost. As a consequence the living twin got a simrig with the RAS override disabled. This allows the lost twin to occasionally 'jump' into the body of the living twin to interact with the real world. For some reason this duo is shadowrunners.
As you can see, this could either be played by two players or just one. The benefit of this over the simply ghost in the machine is that the ghost character can design a full character in creation with non-Matrix skills and still be able to use these when the jump into the living twin. I suggest that it be required the twins be identical, meaning they must take the same physical attributes, and very similar mental attributes.
Note that i'm not 100% sure a simrig with the RAS override disabled is the proper piece of ware but it should be something similar to that. It may be that you simply need whatever is required to play back a personafix chip and disable the RAS override on that.
Mar 5 2006, 10:37 PM
Simrigs don't have RAS overrides; they're simsense recorders.
I think the bit of ware you're thinking of would be a 'Snake Eyes system'.
Mar 5 2006, 11:18 PM
Not looking at any of the books:
1. I thought that Snake Eyes system was to allow someone to see as if they were a person equiped with the Snake Eyes system, most commonly to make them part of a spotter drone network or something like that...
2. I totally forget what book Snake Eyes was in, but I'm pretty sure its not in SR4, true we could convert, but my previous point still stands.
3. I agree that simrig isn't the proper ware, I was thinking about it the wrong direction, that would allow the 'ghost' twin to feel as if they were the living twin...
Chrome Shadow
Mar 6 2006, 03:23 PM
I actually made me an Phisical Adept Eagle Shapeshifter for third edition, but never got to use it...
The adept powers only worked on the human body, and I also had to divide the Building points on the two bodies (human/animal), so I din't thought it would be overbalancing...
I really wanted to fly...
And to appear naked in front of peopple...
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