Mar 9 2006, 05:16 PM
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to this forum, but are they any other SR forums worth checking out?
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Mar 9 2006, 06:15 PM
QUOTE (Mardegun) |
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to this forum, but are they any other SR forums worth checking out? |
Not unless you can read Polish.
Mar 9 2006, 08:27 PM
QUOTE (Mardegun @ Mar 9 2006, 12:16 PM) |
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to this forum, but are they any other SR forums worth checking out? |
I think you gave DSF any and all respect due by implying that it is worth checking out.
All things considered that is high praise, if not overly generous.
Mar 9 2006, 09:06 PM
This is the main show, the primary centre for players.
Bulldrek is dead, it was basically an OT forum.
There is some rollplaying at,,, and great info and a lightly used forum at you are looking for a place where players discuss game mechanics/ideas this is pretty much it.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 9 2006, 10:08 PM
Mr. Man
Mar 9 2006, 11:42 PM
I used to have a GM who preferred
Shadowrun Pub to DSF. I think he liked it because they're more tolerant of non-canon stuff.
Mar 10 2006, 12:18 AM
A lot of older hands here went to when the lounge here was closed. mostly the people there use the lounge but most of the population are experienced gamers.
Mar 10 2006, 05:10 AM
Brahm: ouch, that hurts man
Mar 10 2006, 07:19 AM
if your looking to do SR stories or at least get some feedback on any that you've done, then here is the
shadowrun writers forum?
mattness pl
Dec 30 2006, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate) |
QUOTE (Mardegun @ Mar 9 2006, 12:16 PM) | I don’t mean to be disrespectful to this forum, but are they any other SR forums worth checking out? |
Not unless you can read Polish.
Thank you
De Badd Ass
Dec 30 2006, 06:53 PM
This is the best. The alternative is Wizards of the Coast.
Jan 1 2007, 03:29 AM
QUOTE (Brahm) |
I think you gave DSF any and all respect due by implying that it is worth checking out. All things considered that is high praise, if not overly generous. |
(Scurrying in trees overhead.)
Jan 1 2007, 06:27 PM
Provided you can read (and write) German, there's the Shadowrun section of
FanPro D's official forum.
Jan 1 2007, 11:10 PM
Jan 2 2007, 12:24 AM
Jan 2 2007, 03:10 AM
*Internet Writing Place Thingies
Jan 2 2007, 03:49 AM
what the hell is with the zombie threas guys? come on. let them die.
Jan 2 2007, 03:58 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
*Fori! |
Dumpshock is clearly the best forus.
Jan 2 2007, 04:10 AM
True dat!
Wounded Ronin
Jan 2 2007, 04:18 AM
Heh, this old thread came up again.
The answer is still no. Seriously.
Jan 2 2007, 07:31 AM
I liked this forum much more before I donated the c note to it. Maybe it was just the timing - SR$ was announced soon after (despite numerous denials there was a new edition coming, much less a total re-tool of the rules.) Then there was the SR4 Forum addition, which gets SR4 traffic, plus traffic that probably belongs to the general SR forum (and we are always patting ourselves on the back for how intelligent SR players are in general.) Then the influx of new Dumpshockers inane posting (maybe a by-product of the so called dumbed down rules of SR$4) Now the biased and iron fisted rule of the new pro-active moderators (Sorry, Graht and Caine Hazen) not pointing fingers at you two.)
(edited after checking the new moderators list)
Wounded Ronin
Jan 2 2007, 11:02 PM
Nevertheless, there will never be a better SR forum until we beatt the horrors.
Jan 2 2007, 11:19 PM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
I liked this forum much more before I donated the c note to it. Maybe it was just the timing - SR$ was announced soon after (despite numerous denials there was a new edition coming, much less a total re-tool of the rules.) Then there was the SR4 Forum addition, which gets SR4 traffic, plus traffic that probably belongs to the general SR forum (and we are always patting ourselves on the back for how intelligent SR players are in general.) Then the influx of new Dumpshockers inane posting (maybe a by-product of the so called dumbed down rules of SR$4) Now the biased and iron fisted rule of the new pro-active moderators (Sorry, Graht and Caine Hazen) not pointing fingers at you two.)
(edited after checking the new moderators list) |
Amen. We just had two interesting discussions shut down where a significant number of us were participating and (especially considering the subject matter), everything was very polite and well-reasoned.
Reminds me of that story about Bobby Fischer and the Cuban Missile Crisis. For those who don't know, Bobby Fischer was a brilliant, brilliant chess player. Turned up at his club one day and everyone was discussing the probability of imminent nuclear war. Apparently he ground his teeth for all of four minutes before leaping to his feet and crying: "But this has nothing to do with chess!"
We're peers and we're brought together from many walks of life and even cultures by a shared love of pretending to be elves with wires in our heads. That's enough of a reason why we might be interested in learning more about each other's view on the World.
Of course this itself is off-topic, but I think we've answered the original question by now - there aren't many other fora / forums / fori / foropodes. So if we want to talk about different matters with each other, this is where it has to be.
Jan 2 2007, 11:33 PM
Never elves. I'd never play one.
Does it make me geek that I know who Bobby Fischer is?
Since SR4, there seem to be much less traffic in our german fanpro forum, shadowrun section. And there are quite a few new members

I think I am not the only one who frequents Dumpshock more than before, I recognize lots of nick names.
My point: DSF is certainly the foremost SR forum in existence.
Jan 2 2007, 11:54 PM
Those who are interested in the general SR vs SR4 forum issues should read and reply to this thread, if they have not already:
Jan 2 2007, 11:57 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jan 2 2007, 07:31 AM) | I liked this forum much more before I donated the c note to it. Maybe it was just the timing - SR$ was announced soon after (despite numerous denials there was a new edition coming, much less a total re-tool of the rules.) Then there was the SR4 Forum addition, which gets SR4 traffic, plus traffic that probably belongs to the general SR forum (and we are always patting ourselves on the back for how intelligent SR players are in general.) Then the influx of new Dumpshockers inane posting (maybe a by-product of the so called dumbed down rules of SR$4) Now the biased and iron fisted rule of the new pro-active moderators (Sorry, Graht and Caine Hazen) not pointing fingers at you two.)
(edited after checking the new moderators list) |
Amen. We just had two interesting discussions shut down where a significant number of us were participating and (especially considering the subject matter), everything was very polite and well-reasoned.
Reminds me of that story about Bobby Fischer and the Cuban Missile Crisis. For those who don't know, Bobby Fischer was a brilliant, brilliant chess player. Turned up at his club one day and everyone was discussing the probability of imminent nuclear war. Apparently he ground his teeth for all of four minutes before leaping to his feet and crying: "But this has nothing to do with chess!"
We're peers and we're brought together from many walks of life and even cultures by a shared love of pretending to be elves with wires in our heads. That's enough of a reason why we might be interested in learning more about each other's view on the World.
Of course this itself is off-topic, but I think we've answered the original question by now - there aren't many other fora / forums / fori / foropodes. So if we want to talk about different matters with each other, this is where it has to be.
Thanks for speaking up. You would be surprised at the PMs that have been going back and forth the last couple of days.
this is the appropriate forum. I find
this thread interesting, but a new thread discussing moderation standards and options would alleviate baggage.
And this is on topic by trying to maintain this forum as
Jan 3 2007, 12:05 AM
There's always the
#S-Run Shadowrun Community, the largest and most active IRC-based SR community in the world. Games are currently running 4 days a week with pick-ups cropping up in the interim.
We've been around for over 10 years now and are still going strong. Forums are also on their way, but custom coding takes time and my team is pretty busy as it is.
The website offers a boatload of good info, as well as a Java IRC Chat option to get newcomers into the channel straight away. For those familiar with IRC, you can find us on Undernet in #S-Run and #Shadowrun.
Jan 3 2007, 12:11 AM
thanks for providing the link tisoz. As far as new guidelines and such, as had been said once or twice, those are in the works. If you have any feedback, feel free to let us know (or continure to).
And this is on topic by trying to maintain this forum as good. |
You don't need to justify every thread.
Jan 3 2007, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jan 2 2007, 11:57 PM) |
Perhaps this is the appropriate forum. I find this thread interesting, but a new thread discussing moderation standards and options would alleviate baggage. |
Thanks. I don't usually look in the other sections. Two topic areas are already enough to keep track of. To keep this on topic, I've posted my response
Superfly - that S-Run site looks excellent. Never knew it existed! Should definitely get going with those forums, though. Thanks for posting the link.
Jan 3 2007, 05:12 AM
When there was a Lounge people could discuss non-SR 'off topic' material there. If it were brought back maybe there would be fewer off-topic / 'inappropriate' threads in the SR forum?
Jan 3 2007, 05:29 AM
QUOTE (Bodak @ Jan 3 2007, 05:12 AM) |
When there was a Lounge people could discuss non-SR 'off topic' material there. If it were brought back maybe there would be fewer off-topic / 'inappropriate' threads in the SR forum? |
That was before my time, though I've heard about it. That could work.
I think the off-topic discussion tends to come up in two places. Either someone says something so interesting that we're all compelled to discuss it immediately, or it just arises in a thread like this one where the original question was answered and we've just moved on. In the former case, I've seen a lot of occasions where people have created the fork themselves and started a new thread. If there were a lounge, then people could probably be encouraged to put the new branch there if it's not directly game related. In the case of dead threads, they'd probably need to remain where they were for the sake of the original topic.
Sometimes the new discussion continues to weave in and out of the original discussion and the original can actually benefit from being kept in the light, as it were.
I think people are fairly good here at judging which of the three solutions to apply in any given case, and the moderators can always make the suggestion when branching is useful. I think a lounge might be a good idea, though given the issues surrounding the last one from what I hear, maybe it should be called something else this time to dissasociate it from the old one.
It could result in pressure to suddenly start a new thread there every time some new small branch in a thread came up though, which would kill a few potential discussions. People only have so much attention to divide between only so many threads.
It's 5:30am. I'm closing in rapidly on 24hours without sleep and I don't drink coffee. I may be rambling somewhat. These are just my thoughts.
Jan 3 2007, 05:44 AM
As Adam has said, the Lounge doesn't look like it'll be coming back. There's been plenty of discussion on that one. I my self don't mind topic drift most of the time, as long as it's at least SR related. A lot of good stuff comes out of the eventual topic drift IMO. 'Course the problems arise when what comes out is people just griping or when the thread becomes non-sensical, or if the derailment is before the original issue is addressed.
I'll post at times asking to bring something back on topic, in the mind that if it's an interesting topic that takes over the converstaion, it should be it's own thread.
QUOTE (knasser) |
Sometimes the new discussion continues to weave in and out of the original discussion and the original can actually benefit from being kept in the light, as it were. |
Personally I agree with this, I like threads that go off a bit ,as long as they come back to the priginal point somewhere in the tangent. The poster started it for a reason, so the thread should help them as much as possible. A lot of times the tanget comes up with something not directly related, but ends up being very helpful. That's the type I personally prefer. Adam I know prefers something more stream lined, address the topic, move on, if you have a tangent thought, start a new thread. Just a matter of personal taste I think. How he didn't just crack because of the Drop bear thread I'll never know.
SL James
Jan 3 2007, 06:34 AM
Eh. I prefer other fora to use for discussing what invariably boils down to politics, sex and religion.
mattness pl
Jan 4 2007, 06:49 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
what the hell is with the zombie threas guys? come on. let them die. |
Sorry for grave digging. I've came here searching fDS and didn't read last post tie stamp
Jan 4 2007, 06:59 AM
QUOTE (mattness pl) |
Sorry for grave digging. |
No need to apologize whatsoever.
Jan 4 2007, 08:30 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Superfly - that S-Run site looks excellent. Never knew it existed! Should definitely get going with those forums, though. Thanks for posting the link.
-K. |
Hey, no problem. Spread the word if you don't mind. Hope to see you in the IRC channel sometime.
Jan 4 2007, 09:38 PM
What is everyone using for IRC these days? The last time I messed with it Mirc was the big one.
Jan 4 2007, 10:03 PM
Still using mirc here ... and I might just check in some of these days. (most likely when i am babysitting my nephew, but different time zones could be a problem)
Jan 4 2007, 10:31 PM
I use X-Chat, mainly, if I use IRC at all (very rarely).
Wounded Ronin
Jan 6 2007, 07:59 AM
I actually like thread necromancy. What would we do if it weren't for the "can we beatt the horrors" thread?
Jan 6 2007, 08:43 PM
I personally use mIRC, but there's a Java Client on the
#S-Run Homepage for anyone new to IRC, or those who don't feel like downloading their own client just yet.
Just click the link called "#S-Run IRC Chat" to utilize it...Oh, and you need to have JRE installed for it to work.
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