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Full Version: The non-politically correct stats of men vs women
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Kremlin KOA
Bonus IP?
Okay that's it
all lesbians need to die as the GM should not have allowed them

QUOTE (Rooks)
how I sorry didn't know that a man will to walk 2 days straight for help after being straned for a week in a middle of nowhere in snow is "insiginifigant"

This is something only men can do? That's news to me...
QUOTE (Voorhees)
The Homosexual Males' power only works on heterosexual females if said females are fans of anime, the the Lesbians' power only works on frat boys.

I disagree. Show me a heterosexual man who claims to not enjoy watching lesbians have sex or a heterosexual women who claims not to enjoy watching gay men have sex and I'll show you a liar.

I think the bonus IP that lesbians get is the only honest way to refect the fact that they do get so much done in a day. That and halfing the duration of extended tests.
Fresno Bob
Honestly, I don't enjoy watching lesbians get it on or chicks making out to a degree where its like "ZOMG! I'm at a party and girls are making out! This is wild and crazy and hot!". Same reason I don't like watching hetero couples get it on- I don't like watching people that aren't me enjoy themselves.

Also, of all the parties I've been to where girls start making out, the girls were always around age 15 or 16, and like, the girls that are like trendy bisexuals. They're only gay when dudes are watching, you know? So, because of my obsessive over-analyzation of any situation I'm in, the fact that they're just attention whores ruins any sexual satisfaction I'd get from it.

It'd be different if I was with the two chicks, and they were making out with each other while paying attention to me.
Kremlin KOA
hyzmarca elaborate, so much done in a day
To elaorate: You need to watch more Kids in the Hall.
emo samurai
Honestly, I don't enjoy watching lesbians get it on or chicks making out to a degree where its like "ZOMG! I'm at a party and girls are making out! This is wild and crazy and hot!". Same reason I don't like watching hetero couples get it on- I don't like watching people that aren't me enjoy themselves.

Also, of all the parties I've been to where girls start making out, the girls were always around age 15 or 16, and like, the girls that are like trendy bisexuals. They're only gay when dudes are watching, you know? So, because of my obsessive over-analyzation of any situation I'm in, the fact that they're just attention whores ruins any sexual satisfaction I'd get from it.

It'd be different if I was with the two chicks, and they were making out with each other while paying attention to me.

The thing is, you just have to suspend disbelief. If you like cyberpunk, you have to forget that jacking into a 10 MB computer won't make you see the internet in 3-d. If you watch opera, you have to forget the fact that you despise the self-obsession of the characters. Every entertainment medium requires this, porn more than any other.

And for the record, I would totally love to be a lesbian, too.
But SR4 isn't fun like SR3. In SR3, you could play an albino night one surged catgirl bisexual stripper/assassin. In SR4, you're stuck with a plain, ordinary elven bisexual stripper/assassin. Meh. frown.gif
I agree... just leave it alone.

QUOTE (Glyph)
But SR4 isn't fun like SR3. In SR3, you could play an albino night one surged catgirl bisexual stripper/assassin. In SR4, you're stuck with a plain, ordinary elven bisexual stripper/assassin. Meh. frown.gif

Let's see... Night Ones had been introduced in the Companion, right? It's not out for SR4, right? So you may need a little patience? wink.gif
For surged: well, get creative biggrin.gif

And you forgot shapeshifter ghoul lesbian spirit-possessed lesbian dikoted, so it would be like albino night one surged catgirl shapeshifter ghoul lesbian spirit-possessed lesbian dikoted bisexual stripper/assassin

QUOTE (Shrike30)
QUOTE (Rooks @ Mar 19 2006, 07:16 PM)
how I sorry didn't know that a man will to walk 2 days straight for help after being straned for a week in a middle of nowhere in snow is "insiginifigant"

This is something only men can do? That's news to me...

haven't seen any example and yes the woman gave up sooner and hid from the cold
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Mar 20 2006, 02:12 PM)
The Homosexual Males' power only works on heterosexual females if said females are fans of anime, the the Lesbians' power only works on frat boys.

I disagree. Show me a heterosexual man who claims to not enjoy watching lesbians have sex or a heterosexual women who claims not to enjoy watching gay men have sex and I'll show you a liar.

I do enjoy watching lesbians, although I feel competition from the fact (more so than from gay men). My wife also enjoys watching lesbians. Neither of us enjoy watching man on man action, and most women I've talked to do not enjoy watching man on man action.
QUOTE (Rooks)
QUOTE (Shrike30 @ Mar 20 2006, 04:20 PM)
QUOTE (Rooks @ Mar 19 2006, 07:16 PM)
how I sorry didn't know that a man will to walk 2 days straight for help after being straned for a week in a middle of nowhere in snow is "insiginifigant"

This is something only men can do? That's news to me...

haven't seen any example and yes the woman gave up sooner and hid from the cold

You're using one example as a means to determine the differences, in a 1-6 system, between two sexes?
heres another one: the olympics
The olympics: good point. I think that there are some differences in the "stats" of men vs. women. Hey everybody, look at the raging sexist! However, I think these diffferences are way too small to try to put on a 1-6 scale.
That's kind of what I was getting at. The system is *way* too granular (and intended to handle the center of the performance range, not the extremes) to have gender figured in as a straight-up stat modifier.

I think I remember reading somewhere that the lower charisma on orks and trolls was partially due to having a malformed frontal lobe. Seeing as how the difference between a baseline ork and a baseline human is only 1 point, equating a theoretical charisma difference between human men and women to what could most easily be explained as brain damage is a bit much.
The olympics are sexist, they are also elitist, racist, and hypocritical. The athletes deserve respect but the organizers should al be killed. Every last one of them. But I digress.

There are countless factors that influance the upper limits of athletic performance including height, arm and leg length, weight, muscle mass, muscle tone, and ect.

These factors are not limited to one gender or another. While men tend to have more upper body strength than women on average there will always be outliers that con't conform to the norms. Since SR stat mods are concerned with the extremes rather than the average applying stat mods for gender just doesn't work. In order to apply such mods realisticly and consistently one would have to use mods bassed on body structure rather than gender and simply build a character's body tendon by tendon and bone by bone. Unfortunatly, SR4 doesn't have that kind of granularity.

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