May 2 2006, 12:28 AM
Which you use to fight to you
EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle.
A knife is a very dangerous weapon, and can be (in some ways) as dangerous as a gun. I am skilled with a pistol. In my hands it is a very dangerous precise weapon. Alas I can't always carry a pistol.
Knives (I feel) are more scarry than pistols, just because the cutting involved. Think Leon in "The Professional".
May 2 2006, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
indeed. you use your knife to fight your way to your pistol, which you then use to fight your way to your gun. |
Or to fight my way to the point where I don't need to fight anymore.
May 2 2006, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
I can't legally carry a firearm into a bar, into a federal building, on a schoolyard, or into a whole bunch of other places that I might care to go to. A 3.5" folding knife, though, is legal pretty much everywhere I go, since it doesn't qualify as a weapon here. |
Just FYI, when you enter a federal building the legal limit on that knife drops to 2". Assuming you're talking about a US federal building.
May 2 2006, 06:05 PM
So after thinking about this for a bit, I came up with a possible Build.
Bod 6
Agi 5
Rea 4
Str 7
Cha 3
Int 3
Log 2
Wil 3
Edge 3
Magic 5
Init 7(

Adept Powers
Attribute Boost AGI 2
Attribute Boost STR 2
Improved Ability Blades 2
Improved Ability Throwing 2 (edited for typo)
Improved Reflexes 1
Blades (kinves) 5 (7)
Throwing (knives) 5 (7)
Athletics Group 3
Stealth Group 3
Perception 2
Ettiquette 2
Knife Weapon Focus R-1
Low Lifesyle
Leather Jacket
Armor Clothing
Meta Link / Xim
Fake SIN R-2
Throwing Knives x5
Contact: Mafia Lieutenant 2/3
Basic concept is a street tough who has shown enough promise that a local mafioso has taken him under his wing for use as extra muscle in shakedowns and to do a little work on things the family needs to keep at arms length, like delivery of BTL consignments to local street gangs and return with the money.
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
Improved Ability Blades 2 Improved Ability Blades 2 |
May 2 2006, 06:34 PM
Argghhh Typos! Second one should be Throwing not blades, sorry.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Knives are good for self-defense.... |
I categorically disagree and question your reasoning. You explained yourself clearly, but I have issue with the concept of deadly force as a deterrent. You seem to be counting on someone to know you have a blade and that you're willing to use it and that you can use it effectively and that you aren't out-armed and that you have the composure not to use it in a panic after you've shown it. Anyway, we're probably not gonna agree, so don't take this as a personal attack. However....
May 3 2006, 01:53 AM
Well, if any of that fails then you use it.
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
[*shrug* It's not about stabbing every yahoo who takes a swing at you, it's about having options when you need them.... |
Good points, and I think you are wiser than most people out there as far as the role of that particular tool. I'd wager that when the pressure's on and they go into animal thinking, many folks'll pull a blade just because they think that the yahoo is maybe gonna take a swing at them. It takes a lot of training or discipline to think as you are describing in an emergency.
I also always have a knife with me on the job and on the street, because it's a useful tool. I've studied how to use it in a scrap, and I'm always aware that it's there, but I don't carry a knife "for self-defense."
I might feel different if I was living in Northern Uganda or something....
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ May 3 2006, 01:53 AM) |
Well, if any of that fails then you use it.
~J |
And kill somebody because he wanted to give you a black eye?
Edit: Sorry everybody, don't mean to use the thread to argue. I'll stop now.
if someone just wants to give you a black eye, that's one thing. self-defense is another. then again, if he just wants to give you a black eye, he's probably going to back off when he sees the knife. if not, well, you're doing the gene pool a favor.
May 3 2006, 02:23 AM
mfb made my point for me. There is a long list of things that I don't do, unarmed or armed, if I don't feel my life is potentially in danger. The knife just makes some of those things easier to do should I choose to do them.
Anyway... on another note, I was involved in an interesting series of tests once. One trained fighter given a dummy knife with ink or chalk on it to mark a hit, and the other given a stick, (usually a basic 60cm dowel, but we tried rolled magazines, collapsing batons, plastic coke bottles and other stuff.)
We did dozens of trials and kept a record, and about 9 times out of 10, the guy got his knife knocked out of his hand before he could close to use it. (Well, not with some of the improvised stuff.) Let's hear it for reach bonus, I guess!
We'd also throw knives into grappling fights. Most of the time, the two guys fighting didn't notice. We also filed down some different knives so they had no edge, and tried pulling them out from different pockets, etc. once "attacked." Didn't keep stats on that, but I'll be damned if I could get one out while someone was pounding on me.
Interesting stuff, I thought.
yeah, getting your knife out when you're surprised is a slow process, especially if you don't keep it readily accessible.
Wounded Ronin
May 3 2006, 04:27 AM
QUOTE (Dog) |
We'd also throw knives into grappling fights. Most of the time, the two guys fighting didn't notice. We also filed down some different knives so they had no edge, and tried pulling them out from different pockets, etc. once "attacked." Didn't keep stats on that, but I'll be damned if I could get one out while someone was pounding on me.
Interesting stuff, I thought. |
Great, personal insults. You want to think that superior positioning will overcome a "nasty thing" like a knife on the ground and you want to call me delusional? As you train in sparring, so shall you do. And if you leave out the possibility that the other guy may eye gouge you, or pull a knife, then you train to leave yourself open to those things. They will be a big surprise when your habits leave you open to them.
Heh heh, that's just my comedy theatre interjection for today.
May 3 2006, 02:34 PM
That entire thread has destroyed my brain.
May 3 2006, 03:17 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
That entire thread has destroyed my brain.
~J |
I was not aware that Dumpshockers had brains to begin with.
Any veteran DSer would have suffered so much Dumpshock his brain would be tofu.
May 3 2006, 03:19 PM
I'm pretty sure it's my brain. That's the thing to the right of the stomach, isn't it?
Kremlin KOA
May 3 2006, 04:00 PM
no that's your arm
Your brain is the thing that controls it and allows it to wank properly
James McMurray
May 3 2006, 04:03 PM
And there we have it, proof that Kremlin KOA has studied Kagetenshi's wanking technique and deeming it "proper."
Kremlin KOA
May 3 2006, 04:14 PM
Welfare had cut me off
It was either that job or my family starves to death
James McMurray
May 3 2006, 04:17 PM
I can understand how that must have been a hard choice to make, and hope you don't wind up regretting it later.
Kremlin KOA
May 3 2006, 04:19 PM
I may have nightmares for a few years
But at least I am alive
The bit that worried me is when a pair of Vietnam veterans (ex POWs) told me that they really felt how hard it was for me
James McMurray
May 3 2006, 04:35 PM
But did anyone feel how hard it was for him?
you should all die horribly.
James McMurray
May 3 2006, 04:40 PM
All of us? It seems a bit harsh to kill everyone because of the transgressions of just a couple.
May 3 2006, 05:39 PM
Holy crap man, are you just posting drivel to get your post count up?
If so ... post in Drop bears ... at least I don't read that one.
Kremlin KOA
May 3 2006, 06:12 PM
MFB: I deserve to die horribly, but not for this thread
Platinum: No, I just find a joke like James' to be like a scab, I just can't stop picking at it until it bleeds, lots.
James McMurray
May 3 2006, 06:36 PM
Holy crap man, are you just replying to crap to get your post count up?
Nope, I'm posting crap because it's amusing, and because I come to this board to have fun. Most of that fun comes from discussing shadowrun, but sometimes someone will say something I find amusing and I'll comment on it.
It's kinda like you coming here to have fun. (Presumably) most of your fun comes from disccussing shadowrun. But sometimes someone will say something you find offensive (perhaps because it's off topic), and you'll comment on it.
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