Apr 29 2006, 04:08 PM
I was flipping through my forth edition last night and my four-year-old twins jumped in my lap to "read" with me. At that time I was looking over some of the sample characters and I found the responses interesting:
Bounty Hunter: Monster with knife
Combat Mage: Monster with boo-boo (pointing at the magic)
Covert Ops Specialist: "I don't know what that is."
Drone Rigger: Monster
Enforcer: Monster
Face: "That's a mommy!"
Gunslinger Adept: "That's a mommy!"
Hacker: Monster
Occult Investigator: "That's you, Daddy!" (I look nothing like this guy.)
Radical Eco-Shamman: "That's a mommy!"
Smuggler: "That's a mommy!"
Sprawl Ganger: "That's a baseball Monster with a bat! Look, Daddy, that will give you a boo-boo." (pointing at the spikes on the bat)
Street Samurai: Monster
Street Shaman: Scary Monster
Technomancer: "That's a mommy!"
Weapons Specialist: "That's a mommy!"
Just thought that you would all get a kick out of that.
Apr 29 2006, 04:15 PM
Apr 29 2006, 05:28 PM
I made my TM by taking the sample TM and making some very small changes. I'm a mommy and I didn't even know it!
Apr 29 2006, 05:41 PM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
I'm a mommy and I didn't even know it!
My wife is a stay-at-home-mom (and she loves it) and most of the women in the neighborhood are too, so I guess that female = mom to my boys.
Apr 29 2006, 06:04 PM
Finally, someone else thinks single moms who run the shadows to suport their kids make good characters, too.
Apr 29 2006, 07:22 PM
but for optimum appeal to the target audience and considering the demographics of the select audience members it's more preferable to have hot young ladies with killer skills either in magic, combat, or at computers. The appeal degrades when they have a kid because it means that the female is... ok, I'll quit with the joke now since some of y'all probably think I was serious.
Apr 29 2006, 09:34 PM
but for optimum appeal to the target audience and considering the demographics of the select audience members it's more preferable to have hot young ladies with killer skills either in magic, combat, or at computers. The appeal degrades when they have a kid because it means that the female is... |
Experienced? Experience is good. It means less fumbling and more fun.
James McMurray
Apr 29 2006, 09:50 PM
Easy? that's good too.
Ancient History
Apr 29 2006, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (VR2.0 p8) |
>>>>>(The install routines ask for the student's family structure. Renraku didn't seem to have a branch in the logic for "in-vitro conceived offspring of lesbian mother living with urban tribe." Apparently this thing thinks I'm a widow.)<<<<< --Mom On The Run (21:05:37/7-10-55)
Apr 29 2006, 11:25 PM
ah, that part of VR2.0 is just incredibly fun to read
Apr 30 2006, 12:12 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
QUOTE (VR2.0 p8) | >>>>>(The install routines ask for the student's family structure. Renraku didn't seem to have a branch in the logic for "in-vitro conceived offspring of lesbian mother living with urban tribe." Apparently this thing thinks I'm a widow.)<<<<< --Mom On The Run (21:05:37/7-10-55)
Thank you AH, I was just thinking that. It always suprises me how many people remember Mom on the Run. I'm actually using her in a game right now, as part of a group setting up a new Shadowland node. People took one look at the handle and went "hey!" It'll be fun too, because I'm including her kid, who is now in her teens. Hope I got the appx time line right.
Apr 30 2006, 12:19 AM
given the time stamp on what AH posted, and assuming a relative newborn when she made the post, and assuming you are running an SR4 game, then yes, a 15-17 year old is like the age of the child
Big D
Apr 30 2006, 12:36 AM
The posters in the SBs are really what makes the SR universe work for me.
From the tidbits of information, to the flamewars, to the hints of SOMETHING BIG (usually involving Dunkelzahn or Harlequin) going on, to the quirks of folks like Laughing Bandit, those posts just bring the world to life.
Apr 30 2006, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (Aku) |
given the time stamp on what AH posted, and assuming a relative newborn when she made the post, and assuming you are running an SR4 game, then yes, a 15-17 year old is like the age of the child |
I'm doing 4th edition. Figured she wouldn't have the deck until about 3, so I put her at just turning 18.
Apr 30 2006, 01:12 AM
Kids are so cute at that age. Then they become moody, obnoxious a-hole teenagers.
James McMurray
Apr 30 2006, 01:16 AM
That happens way before 15-18. At least in my family.
Apr 30 2006, 02:13 AM
its the net, it exposes them to how badly messed up the world is...
still, i think its better to expose them to it then shelter them from it. atleast the former will hopefully prepare them for living it in on their own, unless the idea makes them open up a vein or something.
hmm, given that dunks gone, whats the matrix-name for ghostwalker? or does he not care for the new tech?
Kanada Ten
Apr 30 2006, 02:17 AM
Ghostwalker / Ghost in the Machine, Glitterfrost (Neither are confirmed) / Icewing, Doll-Maker
Apr 30 2006, 02:48 AM
either he has some issues just settling on one name (darn picky dragons) or some freelancers jsut don't agree (or read each other's stuff, although I doubt that's it)
Apr 30 2006, 02:50 AM
cute. looking forward to reading the sourcebooks.
Apr 30 2006, 02:53 AM
I asked my 5 year old son the same questions, here are his answers:
Bounty Hunter: Werewolf with a thing
Combat Mage: An Alien
Covert ops: Girl
Drone Rigger: Soldier
Enforcer: Soldier with bones
Face: Girl
Gunslinger: Girl with a shotgun and guns
Hacker: A guy
Occult investigator: A guy with fire and a thing
Eco-shaman: Girl
Smuggler: Girl with a bike
Ganger: a dead guy
Street Samurai: Undead guy with a sword
Street Shaman: Zombie guy
Technomancer: Girl
Weapons Specialist: Girl with guns
so, there you go.
Apr 30 2006, 04:14 AM
hehe, maybe you should have him checked for early hormone development? looks like he cant get past the girl think on most of the female archtypes.
still, i like his interpetation of the street shaman and samurai, oh and the ganger :rofl:
emo samurai
Apr 30 2006, 04:18 AM
"Dead guy?"
Apr 30 2006, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
Street Samurai: Undead guy with a sword |
your 5 year old acutally said "undead"
The things they do pick up.. hehe
Fire Hawk
Apr 30 2006, 05:17 AM
Dude, Fistandantilus, we must be getting old.
Kids, these days...
Apr 30 2006, 05:52 AM
no kidding. Hell, I'm only 25. And I'm from California and wondering why no one says 'dude' anymore. 'Course, living in Utah might be part of it....
thanks for the empathy..dude
Apr 30 2006, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Apr 29 2006, 11:46 PM) |
QUOTE (Squinky @ Apr 29 2006, 09:53 PM) | Street Samurai: Undead guy with a sword |
your 5 year old acutally said "undead" The things they do pick up.. hehe |
Yeah, My kids are going to be total geeks. I let him play World of Warcraft sometimes, and he plays an undead, heh.
My 9 year old son called the combat mage a night elf, so you can kinda see where they are coming from.
My favorite was the enforcer, "Soldier with bones" heh.
Apr 30 2006, 07:21 AM
That's hilarious. Remember that old Jeff Foxworthy joke about the uncut grass and the motor hanging form a tree? "That's a house where a gun lives."
"That's a house where a roleplayer lives."
MK Ultra
Apr 30 2006, 03:48 PM
Thats really funny

Iīm eager to hear more kidīs descriptions of archetypes
I guess for 4 or 5yo boyīs itīs not unusual, to simply describe every female as 'female' (whether they use the descriptor Mommy or Girl or whatever), though, so I wouldnītbe bothered about the hormones
Tiger Eyes
Apr 30 2006, 04:34 PM
My 4 1/2 year old daughter (who thinks, by the way, that in any game, if you roll a 6, you automatically win... which makes most of our board games go very very quickly), said the following:
Troll Bounty Hunter: "It's tall, so it might be a horse"
Combat Mage: "A bad guy"
Covert Ops: "A good guy"
Drone Rigger: "A bad guy"
Enforcer: "A lion"
Face: "A girl"
Gunslinger Adept: "A princess"
Hacker: "A bad guy"
Occult Investigator: "A good girl" (the jewelry... really, it's the jewelry

Eco-shaman: "A girl. Look, mama, she has a friend!"
Smuggler: "A super-hero girl"
Sprawl Ganger: "A tall piggy that stands up"
Street Sam: "Super-hero boy"
Street Shaman: "A very naughty boy"
Technomancer: "It's a cute little girl!"
Weapon's specialist: "Oh, there's her mommy!"
And then... "Now can I have your dice, mama?"
(I said no, not after yesterday's incident with my dice, elmer's glue, and her 1 year old brother).
Apr 30 2006, 04:36 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes) |
And then... "Now can I have your dice, mama?"
(I said no, not after yesterday's incident with my dice, elmer's glue, and her 1 year old brother). |
That's so Pratchett-like
Apr 30 2006, 04:56 PM
Gunslinger Adept: "A princess" |
Tiger Eyes
Apr 30 2006, 05:38 PM
QUOTE Gunslinger Adept: "A princess"
hmm... |
Well, my daughter considers Sydney Bristow (of Alias) to be a princess. And she watches Mulan (Disney) frequently, so... Actually, it might have just been the flowers in the adept's hair. Are shadowrunners allowed to wear flowers in their hair?
Apr 30 2006, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes) |
QUOTE | QUOTE Gunslinger Adept: "A princess"
hmm... |
Well, my daughter considers Sydney Bristow (of Alias) to be a princess. And she watches Mulan (Disney) frequently, so... Actually, it might have just been the flowers in the adept's hair. Are shadowrunners allowed to wear flowers in their hair? |
SOP in SanFran.
QUOTE (Geekkake) |
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Apr 30 2006, 12:38 PM) | QUOTE | QUOTE Gunslinger Adept: "A princess"
hmm... |
Well, my daughter considers Sydney Bristow (of Alias) to be a princess. And she watches Mulan (Disney) frequently, so... Actually, it might have just been the flowers in the adept's hair. Are shadowrunners allowed to wear flowers in their hair? |
SOP in SanFran.
i thought that was only sop for guys?
ohh, that was wrong...
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