May 9 2006, 05:51 PM
. . .and it’s all I’ve been able to think about ever since. I won’t go into the details (it’s a very private matter, and I don’t understand it all anyways), but I know that it’s related to this stuff that happened to me about five or six years ago, during the Crash. The Crash changed my life—changed me—more than it did most people, and for all those years I’ve been trying to find answers about those changes. Now that this new thing has happened, I feel like I’m starting to get the answers I’ve waited for, but I’m not sure that I really want them now. This thing—well, revelation is probably a better word for it—this revelation has shown me that I’m a part of something so much bigger than I am, something that I can’t even begin to fathom. And that makes me feel so small and insignificant. . . . If only I could understand more!
Anyway, has anyone ever felt like this? I’d feel better knowing that someone else might be able to sympathize. Please share!
May 9 2006, 07:09 PM
What you describe sounds almost exactly like my experiences hearing the spirits speak for the first time. It's a lot to get used to, even a month later it's still hard to accept you're part of an entirely different reality than everyone else occupies. I was lucky, I had people to help me through it. I hate to think about what happens to those who don't.
Kanada Ten
May 10 2006, 02:08 AM
> Psychotropic effects associated with exposure to the Jormungand worm. This is a pretty typical response from lab tests I've seen. You're probably experiencing delusions and "after images" that seem to emulate or resemble the Matrix, unless I miss my guess. Maybe you should head over to Seattle General and talk to a Doctor Francis Coppella; he can put you in touch with the right people to sort out the disorder.
> Syberfr33k
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 03:41 AM
Hi. I'm Aleister, and I used to be known as C
b3R 47|-|1337 (Cyber Athlete. Corny, I know.) before the big Crash. I'm from the Resonance Lodge, a group of people like who can link up to the internet, force it to spill its secrets, and crash servers without any help from technology. Don't listen to the man telling you to go to the hospital; he can't do much more than give you pills that'll slow you down and make your head hurt.
In order to log onto our server, go to, remember the second repetition through the 30th one, and repeat it in the form of pure resonance. No mundie server'll pick it up, it being Resonance and all, and not even FastJack can project ANYTHING in the way you can. I have yet to find a fellow technomancer who wasn't frightened and at the same time trustworthy, so I think I'm okay putting this on a public forum.
May 10 2006, 05:01 AM
Speaking of 'Psychotropic effects', that badger site only makes sense when you're high man!
'Resonance server', dude, you've been doin' too many shrooms (to think some still go back to the basics to get their kicks.)
The Crash... I have memories - no nightmares of that event. One pulse I was fighting in the Nexus itself to buffer the Disonance from destroying the host of all hosts. From my backlog I scanned being dropped from the node and a searing white light.. then all was dark. The void was endless, with no exit in sight. I lost count the cycles I lay there in the void.
Coming back online from the long dark and into the Real, I discovered the machine world spoke to me, and I hadn't even jacked in. At a thought I could feel everything around me, the wireless datapaths, the flow of information, the new wireless access points coming online and soon the visual overstimulation of RFID tags splattered over the landscape - it was almost too much! I've since learned to filter out some of the spam and drek and focus on what's important. Not easy when you're a teen...
I'm scanning for other children of the Matrix like myself who survived the crash. I've lost my old tribe, those few who didn't derez aren't the same. Only a couple of personas recompiled to this new gift that the Docs have tagged Technomancers. If you're a persona seeking a tribe to learn your new code bits as many of us are, then scan one us out. Our personas are brighter than other Hackers on the grid, send your signal and we'll find you.
You're not a lone sprite out there, if you're home node is Seattle, drop me a MatrixMail at the encrypted key attached and we can connect.
Kremlin KOA
May 10 2006, 05:06 AM
Greetings from Denver
Listen: I have seen enoug n the Matrix to know that your experiences are not delusion. but be careful aout going near others with similar talents. I remember the Otaku wars of 59 and 60 over the Deus Incident
If you need Patronage in Denver I mighht be able to help you
I am Kremlin, Founder of MIDG and Head of MIDG Denver
I am providing a safe haven for Technomancers who need a place to go where tey will be safe from the world
The facility includes a mini matrix where you do not connect to the world, but big enough for resonance to exist
I may just be an Old troll, but I like to help occasionally
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 05:11 AM
I guess they always said that variety was the great asset of our consumerist society. Or was it the bane? But whatever, you take your pick.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 05:29 AM
Please, first thing, go discuss this with a medical professional. If you can find a good one, I'd suggest a neuropsychologist.
There are two possible answers to your questions:
1) The crash twisted something in your head the wrong way. Speaking to someone that knows what they're doing could help you to twist it back.
2) The crash twisted something in your head the right way. Speaking to someone that knows what they're doing could advance knowledge of the subject by leaps and bounds. If what you and others like you are saying is real, this could have a bigger impact on our world than anything since the Awakening.
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 05:32 AM
Just make sure you bring your fake SIN with you.
And Wyrm? The site never makes sense, even when you're high. Its only purpose is to make repeating "badger" in rhythm seem cool. Which it does.
May 10 2006, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Please, first thing, go discuss this with a medical professional. If you can find a good one, I'd suggest a neuropsychologist. |
Medical Professionals.. bah!
My meat was in a coma for nearly 3 month cycles and all the Docs wanted to do was pull the plug!
Somehow my persona survived the void and I came back to the Real.. they still don't know how I processed that command. If they can't scan what funtions my gray matter compiles, then what good are they? Just a waste of bandwitdth if you scan my opinion.
> BronzeWyrm
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 05:49 AM
Yeah, on second thought, they'll be useless. They weren't able to analyze me when I was an otaku, and that was when I needed some form of DNI uplink to use the Matrix. Right now my brain is up there with cheese on the moon in terms of analyzability by medical science.
Kremlin KOA
May 10 2006, 06:50 AM
Three 'manncers in one thread... I should provide more assistance
seriously I do offer help to those in Denver, and am somewhat familiar with the Technomancer Phenomena
May 10 2006, 09:17 AM
Technomancers? Than the rumours are true? Wireless Otaku?
> Venom
Kremlin KOA
May 10 2006, 11:23 AM
The rumors are true
They are interesting
and more delicate than Otaku
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 01:57 PM
And more awesome.
Seriously, come to us. We have the most interesting passcode.
emo samurai
May 10 2006, 06:15 PM
FanGirl, where are you? If you're suffering from some illness and you're unable to move, we could just come over and take you to MCT public hospital. It doesn't matter if you're SINless or not, we'd like to get a good look at you.
>>Nurse Ratchet
[OOC]This obviously creepy and evil post was meant to spur you towards a decision.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 06:48 PM
I find it interesting that people expect miracles from technologists (doctors in this case) when something is so new it isn't even believed in yet. How can they know what to do to scan the functions of your brain when those functions are totally new to the human race. Despite the hype, doctors are just people like yourselves, trying to do the best with what they've got. The more of these "technomancers" that come forward the faster our knowledge base will grow and the better we'll be able to help people.
For example, if you are really travelling the matrix with just your mind, what happens when you encounter a virus or intrusion countermeasures. If a computer ssytem gets fried the software can be reformatted and reloaded. We can replace the hardware if needed. It's much harder to reformat and reload a human brain. With study we can learn how to help protect these emerging minds on their excursions into the datastream, lowering the risks involved and finding out how to better fix the damage when it happens.
Aliester: there is a lot of medical knowledge available about Otaku now compared to what we had a mere three years ago. Again, they are an emerging piece of the puzzle that is humanity in the 6th world. They were almost completely unknown up until Deus was stopped and they were freed. And again, it's a case of availability. How do you study something when only a tiny population exists, and an even tinier portion of that population doesn't elect to go into hiding instead of joining society?
FanGirl, I work in the neurological branch of a firm who may not want me giving their name on this server, but I can gaurantee you that if you'll contact me I will do everything in my power to find out what it happening to you, why it's happening, how medical science can help, and then use that information to help the world at large. Please contact me if you would like to become part of something greater than yourself.
May 10 2006, 07:13 PM
>>Fangirl: the only thing I'd reccomend is keeping a low profile about whatever it is your capable of now.
I'm no expert, and would never claim to be, but I heard some things a few months ago in Odessa. Rumors of Rumors. Crash Survivors being offered compensation....and then falling off the grid entirely.
Nothings free kiddo. Remember that.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 07:33 PM
Please do not think that the previous poster is referring to anything I would be involved in.
Kremlin KOA
May 10 2006, 08:03 PM
>>>>> I don't know about the Unknown firm, but I highly recommend AGAINST taking up the Mitsuhama Offer
MIDG Seattle can get you a Place to hide
and MIDG Denver can help you understand what is happening
Nothing in life is free
but if you ask the price of my assistance can be determined in advance.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 08:17 PM
Anyone asking a price should probably not be trusted. My offer is certainly not one sided, but the "payment" is also part of the benefit. You giving us the chance to study this new phenomenon is the "price." If you can call it that.
I have a feeling that these MIDG guys will expect you to use your abilities to further their own socio-political agendas. I would also be wary of anyone whose offer involves shutting you away inside their own "mini-matrix." Delivering oneself to captivity is rarely a good idea.
May 10 2006, 09:12 PM
'Study this phenomenon', like my persona is some kind of freak of the Meat world.
The chosen who seek the Deep Resonance scan the 'Trix to a level the Meat Docs will never compile. They'll poke your gray matter, decompile your code, and slice it up - each intrusion into your icon will tear some of the Resonance from you till it's gone.
I'm sure that JM 'means' well, to him, your persona is nothing more than something to be disected like some lab rat though - I scanned it happen to my buddy-icon Jill.
Find a tribe, seek the hidden places, let the Resonance teach you want you need to learn... that is the true power of the children of the Matrix. The Meat offers little to us, the online universe is our domain, here we are home, here we will find answers.
Kremlin, the next time I'm in the Nexus, I'll look you up.
May 10 2006, 09:14 PM
Agreed. Although if you can get help with no strings attached, that would be best. Granted, I don't have the same experiences as you (I'm Awakened, not a technomancer), but the people that helped me come to grips with my abilities made it clear that they wouldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to.
May 10 2006, 10:46 PM
>>It's been my expierence chummers, that there are ALWAYS strings attached.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 11:36 PM
Wyrm, I feel sorry for your loss, especially as it now seems to color your world so darkly. What happened to your friend Jill is a shame, perpetrated by those who ignore the first precepts of medical science: First, do no harm.
I'm sorry you feel that being a phenomenon makes you a freak. If so, I would give much to be a freak if it meant seeing through to the next layer of reality and stepping away from the bonds of the flesh. The awakened, and this new class of humanity's technomancers, are indeed phenomenon, in that they are something outside the norm. It may technically fit the definition of "freak" but that word brings with it many negative connotations that do not apply in this case.
Technomancy is yet another miracle being given to us by the sixth world. Some will fear it, some will loathe it. Some will envy it while others will view it as proof that whatever personal God they hold dear loves us. In the end though, it will most likely prove to be just another evolutionary leap. Something to be understood. A tool to be used to further the cause of Humanity.
May 10 2006, 11:51 PM
---Greetings friends, I welcome you to this bright and sunny world. I am here to tell you about an amazing place where all your questions will be answered. Please, come to us, we greet you with open arms. We wish you nothing but peace and happiness. The Camp is your friend. Peace be with you friends.
Contact us on the RN grid in lower Cascade. Grid # 323-999-0101 Ask for The Prophet.
>>>Angel of the Prophet
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 12:06 AM
Sounds like onna them bug spirit brotherhood freaks!
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 02:55 AM
If you want the backdoors to the Camp's servers that my chummers have found, you can visit our servers at any time. Remember, resonance yell repetitions 2-30 of and we'll send a sprite to lead you to us. You won't like what you find.
Kanada Ten
May 11 2006, 03:14 AM
> I've been playing around with code from Jormungand since a few weeks after the infection, and I think it can mimic this so called Resonance - but only when a critical level of holographic processing is possible. Since the distribution took place, there isn't many spots left where this level can be reached, but there are a few... When I test my research, perhaps the Badger call would be an adequate success measure.
> Demongoddess
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 03:41 AM
Time to change the passcode. And run a trace.
I hope the Resonance Lodge doesn't kick me out for this.
Kanada Ten
May 11 2006, 03:50 AM
> Afraid of a little competition, boys? If you're this loose with the passcode, I can just follow the trail of bits back to your door... Or maybe just capture a sprite or two - What's that? You didn't know I could do that? It's funny how they squeal when Jormungand wraps around their necks.
> Demongoddess
May 11 2006, 04:07 AM
Any server that only needs one master pass is asking for trouble - seriously.
An open Tribe can be a good thing, but it's an unfriendly environment out there. The Disonance - though weak - still exists. Best to keep your node safe.
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 04:15 AM
It's already been changed; and even with the passcode, the people at the door would scan you and find you out anyway. It isn't even the master passkey.
And about your "standing at the devil's side" thing; last time I checked, that virus killed EVERYONE in its path. Including your own.
Kanada Ten
May 11 2006, 04:47 AM
> Back in the days of ancient history, I worked for Fuchi decompiling the first Crash Virus. We studied its effects, how it worked, mutated, and marvelled at the spontaneous development of lethal feedback. It was a model of genetic programming that rivaled anything previously seen. Yet we tamed it, leashed the beast and used it to defend the new world - the Matrix.
Then members of the team started to die in "feedback accidents", and most of us were gone before the truth was evident. But some of us escaped the Black Hammer (we named it that long before the CC ordered Fuchi to hand it over to GOD).
Flashforward to Jormungand... And you're asking me why I'm playing with the Devil? Sure, part of me wants to crack the code, part of me wants to take you self proclaimed technomancers down a peg, and part of me wants to get filthy rich selling the research. But mostly, I'm doing it because it's going to be done. Jormungand will yield all its secrets. It's just a matter of time.
> Demongoddess
May 11 2006, 05:29 AM
Demongoddess, you implying that your persona was a member fo Echo Mirage?
Man, that
is ancient history! (well at least it if for me
) Umm.. scanned not many icons from EM survived with sanity profiles intact, the joys/curse of early Simsense, lack of proper ASIST tech and all that...
That was like 365^40 pulses ago, your one relic for sure!
Ummm.. got a buddy-icon that goes by the handle Doritos around your block. He's kinda low key, keeps to electronics mostly - got himself a little shadow shop down in Tacoma.
Fuchi, there's a corp that's crossed the dark side a few times, anyone hear of a persona called Remi? Dor uploaded me the file one time, scary drek. If only the corps knew what they were getting into in creating children of the Matrix... What man makes, nature provides balance, that's what technomancy is about.
> βяΩиξзωγяm
> Why waste normal characters on l337 when you have the ascii table at your command?
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 05:36 AM
Running trace...
Oh, I'm sorry, what was that you were saying again? Some stuff about some dark master, power in destruction, "I don't expect you to escape, I expect you to die," the usual? Because I really, really need to brush up on my Villain Cliches for Retards; it's been a while since I last fragged a self-proclaimed destroyer/ruler of the world/Matrix.
May 11 2006, 06:00 AM
ΛĮєşŧєя, join the true lєєг and embrace the upper character set!
> βяΩиξзωγяm
> Why waste normal characters on l337 when you have the ASCII table at your command?
Kanada Ten
May 11 2006, 06:13 AM
> I was alive for the Crash of '29, but didn't start working on the virus code until after the old 'net was purged. Fuchi wasn't the only one then, just as I'm not the only one with Jormungand code, but we did intergrade it into the Matrix from the ground up.
Honestly, Aleister, you sound like a paranoid child. I'm not a villain, in any sense of the word. I'm thinking you are, in this case. With Jormungand unravelled, we could bestow Resonance powers upon the masses - and I think that scares you... You're afraid that you won't be special anymore, but the truth is your not that special.
It's funny, it seems like every time I mention Jormungand another sprite wanders into my web. It's a shame that I lack the finess with the code to anything but crush them. Someday, though.
> Demongoddess
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 06:13 AM
You were impressed with her; therefore, I'm not impressed with you.
And Daemonette, if by power you mean the irrational urge to serve a large, impersonal entity that wishes to absorb rather than empower the masses, then I believe you.
And how's the "getting turned into a technomancer by the enemy of Man" thing going? I mean, we're not special because of your big boiling mass of digital sin, right? It would seem to follow that you should be able to do something other than "crush" our sprites.
Kanada Ten
May 11 2006, 07:11 AM
> What is sin? We harnessed the atom bomb from a weapon to a tool that serves billions. I don't see you losing sleep over cheap electricity. But suddenly, harnessing the power of the event which supposedly caused your abilities is "evil" and "sin". I'm old enough to know those words are used to incite fear, but have no real meaning.
> Demongoddess
Kremlin KOA
May 11 2006, 07:15 AM
You have chosen a path that WILL lead you up aganst me if you continue down it. As I have earlier noted I protect these children of the Resonance. Which means if you plan to harm them you will be fighting me.
I am giving you one chance to realize why this is a badidea and to stop.
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 07:20 PM
Children, please. This zone is for discussion of FanGirl's problems. The net is a big place, so I'm sure you can find a corner all to your own and banter back and forth with your petty squabbles there.
By the way, threatening people with egos like the ones that have been displayed here is sure to have the exact opposite effect. But perhaps you know that and are just trying to start a fight?
FanGirl, if these kids or professionals like myself are the only options you have, I think it's clear where rational and logical aid can be found.
May 11 2006, 07:41 PM
Yes it is clear. Only through the Camp will your minds ever truly be free.
>>>Angel of the Prophet
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 07:43 PM
Whatever you say bug boy.
emo samurai
May 11 2006, 08:08 PM
FanGirl, from what I've learned of friends is that technomancers can get burned out like mages. So even if you meet a well-meaning doctor, invasive procedures that wouldn't harm a mundane might take away your newfound powers, which is something that never happened to the otaku. I suggest you don't go to him.
May 11 2006, 09:00 PM
So far, I haven't seen any compelling reasons to trust any of these interested parties.
FanGirl, as bleak as it sounds, I think you're best off on your own.
May 11 2006, 09:11 PM
Whenever I'm lost, I go back to the beginning.
Find the cause of your effect.
Look within yourself at the place it all began and you may just find the key you are looking for. Others will offer you solutions, but the answers you need cannot be taught, only remembered.
All knowledge is within us, we simply have to remember that we know it.
May 11 2006, 09:13 PM
>> Good Advice Bish. I'd have charged for it.
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 09:40 PM
All knowledge is within us? What sort of mystical crap is that? So what you're saying is that schooling is worthless, research is meaningless, and technological / magical advancement is an illusion? Interesting theory... When you're trippin on BTLs!
>>Senor STFU
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 09:45 PM
Aliester, apparently you don't keep up with medical science. The dangers to the awakened members of society on the operating table are almost nil now. Medical science has learned to grow and adapt to our changing world, partially due to the efforts of people like FanGirl deciding that their life could have meaning by being dedicated to the continuance of human knowledge and therefor human life.
Apart from that, who ever said anything about invasive procedures? There is very little that you can learn from cutting someone open that you can't learn from using modern, medical, noninvasive techniques. Step into the 21st century already.
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