otaku mike
Jul 3 2006, 02:33 AM
Hey guys,
I know it won't help the people among you who can only speak/read English, but if you can't read German, but you can read French, the Shockwellen campaign is now available to you as a free condensed 20 pages pdf, in French.
You can download it there:
the download page on Shadowrun.frMike
Jul 3 2006, 04:23 AM
Sweet! I'm proficient in French, so this copy of Shockwaves will be a nice intellectual exercise.
SL James
Jul 4 2006, 05:16 AM
I liked the English translation better. I'd have thought I helped clean it up enough to be useful beyond myself and the Skarn Ka - who originally sent me a copy of the German to English translation.
I guess I was wrong.
SL James
Jul 4 2006, 05:29 AM
Someone asked if this meant that French players got Shockwellen, but we didn't. Looking at that, and comparing it to the file I got (which appeared to be a summary of Shockwellen sent to Rob and the English-speaking contributors), it is the same thing in terms of text content (although, as I said, I did send a cleaned-up version back to Skarn). The French got as much text as we did. They just got it in a pretty, formatted PDF with images from the original Shockwellen, and the title and back cover text/synopsis in French. And the timeline and other supplental info were in standard SR text boxes instead of just more regular content in a very simple Word document.
Skarn Ka
Jul 5 2006, 07:38 AM
QUOTE (SL James) |
I liked the English translation better. I'd have thought I helped clean it up enough to be useful beyond myself and the Skarn Ka - who originally sent me a copy of the German to English translation.
I guess I was wrong. |
You're not and your contribution was very helpful.
I'm not sure whether this means you can read (speak?) French and you prefer the English translation over the French one, or that you would have liked to see the same kind of pdf release in English.
This French version has actually been ready for a pretty long time (and didn't need the kind of editing necessary for the rough English version), before you sent me your edited version of the English translation (which I still have stacked somewhere in case we do something similar in English). But cooking up an English version in pdf would require time our layout artist currently doesn't have.
If someone's interested in taking up the task though, I can always provide the English translation I made (that you edited and that, if I remember correctly a couple other people sent me comments on), as well as the original pictures and layout files.
Obviously, that's only assuming I'm not breaking any copyright here. If someone's interested I'll contact the Germans and ask them. Both English and French versions were originally supposed to end up as freebies on the official webpage, but we're too far into 2070 and SR4 now I guess, so maybe it's okay to take care of it outside of FanPro's official orbit.
Jul 5 2006, 03:52 PM
I am interested ... what document format are you using?
James McMurray
Jul 5 2006, 03:56 PM
What is the campaign like? Is there an English summary somewhere?
Jul 5 2006, 04:07 PM
QUOTE (SL James @ Jul 4 2006, 12:16 AM) |
I liked the English translation better. I'd have thought I helped clean it up enough to be useful beyond myself and the Skarn Ka - who originally sent me a copy of the German to English translation. |
Ah yes, I got my hands on the English word doc version thanks to Skarn Ka. (In fact I think it was my initial reason for registering to DS!)
As I recall I offered to help tidy it up further, but to be honest I wasn't sure that I'd be able to much improve on what SL James had done. I did do a rewrite of the first few paragraphs, but it was a fairly major rewrite (I felt like the order of information needed to be changed a bit for best effect) and I thought I was probably stepping beyond what was asked for. So I welched on the whole idea and never sent it back. Ah well.
The french version certainly looks sweet. Nice one.
Jul 5 2006, 04:08 PM
I'll be very interested in seeing a english translation.
SL James
Jul 5 2006, 10:09 PM
QUOTE (Thufar_Hawat) |
I'll be very interested in seeing a english translation. |
Jul 6 2006, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the link SL.
Jul 7 2006, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (Skarn Ka) |
If someone's interested in taking up the task though, I can always provide the English translation I made (that you edited and that, if I remember correctly a couple other people sent me comments on), as well as the original pictures and layout files. |
I've had a look through the French PDF and it's not a super-huge task, so I can possibly volunteer to do a nice PDF version if you furnish me with the translations and as many images as you have.
I use Scribus for this sort of stuff. I'm kind of busy at the moment, and it might take me a couple of weeks to finish it. Email me off list if this is of interest to you.
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