Jul 14 2006, 07:45 PM
So, how would one go about creating a Perfect Dark style briefcase gun sentry turret? I was thinking a miniaturized smart firing platform combined with an SMG and a belt or two of ammo. What about you guys? I'm thinking classic Perfect Dark for the N64, by the way.
And another quick question: If I was to use a Sakura Fubuki with Stick-n-Shock ammo, I would be doing 8S(e) per burst, right? Or would I be doing different damage?
James McMurray
Jul 14 2006, 07:59 PM
Any weapon doing a short narrow burst with stick-n-shock does 8s(e).
Jul 14 2006, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (WhiskeyMac) |
So, how would one go about creating a Perfect Dark style briefcase gun sentry turret? I was thinking a miniaturized smart firing platform combined with an SMG and a belt or two of ammo. What about you guys? I'm thinking classic Perfect Dark for the N64, by the way.
And another quick question: If I was to use a Sakura Fubuki with Stick-n-Shock ammo, I would be doing 8S(e) per burst, right? Or would I be doing different damage? |
I don't know about a sentry gun, but in Fields of Fire or Cannon Companion (my GM has all my SR3 books, even though we do SR4 now) there was something called the Ares Executive (right?) and it was a briefcase SMG. You could either fire it from the briefcase or detach it from said briefcase in order to brace it.
Jul 14 2006, 08:19 PM
Get a drone that's small enough to put into a briefcase, yet large enough to have a gun mount put onto it. Without my book here, I can't think of any that match that description off the top of my head, but since you're taking off the drivetrain and a bunch of the other nifty stuff most drones have, you should be able to argue your GM into letting you make something a little larger fit into a briefcase.
Jul 14 2006, 09:34 PM
I think it was one of the SOTA books that had rules for spy-type stuff including miniaturizing and concealing stuff (like plastique in a spray can, bibles with storage compartments, etc). I believe they made it just a %age change for miniatrurizing and increasing the concealment so it should work for SR4.
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