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What is the scale of the story? How far reaching are the implications of our character’s actions? Is the focus going to be centered on the characters themselves (their actions, responses, lives, development, role in the story, etc) or the story (the consequences of their actions, implications, development of the world at large, etc.)?
I envision it as a sort of snowball effect. We start as your average run of the mill local shadowrunners, but over the course of the game I anticipate the stories becoming bigger, more far-reaching and influential first locally, then eventually globally.
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What is the scope of the story? Is the focus on the singular quest to achieve the utopian balance between the three worlds, or we will be examining the implications of their quest (and the consequences of such a quest) across the board, so to speak?
The main point of this project is for there to be a much richer character development than you typically see in a game. Usually individual character stories, even really well written ones with detailed backhistory and a plethora of plot hooks, get lost in the plot of a game, left to the player alone to make references to it if they choose. In this collaboration, I'd like all those stories to be woven together to create a tapestry more true to how life works, with a bit of fantasy, cyberware and extra cool stuffs thrown in for fun! While the inspiration for the start point was my idea of the twins, I would hope that every character participating has an equally compelling and interesting story to tell. I really want this to be an equal participation deal.
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What is the format of GMing we will be using? Are we going to implement some sort of permanent or rotating GM system, or will this truly be an effort in collaborative storytelling?
When it comes to the actual process we end up using, Im willing to let the more analytical minds on this project take point.
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To what extent, if any, will dice play in the story? Are we going to use a diceless system or use standard rules (I’m assuming SR 4, since we have technomancers), and if we use rules, are there going to be any house rules and who will determine them?
I definately want us to be basing the system we come up with on SR4. While I am open to a diceless system if that proves to be the best option, I want to really keep in line with the new system. The reasoning for this is that if the comic goes well, I may seek to get official support from Fanpro/Wizkids and if the strip is a good "ad" for the game, I'll have better luck.
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Do we have a mechanism for maintaining internal consistency between us?
Nope...got any suggestions?
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What is our ultimate goal? To tell a story, play a game, a combination of the two, or something else entirely? That will impact our structure and direction.
really all of the above. The story is paramount, but I would like elements of chance and choice equally so there should definately be some game elements to it. While I would like us all to have a conscious idea of where we are heading in general, the exact path there should be something a bit more nebulous. Not only will this help us to maintain our own interest in the project, it will flow better as a story in my opinion.
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Do we have a system for coming to final decisions? I think it is fair to say that achieving unanimous consensus on all major decisions (let alone all decisions) will be nearly impossible. I suggest that we will need to implement some sort of structure that allows us to come to conclusions quickly and decisively when discussion has been exhausted and the time for a decision is necessary.
I'd say with this group I don't really expect any major issues, but a majority vote should work for any final decisions. However, I think it's important that all characters/players have the right to veto an action or decision that will radically change their character (such as death, permanant disability, loss of a core ability to their concept, etc). No decision should be made that alienates any other player. Again, don't expect any problems with this group in that regard, that's why I kept it invite only
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How will we juggle the fact that each person is simultaneously a GM and a player? Relying on individual maturity and discretion is necessary to an extent, but I think we need at least the basic framework of a structure within which to exercise that discretion.
We'll definately need some sort of framework. Again, I have no initial ideas on this so Im wide open to suggestions.
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Do we have a predetermined end point for this story, or are we allowing it to develop as we go along? If we have a set timeline for the story, then it makes sense to begin breaking down the timeline into its component parts and examining each part in more detail. Conversely, if we want the story to develop and unfold as we go, then we need to build into our structure the flexibility to allow that to happen.
No predetermined end. I really want the game to have an organic, real life feel. The type of goal I gave the twins could theoretically span their lifetime
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If there is a genuine intent to attempt to develop this into a webcomic or similar media product (novel, comic, etc.) the considerations of converting this from a play-by-post game to our chosen medium should at least be cursorily examined, to ensure a smooth transition (not to mention ensure we actually can convert from one medium to another!) from one form to the other.
This I don't think is as important an issue to deal with from this side of things. I wont promise that if the comic goes forward that it will be word for word or action for action from the posts here. It may end up as being only a rough guideline, or may end up being scripted straight from the forums onto sketch paper. The concept originally came from my desire to get my brain out of a funk, but the idea of having this sort of detailed storytelling collaboration is neat enough even if the comic never comes to fruition.