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The Jopp
Ok, I’m gonna stretch the possibilities a little.

Could I do this?

I have a SB Microskimmer with a Camera, (Image Link, Smartlink and Image Enhancement 3). It sits at the other side of the warehouse I’ve snuck into. Im presently hidden behind a crate while an unknown assailant is taking pot shots at me.

According to the image feed from the drone the attacker is hiding behind a wall (Good Cover) and shooting through a small hole, I can hardly see the gun – but the drone has a full body view of the assailant.

According to SR4 a subscription list of a device is System X2. A pistol with a smartlink would be a rating 3 (Standard Electronic Device) and can have 6 other devices subscribed.

I assign the Drone smartlink to subscribe to the gun (usign the signal of my commlink that the gun is linked through) and my own implanted smartlink to subscribe to the gun too.

My image link shows the drones POW where my pistol shot should hit according to the data it gets from the gun and centers the crosshair on the fully visible target. My own gun aims at a spot a few inches beside the protruding barrel according to my own POW where the targeting reticule is aimed at the area where the attacker is shooting from.

What modifiers would apply?

Visibility modifiers: Yes
Blind Fire: No (I see him)
Good Cover: No (I STILL see him)
Shooting through Barriers: Yes (There is still a wall between us)

Having a drone giving tactical information is quite useful but I wonder if I would even need to equip the drone with a smartlink in the first place, wouldn’t the image link be enough?
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 18 2006, 02:54 PM)
Could I do this?


In fact, you would just subscribe the drone and use Edit to transform the image from the drone to conform to your your PoV, then overlay it - making the barrier virtually transparent.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
In fact, you would just subscribe the drone and use Edit to transform the image from the drone to conform to your your PoV, then overlay it - making the barrier virtually transparent.

Hmm, well, that would work too. But wouldn't the information from the drone be more accurate if it gave it's own targetting reticule on the target? At least I would be able to skip the Edit test.
Hmmmm. My first thought is i dont like this idea although i cant think of any reason why. Besides drones what about other characters who can tranmit their data to the rest of the team. If a runner and a bad guy are in a room hiding from each other and the target has good cover from the runner does that mean the guy with the heavy machine gun with XX ammo can unload into the target through a wall and have it count as good cover instead of blind fire? The target still gets the barrier.

This would be great for needle ammo. It would totally bypass barriers or only count them as half and have like -2 or -4 damage to a gun. Its totally weak but it lets you easily shoot through walls and stuff.

I dont have enough experience to comment on this though.
hmm, this to me sounds a bit like a indirect fire test, like what they had in SR3 cannon companion...
The Jopp
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
hmm, this to me sounds a bit like a indirect fire test, like what they had in SR3 cannon companion...

In a way it IS indirect fire but at the same time you get real time AR information that basically makes walls moot as long as you have something that can pinpoint a targets location for you behind the wall (be it a camera, drone or other sensor on that side of the wall.

It’s…direct indirect fire? You fire on something you cannot see with your normal vision but your AR information overlay gives you a perfect picture.
thing is, unless the drone is located at exactly the same height as the users eyes, and looking in the same direction, at best you can get a outline or aproximation of where the person is related to your own location.

i dont think they have developed a esper device in SR yes, so you cant extract data on hidden surfaces from video or still images...
I'd allow this. Why? Because it's cool, fairly situation-specific, and hard to abuse. I like my players to get creative.

I did say "hard to abuse," not impossible. Were it to be abused, I'd have to narrow its applicability considerably.

The Jopp
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
thing is, unless the drone is located at exactly the same height as the users eyes, and looking in the same direction, at best you can get a outline or aproximation of where the person is related to your own location.

Well, that could be circumvented with a laser range finder on the drone and it's own smartlink. Crossreference the information from the two smartlinks and you would be able to have exact information about the targets actual location - especially if both the drone and character are accessed to the matrix and can use GPS to get their own exact locations.

It can be done, SR4 just dont give any hard rules about it. Hardware wise it can be done and I would be surprised if the computing power of SR4 would be unable to do it.
The issue with GPS location is the margin of error. In good units today it's something like +/1 one meter. That's fine for navigating ten thousand miles across a mountain range, in fact it's great! However, in a gunfight it means you can miss your target by three feet, which is not so great.

I'd allow this kind of bounced targetting if someone spent an action using the appropriate computer based skills to put it all together - just something else for the hackers in the bunch, I suppose. You could always use it for grenades, of course smile.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
thing is, unless the drone is located at exactly the same height as the users eyes, and looking in the same direction, at best you can get a outline or aproximation of where the person is related to your own location.

That doesn't really matter:
Edit can extrapolate a 3D-Version of the scene.
That can, depending on GM judgement, directly be used or incorporated into a MapSoft to achieve the desired overlay result.
It is blind fire... you don't see him, your drone does. So in effect you can use your drone to spot the enemies location, but you still can't see him.

In this situation, if your character doesn't know where he is being shot at from, and a drone tells him where the enemy is, you can either take a simple to observe and try to spot the enemy from your vantage point, or you can fire blindly.

Until you actually spot the enemy I'd give you the -6 and make you use intuition. If you tried to spot the enemy I'd give you bonus dice equal to your drone's sensor rating. If you did spot the enemy I'd reduce the blind fire modifier to good cover and give you a -4.

If you didn't have a drone you would have no choice but to fire blind fire and also give you a -4 to spot the enemy on your observation roll because of his good cover. With the drone I'd give you back some dice equal to your sensor rating to spot the enemy.

Now as far as subscribing devices, you can subscribe your guns smartgun link to your drone. But then your drone gets the bonuses when firing the gun, not you. And since you have the gun it doesn't make much since. Also, if you wanted to use your drone to fire at the enemy you could use all the normal rules to do that (assuming your drone had a gun).
For my two cents, I'd call it blind fire. Though because you have the drone back there, I would say that you qualify for the extra dice from enhanced AR information.

+1--Drone can transmit video feed etc.
+2 --Drone can transmit Video feed etc, plus Smartlink info.
+3--Drone can transmit Video, Smartlink, and telemetry via rangefinder and gps.

Feel free to substitute Blind Fire for good cover depending on the situation.
I had this come up the other day. The way I handled it was to give the -6 penalty from blind fire, but give the maximum AR bonus of +3 (since in my case the character had two cameras on the target giving a very accurate position, see pg 208 for the sidebar on AR modifiers) Also, I let the character use Agility rather than Intuition, since she did have something to aim specifically at. Oh, and of course firing through a barrier gave the target some armor (in this case mirrored ballistic glass). So all in all, the only penalties I gave were effectively -3 dice and some armor for the target.

edit: Wow, posted the same time as McQuillan. Funny that I said basically the same thing.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (CradleWorm)
It is blind fire... you don't see him, your drone does. So in effect you can use your drone to spot the enemies location, but you still can't see him.

In fact, you can perfectly see him - just like the wall just has gotten transparent.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
Also, I let the character use Agility rather than Intuition, since she did have something to aim specifically at.

Where does it state that I use Intuition when using blind fire? I would use the drone to create an AR enviroment where I can see my target and then shoot using my own gun that I'm holding. How would that normally require intuition?
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (The Jopp)
Where does it state that I use Intuition when using blind fire?

In the combat section.

QUOTE (The Jopp)
I would use the drone to create an AR enviroment where I can see my target and then shoot using my own gun that I'm holding. How would that normally require intuition?

It wouldn't - if the data is real. If not, you simply miss the real target, but might shoot the virtual one... wink.gif
McQuillan does it the way that I do it. The drone is able to provide up to a +3 AR bonus to the shooter. That's it.

A buddy of mine is a sniper on a rooftop across the way. I'm hiding out on the rooftop he's covering, out of ammunition, and trying to avoid getting shot by the other guy on the rooftop. Sadly, with all the big HVAC conduits and ducts and everything else on the rooftop (and the fact that he's aware there's a sniper) the guy stalking me isn't in my sniper buddy's line of sight.

If i stick the (empty) gun around the corner, I can get a guncam image of where, exactly, my opponent is. With Edit, I can do the math for my sniper buddy, or if he's more of the dedicated marksman type he probably has the equipment to do it himself. Then, while I'm getting laughed at for pointing an empty gun at someone, my sniper buddy makes his shot, taking the penalty for blind fire but getting a +2 or +3 from the AR bonus, partially counteracting the -6 for blind fire. If I'm lucky (and if he's good), that APDS round is going to go right through the sheet metal ducting and give my stalker a real big surprise.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 18 2006, 04:31 PM)
thing is, unless the drone is located at exactly the same height as the users eyes, and looking in the same direction, at best you can get a outline or aproximation of where the person is related to your own location.

That doesn't really matter:
Edit can extrapolate a 3D-Version of the scene.
That can, depending on GM judgement, directly be used or incorporated into a MapSoft to achieve the desired overlay result.

err, may i ask what book your reading from?

sure the edit progam can be used to create a 3d shape from say a laser or higher resolution radar scan, but at best you would get a single color 3d model in the shape of whoever is behind said wall. and then you would need to have a scanner on both sides of him to make sure you get all the data...

i would present it more like the classical hollywood heat vision, but using single color shapes.

and that is hardly equivalent to be wall becoming transparent (if so then you would be able to read the text of the t-shirt the enemy is wearing, watch the news on the tv behind him and so on).

btw, i dont think the drone would need a smartlink of its own. what it would need is a gps location of its own and a range finder (should be part of most drone sensory kits). that, and your comlink knowing your location would be able to posision a shape of some kind by using triangulation.

then you would use your smartlink equiped weapon to aim at said shape.
The Jopp
If the drone or character has an active edit program the character should be able to create a virtual representation of the target and the (lets assume a room) behind a wall.

Not only would the character gain useful tactical information about the target and the room itself.

Removing visibility penalties like blind fire would be wrong and the AR bonus would definitely apply.

Apart from the AR bonu one does get a live feed from the targets, always knowing where they are - that bonus is worth a lot more than the AR bonus.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
err, may i ask what book your reading from?

May I ask you what book you didn't read? wink.gif

QUOTE (hobgoblin)
sure the edit progam can be used to create a 3d shape from say a laser or higher resolution radar scan, but at best you would get a single color 3d model in the shape of whoever is behind said wall. and then you would need to have a scanner on both sides of him to make sure you get all the data...

Edit can fake any surveillance sensor footage on the fly - so it can create fitting sceneries on the fly, based on minimal input... and the abilites of the user.
The input generated by drone sensors would be sufficient in 2070, as would the one by cameras or cybereyes.

QUOTE (hobgoblin)
i would present it more like the classical hollywood heat vision, but using single color shapes.

How boring and unintuitive. wink.gif

QUOTE (hobgoblin)
and that is hardly equivalent to be wall becoming transparent (if so then you would be able to read the text of the t-shirt the enemy is wearing, watch the news on the tv behind him and so on).

That depends what data you actually have and what has to be 'guessed'. The more input, the merrier, sure.
i read the part about being able to fake surveillance as the good old:

step 1: record a nice length of nothing happening from said sensor.

step 2: play said recording back in a loop.

to any observer it will seems like there is nothing happening in front of the sensor...

in the end its a question of what you (or your gm) put into the word alter (sadly a all to vague word to use in a rpg).

ugh, just recalled that there is "trid" available in SR. a trid camera should make you able to give a "3d" view of whatever the drone sees.

problem is that for it to be effective, the drone would have to be watching from the same angle that you are. not practical if the target is right up against a wall.

still, you could maybe have two drones capturing trid data from both sides and then merging that. there could still be some blank spots and i still dont think it would eliminate the blind fire modifier (alltho i may have the player roll logic rather then intuition given the extra data).

i kinda like the idea of applying the max modifier for AR assistance for a trick like that. atleast until a book comes out that gives rules for indirect fire, as i think this is more or less a variant of that.
QUOTE (The Jopp)
Apart from the AR bonu one does get a live feed from the targets, always knowing where they are - that bonus is worth a lot more than the AR bonus.

How so? The AR modifiers are already supposed to represent real-time feeds.

Personally I don't like the idea of applying the AR as a bonus. I already consider the Smartlink bonus to be a +2 AR bonus, and would allow characters with particularly good target data to incorperate it for the full +3.

The reason I don't like considering the situation to be Blind Fire with penalty offset by AR bonus is that you're not blind, you're just shooting at an AR target rather than a real one. If they're exactly the same then no visibility penalties shoudl be applied.

There is a bullseye which is present in RL, and visible through AR in exactly the same position. Realistically, I shouldn't be at any more of a penalty when shooting the AR version of the target than the RL version of the target, so it shouldn't matter if an opaque barrier blocks my view.

What does matter is how good the copy of your target is, however. I would thus remove the blind-fire penalty, but add other penalties based on the quality of the image provided. If the spotter's visibility of the target is impared then that penalty is applied, otherwise I'd apply a penalty based on a Computer+Edit test to create the image.

Perhaps start at blind-fire (-6) and reduce the penalty by 1 for each hit on the Computer+Edit test, to a minimum of the visibility penalties suffered by the spotter?

IE: Say a thermographic camera has picked-up a runner team sneaking through an underground corp facility in total darkness (the runners already disabled the lights). The security hacker grabs the feed and alters the angle, providing it as an AR feed for the security guards in the next room. The hacker gets 5 hits on his edit test, which would reduce the penalty from -6 to -1, except that the minimum penalty is -2 for the thermographic mode in total darkness. Now the security guards can open-fire through the intervening wall, with a -2 penalty from the IR AR feed, and the runners had better hope that the corp invested in something better than plasterboard for their internal walls.
something tells me that im going to hope that this is a topic they cover in unwired (using AR data feeds as a targeting aid).
Drone sensors incorporate radar and proximity sensors, I'd imagine that with communication from the commlink that a 3d representation would be capable. And with triangulation between the target, shooters commlink and drone, that an accurate shot could probably be made, especially with aid from Smart Link data being shared between both the shooter and drone. I think that'd be worth a +3 AR bonus at least, or removing of blind fire.

That being said, there's no telling if the bullet would even make it through the wall or crate the target is hiding behind, but you should be able to pretty accurately shoot in the right direction.
Lilt: AR representation or no, you're still firing at an object you only have a relayed impression of. It's possible that there's a little lag in the image location, it's possible that your sensor network isn't perfect, it's possible that you don't have it perfectly superimposed over reality. You're also about to fire a bullet through an object, and bullets are not the most predictable of objects after they hit something. These various imperfections in the equation are one of the primary reasons that the AR bonus caps out at +3: AR isn't as good as RL.

Allowing stupidly good hackers to whip up a non-penalized shot through a wall with some security cameras and a really good Edit test seems a bit much.

Someone blind-firing through a wall with a smargun link and good sensor coverage is going to be almost entirely negating the -6 penalty for blind fire... he can shoot nearly as well through a wall as an unaugmented person could shoot were the wall not there. It's not directly offsetting the penalty, it's simply a bonus. Take away the wall but keep all of the sensor data feeding into the smartlinked shooter's PAN, and he's going to be at a +5.
hmm, where in the book does it say what the standard drone sensor package contains?
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
i read the part about being able to fake surveillance as the good old

Whoa - that's outdated since Virtual Realities 2.0. wink.gif
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 18 2006, 10:11 PM)
i read the part about being able to fake surveillance as the good old

Whoa - that's outdated since Virtual Realities 2.0. wink.gif

some tricks never go out of style...
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig @ Jul 18 2006, 10:57 PM)
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 18 2006, 10:11 PM)
i read the part about being able to fake surveillance as the good old

Whoa - that's outdated since Virtual Realities 2.0. wink.gif

some tricks never go out of style...

Why bother with that when you could just instead edit out the person who is under the camera? That way they are getting a "real" feed, just the person who is also there is editted out.
to much work, and remember that a edit can only last for a combat turn anyways.
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
hmm, where in the book does it say what the standard drone sensor package contains?

Err, sorry, thats from rigger 3. While there are no mentions of what is included in SR4 sensors it would make sense that the old info is still valid.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
to much work, and remember that a edit can only last for a combat turn anyways.

Nope - you just can spoof one combat turn on the fly without hacking the camera.
If you hack it, you can do pretty much what you want.
QUOTE (Shrike30)
Lilt: AR representation or no, you're still firing at an object you only have a relayed impression of.  It's possible that there's a little lag in the image location, it's possible that your sensor network isn't perfect, it's possible that you don't have it perfectly superimposed over reality.  You're also about to fire a bullet through an object, and bullets are not the most predictable of objects after they hit something.  These various imperfections in the equation are one of the primary reasons that the AR bonus caps out at +3: AR isn't as good as RL.

Allowing stupidly good hackers to whip up a non-penalized shot through a wall with some security cameras and a really good Edit test seems a bit much.

Someone blind-firing through a wall with a smargun link and good sensor coverage is going to be almost entirely negating the -6 penalty for blind fire... he can shoot nearly as well through a wall as an unaugmented person could shoot were the wall not there.  It's not directly offsetting the penalty, it's simply a bonus.  Take away the wall but keep all of the sensor data feeding into the smartlinked shooter's PAN, and he's going to be at a +5.

Lag? Very unlikely given how fast computers are in SR.

Sensor network imperfect? Isn't that represented by the visibility modifiers of the drone? If the drone was to have a -4 to shoot the target then the best image you can give the shooter has a -4. I suppose one idea might be to apply the visibility modifiers to the edit test too though.

You may not have it superimposed properly? Absolutely true, that's why you need the editor to do a good job in transforming the feed. If they glitch then you're almost certainly shooting off-target.

Bullets reacting unpredictably to barriers? I don't see why they should apply to opaque barriers when they don't apply to transparent ones. If you want there to be a penalty for firing through barriers then make one rather than claiming it as an arbitrary part of a number which was initially a visibility penalty. If you want to add a penlty for shooting through barriers after that then that's fine, but that should also apply to attacks through transparent barriers and shouldn't be part of the blind-fire modifier.

I personally see no problem in letting stupidly good hackers set-up a shot through a wall at no penalty to hit. They're stupidly good, after all. No normal hacker's going to be able to do it regularly, not without edge, and if you want to make it a bit harder then you could always increase the base time required to provide the image.

I also believe that it should be possible to completely remove the visibility penalty to shoot at something you otherwise couldn't see normally by shooting at an AR version of it. It is possible, after-all, for the image to be superimposed exactly if the person doing it is good enough. Note that 'good enough' means, in this case, 'better than almost any starting runner'. It's barely possible with a computer expert adept, but really, who makes a character with Aptitude (Computer), Computer 7, Improved Ability (Computer) 3, and a specialisation in editing?

Do remember that the targets still get the benefits of the armor rating of the barrier too.

Another reason that I don't like the -6+3 method is that it doesn't take other factors into account. How well can the spotter see the target? How good is the person doing the editing and how good is their software? It's a quick'n'easy way to do it, but I don't think it represents the task at hand.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
to much work, and remember that a edit can only last for a combat turn anyways.

Nope - you just can spoof one combat turn on the fly without hacking the camera.
If you hack it, you can do pretty much what you want.

and at that point i would say that you dont need edit to screw around. just have it go into freeze frame mode or whatever (maybe get it to crash and supply some kind of error message).
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
and at that point i would say that you dont need edit to screw around. just have it go into freeze frame mode or whatever (maybe get it to crash and supply some kind of error message).

Come on - where's the style in that? It too obvious, too.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 19 2006, 12:28 AM)
and at that point i would say that you dont need edit to screw around. just have it go into freeze frame mode or whatever (maybe get it to crash and supply some kind of error message).

Come on - where's the style in that? It too obvious, too.

style over substance gets you killed.

and if done right, they will be calling for tech support, not extra guards wink.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
and if done right, they will be calling for tech support, not extra guards

Both, actually - as there is nothing right.
Freezing/looping it will trigger an alarm in even the most basic systems, and crashing it does so certainly.

If you just need to get away, that's an option, but not if you want to be unnoticed.
And, not being noticed is the healthiest way of running the shadows.
If the gun has smartlink you don't need the drone becuase your gun has a camera in it already. You can fire around corners with no penalty. Or maybe I am misunderstanding the point?
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 19 2006, 12:38 AM)
and if done right, they will be calling for tech support, not extra guards

Both, actually - as there is nothing right.
Freezing/looping it will trigger an alarm in even the most basic systems, and crashing it does so certainly.

are you sure about this from a real life standpoint?

or are you just having it that way in your game?
The Jopp
QUOTE (Gustave)
If the gun has smartlink you don't need the drone becuase your gun has a camera in it already. You can fire around corners with no penalty. Or maybe I am misunderstanding the point?

This is more of shooting through cover and not around it – if your target is behind a wall for example.

Think of it like you are aiming at a one-way mirror. You do not see what is on the other side. Your smartlink (on the gun) gives information about range and an approximate point of impact for the bullet.

The drone is inside the room with the target and looks at him from cover (lets assume slightly behind him at an elevated position. You have subscribed your gun to the drones smartlink AND your own.

The drone will be able to show where you would hit with your gun from ITS point of view and at the same time you get your own targeting data from YOUR point of view, giving you two possible hit locations – one to hit the wall and one if the bullet goes through the wall.

You give the drone a command to send it’s visual information data as a mirrored image overlay upon your own point of view, effectively making the mirror a two way mirror as the image of the target is painted within your AR vision.

Thus it’s blindfire (you cannot see your target) but you have a virtual image of the targets location, movement and a view of the room behind the mirror (AR bonus).
I still don't agree with the idea of it being Blind-Fire with an AR bonus. Largely because it's not blind fire as you can see the target, and if you're going to give someone an AR bonus then it should be applicable in other circumstances too.

If the 'one way mirror' is made transparent, which should be possible with AR, then there should be no penalties. I'm not saying that it'd be easy, but it's definately not impossible.

The suggested -6+3 system also takes hardly anything into account apart from the fact that there is something that can see the target and someone has taken an edit action. What if the target is behind cover to the spotter too? What if the person doing the editing has a dice pool of 2, or 20, to edit with?

It doesn't even have to be shooting through a barrier. Consider an RFID tag broadcasting a tiny AR bullseye over its location. The shooter need not know the RFID tag was there to shoot at the bullseye, it could be camofuaged against the background or something, but a hit to the bullseye would definately hit the RFID tag. Sure there might be penalties, the RFID tag and thus bullseye are very small, but these aren't blind-fire penalties.
I would impose a -6 dice penalty, but allow focused fire (-4 if you take a few actions working out positionind,-2 with battle tack FDDM [availability, suck up to the military]). Admit it’s a house rule And wait for arsenal to give me the full rules for spotters with and without battle tack FDDM software.

Remember its only cool, situation specific and hard to abuse until the team rigger starts sending cockroach drones forward all the time.

Send a cockroach drone under the door and look around, skitter to a convenient corner and send the image to the entire team waiting outside the room with big guns loaded with APDS to better travel threw the wall. Choose targets and open fire.

The Jopp
The scariest part is that most corp security units most probably already use this by relaying information from their cameras coupled with AR maps in full 3D.

What runners can use most corporations have already figured out and is already using it.
I also have some AR examples in the AR section of my SGM. But I think I have not gone so far.

As an additional guideline I would suggest that full battle coverage (3D floor plan + positional data of enemies + Camera Data of enemies) could give you the option to shoot with half the cover modifers round up (blind fire would turn to -3 cover) and apply the "shoot through barriers" rules.
-double post-
I think I'm going to stay away from having shooting at a target that "you can see" because AR is overlaying it on the wall you're looking at enter into the realm of having no penalties. As cool as bullets swisscheesing a building are, people tend to get annoyed when lead through the wall becomes the standard tactic.
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