Aug 14 2006, 09:30 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
The devil comes in the form you'd least expect. |
Yeah, I last met him when he came as this hot blonde named Anita.
SL James
Aug 14 2006, 09:43 PM
Yeah, he does that sometimes.
Aug 14 2006, 10:09 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Uhh, no, actually, I did introduce myself to them (those I found). |
I'm sorry I didn't bump into you, then.
Aug 14 2006, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 14 2006, 05:09 PM) |
QUOTE (Critias @ Aug 14 2006, 03:05 PM) | Uhh, no, actually, I did introduce myself to them (those I found). |
I'm sorry I didn't bump into you, then.
Part of why I was short on time was a ...strange... scheduling of a wargame I wanted in on. I basically spent 16 hours of Gencon-time stuck waiting for an opening at an event. While I had a good time Thursday and Saturday regardless (the two days I was signed up for that event, from 10am to 6pm), and played quite a few "just for fun" games on open tables... it was still time I could've spent doing other stuff.
If I'd known it was going to be two afternoons/evenings of mostly wasted time, I wouldn't have signed up for
that and might've snuck in some SR4 intro game or something, instead. As it was, the one time I stumbled across "the Shadowrun room," it looked like most folks were busy, so I didn't wanna screw up games by leaping onto a table and shouting "I am Critias! Who here wishes to challenge me in single debate?! Rrrrwaar!!!" or something.
I wouldn't have minded running into a few of you guys, though. I don't, y'know,
hate the SR developers, and it's always fun/surprising/strange to meet face-to-face with people that were previously nothing but forum names and whatever faces you'd made up for them based on their words.
Regardless, I
did have a decent conversation with those few guys at the booth. I aired my still-standing greivances, and they actually nodded and understood where I was coming from. By the end of it, we'd all agreed the universe probably wouldn't implode if I re-instituted a target number based system (largely simply replacing die pool modifiers for TN modifiers), and hand-waved away skill caps (my two biggest beefs with it, as written).
Aug 14 2006, 10:22 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
As it was, the one time I stumbled across "the Shadowrun room," it looked like most folks were busy, so I didn't wanna screw up games by leaping onto a table and shouting "I am Critias! Who here wishes to challenge me in single debate?! Rrrrwaar!!!" or something. |
Grendel probably would have shot you if you did that.
Aug 14 2006, 11:54 PM
I would have at least used non-lethal ammo. Hate to lose an SR fan.
Aug 15 2006, 01:41 AM
Most people's stun tracks are shorter, so gel rounds are always a good idea! ^^
I was in room 204 pretty much the entire con. xD Loads of fun and excitement and all that good stuff. BTW for those who don't know, I am Nimbex's wife; pleased to meet everyone.
Aug 15 2006, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (Derek) |
Hopefully, you had fun before you got sick... |
thanks - i did actually! i didn't get sick till sunday
Aug 15 2006, 06:51 AM
Tisoz--I'm not sure how to respond to that...Preppy wasn't the look I was going for, just comfortable. Though i guess we all have a different opinion on how that looks...
For reference to everyone who was there and didn't get pointed out to me directly, I was the guy who looked like he just walked out of Express Men.
I think Dash was going by his real name but I don't remember exactly. (Blonde hair, dark hat, and tatoos on both arms which were visible at boot camp)
Lin--Was that the name on your badge in the scramble?
Aug 15 2006, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Tisoz--I'm not sure how to respond to that...Preppy wasn't the look I was going for, just comfortable. Though i guess we all have a different opinion on how that looks...
For reference to everyone who was there and didn't get pointed out to me directly, I was the guy who looked like he just walked out of Express Men.
I think Dash was going by his real name but I don't remember exactly. (Blonde hair, dark hat, and tatoos on both arms which were visible at boot camp)
Lin--Was that the name on your badge in the scramble? |
I think there is some SR art of you. If I come across it, I will post it, but today I have a nose like a faucet.
John PMed me about Dashifen. He was going by a cancelled badge name and sat right next to me at boot camp.
Adam, I do not think I came right out and introduced myself, but after standing at the booth like a fanboy, we talked. I asked if many DSers showed as the guy that hooked me on SR strolled by. I did point him out as responsible for hundreds of dollars worth of subsequent sales. (I had not seen him in a decade.)
And who was Nimbex?
Aug 15 2006, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
While I had a good time Thursday and Saturday regardless (the two days I was signed up for that event, from 10am to 6pm), and played quite a few "just for fun" games on open tables... it was still time I could've spent doing other stuff. |
Hehe, you enjoyed a funny Iron Kingdoms-game with Natebot, didn't you?
Aug 15 2006, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
QUOTE (Critias @ Aug 15 2006, 12:15 AM) | While I had a good time Thursday and Saturday regardless (the two days I was signed up for that event, from 10am to 6pm), and played quite a few "just for fun" games on open tables... it was still time I could've spent doing other stuff. |
Hehe, you enjoyed a funny Iron Kingdoms-game with Natebot, didn't you? |
Yup, that was Sunday, though. I also had a nice convo with him and Doug, and might (just might) be able to do a little writing for them sometime soon (that conversation, to be honest, was probably the highlight of the con for me).
Aug 15 2006, 01:53 PM
Did you get any news of upcoming sourecbooks besides Monsternomicon 2?
To which book can you contribute?
Aug 15 2006, 02:00 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Cool Did you get any news of upcoming sourecbooks besides Monsternomicon 2?
To which book can you contribute? |
No, I didn't collect any juicy gossip about upcoming stuff (Monsternomicon 2 was the only one I heard of), but they did have Five Fingers there, and it looked pretty sweet.
And it sounds like I might be able to squeak something into a NQ. Not sure, we're still hammering stuff out. It was awesome when Doug was like, "Oh, yeah. Nate, you should read some of this guy's stuff. Blisters and Bayonets is really cool."
SL James
Aug 15 2006, 03:22 PM
How about having the guy who does the official fiction read some of it, too?
Aug 15 2006, 03:24 PM
Those are the two that I was talking to. The "Nate" in question is one of their writers, and editor in chief of their magazine. The "Doug" I mention is their head writer. That's why, after he said he liked it, I had to go change my underpants.
Aug 15 2006, 06:28 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Lin--Was that the name on your badge in the scramble? |
Yar, I just put "Lin" on it because no one ever gets Linmayu right. Nimbex was Kipling the cat shaman, and he also GMed a few of the Missions events (and critically glitched at least one of them xD).
Aug 15 2006, 11:46 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Those are the two that I was talking to. The "Nate" in question is one of their writers, and editor in chief of their magazine. The "Doug" I mention is their head writer. That's why, after he said he liked it, I had to go change my underpants. |
Who wouldn`t?
Always nice to get such cool reactions by the big chiefs, besides your stories are really good, I enjoy reading them.
Privateer sadly has a bad information policy when it comes to new sourcebooks and they update their website only rarely, that's why I asked about infos about new books.
Aug 16 2006, 05:58 AM
The Privateer guys are all pretty cool, even though they didn't show up for the dodgeball game on Saturday night. Oh well, just had to beat White Wolf ... again.
Aug 16 2006, 07:13 AM
I managed to avoid getting ill at all though by the time I got home Sunday morning I was so tired that I may have been sick and didnt know it. Paying midnight slots both Thursday and Friday night = fun AND bad idea. I spent almost my entire time in the room playing Shadowrun and had a great time. BTW which team won the tourney? I had to fly back home early Sunday so I missed the awards ceremony.
Aug 16 2006, 07:36 AM
Which table were you at for the Midnight run on Friday?
Don't quote me on this, but I think team Whiskey Tango Foxtrot won the tourney...
Aug 16 2006, 09:45 AM
Thursday night/Friday morning I did the Grab. I was playing a troll phys ad named John Smith. Small tired headed sounding like a rant spoiler follows. My appologies to those who saw the unedited version which did not have a spoiler alert. I can only beg your forgiveness and throw myself upon your mercies. Unspoilered bit I then played in Chasing the Dragon the next midnight slot Friday night/Saturday morning. It should be noted that despite what I do say in the spoiler both events are worth doing and the story behind them was IMHO very cool for lack of a better description that doesnt give away too much.
[ Spoiler ]
My team managed to pull the run off with no one able to ID us and no recorded image of our faces. Masks and hitting the condo at night and never letting the sleeping girl wake up helped. Not that it mattered for the Friday night/Saturday morning Chasing the Dragon table had one individual who had been "seen" by both the camera in the girls eyes and a rigger. Nevermind that the rest of the table had not been seen in any way shape or form. So we ended up getting the team gets screwed version of events rather than paid. There can be arguments like well the mother assumed you were part of the team who took the girl but I would say to that "No you don't understand no one on my team was seen at all." We wore masks, hit the condo at night and took the girl while she was sleeping and took steps to keep her sleeping. We used our own transport at all times and remained unseen. (This is a major part of my characters build and philosophy, remaining as low profile as possible) he avoids the limelight as much as possible. Hell I have issues with his public awareness being at 2.
Anyway it seemed like those of us were being punished for anothers mistakes. I think it would have been better to put it in the mod that whatever the majority of the table did is the way the adventure went. ie if most of the table went undetected then give them the reward part if most were "seen" then hit em with the screw em mission. Sorry I digressed a lot there.[/spoler]
Aug 16 2006, 10:18 AM
Spoiler warnings please!
EDIT: Thanks for tagging.
I agree about the need for taking care when running this adventure. The GM in question chose to handle it differently than I would have. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he did it
wrong. Admittedly, though, his interpretation was certainly rougher on the PCs.
Aug 16 2006, 10:50 PM
I'm Geoff, and I was the GM of that session. I don't want to go into details of the run outside of the spoiler tag, but in short, I had to make a call, and the way the adventure was written, I looked over what I had to work with and went the painful way.
My interpretation of the parties involved was that they were willing to hurt others, based on a suspicion of involvment. Guilt by association was good enough.
[ Spoiler ]
As one other thing -- you were assensed by the mage the first night. This meant she could recognize you any old time. Of course, your aura's only meaningful to her, so she can't distribute copies to anyone else. The merc/bodyguard didn't recognize you by face, sure, but would have recognized your MO, attire, and race. Again, he can't give a good set of details to anyone else, but he has some idea.
Ms. Johnson didn't have your face or your aura, but she had two people's, and some suspects she could take her revenge on, even if they weren't the right people. She gets two confirmed enemies and four probables, that's good enough for her.
I recall the film "Memento".
SL James
Aug 17 2006, 01:15 AM
And of course you explained that at the time.
Aug 17 2006, 07:50 AM
Thank you for responding. I appreciate your taking the time to give an explanation of why you interpreted things the way you did. Especially since you didn't have to. Thank you
Green Eyed Monster
Aug 18 2006, 05:00 AM
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 16 2006, 09:15 PM) |
And of course you explained that at the time. |
Your comment here and in the SR4 forum about the Tourney review gives me the impression you must game quite differently than any game I have ever GMed or been a player in. Very seldom is it explained how the NPCs know/do what they do. Few times if a PC has a relevant skill, the GM will allow a roll and if successful an explanation.
Does this cover up potential handwaving? Of course. But I have also seen full explanations that were possible and made sense rejected by players.
As a game participant, one may as well extend a bit of leeway and enjoy the game. If one is determined to know all the answers and implications, they may as well play by themself as sooner or later that is the only person who will expect and accept 500% disclosure. The extra 400% covering the possibilities the PC did not try that the GM knew would need to be fully anticipated and fully explained.
SL James
Aug 18 2006, 05:25 AM
Yes, I do. I will do a briefing of lessons learned and what really happened during a game because I trust my players not to metagame (and they don't) and because what makes sense to the PCs and what they would have quickly figured out is likely different from how quickly a Player should figure things out (especially PCs with high Int).
That and if I have all my Players say something doesn't make sense, then 99/100 times it's because it doesn't make sense and I have to fix it. It helps to play with a bunch of rules lawyers who also GM so we all catch this stuff in each others' games.
I guess maybe because my first priority as a player and GM is for everyone to have fun, which sometimes means leaving the GMPC behind to care for a wounded teammate and then shooting him in the face when I realize he was still too central for the other players to have fun.
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