As to submersion until later rules books come out....
My GM and me are treated them like 'magic/cyberware' bonues.
The natural stat is limited by resonance. Modified maxium is norma; *1.5.
"that only raises another question though, is the System Increase Echo in Submersion also limited to the characters Resonance? If I have a Logic 7, Res 7 and take the System Echo, is the System 8? or still limited to 7 by Res?"
Resonance 7 Logic 7 Submersion 1 System Upgrade -1 would give your a system of 7 (
And Resonance 7 Logic 7 Submersion 3 System Upgrade 3 would give you a system of 7 (10)
While EXTREMELY unlikely you would ever do it:
Resonance 2 Logic 6 Submersion 3 System Upgrade 3 would give you a system rating of 2 (3) (the two additional system uprgrade 'wasted' since you are you modified cap. Now if when you raise your resonance to 3 it would be come System 3 (4 or 5 cant remember if you round up on limits) and if raised resonance to the maxium 9 it would be system 6 (natual is still 6) (9)
So the 'maximum' a human technomancer could have is:
Resonance 10 Submersion 4 Logic 7 (10)
Exptional Attribute (logic)
Increase Attribute-10 (logic) (3+hits)
Then Living Persona's System would be Logic (10) + System Upgrade (3) = 13.
Yes the above is very high but so is the karma cost. NOTE instead of 'magic' to increase logic, Cyber/bioware could be used, with corresponding extra submersion to offset the resonance lost.
The submersion echo seem to give bouses to the 'liviing person stats' NOT the mental stat that is used to calculate the living persona (within the resonance cap).
Rules arent clear either way, but if still bound by the 'cap' all of the submersion grades seems a little weak