Dec 8 2003, 05:15 PM
"What do you think Mojo? You'd know more than anyone if you would be more usfull to us on the inside or outside."
Dec 8 2003, 07:28 PM
Mojo looks thoughtful. "Well, it depends on what we're facing really... I don't think I can do a whole lot of magic while making a stealthy entrance, so maybe that will drive the choice. I can cloak you guys and all as well from outside as in, I think."
Dec 8 2003, 07:52 PM
"Hmm... Ok, what if you cloak us while we're still outside and you stay in the car. Lex and Alice can go in, Rowan and I go through the window. Ok. That works. Are we desided then?"
phelious fogg
Dec 8 2003, 08:10 PM
"I thought we wanted Lex to handle the Matrix side of things, he doesnt need to be on site for that." Rowan replies.
Rowan looks at Akuma, "Other than that detail, its pretty much settled. If Lex is working overwatch, we might want you on the inside with Alice."
Dec 8 2003, 09:07 PM
"I don't need to be on the inside. If you guys really want me on site, I can deck from the SUV just incase this goes to hell and we need another gun. Don't worry about the cameras, I might not even need to play with them. Last time I was on their grid, it looked like someone covered the camera so no one can see anything anyway. So unless the hospital security had a problem with that cover, I won't even need to worry about the cameras."
Dec 8 2003, 09:11 PM
Mojo nods. "Sounds chill to me."
Dec 8 2003, 09:22 PM
"Ok. Lets put Lex in the Van if he can deck from there. Mojo, how does this sound? Can you do an illusion making me look like an old cripple and Alice like my granddaughter or something?"
Dec 8 2003, 09:29 PM
"Also, we need to decide on a time. I have three suggestions and each has their own pros and cons.
We could do it at 3pm. Problem there is its still daytime, however, the guards will have been on duty for 7 hours and will likely not be as sharp by that point.
We could do it at 5pm. That puts us just after sundown, but the guards will have just changed, so they'd be fresh.
Or we could do it at 11pm. That lets us go at late night, the guards are on duty for a long time, but its after hours, so getting into the place may be a problem, plus it gives Sophia more time to set something up.
What do you guys think?"
phelious fogg
Dec 8 2003, 10:45 PM
"I vote for the 3pm hit, it seems like the safest bet, plus it might be enough to put everyone off gaurd."
Dec 8 2003, 11:09 PM
Akuma nods.
"You have a good point. Lets go for it then."
He gets up and walks over to the window and peers outside, checking the weather.
"Does anyone have any questions before we proceed?"
Dec 9 2003, 01:26 PM
The weather is partly cloudy; a gloom hangs over the morning as the sun is hidden behind the thick clouds. Snow is in the forecast for tonight into tomorrow, but not much should change between now (about 11:00am) and 3:00pm.
-- Dash --
phelious fogg
Dec 10 2003, 12:47 AM
"Well, I have some stuff to get before the job, so I'll meet you back here at 2:30, that leaves us a half hour to get on site and get things rolling" Rowan smiles and walks out, and drives back to her appartment.
She walks into her bedroom, and removes the floorboards from her closet. She lifts a heavy military chest out from under the floor and listens to its heavy thud as she sets in on the ground. She runs her hands over the padlock, it having been months since she had openned the chest, wiping the dust from the old combination lock. She opens the lock with her lucky number, and flips the top of the case back and sneezes as the dust settles. She draws out some of her old gear: a small pistol and an assault riffle. Rowan Pulls out a stainless steel box, the inside is padded with foam and full of grenades of various kinds, she takes several out and closes the box. She looks at the rest of the gear in the box and grabs some climbing gear and several clips of ammunition. Rowan takes out another small container and sets it asside. She closes the box and puts it back under the floor, placing the floorboards back into place. She stuffs her gear into an old leather rucksack, and begins to look through her wardrobe. Hidden among her normal street clothes is some armored clothing that she grabs and throws on the bed.
She takes a quick shower and slips into her old comforable armor, remembering the many times its saved her life and how she has managed to get where she is. Her body armor still has S.W.A.T. stitched into the collar. She puts on a her old black fatiques and finishes dressing, after looking herself in the mirror, and checking her backpack, she swings it over her shoulder and walks out the door, locking it behind her. She speeds down the stairs from her third floor appartment, and unlockes her bike, speeding off to the job.
Dec 10 2003, 01:18 AM
"Well I might as well get my stuff together then, I'll be right back"
Lex walks down the narrow hallway and opens the closet at the end of the hall. Dusting off the gun case, he flips the latches and pulls out his Ares. I don't get to use this thing nearly enough Checking to see if his Browning is loaded, he slips it into its holster and shuts the closet door.
After a quick stripdown to make sure it still works, he packs it back up and follows the wires running across the floor back to his 'poker room'. Rummaging through some empty soyburger containers, he finds his deck case, and carefully places his deck inside. Strapping it in, he places it under his arm, with the gun case strapped over his back.
A few minutes afte he disappears, Lex walks back into the living room. "All set. Now, are we gonna finalize these plans...just to make sure?"
Dec 10 2003, 03:23 PM
Akuma already has his gear together in his backpack, but checks it all over one last time to make sure everything is in place.
((I'll post my gear in OOC))
Dec 12 2003, 02:08 PM
<<OOC: Finish hashing the plan out on the OOC thread, moving the action forward a bit so we don't get too bogged down again. >>
The clouds in the sky give the parking lot a gloomy, twilight feeling as you all look down over the hospital for the second time in 24 hours. The lots are more full than last night and the parking deck to your right seems to have quite a few cars in it as well. There are a few people smoking outside the main entrance and there are some people walking to and from the building to their cars. Everything looks like a normal business day at a hospital.
Alice turns to you guys and says, "Where do you want me to park. I could put it in the parking deck which would give you some cover coming out, but we could get boxed in if this goes south. Or, I can just put it in the lot, but you won't have much to hide behind. Other than the rest of the cars that is," she finishes with a grin. Straitening her hair, she checks her Ares Pred. in a holster at her side and looks between the driver's seat and her chair at her shotgun in case she needs it. "I'm ready when you all are."
Dec 12 2003, 04:05 PM
Mojo spends some time getting ready with little fanfare. He slicks his hair back and puts on his mirrored sunglasses before piling into van with Alice. On a question of where to park he adds in, "We need to be able to see the window as clearly as possible from the van. And also be able to get the van from the parking spot to the window quickly. So on the street'd probably be best, if we can find a suitable spot."
Dec 12 2003, 04:10 PM
Akuma checks his gear one last time, while sitting in the back of the van. Satisfied, he attaches a silencer to his Predator and puts it back into its holster. He then straps on the sheath for his katana, and then puts his long coat on over everything to help hide it.
"Alright. I'm ready. Do your thing Mojo."
Dec 12 2003, 04:13 PM
Mojo nods and limbers up theatricly before letting the spells fly. He wraps Akuma in first silence and then invisibility.
phelious fogg
Dec 12 2003, 04:31 PM
"Mojo, could you levitate me up the side of the building to the roof, or do I have to get up there myself?"
Dec 12 2003, 04:32 PM
Akuma reaches into his backpack and pulls out a grapple gun. He tosses it over to Rowan. "Feel free to use that. Mojo can help you I'm sure, but its good to have two methods, rathing than just one. I've got stealth line in it. I've also got two spare stealth lines on me for getting myself and Gio out the window."
Dec 12 2003, 04:33 PM
"Well... that depends on whether or not I can see through my own illusion..." he tries to do so. "I don't want to cast the levitate first since the first one is going to be the strongest, and you don't really want the silence and invisibility spells being weaker, I wouldn't think... that, and I can't guarnatee I could land you on the roof correctly if I couldn't see you."
"Oh, wait, I've got an idea." He drops the spells and then casts levitate on Rowan followed by improved invisibility. Then he proceeds to swtich to astral perception so he can see Rowan again. "This will work." When Akuma is ready, he levitates him to the top of the building and drops both spells before recasting Stealth and Improved Invisibility, in that order.
Dec 12 2003, 05:29 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
[snipped] |
<<OOC --- might want to edit that post, TinkerGnome. You cast spells on Akuma and Rowan is going to the roof -- you can see her fine

Dec 12 2003, 05:31 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
So on the street'd probably be best, if we can find a suitable spot." |
"No problem," Alice replies. She briefly turns the engine back on and pulls into a convenient parking spot on the street. She's facing toward the hospital entrence so that she can quickly manuever the vehicle under the window when it's time to head out.
Dec 12 2003, 05:32 PM
As the spells wash over Akuma, he takes a moment to test his Comm out, "Testing, 1, 2, 3."
With that, he opens the door just enough for him to slide out and heads for the hospitol's enterance.
Dec 12 2003, 06:18 PM
Once he nears the doorway to the front enterance, Akume waits for someone else to go through the door and then quickly slides through behind them.
"I'm in."
He then begins to navigate his way through the maze of hallways and elevators to Gio's room.
Dec 12 2003, 06:47 PM
Lex gets comfortable in the back seat and jacks into his deck. Making sure his Alpha is within easy reach, he leans back and closes his eyes. With a thought, he sends, "Alright guys, I'm heading in myself" over the waves.
phelious fogg
Dec 12 2003, 11:24 PM
<<OOC: Assuming Tinkergnome fixes his character mess up>>
Rowan scans for any camera's that may be on the roof, and then hides behind cover for the moment.
"I'm up," she speaks into the comm, "you can drop the spells Mojo."
Dec 12 2003, 11:48 PM
Over the comm...
"I wouldn't drop those spells yet. Not until you are ready to crash the window. We don't want you getting spotted on that wall."
Dec 14 2003, 07:57 PM
@LexLogging on to FreeSat seems a bit odd to you instead of using your normal jackpoints. Your lack of familiarity with with the system doesn't stop you from finding moving from FreeSat onto the North American public gird and from there onto the Allentown Local Grid. Last hop, to the hospital; moving back into the hospital's node, it now seems almost like home as you look around the virtual ER.
@AkumaUnder the guise of invisibility and stealth you are able to move quickly through the public areas of the hospital and towards the elevators. Waiting for someone else to call the elevator and go up takes a little more than a minute. Entering the elevator you have a brief scare as a few more people than you expect cram into it with you. Jamming yourself into a corner you sigh in relief as they exit one-by-one leaving you a clear exit onto the fifth floor. <<OOC: Check the map of the fifth floor at
my website and let me know what you want to do. Room 508 -- Gio's room -- is the right hand one in along the bottom wall of the blueprints. The elevator exit is unmarked because I'm an ass but it exits to the right of the map into the large open space. Let me know how you intend to advance further.>>
@RowanThe roof is empty and the wind is heavier up there. You fell a little chilled where your skin is exposed to the air. Using the ground for reference and communicating with those in the vehicle, you are able to arrange yourself above the window to room 508 in short order -- about the same time as Akuma begins to ride up the elevator.
@MojoThe sweat starts to bead on your forehead as you concentrate on holding the spells on Rowan and Akuma. Other than that, you're doing fine.
Dec 15 2003, 03:44 PM
Akuma steps off the elevator and quickly moves to the left, hiding just around the corner from where the guards are located.
He then lets his Scanner do its work, trying to pick up the communications of the guards or any other security personel.
Dec 15 2003, 11:46 PM
Pausing for a few moments and letting the Scanner do its thing, Akuma doesn't pick anything up other than the hospital PA system. Apparently there is a Code Blue on the seventh floor.
-- Dash --
Dec 16 2003, 12:06 AM
Akuma glances around the corner real quick, trying to make sure the Mage doesn't see him. The rest of them couldn't see through the Invisibility anyhow, the Mage is the only one he needs to worry about, and then, only if he is perceiving astrally.
phelious fogg
Dec 16 2003, 03:08 AM
Rowan finds something sturdy to attach her repelling line to. Then she coils to rope up and looks for a convienent place to plant her bomb.
Dec 16 2003, 03:23 AM
Lex's voice chimes in through your comsets, "What are your hands like, guys? Are we in for another round or are we folding?"
Dec 16 2003, 03:03 PM
As you lean over the side of the building you notice that there are four people walking down the sidewalk from the parking lot towards the hosptial's entrance. They'll be out of site in about twenty seconds.
Glancing around the corner, you can see the guards and room 508 across the building from you. You can't see the nurse's station from this position because of the short hallway that leads from your position into the main area of the floor. The guard on your left is reading a book of some kind and the one on your left seems to be more alert. Neither seems to notice your presence as you pull yourself back into your hiding spot.
Looking out through the cameras, you still can't see into Gio's room. What ever is covering the camera is still there.
<<OOC: To Rowan and Akuma: Are you guys going to co-ordinate the assault on the room. Meaning: is Akuma going to deal with the guards at the same time that Rowan goes through the window? >>
Dec 16 2003, 04:28 PM
Over the comm...
"I'm good to go, let me know when you are in possition Rowan."
Once Rowan lets Akuma know she is ready...
With that, Akuma draws out his silenced Predator II with the Gel rounds in its clip and leans back around the corner once more. He carefully begins to take aim on the Guard who seems to be more alert. He keeps his other hand on his Jammer, ready to turn it on once things get going.
<<ooc: yes, we are going to start the action at the same time. If, while Akuma is aiming, either of the guards seem to notice him, he will start firing.>>
phelious fogg
Dec 16 2003, 04:53 PM
Failing to find a place to plant her distraction, she slings her Riffle over her soulder, and starts repelling down the building (once she is clear to do so), paying attention for anything out of order, she stops above 508 in order to get prepared. She ancors her rope to the building, and attempts to peak into the window discreetly.
Dec 16 2003, 05:03 PM
@ Rowan
Peaking into the room takes a bit of effort. Grabbing onto the sill above you with your hand and rotating yourself until your feet can grab the ledge, you hang suspended upside down supported by your climbing harness and your toes on the sill of room 608. Stretching, you can just peak into the top of the room. The draps are shut a bit, but from your vantage point you can see through them where they end at the top of the window. The room is dim -- the lights are off and the sunlight is made hazy by the pulled drapes. You can see one of the two beds in the room (the one closest to the window), but the other is hidden by the ubiquitous curtain-on-a-track that all hosptials rooms seem to have to provide some privacy to its guests. You can see a chair on the other side of the room but no one is seated in it at the moment. The TV is on, but facing away towards the bed you cannot see -- you can't tell what's on, but you can see the light patterns changing on the wall beside it. You can also see what looks like a black t-shirt hanging next to the TV over what you assume is the camera that Lex was trying to use to see into the room.
The bed you can see is made and doesn't look slept in. The sheets are tight and the bed-spread is neatly folded over top.
After this quick survey of the room, your feet are getting a little numb and all the blood is rushing to your head. Propping yourself on the top-sill of the window in room 508, you let go with your feet and swing around, righting yourself using the window sill and the rope to hold you up. Your rifle swings on your back and threatens to fall, but you are able to keep it over your shoulder during the "operation."
Dec 16 2003, 05:05 PM
QUOTE (Grey) |
<<ooc: yes, we are going to start the action at the same time. If, while Akuma is aiming, either of the guards seem to notice him, he will start firing.>> |
No one seems to notice you. The guard with the book chuckles at something he's just read.
Dec 16 2003, 05:14 PM
over the comm...
"Rowan, how are things going out there?"
phelious fogg
Dec 16 2003, 05:37 PM
"I dont think anyone is in the room, but I cant tell, let me see if I can get into the room without being noticed."
Rowan slides down beside the window for 508, ever causius for onlookers, and sees if there is a way to open the windows from the outside.
Dec 16 2003, 06:03 PM
"Ok, that glasscutter and suction cup I gave you should do the trick. Lex will just have to surpress any alarms that may go off."
Dec 16 2003, 07:01 PM
The window looks locked from the inside with two latches on the left and right side of the window. With the right tools you could probably break into the window by springing the latches. Or, you could use the glasscutter and just reach into the room to undo them. Once the latches are unlocked, it looks like you should be able to lift the window open.
Dec 16 2003, 07:04 PM
Mojo watches from the van through a pair of optical bionoculars, sweat beading on his forehead as he sustains the spells.
Dec 16 2003, 07:23 PM
As your cards move outward searching for the alarm controls it seems like they come up on an invisible barrier of some kind and fall to the "floor." With a mental curse, you call them back to you.
phelious fogg
Dec 16 2003, 11:46 PM
Rowan reaches behind her and grabs the glasscutters and suction cup, she fits them to the closest of the latched windows, and cuts a small enough hole for her hand to fit in.
"I think the glasscutters will do the trick" Rowan wispers over the comm.
Dec 17 2003, 12:28 AM
Straightening your monocle and looking around for a few moments, you are unable to see any reactive IC that may have messed up your browser utility. Shrugging, you try it again. Success! The three of hearts flies out of the camera controls leaving a glowing trail leading you toward the slave system for the hosptial alarms.
Unfortunately, before you can inspect the alarm system any further, a large orderly steps through the floor of the camera control and looks at you. Pulling a billy club from his belt, he smacks it against his palm and moves in your direction. <<OOC: Roll matrix initiative (as if you couldn't guess) >>
Moving slowly you are able to remove a circle with about six inches in diameter from the center of the window. The cutter makes a soft, but grating, noise as it scores the glass before you. Pulling lightly on the suction cup, the glass makes a slight pop and the pane almost rings slightly as the circle comes free. Holding the glass in your teeth, you reach in to the window and unlock it. Pushing lightly against the now weakened glass, you are able to open the window.
The guard on the right, the one not reading, pokes his assistant in the side. "Did you hear something?" the not-reading one asked. "Nope," his coworker responds. Taking a good look around, the one of the right shrugs, but loosens a pistol in his side arm. "Maybe we should look just in case."
Dec 17 2003, 12:51 AM
Seeing the icon of the orderly approaching, Lex fixes his hat and makes ready to deal with the obvious threat before worrying about the alarms. The orderly rushes him and with a titanic swing brings the billy club down at Lex's shoulder. Brought to his knees by the blow, Lex rises to his feet looks at the icon with a smirk -- "The Ace of Clubs isn't going to help this hand." The icon falls into a defensive crouch as Lex flicks his wrist bringing a small hold-out pistol to bear on the orderly. Aiming and pulling the the trigger, the orderly attempts to put his club in the path of the on coming bullet, but the offensive utility code smacks into the IC's icon and it begins to bleed from a wound in the chest. As the memory cells of the IC begin to bleed out, Lex uses his hat to gather up the IC's code before replacing the fedora on his head.
Dusting off his hands, Lex returns to the job at hand.
Dec 17 2003, 12:58 AM
"Rowan, whatever you are doing, retreat it back. The guards heard a noise and are coming in. If you can't backtrack, let me know and I'll drop them."
phelious fogg
Dec 17 2003, 05:28 AM
Drek, Rowan curses to herself.
She takes the glass and slips it into one of her fatigues many pockets, then she grabs a gas grenade with her off hand from her belt.
Hanging in beside the window, she strains to hear the two gaurds openning the door, and readies herself to drop the grenade into the room if needed. With her other hand she reaches for her narcojet pistol, hoping to draw it before the gaurds are in the room.
"Hold a sec." She whispers into the comm.