Apr 19 2008, 01:36 PM
On the Road Again
Friday 8/22/70 19:00:00
Smith - Face
PAN - Hidden
Smith was looking at a map, trying to calculate his travel-time. He wanted to hurry up and meet with the mechanic, but decided he also didn't want to postpone on Deerwalker anymore. His final justification was that if he put off the mechanic, the team would have more time to secure the vehicle in question, while he was busy shopping for magical gear.
<<@Team:: "Hotel Hell, sounds... 'sufficient'. I hope it doesn't come to needing it. As for renting, despite it being my suggestion, I see one obvious disadvantage to that plan. If we legally rent the vehicle, it is going to be protected out the ears - we'll be broadcasting our position at all times, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was an internal camera. These would be easy to disable, but doing so would flag the SIN I use as engaging in illegal use of their vehicle, and might put a red flag on it when it gets checked over the next two days. If we go with that plan, Angel would have to do some magic, to make it look like good data is still being sent back to HQ, but that it is all false. I have no idea how hard that would be.">
He then began constructing another message to his anonymous new contact, <<"Starbucks is open late. So am I. Hope you are too. Not sure when my next appointment gets out, but I'll message you, with an hour notice, before I arrive there. Otherwise, the arrangement sounds acceptable. I look forward to meeting you.">> He wasn't sure how the contact would react, but he didn't have a lot of choice. If he was going to catch the ferry to get to Deerwalker, he needed to leave right now. He had no idea what was so great that it was worth the long commute to class, but he had a feeling he was about to find out.
<<@Team:: "FYI, going to meet someone about magical goods - last call for requests, Fort. I'll see what I can do, tonight - but at the least I should be able to introduce you to someone, soon. However you guys decide to handle the van, is fine with me, but I won't be able to rent one for at least 6 hours, anyway - so feel free to look for alternatives while I am busy. If you find something, let me know, because after this I am meeting with a mechanic - and having the van/truck there would probably make things easier.">>
Apr 26 2008, 10:24 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:08:00
The ride over - standing on the prow of the upper deck looking at the forested hills surrounding the twilit Sound - had done a lot to slow things down in Adam's head. Pulling his bike off the ramp and cruising up the road to the gated community, he was impressed by what he saw.
AROs had been everywhere, even before disembarking, reminding one and all of the necessity to display full-identification details at all times and in all places on Vashon Island. And the police presence - human and otherwise - rivaled downtown. The difference was that here the cops looked softer - same uniforms, but their belts bristled with less gear, they were a little older, and lacked the tense, guarded demeanor of the "public servants" in the city. Like the USA before it, water had protected riches. It was only internal strife that had brought down the once lone mega-power. He wondered what might change here to allow the tendrils of crime and decay from the city proper to find their way to this island paradise.
Pulling through the gates of Vashon Heights, he was greeted by the sight of clean sidewalks on tree-lined streets. Wide expanses of grass separated huge Windsor-faced houses from the street. He hadn't been able to enter without confirming the address of his destination, and now the neighborhood traffic program kept his AR vision filled with prompts, like a game telling the players which way to the next challenge. Speed bumps allowed his bike little more than a gentle putter toward his meeting.
A group of Asian, Indian, and white human children played stickball in the street. An affluent-looking ork in casual wear with a fanny-pack hanging from the front of his belt seemed to be watching them, but really he was watching everything but them. Adam doubted he was the father of any of these children.
Another relaxed looking fellow, a troll in a polo shirt by Lacoste, stepped slowly out of the shadow of a huge oak. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" "You must be visiting friends." "How 'bout those Seahawks?"
Once he was free of the "howdy neighbor" interrogation he found his way quickly to Deerwalker's (father's) place. This one was in the Tudor style, and had a large rotary drive with a shiny black 2071 Westwind sloppily parked in it. The place looked huge.
He climbed the front steps and the door opened before he could press the bell or key the equivalent ARO. He almost took a step back from the sight he saw - there was Deerwalker, all 185 blond Germanic centimeters of her, and she was crawling with snakes. He quickly realized, however, that they were synthetic - smart-material constructs from JoyGarden - the new Eve line. He'd read some of the ad copy. The snakes' size and color could all be controlled through the wearer's PAN, and they crawled over the body in random or preset patterns, with special algorithms that covered or concealed designated body parts with varying degrees of discretion depending on the position and identity of any onlookers. Decide moment to moment and person to person just how much of your Forbidden Fruit you want revealed...
And they looked really really real.
"Hey Comrade," she smiled, "steaks are on the grill."
Apr 28 2008, 01:55 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:10:00
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Adam flashed back a smile. He hadn't realized how much he had missed the sight of a friendly face. As she stepped aside, he pulled his attention away from her snakes, and took in the foyer. "Nice place. I can see why you don't stay on campus." He knew Deerwalker's family was well-off, but he wasn't sure what to expect until he got here. He wondered if they were at home - that would certainly make half of what he wanted to discuss with her more difficult than it would already be. The fact that Deerwalker's outfit only suggested nudity, rather than screaming and pointing at it, suggested somebody with authority might be around. Adam wasn't worried about it, if they went shopping, later, they'd have the privacy to talk.
He removed his overcoat, revealing what he had thought, this morning, would be an impressive outfit - but, now, within a few feet of Deerwalker's state-of-the-art fashion-statement (which probably cost more than he had made all year), Adam wondered how lame she actually thought his simple outfit was. He looked good - he was confident of that - and he knew how to dress himself, but he certainly wasn't at the bleeding edge of any new trends. One of the things that Adam and Deerwalker had in common was their desire for the attention of others. He had noticed that, while she was the sort of person that would stand out in an auditorium (and dressed to maximize that potential), he was the sort of person who liked to stand out from across a room, where his charisma could come into play. They were both good-looking people, but made very different first impressions. In fact, compared to some of the "bottoms-only" outfits that he had seen her wear around campus, these snakes could be considered a pass at modesty.
Hopefully, as always, his personality would cover what his wallet could not. "I apologize, again, for the last minute delay. New job. New bosses. New demands." He winked.
He also hadn't thought about how hungry he had become until she mentioned food. He let the mention of steaks go unquestioned, though. Adam was well aware that Deerwalker was the Earthen version of a Sunday-morning-Christian, and, if the others weren't around, Adam could easily imagine her enjoying a soy-steak (or maybe even a real one, if mommy and daddy were paying), and somehow justify it to herself the same way she justified the buckskin "outfits" she usually wore (which, it seemed, were on their way out). In any case, even something that approximated meat sounded great to Adam, right now.
"So, tell me, what's new in your life?" Adam wasn't sure of the best way to approach the things he wanted to discuss, tonight. As usual, he was going to just keep the conversation going, and make it up as he went along - and at the moment, his strategy was going to be to keep the conversation focused on Deerwalker - after all, that's what he came here to discuss. Her magic. Her contacts. Her openness to the idea of moonlighting on the Earthens. He was also interested in touching bases with his friends - it just so happened that he was able to write this off (in his mind) as a business expense, too. In any event, everything pointed to Deerwalker, which was typically how she liked it - so Adam was happy to oblige.
Apr 28 2008, 02:21 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:10:30
"Not much, man," she replied as she led him across a high-ceilinged living room to a lavishly appointed kitchen/dining space. There was no mistaking the smell of real steaks. "I only come here when my asshole father's out of town, but then I feel all lonely. So I'm glad you came." The table was already set for two, and she sat down as a kitchen drone delivered the meat to their plates, vectored-thrust propulsion whirring almost silently. "You like my snakes?"
Apr 28 2008, 03:43 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:11:00
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
"Very much. JoyGarden, right?" Adam hoped that little piece of fashion-trivia would buy him some points. "I remember the ad, although they certainly look better on you, than they did on the model. Are they comfortable?" Adam imagined that they would be cold, and the feeling of several slithering bodies on his, wasn't something he would necessarily enjoy.
As the steak-smell wafted up from his plate, he tried to keep his mouth from watering, and remember his etiquette. "I am impressed. I wouldn't have pegged you for a carnivore, though. I hope you're not setting aside any personal convictions, on my behalf...." Adam's grin showed his sarcasm, but he was genuinely curious where her beliefs ended, and her act began. Personally, eating real meat felt a lot more 'natural' than gagging down whatever soylent-green the Corps had marked fit for human consumption - and he hoped that Deerwalker felt the same way. Still, he suspected the Earthens wouldn't approve - at least not until someone lied and told them that the cow had been humanely treated, and lived a nice life on a prairie before dying of natural causes. Even then, it would take some smooth talking to settle them down - and they certainly wouldn't eat it. Adam paused to see if she was going to elaborate on the seeming hypocracy, or if they would move on to some other topic and simply accept that Deerwalker ate meat. Adam was willing to go either way. He was interested to learn more about exactly what it was Deerwalker felt strongly about, but had no interest in making a big deal out of someone else's vices. He was no saint, himself.
Apr 29 2008, 01:30 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:11:20
As she took a bite of her sirloin, the girl seemed genuinely confused by Adam's foray. Talking with her mouth full, she queried, "Why would I have a personal conviction? I've never been to jail. I've never even been arrested."
Apr 29 2008, 02:32 AM
Boise, Auburn
Friday 8/22/70 20:42:00
The trolls had burned gas in the Love Machine for almost two hours, looking for just the right truck with as little security as possible. Not easy, since people didn't usually leave tens of thousands of nuyen lying around for the taking.
Their search had taken them down through the industrial regions of Tacoma, where they realized that they were dealing with two variables - on-site security for the truck, and also the degree of law enforcement presence in the area. Deciding that the former could be handled, but the latter was getting into dangerous waters, they headed further out, tooling around the southern reaches of Auburn without actually crossing over into the wastelands of Puyallup.
Law enforcement certainly got thinner, but then so, of course, did any serious capital investment. The less cops around, the less there was worth robbing.
They finally found a couple of likely targets down between I-164 and White River, where the poor but functional Enumclaw neighborhood gave way to the slums of Boise, on the border of the Barrens. A number of tract housing developments were stretching the tendrils of productive civilization south of the highway to meet the low-cost housing demand from the working stiffs of Enumclaw. Here, the trolls found the gray security area they'd been seeking.
Lone Star presence was thin - an occasional cruiser was all they saw. More important, the Blue Crew's drone and surveillance infrastructure here appeared non-existent.
One site, where it looked like they were laying in a plumbing system, was wide and spread out. Equipment was scattered over several acres, and they spotted more than one of the upsized GAZ-P195s with open flatbeds. Looked like they were being used to haul piping. To compensate for the lack of police presence, there were armed Knight-Errant guards, and they were sure to somehow be covered electronically. But they were too few for so large a site. And of course, they'd die before calling in Lone Star back-up.
Another site was iffier. There was a temporary fence surrounding some sort of larger structure adjunct to a housing development. This was closer to Puyallup. On the other side of the fence they could see a huge Nordcapp Zugmaschine tractor trailer. There were no guards in site, but the fence was heavily tagged. As they drove past they spotted several rough-looking orks and trolls watching from the surrounding neighborhood.
At both sites, it looked as though the work crews had knocked off for the night, or maybe the weekend.
Apr 29 2008, 03:53 AM
Boise, Auburn
Friday 8/22/70 20:43:07
Rocky - physical adept
PAN: Hidden
"Finally we have something worth putting some time in to." Rocky had grown bored with the endless driving around looking for a stupid truck they might be able to grab for the weekends events. The upside was it had given him the time he needed to finish working with the software Dr. Cline had provided. He saved the settings and shut the program down, then brought up the team link to send out some text messages.
<<@Team:: Located two possible options for the needed transportation. Will need assistance with security issues. We are down in the Boise, Auburn area.>>
Rocky pulled the address of a local Stuffer Shack and included that with the message so they could meet up and layout all the details of what they had found.
"Hey, lets make one more pass of each site and record as much as we can for the others to look at when they get down here."
Apr 29 2008, 01:32 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:12:00
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Adam smiled, and took the girl's cue to begin eating. As he sliced into his own steak, he replied warmly - selecting his words carefully, so as not to offend. "I just meant that I understand that your friends don't like to eat meat. I admire your independence, this looks really good." He smiled again, as he took a bite of his - appreciation showing on his face. He then decided to change the topic to something more constructive. "Speaking of your spotless record, though, I am impressed that someone as outspoken as yourself hasn't as much as been picked up for public disturbance." He was genuinely impressed, in fact - if she hadn't been at least arrested for her almost constant public indecency, Adam was sure the EcoSquad had or would be hauled away for some protest, or releasing a bunch of genetically engineered lab animals, or making some other high-profile activist statement. He was most interested, however, in whether this was because she had an ace up her sleeve when it came to avoiding punishment, or because she just managed to avoid situations where the law was bent or broken, while maintaining her image as an outspoken activist. Considering she was with him on at least one mission where he knew they had broken the law, he suspected the former. He cocked his head as he cut his next piece - the steak seemed to simply melt away from his knife. "Had any close-calls?"
Apr 29 2008, 01:54 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:12:20
She smiled mischievously. "Yeah, a few times, you know, the fuzz tried to crash our high at some marches and stuff, but I'm pretty good at just slipping away," she faded out of and back into sight right there on her chair, "if you know what I mean, you know. I mean, you know, I just couldn't get arrested - Daddy would have a fit. Mostly Cal is pretty good at planning the direct actions though, so we've never gotten caught. Like that one you helped us on. Everything went so smooth cuz Cal is so good at planning and the comrades are all, you know, really really good at that stuff and, you know, Gaia watches out for us."
Apr 29 2008, 05:39 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:12:40
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Adam chewed and nodded rather than respond with his thoughts regarding Cal's preparedness, or how smooth that particular mission had gone. Despite the one example Adam had to go by, the fact that the Earthens weren't already all in jail did speak well of his ability to handle such things, overall. Adam liked Cal - always had - and he had no wish to speak ill of him, much less to do so in front of his girlfriend. "So, you can make people look like other people, and like nothing at all," he said, when he finished another bite. "That is incredible. What other kind of spells do you know? You said Gaia looks out for you. Is she the source of your magic?"
He smiled, apologetically. "I'm sorry if I sound naive. I don't really know all that much about magic - but I'd love to hear more about it." The conversation was going along, nicely. Adam was enjoying himself, having his second great meal this week, and getting to know more about Deerwalker, in a few minutes, than he had since he had met her. A part of him felt a little bad that as their smalltalk continued, he was, in the back of his mind, still treating this like a business meeting. He had objectives, and this was a little new to him. Usually, when he hung out with Cal and his posse, he didn't have to think too deeply about what was going on, and could just have a good time. They were interesting people, good for some laughs, but once he had worked with them on that job, he couldn't help but think of them as potential business partners. Their professional interests didn't really overlap, but he could tell there was opportunity for synergy, if both parties were interested.
Considering there was a good chance that some of his team would use the current job to clear their slate, Adam also had an interest in keeping his eyes open for new blood. As the next bite of sirloin approached his mouth, he made the connection with his dinner date with Francesca, and the thought nagged at him again. He brought his attention back to the conversation at hand, determined to be a friend first, and a contact, second.
Apr 30 2008, 02:50 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:15:00
The woman laughed. It was a pretty big laugh, but not raucous or derisive. But it was hard enough that the snakes jiggled, and she nearly choked on her food. Downing some bottled water, she cleared her throat. "Dude - you think I'm one of those Mother followers? Adam, what's my name? You don't think my gaz father named me that, do you? I follow Deer. She's quiet, and very good at hiding. And she's peaceful, so she makes a lot of friends - I can probably help you get whatever telesma you're looking for."
Then she leaned forward. "And of course, in certain seasons, she has other needs, too."
She bit off a huge chunk of steak, and Adam took the opportunity to press her about her skills. The topic seemed to be a blind spot in her general obliviousness - as near as he could tell she was fairly knowledgeable and articulate regarding her gift. Maybe a little too much so, since it was hard for a mundane to tell what she was talking about.
May 1 2008, 05:36 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:25:00
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
It became clear that Adam didn't know the first thing about magic. He hadn't had a lot of problem wrapping his mind around the fact that she could do illusions - he had seen that twice. He knew Fortunato could do some other spells too like healing wounds or making cars rocket down the road at lethal speeds. he was a high-level kind of guy, and that was really the level at which he was comfortable discussing magic.
Deerwalker, on the other hand, seemed uncharacteristically knowledgeable about this sort of thing, and wasn't satisfied with any of Adam's attempts to frame things in any way that made any sort of sense to him. Off the bat, she corrected him regarding his gross oversimplification that she simply "made people look like other people". It was a great deal more complicated than that, it seemed. Some nonsense about "auras," "harmonic emanations," "chakras," "sprigans," and "nargles" along with the usual Earthen hippy dribble about Mother Earth, oneness, peace with nature.
The closest he could come to making heads or tails of anything that was said, was to relate the whole experience to a common situation given in one of his management classes. When a manager asks a technical engineer what a given system is capable of, he is looking for the elevator-pitch - the high-level overview - but, more often than not, the engineer's instinct is to answer the question, technically - rattling off a bunch of acronyms, jargon, and techno-babble about what components are doing what with other components, what sort of architecture is being used, underneath, as well as the specific limitations and capabilities of the various aspects of the overall system. They often mistakenly replace the word "what" with "how," and sometimes even think that their knowledge of these specifics will highlight what a capable employee they are. From the manager's side of the conversation, it could have the opposite effect - highlighting the employee's narrow scope of vision, and blindness to bigger-picture concepts.
The truth of the matter is that, more often than not, the person asking isn't interested in all of that, as is probably either just looking to wrap his head around a system (so he can talk to some other important bigwig about it, and fee confident that he's not completely talking out of his ass), or just looking for 10 words or less to put on a slide. That is really what Adam would have liked to have had - a nice simple dossier on Deerwalker, with bullet-points highlighting each of the magical capabilities she brings to the table. A little index-card he could put in his virtual Rolodex, and whip out when the team was in need of magical backup.
This brought him back to his current situation, where he was doing his best to look as though he was following along, while Deerwalker explained something about the "arboreal unification rites". He had long since given up on gleaning anything useful regarding her capabilities - and was now focusing on the overall impression of the conversation. His line of questioning had changed from inquiring about further explanation to simply remaining interested in what was being said. By this point, they both knew that Adam wasn't understanding a lot of what was being said, but the fact that he was interested in something that Deerwalker knew quite a bit about seemed to be incentive enough for her to keep talking about it - and he was able to keep his end of the conversation up enough to leave a decent impression - certainly not as someone who had a knack for these concepts, but as a good listener, certainly.
As the last of their steaks disappeared, the topic of magical theory and practice had wound-down, and Adam decided to take the opportunity to transition to another one, where they had more in common - specifically, their mutual acquaintances. "So, are any of your other friends magical? I mean, you seem to know a lot about it, did anyone I know teach you?" Before she had a chance to finish her last bite, and answer, Adam threw out a few more questions. "Cal mentioned something about 'Murlocks', does that mean he's a shaman too?"
Although he was interested in the answer to all of these questions, his inquiry served, primarily, to segway into discussion of Cal and the EcoSquad.
May 2 2008, 03:55 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:26:00
The snake-clad blond recoiled in mock distress, bobbing back several times as if she was being pummeled by the repeated blows of her date's numerous questions.
"Oh Adam, you're just a real curious sort, aren't you? Don't you know that we're all magical in our own way. We've each got value, man, a place in the deeper scheme of things. Even us humans. That's the beauty of our vision, you know - we know that we don't have to be oppressors forever, unwillingly benefitting from our exploitation of the more noble races. In fact, once we express as morlocks, we'll be the strongest and most benevolent of all Her creations - how else will be survive the Extinction?"
May 2 2008, 12:18 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:26:30
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
"So, like... about as magical... as I am," he stated, with just enough inflection in his voice to give the impression that he wasn't sure. He had no idea what she meant about Morlocks or Extinction, but that was nothing new. He figured, if he asked, he would just be treated to another one of her out-there explanations that left him with more questions than answers. For the moment, he was fine allowing himself to believe that he wasn't about to Express as anything, and that Extinction was a fair ways off - at least, he had more immediate problems to contend with, first. The Extinction of humanity would probably solve most of them, but it also probably didn't need his help to Express.
"How've things been going for them? You know, the inner circle guys I met earlier this week?" Adam realized that Cal never really gave them a name, before. "Did I miss out on anything exciting?" He grinned, "You mentioned Cal's taking a European vacation. He could have at least asked if I wanted to tag along. I'm surprised you didn't go."
May 3 2008, 12:17 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:26:40
A mischievous smile flickered across Deerwalker's features - Adam could see that revealing juicy secrets was a temptation for her. "Well, the bigshot he went over to meet, he's pretty hush-hush. Can't talk about him. But then, he might be coming here..."
She stood up and snapped her fingers, summoning the kitchen drone to clear their plates. "Let's go out back."
May 3 2008, 12:42 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:26:50
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Clearly intrigued, Adam wipes his mouth politely and then stands up. He wasn't sure what Deerwalker was hinting at, but he could tell from her reaction that it would be good. A few more questions came to mind, but he didn't want to ruin Deerwalker's big 'reveal'. This was her show, for the moment.
May 3 2008, 01:01 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:28:10
It was a beuatiful Seattle summer evening, still not fully dark, but the fir-covered hill that backed Deerwalker's (father's) house cast the yard into deep shadow. Less salty this far from the ocean proper, the smell of the Sound was gently refreshing.
The girl took Adam's hand and led him past an outdoor hot tub and what looked like a sauna - both of which she glanced at meaningfully - before bringing him to a small gazebo. Sitting down, he wondered if she hadn't adjusted her snakes to a slightly more generous setting. "So I never thought you'd be so interested in our work. I always took you for, you know, a bit of a mercenary, though I never, you know, told Cal that."
May 3 2008, 02:11 AM
Stuck, in Auburn
Friday 8/22/70 21:31:00
Rocky's report of finding some possible trucks to appropriate had led to another quick team conference call - although Johnson had essentially let everyone know he was in a sensitive meeting with a contact and left the details to the others.
Sledge had said she had her own meet coming up, but since everyone felt there was no time to waste on gathering the gear they needed, and there was little chance of success without matrix backup, it was decided that Angel would head south and join the trolls. Fort would join them as soon as he finished a magical project he was busy with.
They decided to meet halfway - in the micro-city of Stuck - more becuase it was convenient to the highway than for any other reason. Angel had just pulled up in a cab and was looking around for a good spot to keep an eye out for the trolls without being mistaken for one of the many prostitutes that worked the streets of this Mafia enclave.
May 4 2008, 03:03 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:29:20
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
It was Adam's turn to smile mischievously. "Mercenary? No, but I do like to try a little bit of everything." He raised an eyebrow. "It never was quite clear just what it was that you and Cal had heard about me - or through whom." He paused, smiling. "I don't think it's entirely fair that I never got to make a proper first impression. At least, not as 'Smith.'"
He had an idea, and looked at her, appraisingly. "I suppose all I can do is hope that an in-touch girl, like you, can forgive a guy for occasionally becoming slave to his instincts." He winked. "You know. Survival. The Law of the Jungle. Eat or be Eaten. Something like that." His smile faltered just slightly at the thought of his mother, and the reason he needed the money they had offered him for the last job. It wasn't his survival he was worried about, but decided not to go into the details, just yet.
Truthfully, he could see where she would have gotten that impression. Ever since he got into Franco's pocket, and doing work for various mafia-ties - even now, as leader for a team of Shadowrunners - it seemed that he was willing to do almost anything for money. In his eyes, at least, it wasn't the money that was driving him - it was his parents, Shwen, Tyisha, John, Sally, Cal, Deerwalker, or some other friend in need. If his own sense of adventure wasn't getting him into trouble, he was throwing himself into it to dig somebody else out.
Then again, maybe he just liked maintaining the self-image of a knight-in-shining-armor or robin-hood type hero... instead of facing the fact that he had become little better than an errand boy for a mafia pimp. He had been providing for his parents, but he couldn't deny that he had been taking a little off of the top (in theory, to make it easier to keep this gig going).
He directed attention away from his cracking demeanor by gesturing at their beautiful surroundings. "I'm not, like... this well off, but I've never been hurting for cash, either. Things just have a way of working themselves out, you know. I'm not in this for the cash, that's not what... motivates me. I figure, my talents caught your eye right when you guys needed me, and I am glad they did. Now that our paths have crossed, we understand one another a little better, and we are in a better position to help each other out."
He smiled, warmly. "That's what I'm about."
May 5 2008, 01:54 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:29:30
"Well," she replied, "if what you want us to do is help each other - I mean, you know, in a, you know, law of the jungle kind of way - maybe we should, you know, find out more about each others' talents."
May 7 2008, 01:51 PM
Heading east out of West Seattle
Friday 8/22/70 22:00:00
The trolls made it to the meet with Caittie very shortly after her arrival. So she got to leave the charming company of the streetwalkers in favor of a cramped van filled with two huge metahumans that had only a few days ago tried to kill her. Could this really be a lifestyle for some people? Sledge had offered her an out, but she felt honor-bound to do at least this one run with her new companions, to thank them for risking their lives to help with the Louie problem. But now here she was not with the people that had helped her, but with the guys that had been the problem.
And anyway, Sledge didn’t know what the FBI mage/hacker knew – that her very nature marked her for capture or worse by the corps.
Maybe the shadows were her fate.
In any case, Sledge had given her the rundown on some possible sites where they might find the equipment they needed, and right off they headed for an upscale neighborhood on the water called West Seattle. Someone was redeveloping an old cemetery – hello, had no one told them about the Awakening? – and they probably had exactly the kind of gear needed to spot dead bodies underground.
As they approached, she darted ahead in the Matrix. She found the site easily enough – big AROs declared all sorts of safety and trespassing warnings in the name of B&B Contracting. It was a pretty secure-looking area, and there were cameras everywhere. She located a hub for all the Lone Star cams in the neighborhood and called a sprite, knowing that whatever went wrong, the cops could never trace it back to her. She let her friend know that if anything dangerous happened it should just go ahead and bail. She then told it to quietly find a spot in the hub to watch all the angles on the construction site from, and send the data to her in intermittent bursts on an encrypted frequency. Later, if that worked, she could recompile it for the task of altering the feeds for when they made their move.
By the time the Love Machine arrived, all had gone well in the electron world, and they all had regular video updates of what the place was like. Not only that, but she had located a manifest that confirmed a ground-penetrating radar unit was kept onsite in a supposedly secure storage unit.
Despite the cameras, the trolls wanted to see the place with their own eyes, and figured one drive-by wouldn’t hurt, especially since they probably would not be in the Love Machine for the actual theft. There was a three-meter chain-link fence topped by shiny new concertina wire. Gate was shut. But at least it was all easy to see through. Between their meat eyes and the cams, they counted two guards roving the site, plus at least one other came out of a quonset hut to use the port-a-potty, and then went back inside after entering a code on a keypad. He’d been careful to screen the code from the view of any prying eyes as he pushed the buttons. The hut was where the GPR was listed as being stored.
They were a little surprised to see that no work was going on – most sites in safe neighborhoods such as this ran 24-7. It was a point to wonder about.
One thing they didn’t need to wonder about was telepresent security. They spotted at least one surveillance drone whirring around above the place. Caittie, however, said she was pretty sure it was on autopilot…at the moment.
Satisfied they’d seen as much as they could, they headed for the next site. Caittie was a bit tired from her online exertions, so Cerberus went ahead and checked traffic reports himself. Roads would supposedly be clear on several routes to I-5. He also noted the nearest Lone Star station, and estimated a two-minute response.
As he was puttering with his commlink, the greenish-skinned troll got a text message from his best friend Kyle. Damn! In a queer reversal of roles, his thiefly buddy had apparently pissed off some unsavory characters, and he wondered if Cerberus could come around and watch his back for a few days until he got things sorted. The timing couldn’t be worse, right in the middle of what could be the run that scored Cerberus a blank check on cyber upgrades. Not to mention he would hate to let his teammates down.
But there was no way in hell he could say no to Kyle.
“Yo brau,� he said to Rocky, “I know this sucks, and I really hate to do it, but I am not going to be able to continue with this job with you guys. Trust me when I tell you I know how shitty this is of me, but I have no choice.�
Rocky responded with some concern: “Man, that is not good news. But you do what you have to. It’s not like I can stop you, right? I mean, is there any way you could stick around and help us with this job, and then we could help you with whatever you’ve got going?�
“No can do, brau. You guys have to do this thing this weekend, or it’ll be impossible. And what I have to do, I can’t wait on. But I am worried about those FBI guys. I mean, I know all the details of the run. If I bail now, they are going to see me as some sort of security leak, maybe have me arrested – or worse.�
Rocky didn’t have to think long about his answer. “Screw them. You’re right, but they said they would quit spying on us once we started the job, right? Hell, they don’t know where you are, and if they do see you off somewhere, how are they to know you’re not working on the run? I guess you won’t be around to collect your big favor, but by then the run’ll be done and who cares where you are? They aren’t going to hear about any of this from us, man.� He looked over at Caittie, who just shrugged – she was hating Cerberus less and less, but she’d still feel more at ease with him gone.
Cerberus put out his hand to his friend. “I owe you one, brau. I guess you can just drop me off anywhere , then. I gotta get moving. The Ingram is in the case under the seat, that goes back to…�
Rocky cut him off – “Man, this van is worth a LOT more than that toy of yours. I figure you’re losing your interest in the wheels, you take the gun as your severance.�
The two shared a mischievous look, at which point Cerberus shrugged. “All right then, I guess its vaya con dios, you two. It’s been real.� Slinging big bag with the disassembled piece of military hardware over his shoulder, he got out the back of the van as Rocky slowed it to a stop.
And then Rocky and Angel headed for the next site.
May 7 2008, 08:23 PM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 20:30:50
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Adam stared at her, thoughtfully, for a moment, as he tried to make sure he understood her meaning. The way she looked back at him and the way her snakes began to part both left very little room for misunderstanding. He knew exactly what 'talents' she was referring to, and he was, to his surprise, startled. He had believed that he understood the sort of woman Deerwalker was, but had always took her flirtatious nature with a grain of salt - that is just how she was, and nothing had ever come of it. As he understood things, Cal and she were always together, and she always seemed to be looking for more attention than he could give her from other guys. He had never seen anyone take her up on it, and so he had never seen Cal make an issue of it - he was a pretty laid back guy. In the end, he just supposed she liked the attention, but thought that was all talk.
That was a mistake. She had action in mind, as well. Despite what Deerwalker might claim about simply being in touch with her carnal instincts, Adam had a feeling Cal would be just as much in touch with his male instinct to establish dominance, mark territory, and all of that. Even laid back hippie guys didn't like it when a girl they liked bumps uglies with one of their friends.
The dilemma of the situation, and the implications of his actions or inactions, were quickly lost on Adam, as Deerwalker stepped in and embraced him with a kiss, at which point his logical side stepped down, and allowed his intuitive side to take over and do what it knew best. His body warmly embraced hers, and their private talent-show began. This wouldn't be the first time he had hooked up with a girl who he knew to have a boyfriend - and it probably would not be the last. If this was, something that both he and Deerwalker wanted, in this moment, he decided that the least he could do is make a good show of it - and not ruin the experience by getting hung up on all of the reasons why it was a bad idea, or trying to make excuses.
Of course, it was her idea....
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 21:41:20
Adam Lear
PAN - Passive
Some time later, Adam and Deerwalker were both recovering in the hot tub. As it turns out, both of their talents turned out to be pretty impressive, and they were both pretty exhausted. The stress Adam had built up from the last few days was a distant memory, and Deerwalker seemed to have satisfactorily scratched her itch. They laid there making idle post-coital chat, for a while, but as the night went on, they eventually decided to head back into the house - and, Adamhoped, to get back to business, before calling it a night.
May 8 2008, 04:08 PM
On the Road Again
Friday 8/22/70 22:02:01
Rocky - physical adept
PAN: Hidden
"Well that was interesting. You think we will ever hear from him again?"
Rocky made sure the next address was in the autonav system and then pulled out his comm to bring the team up to speed on the recent roster changes.
<<<@Team: Heads up gang, Cerberus had some personal business come up and he's out for the forseeable future, sounds like at least the weekend. I'll pass on the few details I've got on the next face to face. Research is going as planned, let us know when your available for work.>>>
With that done Rocky sat back and watched the road go by as they headed for their next stop.
May 9 2008, 02:15 AM
Greg's Doss, Enumclaw, Auburn
Friday 8/22/70 22:05:30
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Inactive
Fortunato did not think his eyes were cracking, but he didn't know how else to describe the feeling. Closing them and was a deep relief, sitting down was a paradise for his sore feet and tense neck, taking a deep breath made Enumclaw's faintly sulurous odor seem like a whiff of heaven. The ward was done, he could relax.
He opened his eyes to the astral and the walls of the room immediately started shifting. The walls were a slow vortex, a stack of coils moving in a slow circle. He was satisfied.
The only other issue was the pile of rocks in the corner. It had been staring at Fortunato since its arrival. Fortunato found the string of beach-ball sized boulders inscrutable. The spirit had not said a word since summoned and seemed to be sleeping in the corner rather than scattering to astral space. It seemed uncommon.
He couldn't trouble himself too much though, he had a chance to relax for a few minutes. As he idled, he thought of the things left on his to-do list:
Meet talismonger, forge new identity, astrally trespass on coporate territory ... busy night it looks like.
He had removed his contacts to prevent them from agitating his tired. eyes. He eased them back into their blooshot places and was confronted by a backlog of messages. He skimmed them and wrote.
<<@Johnson: Big part of my job's done. If you want me to work with the trolls for a while, or meet your contact, let me know. I was hoping to scope out astral security during the window that we'll be hitting the place tomorrow, let me know what my priorities are for the op.>>
<<@Team: Hey guys, I'm available for work. Let me know what you need done.>>
The stone serpent spoke saying: I am bedrock, the basalt and the granite have parted ways.. Fortunato began to respond before realizing that it had become dormant again. This promised to be a long night. He rested in his astral fortress.
May 14 2008, 12:49 AM
Vashon Heights, Vashon Island, Outremer
Friday 8/22/70 22:10:40
Adam Lear
PAN - Adam Passive (Smith Hidden)
Adam and Deerwalker spent a few minutes cleaning up, and Adam didn't have any trouble steering the conversation in the direction he wanted it to go. In addition to Deerwalker seeming a bit more subdued, Adam was in a bit of a hurry - the unexpected liaison had set him back, according to his vague mental projection of what he needed to accomplish that night.
At some point, they had come upon the topic of the magical gear - which took longer than it should have, because Deerwalker kept referring to "telesma," and Adam had no idea that she meant "magic items". Before taking her up on her offer to introduce him to some friends of hers, once they had bridged the gap of understanding, Adam took the opportunity to explain a bit about why he needed it.
Perhaps it was because Adam went out of his way to keep a lot of the details vague, or perhaps she was just more relaxed (and less attentive) now that she had gotten what she wanted, but, although Deerwalker listened and responded appropriately to Adam's prompts, she didn't seem particularly intrigued by the fact that "Smith" had chanced into a nice cushy "Johnson" gig - and she wasn't jumping out of her chair to sign herself, or her friends up for any "slush funds" he might be able to toss their way - although mention of Sledge seemed to raise an eyebrow, for a moment. Johnson decided to let this one go, for a while. The good news was that she didn't say she was against the idea of teaming up, sometime, and Johnson fully expected that he would have to talk with Cal before any partnership could be made official.
That wasn't a meeting that Johnson was particularly looking forward to, given his potentially upsetting behavior, earlier - but, he was confident that things would work themselves out. They always did.
Having gotten that idea out in the air, and given Deerwalker something to think about, the two of them hopped on Adam's bike, to skip across the city (well, putter across, until they were out of Vashon Heights) to meet a contact of hers who could hook them up with some "telesma" - a woman named "spring" (lower-case, intentional) who was, apparently, named after naturally flowing water, rather than the season of growth. En route, once free of the overwhelming security zone, Johnson risked reconnecting his work-comm in hidden mode, and received a couple of messages from the team that required responses. He hoped that the helmets they were wearing, and the speed of their trip, would muffle his voice from Deerwalker.
<<@Team:: "Meeting ran a little late. Heading to a 'telesma' dealer, right now. I don't mind trying my hand at getting these things for you, Fort, but things might go a lot smoother if you're there to answer specific questions - it is sort of your scene, you know? If you want directions, let me know - otherwise move forward with your plan to start astral recon.">>
<<@Team:: "As far as Cerb goes - no use crying over spilled milk. I don't think he was mission-critical, but this is going to be tougher without him. If this changes anyone's decision about this mission - let me know, and we'll work something out. Otherwise, let's focus on this mission, until it's over, and then I'll handle things with Cerb.">>
<<@Team:: "Glad to hear that everything else is going as planned. Have we IDed a ride, yet? I'd like to ditch this bike after this meeting.">>
May 16 2008, 08:11 PM
Downtown Seattle
Friday 8/22/70 21:43:55
Sledge - Late Night Diner
PAN - Active
Things were getting tight, schedules getting crossed, the tasks were piling up, not all of them could be done by her. The part she hated was passing them off to someone else. Andy always laughed when she complained about assigning parts to the crew that was green. He pointed out is was always better to give them something hard when there wasn't pressure, so that when the time did come to hit a tight schedule they would already know who could do it. Sledge didn't think there was ever going to be a time when a slip up wasn;t going to get someone killed from now on. If you poured the concrete wrong, there was always some room for adjustment, but there weren't going to be those kind of options anymore. She was going to have to trust the crew to not get themselves into trouble.
Dealing with the tusker earlier still bothered her, she got the feeling he learned far more about her then she could about him. She was just going to have to go on Sugar Lips judgement, and the fact the tusker wouldn't have repeat business if he snitched on anyone. The ork would be very useful. But dealing with him had reminded her of dealing with her sister.
And here she was, about to do it again.
May 19 2008, 12:36 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:25:40
Adam Lear
PAN - Hidden
In the time it took Adam to finish the route, he had gotten a request for pickup from Fortunato. After explaining that he was already bringing his contact, Adam provided the address, instead, and Fortunato agreed that a cab would suffice. Now that he knew one of his colleagues was coming, he turned off his personal commlink - and kept his work ID on 'hidden'. Security here was respectable, but not as overbearing as it had been in Deerwalker's neighborhood.
They arrived before Fortunato did, although the direction he was coming from made for a shorter trip. Deerwalker decided to take the opportunity to introduce Adam to spring. Adam requested that she introduce him as "Smith", particularly when his friend arrived, which caused Deerwalker to look at him curiously before shrugging and heading inside. Adam didn't think she would have a problem with it - especially given that neither Deerwalker nor spring would be using their real names, during this meeting.
spring operated a shop out of the first floor of her house. The outside of the building looked normal enough, except for a few rune-marked trinkets in the windows, and a natural-looking wooden sign that said "seep", which hung by the door. It blended in with the surrounding residential buildings quite nicely. Adam wasn't sure if it was magic, or not, but he didn't even notice the place until Deerwalker asked him to stop - and he had been keeping an eye out for the address.
Deerwalker didn't knock, and let herself in, which, while perfectly normal for a place of commerce, felt somehow strange here - as if this person left her house's front door unlocked, and didn't mind if strangers just let themselves into her home. After a moment's hesitation, Smith followed Deerwalker inside.
The place smelled like... well, Smith wasn't quite sure what the smell was... but it reminded him of the sort of smell one would use to conceal another, more incriminating, smell. He didn't bother to ask Deerwalker about it. For one thing, he knew her answer would go way over his head. For another, he still felt a little bit like he was trespassing, and didn't want to be the first to speak up.
Deerwalker seemed to know what she was doing, though, so Smith simply followed her, past a number of strange looking objects, waiting for this 'spring' character to make an appearance, or for Deerwalker to say something.
May 20 2008, 02:38 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:25:55
A couple of cats peered up at the two interlopers from under an old, overstuffed, velvet-upholstered sofa. The ground floor consisted mostly of one very wide room, divided fairly evenly between a quaintly furnished parlor - the decore said parlor, not living room - and a casually arranged group of tables around and on and under which were the sorts of trinkets and gew gaws Adam had expected to see. As cluttered as the tables were, they were set fairly far apart, lending a feeling of space amid the chaos.
Slow, heavy footsteps started down from the second floor. Deerwalker nodded in that direction, "That'll be spring," she said quietly.
Momentarily, a slim girl with fine features and a pixie-cut appeared. She was not too tall, but despite perfect skin, dimples, and a cutely upturned nose did not come across as overly childlike. And she had nice curves for one so slender.
She wore loose hemp trousers and a mismatched wool sweater. "Heya, Deerwalker, introduce me to your friend," she said, but was already smiling at Adam. Deerwalker, having traded in the snakes for her usual buckskins (tunic and leggings), handled the formalities, which seemed to satisfy the cheerful spring.
"So, 'less I miss my guess, this stuff isn't actually for you. Do you know exactly what you'll be needing?" she asked, stepping backwards down the very center of the main aisle between the display tables, arms gesturing expansively.
May 20 2008, 04:16 PM
Westwood, Downtown District, Seattle Metroplex
Friday 8/22/70 22:15:00
The GPR site had looked fairly challenging, so Rocky and Angel were hoping for something a little easier at the next place. But the next item on their shopping list was much more common and much less sophisticated, so they were hopeful.
Sledge had actually given them a list of four locations where they might find the sort of heavy cement cutter they were looking for relatively out in the open. One of the four was quite close to the West Seattle cemetery, just a few minutes south in the Westwood neighborhood, so they headed there first. It was not as upscale an area as West Seattle, so there was less ambient security, so they felt okay circling the place – a public school putting up a new building – a couple of times.
They could see what they were looking for from the street, a big mass of heavy machinery on big, cumbersome wheels. The only thing between it and them was a low chain-link fence strung hastily out from the schoolyard’s wall to encircle the construction. No wire, not juiced. The gates were locked, but Angel said popping them would be a cinch. She also reported that the cement cutter was riddled with RFIDs, but that was the sort of low-cost security measure they had anticipated, as were the dozens of camera sensors Sticky-Tacked® around the site. But Angel said they were all tied to one node, which was onsite and accessed by the lone, groggy dwarf rent-a-cop ambling aimlessly around the site.
The school itself appeared to have a much more advanced electronic security system, but the construction screened the heavy equipment, placing their target in a blind spot. As Sledge had foreseen, the biggest challenge would be just moving the thing – it had its own engine, which Angel figured she could tell what to do, but a five-year-old could walk faster than that thing moved on its own. And it wasn’t exactly a quiet device.
Still, they figured they’d never find another one as lightly guarded as this, and the location was damned convenient. The last question was whether and how to keep eyes on it.
May 20 2008, 05:02 PM
Karnivore Karl's
Friday 8/22/70 22:02:00
After stowing her more lethal weapons in a locker at the U-District bus terminal, Sledge motored downtown, squeezing her hog into a space on 4th Ave and Adams behind a departing delivery scooter. Wires offline and PAN openly displaying her threadbare fake SIN, she moved with the ped traffic the two blocks to Pacific Place.
The sights and sounds of the downtown core – not to mention the fact that she was headed to meet her sister – set her mind ablaze with thoughts and images of her former life.
Cops everywhere, safeguarding the order and stability that allowed commerce to keep most, if not all, of the ‘plex’s citizenry in relative prosperity. She’d had a stake in that, bought into it despite her sister’s contempt for the establishment. Now…
The smell of coffee – the smell of a downtown site in the predawn hours, some wiry teenager sent off for danishes and just happy to have a job. She passed an Italian place Andy had taken her to when they’d first started seeing each other – the sight of him with pasta tangled in his tusks…. On a corner, two humans in Doc Wagon uniforms loaded a fat man onto a collapsible stretcher – and another of Monica’s endlessly recited employment statistics rang in her head – Doc Wagon, 78% sapiens, some decent nobilis and pumillonis numbers, and then robustus and ingentis way last, way underrepresented, and mostly on the HTR teams only. The woman was a like an encyclopedia for that stuff – probably kept it on AR quick-find. She passed a flower shop – fresh flowers, real – she didn’t have enough cred showing on her PAN for the price-AROs to even show up for her.
And then the trendy corp shopping palace that was Pacific Place. She’d stand out just being an ork, were it not for Karnivore Karl’s and a couple of Evo shops. Some people didn’t like the subtle shift in the clientele, but most weren’t bothered by it much anymore, as long as no one over-accessorized with goblin rock trinkets. Always a danger sign, that, and security was trained to spot it.
As she passed through one of the many entrances, an ARO politely reminded her that while Metroplex ordinance allowed taser weapons to be freely carried for personal defense purposes, all devices were to be kept discreetly concealed while in the shopping center. She was even offered a 2% discount on all her purchases if she would leave the personal protection accessory at the security desk.
She passed.
Once inside it was a quick hop down the stairs to B1, where Karnivore Karl’s was located down a spur hallway lined with sound baffling material – those people could sure be noisy.
Approaching the entrance, she was greeted with another warning about her taser, and then she was there. Familiar smells, but not have as spicy as she’d have liked – hell, the place was at least a third smoothies doing the multi-cultural thing with their company’s token tusker, and it just wasn’t good business to subject them to ork-strength capsicum cuisine.
She was two minutes late, so she scanned the large room. She saw lots of people. Despite the human presence, it was still mostly orks, with more trolls than you would see most other places in town. She saw an elderly ork couple – must have been at least 40 – and they looked so happy it hurt her to look at them, surrounded by three generations of litters. There was a banner that said Happy Twentieth.
There was an ork so short she at first thought he was a dwarf, until she heard him growl in Or’zet with an accent no other race could match, even with the right tusk implants. There was a bearded ork nursing a beer alone, lifting the stein with an ORC-tattooed hand. She saw an ork mother with a runt on each teat – the sort of thing that was tolerated here but probably made mall management cringe.
And way off in a corner, she saw Big Jimmy. He was smiling across the room at her, nodding at his table and its three empty chairs.
May 20 2008, 06:14 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:27:20
Adam Lear
PAN - Hidden
Smith smiled back, "You're not mistaken. This is the first time I have been in the market for these sort of things, but I don't think it will be the last, so I'm glad that we've been properly introduced." He smiled. "I might not have the knack for magic, but I have the knack for meeting people who do."
"I also hope that I've come prepared, but, if I haven't, I would gladly introduce you to their intended... consumer." He looked at Deerwalker and shrugged. "I don't see any reason to be a middleman. I guess it just so happens that I have more friends who are shamans than he does." Adam's grin got both women smiling. "He's in the area, and, assuming you don't mind... " He gestured at spring, "I'm sure he'd like to meet you both."
"He did give me a list, though - so maybe you can tell me if I'm looking in the right sort of place, for any of this stuff." His hands waved about in AR bringing up a couple of old messages from Fortunato, his smile turning apologetic. Perhaps he could earn a few sympathy points, or at least stress that he would prefer to do business with his client present.
"Looks like, we'll be needing... some old snake skin - presumably shed, a live canary - or any other small birds you might have, a hand-carved whistle, a bunch of flavors of incense." He gestured in mid-air, not wanting to go down the whole list. "Maybe a dozen other 'standard supplies'.... Oh, and, if you've got it, a book called 'Principles of mana ripple detection' by Surrel and Gray." He paused for a moment, doing a double-check on his messages, as the book didn't seem nearly as woods-y as the rest of the requests.
"That one does seem a little out-of-place, ne?"
"Anyway, I would be happy to take a look at any of those supplies that you might have in stock, now, if you're in a hurry. Or, if you're not, maybe you'd like to tell me more about yourself, while we give my friend a few minutes to join us?"
"I am certain he can do a better job of explaining the essence of what he's looking for, and maybe the two of you will have more suggestions for him...."
May 20 2008, 07:24 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:27:40
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Inactive
The cabbie reeked of sweat and electronics. It suggested BTLs, but he was available and hadn't asked for a SIN. Fortunato had sneaking suspicions about the CIA issued identity he'd been given and was going to try to avoid using it for now. Something stunk about Reston's involvement in this -- could he have set this up himself? Greg didn't know, but he didn't have any evidence in either direction -- so the ID was saved for emergencies.
He paid in cash, blustered up the narrow walk to the front door of the house, checked the address again, frowned and walked through the slightly ajar door. Mr. Johnson and two striking women were standing in the room. His entrance was surprising -- Everyone spent a moment sizing up the situation before Fortunato spoke cautiously and slowly.
"Nice to see you J, sorry for the delay getting here."
He paused noticeably. This didn't seem like the kind of place where talking to the wrong person would get you shot, but there was no harm in being careful.
He started perceiving as he waited for a response. No reason not to get the astral lay of the land -- especially when he was considering buying from one or more of these women. caveat emptor and all that.
May 20 2008, 08:05 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:28:20
Adam Lear
PAN - Hidden
Fortunato arrived before anyone really had a chance to respond to his questions, and Smith decided to roll with it. He winked at spring, "It looks like we'll have to get to know one another better, another time." He took a few steps towards Fortunato, and began semi-formal introductions while the women were still making heads or tails of the unexpected guest. "Fortuanto, this is my friend, Deerwalker, who I have mentioned before, who introduced me to Sledge, and her friend, spring, who I have just met, myself, but who I think can help you with your 'telesma' problem." He wanted to say something more about each of them, but knew that any attempt to speak about their magical talents would just leave him looking foolish in the eyes of all three.
"Ladies, this is Fortunato, the magician I hoped to introduce you to. I hope you don't mind that I asked him to come along, but he's a cool guy, and I thought that things might go a lot more smoothly if we all met, face-to-face, and you guys could 'talk shop' - rather than trying to filter everything through me." He smiled at both spring and Deerwalker, hoping his charm would smooth over any possibility that he was stretching the friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend thing a little too far.
To Fortunato, he shot an amused grin, and said, "Your timing is perfect, Fort, we were just going over your list...." before joining the girls on the other side of the room, signaling for him to follow.
May 21 2008, 03:13 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:28:25
Fortunato was greeted warmly and not the least bit of alarm. He got a good look around in the astral, finding no surprises. The hulking but smiling spirit in the corner was standard security for these sorts of places, and it certainly seemed to set the proprietor at ease with the new faces. Of course, the solid introduction from Smith's buckskin-clad friend and the Johnson's own silver tongue had no doubt further greased the wheels of mystically oriented commerce.
The woman called spring was certainly interested in making money - she started right in directing Fort to a number of items he'd requested. It was clear the place was well stocked with everything he wanted, although if he wanted the book on hardcopy they'd have to order it for him. Everyone was polite enough not to ask why he hadn't simply ordered it online himself.
May 21 2008, 04:21 PM
Karnivore Karl's
Friday 8/22/70 22:02:55
Sledge - Late Night Diner
PAN - Active
She knew the routine. The big troll and her had pulled it often enough on others who focused on the threat in front of them. She carefully looked around behind her, and then kept a slight scan going while she made sure nothing could easily come up from behind as she approached the table.
The hurt look on Big Jimmy's face when she sat down at the table almost made her cry.
"vut... sorry."
Her apology made her feel even worse, Big Jimmy just shook his head and pushed over a bucket of soy beer.
May 21 2008, 05:30 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:28:50
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
Johnson was as mildly grating as he always was. He liked talking too much. spring was deceptive. She wore a mask. He would be wary of her, but even the mercurial mood that warding for five hours had bred in him wasn't enough to make him give away her secret. It would be downright cruel to let Johnson know that she wasn't the beauty that she made herself out to be.
There was a snake coiled in the corner smiling ear to ear. The reptilian eyes were inscrutable, but looked almost -- happy?
"I was kind of hoping for a hard copy, I'm a bit old fashioned that way. The book's got some formulae which wind up being rather useful. You might be able to help me out anyway ... I've been looking to try a new approach to this and I wasn't much of a book learner anyway."
"I was hoping to find a way to use the mana ripple detection formula in S&G with some kind of emotional filter to pick out people who were a threat to me. I don't suppose you know of any other approach to that?"
spring had listened attentively, her surprisingly good mask bouncing on its toes while the obese woman behind it stood still. "I may be able to help you out."
He fiddled with with a piece of chalk while spring rummaged around. He continued to speak, rambling a little.
"I was also really hoping I could get some kind of speedup magic to work. There's the bullshit that got published about slowing time down, but I don't think that's worth mention really. I was more hoping for something along the lines of Koerig's work on speeding up thoughts. I didn't really like how he did it though."
He scratched his beard for a moment. Not lost in thought, but in rememberance. He could never understand that shit.
"I'll also need a live canary and some fresh snake skin. It can be molted, but it needs to be rather new, if I could get it set into a picture frame, that'd be ideal. A wicker basket would also be nice."
"We've definitely got all that," the woman replied. "Or stuff that's close enough -- I imagine that you'll need to be somewhat particular about what kind of basket you want. They're over in the corner." She gestured with her head.
The pair bantered and talked shop for a little while longer. Fortunato was startled to find that a small army of snakes spelled out a writhing and shifting word with their bodies in the corner: "secret."
It wouldn't hurt him to be on good terms with spring in the future. He wondered if he could flirt convincingly while knowing the truth about the woman. Especially with Ana on his mind; the local mana boiled while he pushed his late wife from his thoughts. He had a few minutes to figure it out; the right bucket was sitting in the middle of the shelf.
May 21 2008, 08:01 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:34:50
PAN - Hidden
After introductions had been handled, and everyone had gotten to know each other a little better, spring had jumped right into business with Fortunato, and, having accomplished what he set out to do, Smith happily took a backseat role - showing Fortunato a more laid-back demeanor than he had at any point during their last mission. He didn't seem to feel the need to dominate the conversation, and didn't seem to have any particular agenda in mind. The effect wasn't dramatic, Fortunato probably found Johnson's restraint refreshing, and it allowed both shopkeeper and client to quickly get down to business.
Smith glanced over when spring mentioned the baskets being over in the corner. Sure enough, there was a selection of baskets awaiting purchase. He wondered if he was the only one in the room who found that the slightest bit odd. It appeared, he was, so he kept his mouth shut.
Fortunato seemed interested, however, and began looking over the merchandise, while chatting with spring about various theories, ripples, and other nonsense. It wasn't quite as hard to follow as Deerwalker had been, earlier, but the two of them were definitely operating on a different level than he was.
For the most part, Smith let the two of them get to know one another, and conduct business without interruption. He didn't have a whole lot to add to the conversation, and it certainly didn't need him to carry it, but that didn't stop him from participating with a couple of comments, questions, and well-timed jokes. He simply picked his moments carefully, so as not to be a nuisance nor to entirely fade into the background.
This was definitely one of those situations where "less is more", and was also probably the least talkative Johnson had been, during a social encounter, since Fortunato had met him - but his presence was felt, nonetheless, and his participation gave the meeting a more informal and friendly atmosphere than it might have otherwise had, had Fortunato been just another customer off of the street.
Fitting in amongst 'cliques', to which he did not belong, was nothing new for Adam, and having Deerwalker there gave him someone convenient to interact with when Fortunato and spring were being productive - or when the topic was just way over his head.
All in all, the meeting seemed to go really well, for everyone.
May 22 2008, 03:16 PM
Karnivore Karl's
Friday 8/22/70 22:05:25
Big Jimmy made a bit of small talk, but he was the kind of guy with an open face, and it was clear he was ill at ease. He was obviously trying hard not to look around a lot. And Sledge noticed that, besides the beer, he was making no move to order any food - not like Jimmy at all.
After a few minutes, he leaned a bit closer and said, "Things a little sticky right now. No one else is coming. But you don't wanna talk to me. I can't remember shit anyway. If you're backtrail is clean, I'll take you to her. Entrance right here, through the back past the kitchen."
May 22 2008, 03:42 PM
Karnivore Karl's
Friday 8/22/70 22:05:30
Sledge - Supplicant
PAN - Hidden
With a mental flicked she switched her commcast off. Then paused as she reviewed the risks.
There was no help for it. Either way she needed to clear some things up with her sister. And this was going to be the only way to test what the damned halfer feeb had claimed about himself. To deal with the dangers you had to find out exactly what they were.
Even then, you still couldn't do anything about some of them. Like Monica.
Sledge stood up and gave a short nod to Big Jimmy to show her the way.
May 22 2008, 06:12 PM
Westwood, Downtown District, Seattle Metroplex
Friday 8/22/70 22:19:01
Rocky - physical adept
PAN: Hidden
It had taken a few hours but they at least now had seen where all the equipment they would need was located. Rocky pulled up the autonav software and picked out the closest Stuffer Shack letting the auto-pilot continue to take care of the driving. He needed something to drink and some food. Plus their was no reason to be driving around asking for trouble while they figured out the next step.
As the van pulled in to the Stuffer Shack parking lot Rocky set up his comm to do an update for the team. "You mind grabbing some snacks and drinks while I get this message out to the team? I don't want someone to recognize me and us end up with the Star all over us." Rocky pulled a stack of bills out and held them out for her.
Angle nodded and took the cash, "Any requests?"
"What ever they got, but make sure to get the extra large sized stuff." Rocky smiled and then went to work on his message.
<<@Team:: Update - Have located the equipment and vehicles needed for our project. See the included map with locations tagged. For security the tough one will be the GPR, also we are going to need a way to shut down/block the RFID's on the equipment or it will be a short trip. Also the saw is huge, not sure if it will even fit on the truck we have picked out, trying to check that out and will let you know. Think we may need more than the two of us to handle it all.>>
By the time he had typed the message out with his big stubby fingers Angel was back with a big plastic bag full of soy bars, auto heat soy burgers and a gallon jug of Nerps Cola.
Rocky closed the van back up after Angel was inside and watched as she unpacked everything from the large bag.
"How are things looking back over at the GPR site? Any change?"
May 23 2008, 03:37 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:34:50
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
The right basket was simple. It bowed outwards at two thirds of its height and had a no-nonsense lid. It would do.
spring produced a pair of scrolls coated in intricate calligraphy and Fortunato began inquiring about whistles. While the masked woman bounced perkily around the store Fortunato turned to Johnson and asked "How much do you know about what I'm buying?"
May 23 2008, 04:52 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:34:50
PAN - Hidden
"Next to nothing." He smiled and, behind him, Deerwalker nodded in amused agreement. "That's why you're here."
"I'd be interested to learn, though." He looked, with curiosity, at the basket.
May 23 2008, 05:15 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:00
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
Fortunato had the faintest sense he was being laughed at. Visions of thumbscrews danced in his mind for a split second. Johnson could swing between useful and aggravating so quickly. Whatever, people seemed to like him and he brought in work. Fortunato replied in layman's terms.
"Alright. I'm doing what I can to learn a few new tricks for myself -- some spells -- and I'm also trying to set up a place to study."
Why he needed a snake skeleton and string made of mouse intestines to study was a little beyond him. He was pretty sure he needed them though.
"I'm also getting materials to bind us a few helpers for our upcoming business. You'll recall that a snake and a tornado were somewhat helpful last time we worked." He was hesitant to mention what they'd done around strangers. He talked slowly and carefully, filtering his speech. "I can arrange for them to be available to us for the next few days."
"Unfortunately, the helpers I summon wouldn't help us past the end of our project, so I'd like them to be placed on the expense account. I'll pay for the rest myself."
May 23 2008, 05:27 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:10
PAN - Hidden
Smith nodded, "Completely reasonable, as long as we stay in our budget."
He paused for a second. "Any chance you are going to have a time to study those spells, before the job? All that stuff about sensing the enemies emotions sounded pretty handy."
May 23 2008, 05:36 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:20
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
"Probably not. This takes a day or two to get ready and I expect I'll be busy with other prep work right up until we get started."
"Speaking of which, should I be helping out our large friends or doing the astral work I discussed earlier. I'd really like to take care of my end of the business, but if they need my help then there's little to be done about it."
May 23 2008, 05:46 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:30
PAN - Hidden
Smith nodded understandingly when Fortunato explained that the spells wouldn't be ready for the mission. He suspected it would take a while - the analogy that came to his mind was the time it took him to wrap his mind around a new piece of code.
"Astral. Definitely." He nodded, "Sledge and I can probably help out with the other stuff - you take care of the stuff only you can do." He considered his decision a little further, while spring showed Fortunato another knick-knack that he didn't seem to think he needed, just now. "I suppose you'll be out of contact for the duration? Any estimate of how long it might take?"
May 23 2008, 06:21 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:40
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
"If it's much more than two hours, then something has gone seriously wrong. I don't expect that to happen. Should be about thirty minutes. I can actually leave you a way to get in touch -- we'll do it when we get done here."
"Can I get introduced to your other friend, in order to get ahold of the other goods I'd asked about?" He tapped his commlink surreptitiously. "I'd like to do that tonight if possible. The only problem is that I'm on something of a timeline regarding the astral stuff. I don't think my work will be relevant if I do it much later than 11PM."
May 23 2008, 06:42 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:40
PAN - Hidden
"Yeah, we can talk about it more when we get done here - but he is going to be busy, right now, working on our rush-order. I'm supposed to touch bases with him around 4am," Smith sighed, " when he should have our mission-specific stuff done - so that might be a good time to set up a meeting between the two of you."
Smith checked the clock in AR. "You'll certainly have time to do your stuff before he's free. I dunno if you want to meet then, or get a good night's sleep before tomorrow - but we can work something out."
May 23 2008, 07:06 PM
The "Seep", Capitol Hill
Friday 8/22/70 22:35:50
Fortunato - Support Mage
PAN - Passive (Contacts, Earbuds, Smartlink)
Astrally Perceiving
Fortunato winced at Johnson's mention of the next day. He'd been trying not to give away when exactly their work was going to get done in case prying ears passed news along. The fact that the two of them were working together on something together. That it was going down tomorrow could be worth good money to the right people. He'd have to trust the discretion of Johnson's spectacular looking escort. It worried him.
"4 AM sounds good, gives me time to get a couple of things in line."
spring materialized with the last of Fortunato's order and all of the assorted glass jars, wax paper and leather pouches and srolls got stowed in the two foot tall basket he'd selected.
Fortunato and Johnson haggled for a bit -- they seemed to complement each other well and snagged a hefty discount on the magical goods. Fort left :nuyen:3400 of certified cred and Johnson paid the same.