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We need a decent virol filled racist hate word for elves. Every other meta type has a half decent slur to use except these charismatic bastards.
"Dandalion eater"
Just does not pack a punch, I need something distasteful and crude. Like "Trog!" or "Halfer/Stunty!"
All sugestions welcome let your hate flow:
Keeb: short for keebler, elves find being compared to the cookie makers offensive.
For the more intellectual types, Unseel can be a huge insult.

I prefer "That Sidhe whore" and constant reference in the 3rd person, depsite their presence...
QUOTE (Chance359)
Keeb: short for keebler, elves find being compared to the cookie makers offensive.

Yep. Pretty much a standard since the early days.
Not that witty or snappy, but still better (or should I say, worse) than dandelion eater.
Could get confused with a hippy but nice sentiment.
I came up with twiggy. I dunno, theyre tall, thin, and live in trees.
Since theyre all so charismatic, I just go with the assumption that all the men are women and all the women are prostitutes.
QUOTE (2bit)
... theyre tall, thin, and live in trees.

They do? eek.gif
Root muncher
Overgrown Fairy
Wannabe pixie
Santa's little helper

I may have more later.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (2bit @ Oct 28 2006, 03:03 AM)
... theyre tall, thin, and live in trees.

They do? eek.gif

Check your sarcasm detector. It might be broken...or mine might be.
QUOTE (Tziluthi)
Check your sarcasm detector. It might be broken...or mine might be.

I'm thinking that yours might have just glitched ... just this once. wink.gif biggrin.gif
MK Ultra
My favourit one is 'pixy'. 'fairy' being a fare behind second.

Elves suck!
emo samurai
When the Awakening comes, I will SO kill you with a sympathetic link.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
When the Awakening comes, I will SO kill you with a sympathetic link.

That wouldn't be very sympathetic.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Oct 28 2006, 03:51 AM)
When the Awakening comes, I will SO kill you with a sympathetic link.

That wouldn't be very sympathetic.

Parasympathetic perhaps? wink.gif
"Tree-humping, grass-eating, twig-up-yer-arse ponce!"

Always to be said in a Groundskeeper Willie voice.
QUOTE (Bleys)
Santa's little helper

That may be the greatest insult to elvenkind. Ever.
perhaps toymakers, as a reference to being santas elves?

Or Cobblers, comparing them to insignificant shoe making elves of myth.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (BaldHero)
perhaps toymakers, as a reference to being santas elves?

...hmmm ToyBoys and ToyGirls? Not bad.

QUOTE (MK Ultra)
My favourit one is 'pixy'. 'fairy' being a fare behind second.

...the London Sourcebook lists "Pixie" as derogatory slang for an elf. I've always liked it.

KK simply likes to refer to them in the vernacular of Yosemite Sam: "I hates them %#@!# Long Eared Varmints!"
QUOTE (Chance359)
Keeb: short for keebler, elves find being compared to the cookie makers offensive.

What about the shoemaking variety?

I always rather liked "keeb." In the last campaign, I was in a group with 2 other elves and a ghoul. We printed business cards for our "cleaning company" called 3 Keebs and a Corpse.
"Slopes," "Bowies," and "Blooms" have all come up in my games. I like the last one best.
Gabriel (Argus #2323)
QUOTE (Pthgar)
"Tree-humping, grass-eating, twig-up-yer-arse ponce!"

Always to be said in a Groundskeeper Willie voice.

Yes! That's money.
"Slopes," "Bowies," and "Blooms" have all come up in my games. I like the last one best.

That first one...

Yeah, not so much...
emo samurai
I don't get the first two slurs... frown.gif
QUOTE (emo samurai)
I don't get the first two slurs... frown.gif

You don't 'get' why Bowie is a racial slur against elves?
I don't use actual name calling, I just apply that all elves are bisexual sluts, who think of little else...
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
My favourit one is 'pixy'. 'fairy' being a fare behind second.

Elves suck!

Dude, you're playing one in my campaign!!!
MK Ultra
I know, I´m playing elven characters most of the time sarcastic.gif

BTW, Trogs and Tuskers suck, too, as do Halfers and Breeders! (and wonderwyrms of course)
They don't have a lot of slurs for the gay pixy brigade because it's just too easy. They're the easiest thing to insult since the rise of communism!
Kyoto Kid as the main topic suggests, then there needs to be something more biting than Pixie or Dandy Eater.

"Keeb" is pretty good, but only if the corp reference still sticks a half century from now.

For Trolls, Orcs and Dwarves (& humans to TT elves) the slurs revolve around physical qualities. So, in that vain since Elves have are supposed to have no body hair I thought maybe "baby butts".

"Keeb" only has to stick around for another five years, after which it can become engrained in popular culture independent of its corporate origins.

Kyoto Kid
...damn, why should it be so hard to come up with a good insult for a Spock Ears?
Faggot—not derived from the current derisive term for homosexuals, but from the fact that they're stick-thin and fit only for burning.

Of course, they haven't been subjected to enough overt violent racism for that one to take hold, I think.

Kyoto Kid
...familiar with that one, but wouldn't it be more likely a part of Britspeak since that is where the original term derives?

Of course, historically speaking, faggot also refers to the bassoon which is rather tall and thin and is classified as a double reed instrument which, in certain instances (such as overblowing), can have the pleasureable sound of somone suffering from flatulence.

..OK, that's a stretch. Hell, I'm trying my best to come up with some kind of vulgar insult to elves.
I like referring to them as "Princess". Doesn't matter if the elf is male or female, they're all so bloody precious. Bunch of fairy bollocking fruit flavoured bloody princesses.

And it annoys the players too.
I like the old-school 'keeb', though I occasionally call them 'Republicans' because of their semi-secret agenda to enslave the proletariat and dominate the world.
Digital Heroin
I'm gonna have to vote for Bowie, plain and simple. Though "baby butt" made me nearly choke on my Red Bull...
Weeds, I like this one cause you can call a hit on an elf weed-whacking and noone be the wiser.

QUOTE (jervinator)
I like the old-school 'keeb', though I occasionally call them 'Republicans' because of their semi-secret agenda to enslave the proletariat and dominate the world.

Or Democrats because they are elitest pricks looking down their noses at the masses.
How about just plain 'Elf' with a derogatory tone to it.
Wounded Ronin
What keeps coming to mind is that traumatic music video with Leonard Nimoy and "hobbits" wearing gigantic elf ears.

It makes me want to call elves "hobbits" and "Nimoy".
All I can think off is Tolks: short for Tolkien and associated fiction.
Perhapes having a bastardized Sperethiel insult that has been taken into common usage as a racist term for elves. eg Morks
Short for morkhan: fornicator of swine.
Warmaster Lah
QUOTE (jervinator)
I like the old-school 'keeb', though I occasionally call them 'Republicans' because of their semi-secret agenda to enslave the proletariat and dominate the world.

Nah dont give Republicans too much credit.

All Republicans want to do is make money. Thats about the only thing driving the higher ups.

Democrats want to make money too (But want to feel guilty about it at least in the press).

Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
Though "baby butt" made me nearly choke on my Red Bull...

...I hope it was't a 55 gal drum Troll sized can.

oopsie, wrong thread...
How about "Sharps" or "Sharpie" reffering to their ears? "Rails" reffering to their being thin. Also I think that any slur used against homo-sexuals would port over well due to the stereotypical elf being effiminate etc...
Black Jack Rackham
Maybe going out on a limb but seems to me that the proper application of 'Trog' or 'Tusker' aimed at said elf-to-be-derided could have all the effect you are looking for.


I think "Princess" is the best one so far. The trouble with insulting them based on their physical characteristics is that elves to human eyes look quite beautiful and they actually are superior to humans. As to implying they're all bisexual - it's 2070. Everyone probably is!

You could call them "chopsticks" for that SR1/2 feel, perhaps.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (knasser)
I think "Princess" is the best one so far. The trouble with insulting them based on their physical characteristics is that elves to human eyes look quite beautiful and they actually are superior to humans. As to implying they're all bisexual

...Actually, I really do like this one.

"Hey princess...time to say goodnight sweet cheeks (pulls out both super warhawks)"

QUOTE (knasser)
As to implying they're all bisexual -it's 2070. Everyone probably is!

...'Shhhhhh, Don't tell KK that, She's sensitive about such things..."
In my campaigns they're referred to as salad shooters.

References the tree-hugging and the pretty boy aspects nicely I think.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (pragma)
In my campaigns they're referred to as salad shooters. would that make the Royal Hill press secretary a "Salad Spinner?"
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