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OK, I had this rather annoying thought running around in my mind for a while, & finally pinned it down (slippery little bugger). My thought is;

If a mage is creating (for whatever reason) a wand for magic use, does it fall under the category of Foci, fetish or geas?
Any of the above.
Yes, it could technically be any of those, depending on how it was to be used, how it was created, etc.

I won't go into fetish vs. foci right now, because it's been a while and I don't want to mislead you.

As far as geas though, the wand would merely be the physical part of the whole geas pie. The geas might read "has to have this want in hand with direct skin contact in order to cast X".
a foci is a magic item that gives a bonus to something (like a spell, a group of spells, summoning of a kind of spirit and so on).

a fetish is a magic item that puts a limit on your spell use. its simpler to learn a spell that require a fetish, but if you do not have the right fetish in contact with your person you cant cast any spells limited by said fetish. it also gives +2 dice on train tests for any spells it limits.

a "wand" as a geas would most likely be that unless you have it in your possession (or maybe waving it about as part of the casting) your magic attribute is reduced (the most used use of a geas).
Ancient History
A wand could be the telesma for a focus or a fetish.

A fetish that satisfies a geas is called a talisman; there are rules for them in Street Magic.
Also an important side note is that it can also be for show.

Misdirection associated with having people believe that it has something to do with your power can be useful in some cases, for purely social engeneering reasons.

Remeber, just because you're a mage dosen't mean everything has to be magical.
It could also come in handy in that 'social encounter' later on, especially if it can accomodate batteries ... smile.gif

... or be used with the Orgasm Spell, of course ... biggrin.gif

or both! wink.gif
QUOTE (Demerzel)
Remeber, just because you're a mage dosen't mean everything has to be magical.

True enough. And I've always loved the countless references to Talismongers selling worthless "magical" baubles to the populace at large. smile.gif

@Fortune: nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (eidolon)
True enough. And I've always loved the countless references to Talismongers selling worthless "magical" baubles to the populace at large.

I know that this was not in response to my post, but it could easily be considered quite fitting none-the-less. biggrin.gif
Ancient History
"Whatcha doin' 'hawk?"
"Getting out my magic wand."
"'hawk, that's a bar of thermite."
"Same difference."
So, now I'm confused.

If I take the talisman geas, do I have to use a magical item for it? I had originally read it as simply something specific, but rereading it suggests that a talisman isn't defined simply by the characteristics, but also must have a magical portion?

QUOTE (lorechaser @ Nov 2 2006, 10:29 AM)
If I take the talisman geas, do I have to use a magical item for it?  I had originally read it as simply something specific, but rereading it suggests that a talisman isn't defined simply by the characteristics, but also must have a magical portion?

I think the 'magical portion' refered to is that it needs to be attuned to you in a sort of ritualistic manner (I can't remember the exact time needed off-hand - probably similar to Fetishes), thereby linking your Astral Signature to the newly bonded (karma-free) Talisman.
Ancient History
QUOTE (lorechaser)
So, now I'm confused.

If I take the talisman geas, do I have to use a magical item for it? I had originally read it as simply something specific, but rereading it suggests that a talisman isn't defined simply by the characteristics, but also must have a magical portion?

If you take a talisman geas (say, "custom Armani pen"), then it isn't enough to have a custom Armani pen - the custom Armani pen must also be enchanted as a talisman.
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Nov 2 2006, 11:08 AM)
... the custom Armani pen must also be enchanted as a talisman.

Is that in the same loose, ritualistic-type, karma-free method as I (badly) described above? Or does that involve the actual Enchanting Skill, and all that is involved with that?
QUOTE (Fortune)
It could also come in handy in that 'social encounter' later on, especially if it can accomodate batteries ... smile.gif

... or be used with the Orgasm Spell, of course ... biggrin.gif

or both! wink.gif

That's NOT what I meant, Fortune & you know it!
Ancient History
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Nov 2 2006, 11:08 AM)
... the custom Armani pen must also be enchanted as a talisman.

Is that in the same loose, ritualistic-type, karma-free method as I (badly) described above? Or does that involve the actual Enchanting Skill, and all that is involved with that?

You need Enchanting, yes, but they don't cost karma to make. Pretty cheap, actually.
Would you allow a player to start with these talismans, if they'd taken the geas? Or would you require a talismonger contact, or something similar, before it could be part of their starting gear? I'd say that you can simply buy foci, w/o them, so it's okay to have a talisman, but...
You don't make people recover from their chargen implant surgery at the beginning of the game, do you? So why would this be any different? Equipment/Qualities/Skills acquired at chargen are assumed to be fully-functional, and usable without further ado.
Ancient History
A talisman is like a 100 nuyen. If a player started with the talisman geas, I as a GM would expect them to buy one at chargen, and I would certainly allow it - no talismonger contact needed, though they're always helpful later on.
Yes, I'd definitely allow a character to take something like that at chargen, especially if they had a geas that required it. At chargen, it's just another piece of gear, really.

And yes, it starts bonded and ready to use, because anything else would equate to penalizing the player for making character choices. The equivalent would be allowing a sammy to buy an assault rifle, but not letting him have any ammo for it unless he had an arms dealer contact. smile.gif
Woah Nellie!

You let your sammies start with ammo?!?

QUOTE (Demerzel)
Woah Nellie!

You let your sammies start with ammo?!?

That's just backwards..they can start with plenty of ammo, but no guns...

Back to the topic...

Most commonly I've seen wands and athame etc referenced as tools to help focus hermetics and path of Wicca for ritual magic. That being said, they could be any of the options you listed, or simply a tool that the character uses to help focus. Most people utilize some form of concentration aid when doing mentally taxing tasks...why should this be any different?
Ph33r my elven magican, Parry Hotter. 7 Cha, 6 Magic, and a wand with a phoenix feather that's also a rank 5 weapon focus!
QUOTE (lorechaser)
Ph33r my elven magican, Parry Hotter. 7 Cha, 6 Magic, and a wand with a phoenix feather that's also a rank 5 weapon focus!

Don't make me hate you. nyahnyah.gif
p'shaw...Stacked Spellcasting (All Spells) Focus...the gryffindor sword is the weapon focus...

Moon-Hawk, are we having problems today with Harry Potter infecting your cyberpunk?
I just like hatin' on Harry Potter.

Back to the topic (sort of): I would say that a focus could be a talisman, and a fetish could be a talisman. I see no real abuse there. What about a fetish being a focus? Possible?
Ancient History
QUOTE (McQuillan)
...or simply a tool that the character uses to help focus. Most people utilize some form of concentration aid when doing mentally taxing tasks...why should this be any different?

Because magic works now. I don't care if your stress ball secretes smartdrugs or if you're a Pythagorean and your slide rule is a power focus. Put that mother to work.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
I just like hatin' on Harry Potter.

Back to the topic (sort of): I would say that a focus could be a talisman, and a fetish could be a talisman. I see no real abuse there. What about a fetish being a focus? Possible?

I'd say sure, and this is why. It's self-balanced. If you lose the one object, you've now lost everything.

I might change my mind when faced with a concrete situation, but as far as theoretically, would I allow it in a game? Yeah.
My gut response would be no, but I can't really back that up, because I have allowed Tibetan Prayer beads before to function as fetishes and foci...each bead had its own function, but they were all strung on one necklace...

Can anyone find a canon verdict?
responding to eidolon: That's kind of what I was thinking, too. If someone wants to put all their eggs in one basket and have a focus-fetish as their talisman geas, that just makes their talisman that much harder to replace, and makes the focus pretty much impossible to upgrade.
Yup. That's why I'd still have separate ones as a player.

I had a straight up ninjadept once that had a ring for one geas, a necklace for another, and his sword was a combo talisman/weapon focus.
QUOTE (BookWyrm)
OK, I had this rather annoying thought running around in my mind for a while, & finally pinned it down (slippery little bugger). My thought is;

If a mage is creating (for whatever reason) a wand for magic use, does it fall under the category of Foci, fetish or geas?

Yes. biggrin.gif

Seriously it depends on what the mage intends to use it for.

QUOTE (McQuillan)
p'shaw...Stacked Spellcasting (All Spells) Focus...the gryffindor sword is the weapon focus...

or maybe its a fetish, and all spells he learns are tied to it wink.gif
geas: must use wand for spell casting, which is why casting w/o one is such a big deal. They have to buy off the neg quality
OK, so a wand would fall under any of all three. Thanks. cool.gif
Ancient History
My wands have a laser sight to help with the targeting. wink.gif
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Nov 3 2006, 11:54 AM)
My wands have a laser sight to help with the targeting.

I've never experienced any targeting problems when using my wand. And I don't find I have the need for more than just the one.
So, a lasersight on a wand provides a bonus to indirect combat spells? Awesome!
How bout a smartlink?
Ancient History
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Nov 3 2006, 11:54 AM)
My wands have a laser sight to help with the targeting.

I've never experienced any targeting problems when using my wand. And I don't find any need for more than one.

Well, I don't like to hold my wand with both hands like you do. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Nov 3 2006, 12:17 PM)
Well, I don't like to hold my wand with both hands like you do.

Yeah, but I don't really like to brag ... wink.gif
I never thought I'd have to bust this one out twice in one thread, but:

Woah Nellie!
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Nov 2 2006, 08:16 PM)
So, a lasersight on a wand provides a bonus to indirect combat spells? Awesome!
How bout a smartlink?

The more important questions are: What about an imaging scope, and a shock pad, and a sound suppressor? And a quick-draw holster, obviously, or a hidden gun arm slide!!! Or if you go for a truly heavy caliber, a tripod!!! Any use for a speed loader? nyahnyah.gif

(Seriously, optical vision magnification might be useful every now and then, but you can get that through contact lenses or sunglasses... although it would look... hmmm... silly... on a mage's staff.)
It would be like Opera Glasses on crack.
QUOTE (Triggerz)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Nov 2 2006, 08:16 PM)
So, a lasersight on a wand provides a bonus to indirect combat spells? Awesome!
How bout a smartlink?

The more important questions are: What about an imaging scope, and a shock pad, and a sound suppressor? And a quick-draw holster, obviously, or a hidden gun arm slide!!! Or if you go for a truly heavy caliber, a tripod!!! Any use for a speed loader? nyahnyah.gif

(Seriously, optical vision magnification might be useful every now and then, but you can get that through contact lenses or sunglasses... although it would look... hmmm... silly... on a mage's staff.)

How about an arm mounted auto wand changer? DNI linked so that whichever spell category you want to cast, the appropriate wand is loaded into the orichalcum connection points. *whir* Combat Spells *whir* Detection Spells.

Critical glitch - wands all over the place. biggrin.gif
nah, just make it behave like a hidden arm slide.

then get a comlink with sim module and trodes (either in the wizards hat or as nanopaste).
QUOTE (Slump)
It would be like Opera Glasses on crack.

I so want to create a character based on those right now.
Heh, that was my thought. I need to plan for this weeks game still so those opera glasses are totally going to be on an NPC soon.
QUOTE (eidolon)
QUOTE (Slump @ Nov 2 2006, 11:33 PM)
It would be like Opera Glasses on crack.

I so want to create a character based on those right now.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person that has the urge to create new characters every time they see something cool.

I mean, hell, I made a character because I saw a mini that amused me - a guy in a duster and a fedora with a whip and a shotgun. He became my human explorer with an indiana jones fetish. wink.gif
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