Nov 20 2006, 04:23 PM
Hyzmarca, Sprites aren't listed according the the critter stat block anyway. Sapience is a critter power. Sprites also don't have an essence score, or body stats, or any of that. This is because we're looking at a set of matrix stats.
If we really want to argue it, I'd point out that none of the contacts have the sapience power, so they must not be sentient either.
I'm even more of a hardass when it comes to agents. In my game agents can only make matrix tests if they are running the appropriate program. If they don't have that program, they can't make the check.
I also use the Logic + Skill, hits limited by program house rule. With that house rule, I assume that Agents don't actually have any skills naturally, just a logic score. They take no penalty for defaulting, however. If you want your agent to have the appropriate skill, you need to load it as a skillsoft, which counts as a program that it's running.
Finally, I'm considering making a difference between hardcoded agents, which have their programs built in, and Frame agents, which can have their programs switched out by the hacker during a run. The latter will be much more expensive.
Of course, sprites have their skills listed, at their rating, so they don't have this problem. Making sprites much more awesome.
For the technomancer, Logic+ Skill (limited by Program) becomes Resonance + Skill (limited by complex form). This makes threading a more interesting proposal, as it increases the number of hits you can keep, but decreases your actual dice pool. In some cases that's useless, in others, it's awesome.
Nov 20 2006, 04:46 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Nov 20 2006, 09:52 AM) | there's no reason an agent or drone should be completely helpless in the face of unexpected challenges. their solutions might not be creative, but anything keeping the agent/drone from completing its assigned task can be handled with, at minumum, a fight or flight response, which is very simple to program. heck, the bad guys in many video games can handle that. |
I agree, but that's not the point I'm trying to make.
well, that's certainly what you said. i agree that sprites should be more creative and flexible than agents and drones, but your statements indicate that you think agents and drones should be almost completely unable to adapt to anything outside their directives.
Nov 20 2006, 06:35 PM
Just a bit of exageration to help my case there, sorry about that
There should be a lot of situations that an agent is unable to solve, but I don't think they should be unable to adapt at all.
Nov 20 2006, 07:09 PM
One thing worth noting:
Because they are just programs, sprites (and agents) have no edge.
_That_ is why they will never replace TMs and Hackers.
Oh, and Sprites biggest advantage over Agents isn't any form of "sapience". They ain't any more sapient than any other expert program. Their big advantage is their _powers_. Agents have the same stats, the same skills, and the same programs. But they can't get the supression power of a hacking sprite, for example. That by itself is worth a lot.
Nov 20 2006, 07:13 PM
i suppose it depends on what you mean by 'solve'. a drone that shoots its way through a terrified bystander who's blocking the way to the drone's objective certainly solved the problem presented to it. whether or not it was a good solution depends on the player and the situation. a sprite-run drone might, i think, be more likely to shout at the bystander to get out of the way than simply attack or look for another way around. the difference isn't in their ability to solve problems, it's in the solutions they are capable of inventing and applying.
Nov 21 2006, 02:07 AM
Ok, I am now going to weigh in with my opinion of TM's for what it is worth, take it or leave it as you see fit. (Slightly off topic as well, not trying to Hijack the thread, but this was the best place I could find.)
First, in another thread (which I can't seem to locate at the moment) someone suggested that threading should be a complex action on it's own, before using the CF, I disagree strongly, I see it as very much equal to spell casting with magic, and I think it is a part of the usage of the action which would require that CF (which are normaly complex actions, in and of themselves.
For example, My Newly created tm, tweaked for Matrix Combat, is convenently facing a newly created Hacker also tweaked for same. Both Running Hot (Doh)
So, we init off, TM rolling 11 die, Hack, rolling the same number so that is pretty equal, either could possibly squeeze a couple more dice out of Init, but this is a pretty fair number for two new characters.
So, because I am playing the devil's advocate here, we say my beloved TM wins the init (barely), but the Hacker is prepared and has appropriate defenses in place.
The first thing I do is thread my Attack CF which I already have at a 6, because I'm a cyber combat twink
I roll 4 (Prog) + 6 (Res)+2 (Hot) = 12 dice Pool (4+ Hits is average here). I like 4 so even If I manage to roll more, I only take 4 hits.
My Fading DV is 4p because the final rating is higher than my Res. I roll 5 (Will)+ 6 (Res)+2 (Hot) = 13 Dice Pool (4+ hits still average with a slight 1 die edge), so on average I soak the drain.
Lets assume in this case, my luck holds, and just like winning init I soak (barely). I now Get to roll 10 (My threaded attack CF) + 4 (cybercombat) + 2 (Hot) = 16 pool vs Hacker 5 (Response) + 5 (Firewall) + 2 (Hot) = 12 pool.
If I hit for one net, He now get's to soak an 11 DV Attack, with A max of 12 dice (System) + (Armor) + (Hot) (Not sure how Hot Sim helps Soak here or for Fading resist, but It says ALL Matrix tests) so Lets say He gets lucky and negates 5 hits, He takes 6 damage and it's now his turn...
...Provided My Fault Sprite I had on standby doesn't get it's turn yet.
I will Post the Hackers side soon as if he won Init. for comparison.
(Edited for Clarity and to correct some math)
Nov 21 2006, 07:39 AM
Hmm... your damage values are wrong, Dantic. Your attack would have done 10DV base due to your attack CF being at a modified rank 10 (6+4).
Then you have to figure in the fact that you now have a -2 dicepool modifier on everything since you are sustaining that CF.
So if you hit that hacker with 1 net hit, you wipe him out because 6 system gives him 11 matrix 'HP', which just so happens to be the damage you just did to him... Now think about this, what if you just attacked him with Blackout or Black Hammer?
This is why TM's should have to spend 1 Complex action to thread a CF and not do it for free. I'm all for TMs, hell I play one in my main game, but I know that this could be really game breaking on the matrix side.
Nov 22 2006, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (Konsaki) |
Then you have to figure in the fact that you now have a -2 dicepool modifier on everything since you are sustaining that CF.
This is why TM's should have to spend 1 Complex action to thread a CF and not do it for free. I'm all for TMs, hell I play one in my main game, but I know that this could be really game breaking on the matrix side. |
I Disagree on point one, I am not sustaining the CF, I just threaded it.
On point two, Limits to Cyber, through Resonance loss, and the threat of physical meat body damage through over use of your own powers or direct attack from Black IC balances so an extra action is not needed. The area where Hackers shine over TM's is direct Team support through AR hacking, not VR, They can cyber up to get faster and hack while still being aware of what is going on Meat side and can use Free BP/Karma to Improve Combat Skills.
So I think Hacker for AR Tasks and TM for VR, With both being able to Rig effectivly, but With Cyber, and Free BP/Karma, Hackers should have the upper hand here as well, although A TM willing to take up to 1 point In Res loss can make a wicked Rigger.
Nov 22 2006, 05:12 AM
QUOTE (Dantic) |
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Nov 21 2006, 02:39 AM) | Then you have to figure in the fact that you now have a -2 dicepool modifier on everything since you are sustaining that CF.
This is why TM's should have to spend 1 Complex action to thread a CF and not do it for free. I'm all for TMs, hell I play one in my main game, but I know that this could be really game breaking on the matrix side. |
I Disagree on point one, I am not sustaining the CF, I just threaded it.
Yes and no. You are correct in that you are not sustaining the CF, but you are sustaining the threading on the CF. So it is -2 dice to you. Commanding a Sprite to sustain the thread for you would take an action you did not have in the original scenario.
Nov 22 2006, 07:09 AM
Threading is the TM equivalent of casting a spell. It has Drain (fading, whatever) and it imposes a sustaining penalty. If they didn't explicitly point out it takes a complex action to do, then I for one think that the intent was loud and clear on this one. The example you give comes off as "I want to be able to do thins because it's powerful and cool" rather than "This is a flaw in the rules", so the argument is unconvincing.
And that's coming from ME, proud member of the house rule collective.
Nov 22 2006, 03:01 PM
I'm running into problems with running for the Technomancer in my group. The Technomancer seems to take up a ton of gameplay time compared to the rest of the group. When he's in the Matrix searching for info or cracking into a place, there is basically nothing the other players can do except for sit around and wait till he's done. Last gaming session the others basically had to wait an hour of REAL time for him to do something. But in gametime, it only took a few minutes. It just seems too time consuming.
I'm not sure I understand your game flow. I've only run SR4 in a couple of one-shots but I have tried to use TMs & hackers as much as possible to get people into the mindset and we have things go quickly and with minimal game interruption.
Give me the timeline of events that result in spending hours of RL on the TM. IMO, you should be able to handle most of the matrix run in 5-minutes of die rolls, tops, before the player either finds what they needed or trips an alarm (which usually should give the other players something to do). I generally make up a cheat sheet of the rolls I think the player will need so I don't need to flip through the book.
I suspect your Tm player is a ditherer who goes off on tangents in the net rather than a quick in-and-out artist. The solution is roving IC or really boring networks. By simple definition, a network with anything interesting will have IC. A boring network may be chock full of data but it is specialized and of no obvious value, hence the generally lackadaisical approach to security. When the player starts to sift through the boring data looking for shinies, have him make rolls and tell him how many minutes of game-time he's spending looking at fiduciary tax law reciprocity reference guides. If you want to be "fair" have them roll an appropriate knowledge or professional skill to see if there is anything interesting in the dross, but set the DC before the run. You'll spend 2 minutes, tops, of saying "nope, still boring crap. Wanna try again?" before they decide to get back on the ball.
In those interesting networks the IC should be something of a threat. It doesn't even have to be a direct threat to the TM, if the IC signals an alert the physical security should be on high, meaning the rest of the party will "disincentivize" fighting with IC.
Secondly, it seems like some things are too easy too do in the Matrix. Data Search rolls don't seem like a matter of skill, they seem like a matter of time. Just keep rolling until you get the proper amount of successes and the GM has to tell you the info.
If the data is on a network you have access to, yes, it is just a matter of time. Between Google, Yahoo, altavista, AskJeeeves, and topic webrings you can find any factoid on the internet no matter how small, given enough time.
The solutions are to 1) make the need for data time dependent ("the mission must be complete by 7am tomorrow..."), 2) stored in an encrypted\ICd file that has its own little sidequests to get the password or a better decryptor and/or 3) stored on a private network requiring physical intrusion and the rest of the party's assistance.
Nov 22 2006, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (PlatonicPimp) |
Threading is the TM equivalent of casting a spell. It has Drain (fading, whatever) and it imposes a sustaining penalty. If they didn't explicitly point out it takes a complex action to do, then I for one think that the intent was loud and clear on this one. The example you give comes off as "I want to be able to do thins because it's powerful and cool" rather than "This is a flaw in the rules", so the argument is unconvincing.
And that's coming from ME, proud member of the house rule collective. |
It would be nice if we could get a new thread for this discussion and get this moved, but...
I don't think there is a flaw in the rules, my argument is in supporting that TM's are not the complete gimps that posters have been saying they are, and that a Newly Formed Hacker is not Superior to a Newly Formed Technomancer.
Nothing in my example is in support of what I want to be able to do. It is simply how things are done according to what are in the rules. Not what is implied.
I fully support anyone who wants to set any house rules for any roleplaying system. I myself have binders of House rules I have used at one point or another in many systems. I am not debating house rules, nor what anyone may think that the rules Imply.
I am just showing what can be done with a technomancer, with the rules as printed in the SR4 Core Book.
I personaly feel that the new system is nicely balanced and a nice improvement over SR3, which I still Love my mountain of SR3 books! I love the Shadowrun setting and I think the rule changes are for the most part exceptionaly good, not perfect but good. I wish Fan Pro would come out with a new SR4 FAQ to clarify some of the points, and a new printing and Eratta to correct the few remaining discrepancies in the rules.
Nov 22 2006, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (M.Fillmore.1138) |
Yes and no. You are correct in that you are not sustaining the CF, but you are sustaining the threading on the CF. So it is -2 dice to you. Commanding a Sprite to sustain the thread for you would take an action you did not have in the original scenario. |
The Big Green Book (BGB?) pg. 234. Technomancers have the ability to improvise Complex Forms that they do not know on the fly, or increase the rating of a complex form they do know. This process is known as
Skip ahead, same page...
Threaded complex forms must be sustained (similar to how magicians sustain spells).
You do not sustain the
threading, it is the process, not the subject. You sustain the threaded complex form, clearly stated, black and white with a fuzzy green border. With spell casters you do not apply the penalty on the first action phase when cast, why would you do it to TM's? I will agree that if you want to continue to use the CF at it's spiffy new threaded value, then all subsequent action phases will require -2 penalty.
and thanks for the spot of
Nov 22 2006, 11:30 PM
The main problem with your last argument is that 'Technomancers are not Hackers!' Save the flamethrowers and Maltovs for another day and let me finish.
If you try and play a TM just like a normal everyday hacker, you will be a karma and BP sink from hell. You have to work around it and use their strengths, which would be their Sprites. Yes, TMs can surf the Matrix with the power of their minds, its cool. They 'can' perform like a hacker and do things themselves, but why should they? TM's have an unlimited amount of disposable agents that have superpowers that top that of even a TM playing a hacker.
I fall back on the Sammy/Adept argument that, 'even though they might perform the same abilities, they do it in different ways'. Same thing with a Hacker/TM. The Hacker is your Sammy, your TM is the Adept.
Your TM might be able to max out higher than the Hacker due to threading, but once you do that, you have spent alot of Karma or BP to do so. Just being a 'Pet master' saves alot of points to be spent elsewhere, and still lets you perform all the same matrix crap you would have anyways. All you have to do is compile a Rank 12 sprite and whammo, you have a hacker better than any other right on your victim's doorstep. You dont even have to register it and god help you if you do.
Nov 22 2006, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Dantic) |
QUOTE (M.Fillmore.1138) | Yes and no. You are correct in that you are not sustaining the CF, but you are sustaining the threading on the CF. So it is -2 dice to you. Commanding a Sprite to sustain the thread for you would take an action you did not have in the original scenario. |
The Big Green Book (BGB?) pg. 234. Technomancers have the ability to improvise Complex Forms that they do not know on the fly, or increase the rating of a complex form they do know. This process is known as threading. Skip ahead, same page... Threaded complex forms must be sustained (similar to how magicians sustain spells). You do not sustain the threading, it is the process, not the subject. You sustain the threaded complex form, clearly stated, black and white with a fuzzy green border. With spell casters you do not apply the penalty on the first action phase when cast, why would you do it to TM's? I will agree that if you want to continue to use the CF at it's spiffy new threaded value, then all subsequent action phases will require -2 penalty. and thanks for the spot of color |
You pick something up off the ground, you are now holding it.
You thread a CF, you are now Sustaining it.
Sustaining is an automatic byproduct of Threading a CF, just like a Mage must automaticly Sustain an Invisibility spell or it doesnt work.
Nov 23 2006, 12:59 AM
Uhhhh, I think I have a headache now.
Let's see, your example for threading/spellcasting, Invisability is a specific spell, not all spells are sustained or, can be sustained, so I disagree, just because a TM threads a CF, doesn't automaticaly make it sustained, If you only threaded this action phase.
What does the bold printed, 'Technomancers are not Hackers!' have to do with the price of soycaf?
Sprites are not limitless. You can have up to your Charisma in registered sprites (active or on standby) and one unregistered sprite. I think anyone who limits playing a TM to a pet manager is sorely limiting themselves to what can be acomplished. This isn't a MMORPG, if you can think of a way to do it within the framework of the rules, go for it.
No two Technomancers have to be played the same. As I stated before, you can sacrifice up to 1 point of Res for cyberware, and concentrate on fewer skills, and CF's and make a viable TM/Rigger.
Threading allows you to do things without having to spend all that Karma/BP if you so desire. I don't have to know every CF to a rating equal to my Res, most simple non-hacking programs, I can mimic to a usable rating, starting from zero, without facing physical Fading DV, as opposed to trying to compile a sprite above my Res (rating 12 ?!?).
Compiling a sprite at a rating above my Res causes physical DV fading at a rating of twice the hits of the Sprite on the opposed test, be my guest, whip up that dandy rating 12. I'd rater stick with maxing non-registered sprites at rating = Res and register higher rating sprites.
Personaly I would prefer so save the need to risk physical damage from the use of my own powers to a time when the chips are really down, and I need to take that risk to save my own precious butt, than every time I feel the need to compile an un-registered sprite.
Nov 23 2006, 01:36 AM
Sprites are not limitless. You can have up to your Charisma in registered sprites (active or on standby) and one unregistered sprite. I think anyone who limits playing a TM to a pet manager is sorely limiting themselves to what can be acomplished. This isn't a MMORPG, if you can think of a way to do it within the framework of the rules, go for it. |
Not limitless? Is there some sort of number in the compiling pool that states you can only compile 100 sprites during your character's lifetime? Yes I know fully the limit on how many you can have actively compiled, that isnt what I'm getting at.
What I'm getting at is the fact that you can compile a sprite, send it at a node with a remote task to edit the access listings to create an admin acount for your TM. The sprite has to hack in as a byproduct to complete the remote task. Once thats done, it derezes and you compile another one to datasearch or whatever. There is no real limit to what your sprites can do or how many you can create during a run, other than only one at a time and if you send them on remote tasks that take mere seconds to complete, then thats alot of sprites created.
No two Technomancers have to be played the same. As I stated before, you can sacrifice up to 1 point of Res for cyberware, and concentrate on fewer skills, and CF's and make a viable TM/Rigger. |
Fine, I agree. You could do that, but I'm talking about a TM that just works in the matrix without any cyber or whatnot. Hell, you could give a TM Synaptic Boosters 2 for 1e and have him become a combat face and hacker while your at it.
Threading allows you to do things without having to spend all that Karma/BP if you so desire. I don't have to know every CF to a rating equal to my Res, most simple non-hacking programs, I can mimic to a usable rating, starting from zero, without facing physical Fading DV, as opposed to trying to compile a sprite above my Res (rating 12 ?!?). |
Ok, I give you the first one. Even without the whole 'Threading and Sustaining' issue, you are correct, threading allows TM's to have any program whenever they need it. As for the Rank 12 Sprite, you took that and placed it in the wrong meaning from what I was trying to get at.
I mean, hell no, I'm not going to create a R12 Sprite on a whim. That'd be crazy. But I could as a pet TM (high Res Skills) and if I sicked one on you, depending on what it is and what I want done, you couldnt stop it. If I sent a R12 Fault Sprite at you, DV12 Black Hammer with 24 dice behind it, you would be so dead. This is a huge extreem though which I dont see many people doing except when in dire need, just like threading up an attack CF up to 10+.
The major difference between the Sprite and the CF though is I can create that sprite, send it on a remote task to give you a world of hurt, then log out and you cant hurt me anymore, while the sprite while follow you till he can bitchslap you.
Compiling a sprite at a rating above my Res causes physical DV fading at a rating of twice the hits of the Sprite on the opposed test, be my guest, whip up that dandy rating 12. I'd rater stick with maxing non-registered sprites at rating = Res and register higher rating sprites. |
Huh? While your first sentance there is correct, your second one doesnt make sense... You would rather stick to making sprites at R=Res, ok I get that. You would rather register higher ranked sprites where, not only do they get twice as many dice to resist, they do physical damage?
Personaly I would prefer so save the need to risk physical damage from the use of my own powers to a time when the chips are really down, and I need to take that risk to save my own precious butt, than every time I feel the need to compile an un-registered sprite. |
I agree with you. I wouldnt be creating a R12 sprite to do a datasearch or something stupid like that, it would be when I really need something done quickly and correctly, like that remote task to kick some hacker's ass. My sprite has 8 hours to complete the task and due to the 4 extra CFs that come with it, it can hack anywhere to follow the Hacker with R12 exploit, black hammer and I can throw in Medic for shits and grins. Yeah, the hacker might try and escape, but if I have a courier sprite registered, I could it cookie the Hacker before it leaves. Then I just send the home address to the sprite through the mental link TM's have with their sprites. I didn't command it to go there, just gave it the information it would need to complete it's mission.
Nov 23 2006, 02:27 AM
QUOTE (Konsaki) |
QUOTE | Compiling a sprite at a rating above my Res causes physical DV fading at a rating of twice the hits of the Sprite on the opposed test, be my guest, whip up that dandy rating 12. I'd rater stick with maxing non-registered sprites at rating = Res and register higher rating sprites. |
Huh? While your first sentance there is correct, your second one doesnt make sense... You would rather stick to making sprites at R=Res, ok I get that. You would rather register higher ranked sprites where, not only do they get twice as many dice to resist, they do physical damage? |
Yes, Sprites Kick much serious booty as needed, and that is a big edge as a TM both with Matrix work and with Device sprites. Register one and subscribe him as "Doberman Driver" at Rating 6 He can have Autosofts of Maneuver and Targeting.
To clarify what I was driving at in this stament. Rather than performing a risky compiling in the thick of things, if I compile one that is rated above My res and I am sucessfull with no major physical drawbacks, then I can Register it and take all the time off I need to recover, and I still have that bugger registered
Nov 23 2006, 02:43 AM
QUOTE (Dantic) |
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Nov 22 2006, 08:36 PM) | QUOTE | Compiling a sprite at a rating above my Res causes physical DV fading at a rating of twice the hits of the Sprite on the opposed test, be my guest, whip up that dandy rating 12. I'd rater stick with maxing non-registered sprites at rating = Res and register higher rating sprites. |
Huh? While your first sentance there is correct, your second one doesnt make sense... You would rather stick to making sprites at R=Res, ok I get that. You would rather register higher ranked sprites where, not only do they get twice as many dice to resist, they do physical damage? |
Yes, Sprites Kick much serious booty as needed, and that is a big edge as a TM both with Matrix work and with Device sprites. Register one and subscribe him as "Doberman Driver" at Rating 6 He can have Autosofts of Maneuver and Targeting. To clarify what I was driving at in this stament. Rather than performing a risky compiling in the thick of things, if I compile one that is rated above My res and I am sucessfull with no major physical drawbacks, then I can Register it and take all the time off I need to recover, and I still have that bugger registered |
Ye have a stronger gut than I then. I might compile a Res+ sprite, but I doubt I will try to register one. The risk of dying to Fading is too rich for my blood, which is greater than just creating one on the spot. With the rules as is, I doubt I will register any sprite over R6, and considering how powerfull R6 is anyways, I wouldnt need to.
Personally, I dont understand why they have the HitsX2=drain... It seems way out there, though that might be the point. Having spirits and sprites (both disposable people) on call whenever you need them is pretty powerful.
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