Nov 6 2006, 09:15 PM
Yup. Curiosity, mostly. That, and all my books are in Jersey, I'm in PA.
Anyhow. Knight Errant.
Do they have municipal contracts like Lone Star? If so...where in North America? Has it ever been stated?
Nov 6 2006, 09:23 PM
Yes. Detroit would be a major contract, but there are plenty of others.
Nov 6 2006, 10:00 PM
as far as sr4 goes im pretty sure that Knight Errant and the 'star are competing head to head for the big seatle security contract as lonestar's contract is almost up! and both are competing for the suport of whoever is gonna be the new mayor...
Nov 6 2006, 10:17 PM
They have a bunch of N.A. sprawls, as well as many in Europe. Really it's a long list that you'll 'prolly have to research your self. but yeah, they've been competeing for the Seattle contract for a long time. I think they have the D.C. contract. Try books like Target: UCAS, Neo - Anarchists Guide to N.A., Corp Download maybe.
Nov 6 2006, 11:42 PM
As of 2070 (Runner Havens) KE has a lock on the onland policing for Hong Kong. It is actually Ares' foot in the door to HK, they don't really have much other business there right now.
Black Jack Rackham
Nov 7 2006, 01:36 AM
Since I happen to be writing up a campaign for the Boston Sprawl, I happen to know for a fact that KE runs things there.
Nov 7 2006, 02:13 AM
I think KE had(has?) the Chicago contract too.
Nov 7 2006, 02:29 AM
Eagle Security had it until the place went buggy, but I don't know whether they kept it.
In general, I beleive that LS holds far more municipal-type contracts, whereas KE does more of the secret installation and threat-response kind of things. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions on both sides.
Nov 7 2006, 04:04 AM
IIRC, they're supopsed to be 'elite'. kind of a quality vs quantity w/ KE vs LS
Nov 7 2006, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Nov 7 2006, 03:04 PM) |
IIRC, they're supopsed to be 'elite'. |
Well, the Firewatch Teams are Elite. The rank and file security guards would not necessarily be considered in that category.
And KE gets the cool black uniforms.
Nov 7 2006, 04:30 AM
funny you should mention that Dog, because it was an old SR2 book, (don't recall which) that mentioned that they were "supposed" to be elite, siteing their "cool black uniforms". Basically they had a bit more training than standard Star's guys, but carried themselves differently. Wish I could remember which book that was. Actually had pics of the various uniforms. Been years since I've seen it.
Frag-o Delux
Nov 7 2006, 05:14 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
funny you should mention that Dog, because it was an old SR2 book, (don't recall which) that mentioned that they were "supposed" to be elite, siteing their "cool black uniforms". Basically they had a bit more training than standard Star's guys, but carried themselves differently. Wish I could remember which book that was. Actually had pics of the various uniforms. Been years since I've seen it. |
The first Seattle Sourcebook had colored pictures of security and various gangs in the back. KE have a two tone uniform. Dark grey and light grey, the light grey making a wide verticle strip up the center.
Nov 7 2006, 05:21 AM
Thanks, I thought that was the one. Also included stuff like addresses and street names right? I remember that pick and the gang pictures most. I think the Scatter Brains had one too. I gotta see about getting that book somewhere.
QUOTE (Frag-o Delux) |
The first Seattle Sourcebook had colored pictures of security and various gangs in the back. KE have a two tone uniform. Dark grey and light grey, the light grey making a wide verticle strip up the center. |
Looks blue to me, in that picture. Either way, that was in '50/51. Maybe they upgraded.
I remember reading "cool black uniforms" in text somewhere before. I don't think its in SeaSource. I thought it was in SOTA 2064, but after a quick skim, I couldn't find it....
Nov 7 2006, 09:06 AM
The original Deutschland in den Schatten book (Germany Sourcebook) for SR1/SR2 stated that Knight Errant was the only foreign security corp that had achieved some market share in the Allied German States - only in the private security sector though, as all German states still used government-run police forces.
Frag-o Delux
Nov 7 2006, 09:16 AM
The blue/grey color is more like a slate color, blue grey its all splittinghairs. Especially sinc ethat book is so old, who knows if the printer made the colros the same in the different printings or how each book was stored and prevented color fading.
As for KE changing uniform colors, its entirely possible. Companies change uniform colors all the time, including company colors. Just a few years ago a lot of major companies changed their company colors. H&R Block was once a blue hollow square, now they are using a solid green square. Companies like movie stars have to reinvent their public image once in a while or they look like the company dad use to use, and who wants that? People want a company that they can call their own or feel they are in touch with the times and they can relate.
And yes, the original Seattle Sourcebook had addresses and LTGs for all the places mentioned in the book.
THe police/security people pictured int he colored pages are Aztechnologies, Renraku, Mitsuhama, Knight-Errant, Lone Star and Fuchi.
The Street Gangs pictures are Razor Heads, Brain eaters, Blood Mountain Boys, Eye Fivers, Crimson Crush, Ancients, Hell Hounds, Leather Devils, Halloweeners, The Ragers and Rust Stilletos.
They also picture some Indians/Tribals. Makah Chief, Makah Shaman, Cascade Crow, Salish, Sinsearach Elf, and a Cascade Ork.
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