Oct 26 2003, 12:07 AM
Does anyone know the earliest possible time that cybermanitcs were avalible.
not known about, but possible.
Digital Heroin
Oct 26 2003, 12:18 AM
*wracks brain* Not sure... I believe they were first introduced in the Cybertechnology book... I just don't have my books avaliable... *then again, checks PDF backups* Nope... no backup, and my physical copy is in NY, while my meat body is in B.C.
Oct 26 2003, 12:29 AM
Now this might be a red herring because I don't think the Tir elves are into it, but I beleive in the old tir tairngire book there was reference to someone encountered defending a compound who had a really weird aura, which in relation to the topic at the time they thought might have been a human clone. But it might not have been. it was described iirc as feeling ... wrong.
If an example of cybermancy (given the astral hazing), then this would be back in 2053ish. The elves did exhibit a higher level of magical aptitude (references to sean laverty having an anchored bullet barrier before it was a known ability) so I've no doubt they could've known how to do cybermancy if they'd put their minds to it.
But that's the earliest thing I can think of which might have been cybermancy, if a Gm wanted to see it that way.
Oct 26 2003, 12:43 AM
Remembering dates... I think Cybertechnology is 2057, and Shadowtech is the earlier one (2052, right?). TT is about '54, and the one about the aura feeling wrong pushed me towards Cybermancy a little bit.
It's really all up to your GM to decide whether or not Cybermancy was around way before Cybertechnology or just a little before. Upon reading that, I believe it came from the Elves. However, it's theorized that it requires Blood Magic, so it could've also come from any number of places, including Aztlan.
Who knows, maybe it was an Elvish Aztlaner?
Oct 26 2003, 01:00 AM
If we take novels into account i would say "Never trust an elf".
There where three of them.
Oct 26 2003, 01:06 AM
Novels aren't entirely canon. If they were, I'd go with it, but they usually aren't, so I still have to say TT is the "first" source, even if in theory.
Oct 26 2003, 03:49 AM
Given the inherent nastiness of cybermancy and how they tend to alienate the magically-inclined, I'd think it was corp-based.
The Tir is founded on powerful magics, which to my mind makes cybermantic soldiers counter-productive.
Just a hunch though.
Oct 26 2003, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Novels aren't entirely canon. If they were, I'd go with it, but they usually aren't, so I still have to say TT is the "first" source, even if in theory. |
Actually, the novels are considered to be canon, with very few exceptions.
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