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Full Version: New mentor spirit: The Void
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
emo samurai
The void is all that one cannot know or comprehend, but must perceive nonetheless. It is all that is unknowable to Mankind. It is the Great Beyond, the stuff between the lines, between the worlds.

Followers of the Void are endlessly seeking knowledge. They are experts of the uncategorizable and as such are great at dealing with free spirits.

Advantages: +2 to Assensing and Perceptions, +2 to all Negotiation, Assensing, Arcana, Binding, and Banishing tests involving free spirits.

Disadvantages: The Void magician has a hard time resisting the call of the unknown, even, or especially, in the presence of danger. He must make a Willpower+Charisma (3) test to avoid pursuing a lead in arcane lore, even if it interrupts a vital task.
I understand the Assensing and Perception bonuses, as well as the arcana rolls, given the pursuit of understanding and observing what can't be known, but what does the Void have to do with Free Spirits?
emo samurai
They're children of the Metaplanes. This was meant to be a metaplanar questor's mentor spirit.
Do you really think those advantages and disadvantages are balanced, or do you think they're AWESOME?

edited for awesomeness.
emo samurai
The assensing and perception bonuses are balanced. And I intended this to be like the +2 for ____ spirits bonuses for other mentor spirits. Since you can't summon mentor spirits with a test, you get +2 to negotiating with and assensing them. The banishing bonus comes from the same idea. And the disadvantage means that if a powerful free spirit passes by or a really good metamagic idea pops up with a Dewey Decimal number attached to it, he'll break off his run and chase the spirit/metamagic technique.
Oh, see, I read it wrong. I read it as +2 Negotiations, Arcana, and Binding in all situations, and +2 to Banishing free spirits. You meant +2 Negotiations, Arcana, Binding, and Banishing, but all four only apply to free spirits.

I got my order of operations wrong.
Yeah, that's a lot better.
emo samurai
Yeah, this would be unfairly awesome. I don't like unfairness. frown.gif
Sounds like a very cool mentor. I like it.
emo samurai
I'm gonna make it Shen's mentor spirit, except it won't be based off of the works of Miyamoto Musashi.

Now to make it great form. devil.gif

The Limitless Void

Followers of the Limitless Void believe that the area outside of human comprehending is infinite and may even extend within the familiar bonds of human knowledge. This does not stop them from perceiving all things and even drives them towards it.

Advantages: +2 to Assensing and Perception, +2 to all tests involving free spirits, +2 to detection spells.

Disadvantages: The Void magician has a hard time resisting the call of the unknown, even, or especially, in the presence of danger. He must make a Willpower+Charisma (3) test to avoid pursuing a lead in arcane lore, even if it interrupts a vital task.

If a Limitless Void magician fails to get a vital piece of arcane lore, then he takes -1 to all actions until he gets it.

Logic and Intuition must be 6.
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