Apr 3 2004, 02:17 PM
Hoo boy, I think we can skip role-playing "Rat the Uncouth and Web the Spooky visit the topless bar and get lap dances". I shudder just imagining Rat spanking the talent and Web spacing out during a lap dance and trying to reach around the woman for more food. At least we know Rat would tip well -- he seems generous in that arena.
I am amazed at the level of personality that has developed for these characters, especially the ones that have been in play for over a year now (this game started on March 29, 2003). We're a few days overdue, but Happy Anniversary Cage Fight!
Let's hand out karma for the run:
Survival -- 1 pt.
Protecting Mr. Sowei -- 1 pt.
All 5 of you role-played with great skill and vigor! -- 1 pt.
Jimmy, for a gutsy bluff that worked and avoided a nasty hostage situation -- 1 pt.
Rat, for smarts in combat with taking cover, taking aim, and knowing when NOT to shoot -- 1 pt.
All in all, I'm super impressed at the handling of the game by the players. This is a very good time.
So... here's what next: We are officially in between-run interlude. I am going to hand out secret, "virtual karma". That works like this: Based on the time that will pass in the interlude (which you guys won't know ahead of time), I have a karma-equivalent in mind for what the characters could get done with their free time, IF they put it to productive use. That means, if you've told me what your character will be working on in their downtime, they might advance (gain a skill point, attr. point, work off a flaw, learn a spell, etc.) without having to spend karma toward it per se. If you haven't chosen any particular focus area, then the character is assumed to be watching the trid, hanging out at Topless Tate's, and otherwise relaxing in preparation for their next adventure.
Feel free to pick a few things to work on, in order of priority, and we'll see how much gets done.
The actual karma you got above can be spent per normal rules. Since some people have spent their past karma and others have saved it, I will recap these characters' standings as of that karma award:
Needles: Good karma 3, 1001 nuyen
Rat: Good karma 8, 3825 nuyen
Blackout: Good karma 13, 3150 nuyen
Jimmy: Good karma 7, 2010 nuyen
Web: Good karma 3, 1000 nuyen
So, to summarize, I would like to hear from each of you:
1.) If you want to continue playing
2.) How your character will spend good karma, if at all
3.) How he will spend nuyen, if at all
4.) What he will work on in his downtime to advance, if anything
Apr 3 2004, 10:56 PM
1.) If you want to continue playing 2.) How your character will spend good karma, if at all 3.) How he will spend nuyen, if at all 4.) What he will work on in his downtime to advance, if anything
I will cheer heartily at the anniversary notice, and I would /love/ to keep playing. I have learned a lot (about street-wisdom, and about ways of handling things), and have been having a great time.
I think Needles will keep his good karma -- keeping it to burn for successes if needed.
Nuyen ... Needles will try to get some wiz body armor (Rat seems to speak well of it), maybe an armored vest with plates (or a securetech version, which is a bit lighter and more comfortable), and then some forearm guards - having been impressed with Blackout's. He'll also buy two spare clips for the Hammerli LP, and ~20 rounds for it. If he can find a range that he can use, he'll end up buying ammo to use there practicing shooting. He's thankful, as he spends all of this money, that he has the extra income from Martin's. [Given the /3/ street index of the medkit, this could break the bank. Luckily, all the other stuff is .75 SI.]
In fact, if he can be considered to have gotten nuyen from his day job too during this extended-downtime, and has money leftover after paying for his meager lifestyle, he'll try to get a medkit (Jack Henna, his street doc contact, should help with getting that), and some extra supplies for the medkit. (I was going to try and get the medkit first, but realized that an alive and less wounded medic is better
As for spending his time ... well, a significant portion of it has to be devoted to working for Martin, of course. However, he now makes an effort to try and familiarize himself with the weapons he cleans - treating them not simply as a dirty object to be cleaned, but as a /weapon/ to be cleaned, and hopefully getting a better idea of how they work (slides, clip ejection, safeties, that sort of thing). This means he has to spend a little more than 10 hours a week at Martin's (maybe 12-13 hrs a week).
In his off-work time, Needles spends most of his time either practicing his martial art with Blackout at his dojo [assuming that's OK with you and Blackout's character, of course - I figured he wouldn't mind being the senior student / junior instructor. =)], or trying to improve his first aid (biotech ...) skill. (I'm thinking ... spending time working with Jack Henna as an assistant, perhaps, three evenings a week?) He splits his evenings pretty evenly between these things, with a little more emphasis on learning better biotech skills. He also takes time (if he can fidn a range) to spend a few hours every week (say, one evening) practicing with the Hammerli pistol. (Ideally, this would be time spent with the rest of the team.)
- 50% biotech improvement
- 40-50% martial arts improvement
- 0-10% pistols improvement (depending on if he can get range access).
Apr 3 2004, 10:58 PM
Thank you, and let me second in that this run has been great!
1.) YES! Definately!
2.) Since there's apparently free food to be had with this crowd, and they don't seem to be all bad (Web is a bit surprised that they let the ork live - it was a good call, he thinks), he is going to work on his much neglected social graces abit. As a first step, this means raising Charisma. It was a hard decision, but ultimately I decided it was the logical thing for him to do. These people made him feel useful, and with more purpose and incentive (and money!) he should warm up a little and maybe take a bath or two... Of course, his current karma isn't enough for it, but once he earns another point that is the plan.
3.) Mostly just on food, although he will ask the rest of the team members he meets (probably mostly Rat, though he will also talk to Needles since he seems more 'spiritual' in approach) if they have any connections to get Shamanic Lodge materials or Watcher conjuring materials.
4.) Web will mostly stick to his regular dumpster-raiding lifestyle, but will try to spend abit more time with the various team members if it seems he's wanted. Try to figure them out, and see if there's more free food or possibilities for making money around. Edit: Also, we have his regular summonings of watchers and city spirits to help keep 'his' alley clean of vermin.
Dark Scrier
Apr 5 2004, 01:21 AM
Wow. A whole year. No wonder I don't remember where I've put my character sheet. When I find it, I'll give you the lowdown on what Blackout's doing. Meanwhile, I'm more than happy to practice with the Need-man, and Blackout considers it a great opportunity to show how much better he is than everyone else.
1. Yeah, like I'd intentionally jump ship now.
2. Blackout is likely to have a shot at upping his strength, but since I think he still doesn't have the karma, I'd up Strength, Quickness, and Unarmed in that order of preference.
3. He wouldn't buy much. Probably just that training dude he was going to pick up earlier. Other than that he'd be hording nuyen.
4. Unarmed combat is the likelist thing for him to be stuck into during his downtime. Other than that, it'll be beers, jogging, daydreaming and showing off.
Digital Heroin
Apr 5 2004, 01:25 AM
1.) Nope, I suck to bad to play, I don't deserve to be part of the coolness... *eyes self, slaps* I am so still in this game...
2.) I'll need to review some things to answer the Karma question
3.) Same with the nuyen (especially the shopping spree)
4.) Jimmy's probably gonna spend time programming, a lot of time, and trying to see about framing his parole officer for something or another, out of spite.
Oh yeah, do you have a record of what Jimmy's earned in total over the time he's been active? I'm soo bad for tracking those things.
Apr 5 2004, 07:52 PM
Alrighty, just waiting to hear DigitalHeroin's decisions on Jimmy, and Glyph's decisions on Rat.
DigitalH, did you need more than the nuyen and karma total I posted above for Jimmy? His total nuyen and karma now is 7 good karma, 2010 nuyen.
Apr 6 2004, 05:21 AM
1.) If you want to continue playing
Oh hell yeah!
2.) How your character will spend good karma, if at all
Rat will spend 4 Karma to get Rifles: 2, and 2 Karma (his "discounted" price - I remembered he had it, but had to look it up; it was on page 10 of the OOC thread on the old forums) to raise his Street Etiquette specialization to 4. This leaves him with 2 Karma to save towards something later on.
By the way, gnoy, you spend Karma Pool for successes, not Good Karma, so you're better off spending it, unless you're saving up for something specific that costs more points than you currently have.3.) How he will spend nuyen, if at all
Rat will ask Martin to have his two new guns adjusted for dwarven useage. He will probably become interested when the subject of smartlinks comes up, although he will also probably balk at the price, waiting until he will have a bit more cash left over. If he does get a smartlink, he will be very freaked out at first, and probably spend a few weeks just getting used to it before he actually uses it. By the way, the very concept of "used" cyberware will give him the heebie-jeebies.
Rat will also spend some of his Nuyen on high living (comparatively speaking - his vices are pretty prosaic ones), at least when he's flush with cash, and will pick up things like a cheap telecom and a boosted trid channel or so. He is street-smart enough to start rationing his spending a bit more as his money runs down.
Hadn't checked out the last post on the IC Thread. Wow! Well, he should definitely be able to afford that smartlink now! It will be just his drive to be a "runner" that keeps him going, now, rather than a need for money. He will stay at a low lifestyle (which is a huge step up for him at the moment), although he will definitely get some nice (but tacky, of course) stuff. Plus, I am sure Martin will give him some advice about some gear he could purchase.
4.) What he will work on in his downtime to advance, if anything
Rat has decent stealth and adequete melee skills. He might pick up a bit more stealth, but his main efforts will be on his ranged weapon skills and his budding "face" skills. He will work on picking up contacts (low-level ones like a stripper from Topless Tates, a squatter, etc.), and will
definitely keep actively seeking "runs" - probably mostly courier and bodyguard/muscle work, which should expose him to the wider underworld a bit. Unlike Needles, he has no "day" job, and his deepest fear is that these jobs were only a fluke, and he will slide back down to his squatter existence. So he is
very motivated to seek out new jobs.
He will always be a coarse character, but he might start learning that there is a time and a place to scratch yourself on the crotch. But while he might start buying off his Uncouth Flaw, he will still keep his Computer Illiterate Flaw. The flaw affects your operation of unfamiliar devices, so he will
think he's becoming more tech-savvy because he will have a few more "familiar" devices (he will go from fearing his telecom to only being slightly unnerved by it), but presented with something like a public dataterminal he will be as hopeless as ever.
Apr 6 2004, 08:37 PM
So far so good, just a small note krishcane - both Web and Needles are human, are they not? You wrote something about Needles not being used to Web's race for acupuncture... or were you meaning simply because Web is african and Needles asian?
Apr 6 2004, 08:59 PM
Yes, they're both human. You're right -- in SR, I should say, "ethnicity". Also, I was thinking because Web is an albino, he would have a funky energetic system that would affect his meridians.
Not that I have personally conducted much acupuncture on infirm albino Africans. I do know that ethnicity affects pressure points a little -- not as much as subspecies or species shifts would, but a little. If you've only learned energy work or pressure points on one ethnicity, you can be a little thrown off with a new subject.
Apr 6 2004, 09:10 PM
Not to mention that Needles might never have worked on an awakened character; if anything, that might also have a big impact on the amount of energy moving about.
QUOTE (Glyph) |
By the way, gknoy, you spend Karma Pool for successes, not Good Karma, so you're better off spending it, unless you're saving up for something specific that costs more points than you currently have.
He will always be a coarse character, but he might start learning that there is a time and a place to scratch yourself on the crotch. |
re: good karma vs karma pool .... I had misunderstood that section of the big black book. Thanks! Where it said "karma", under avoiding an oops or buying additional dice, I had only been skimming it, and had not noticed that it was all a sub-section under Karma Pools. Yay! Now I can spend my good karma even more.
I'm not sure, but I think I have enough to raise negotiation from 1 to 2, and pistols to 1. If 1.5x2 is supposed to be rounded down, then I do. (I'm guessing it's that way, since that's how I've been told everything rounds...) I'll go ahead and spend my karma that way, krishcane, if that's still OK.
Digital Heroin
Apr 7 2004, 12:44 AM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
Alrighty, just waiting to hear DigitalHeroin's decisions on Jimmy, and Glyph's decisions on Rat.
DigitalH, did you need more than the nuyen and karma total I posted above for Jimmy? His total nuyen and karma now is 7 good karma, 2010 nuyen.
--K |
I've got a sheet, but I've missed out recording some of the times you posted boosts to his skills, or new skills.
In reference to the cash, the Hacker House thing, is that a hook of some kind?
Apr 7 2004, 02:48 PM
gknoy -- no problem on the karma. It's acknowledged and spent.
Everyone -- I'll be posting the actual results of your stat bonuses and things after I get the narrative flavor text in.
DH -- Quick Jimmy recap -- he has picked up the following skills via the Inspiration rule:
Athletics 1
Pistols 1
Brawling 1
Stealth 1
Intimidation 1
Matrix Tactics 1
His old skills are still the same.
Regarding the HackerHouse contest win.... it might turn into a plot hook, but for now, it's legit. Go ahead and spend it on any Matrix-related hardware or software you desire (taking street index into account of course -- HH is still an underground org). If Jimmy needs non-Matrix related gear, he could work a transfer deal to get some of that store-credit converted to cash at 30% of the credit value. Not efficient, but if he really needs something in the meat-world, it's a method.
Are you familiar with the decking rules, more or less? Like, what Jimmy will need to start programming at home?
Digital Heroin
Apr 7 2004, 07:13 PM
Ok, here's what Jimmy's doing... note he's always like this, keeping busy as possible.
- Go on a HH spending spree
- Start coding some utilities (Validate (2), Better Deception & Cloak (2))
- Edit junkyard video footage
- Try and land a DJ gig if things drag out
- Try and track down the elven chick on Shadowlands
- Spend some time at Blackout's dojo
Purchases at HH:
Rating 3 Programming Suite
Allegiance Sigma w. Hot ASIST
Personal Computer (1000MP)
Electronics Kit
Novatech Burner
H.U.D. Sunglasses (200MP)
Karma Expenditure: 6 points, bringing Computers to 6.
Apr 8 2004, 09:13 PM
Jimmy's stuff is acknowledged....
The cinematic sequence is lasting 3 months of game time, after which it will be April 19th, 2064.
Needles skills, money, and gear at the end of that time are as follows:
Biotech 3
(Acupuncture 6)
Wushu 5
(w/ Whirling, Multi-Strike)
Etiquette 1
(Street 3)
Negotiation 2
Stealth 1
Pistols 1
Pressure Points 4
Chinese Medicine 4
Fences 2
Gang Identification 2
Local neighborhood 2
Scrounging 3
Pistols Knowledge 1
English 2 (Cityspeak 4) (read/write 1)
Chinese 4 (read/write 2)
Japanese 2 (read/write 1)
¥ 2486
ordinary clothes x 2
Acupuncture kit bracelet (personal heirloom: bracelet holding ~100-200 needles)
Swiss army knife (cheap Chinese knockoff, of course)
2 x Stim Patch (rating 1)
pen and small notepad
a mostly-empty cigarette lighter
one fat candle (2 inch diameter x 4 inches long)
squatter lifestyle
Hammerli Model 610S (Conc:4 6© 6L)
3 extra clips
12 flechette rounds (2 clips loaded)
20 regular rounds (2 clips loaded, and 8 loose)
Secure Ultra-vest (4/3)
Forearm Guards (0/1)
total: 4/4
Digital Heroin
Apr 8 2004, 10:12 PM
Forgot one thing, Jimmy's also gonna try and shop around for a better place to live than his parents' place...
Apr 9 2004, 01:12 AM
Krishcane - thanks!
I had hoped to improve my general biotech skill, or my first aid -- since I think (?) we decided that the acupuncture would be primarily for speeding long-term healing; could be wrong. In any case, it's free skill, so I'm not complaining - I just know where I'll be spending my karma next run. -=)
BTW, how does the mechanics for multi-strike work? is it like a complex action for an attack vs all enemies, or jsut a few, or is it like a TN adjustment for each additional one? (Man, I SO need to buy that book! Darn my brokeness ...
Apr 9 2004, 01:56 PM
DH -- What level lifestyle does Jimmy want? I presume Low as the default. Let me know if otherwise.
gknoy -- No problem about Biotech. I wasn't sure if you wanted general Biotech or Acupuncture to go up, and the karma-cost is equivalant for those. Consider Needles updated to Biotech 4 (Acupuncture 5). I've updated my records accordingly.
As for Multi-Strike, it works like this: You declare that you are attacking multiple attackers in one attack. Friend-in-combat bonuses/penalties still apply, and you get a +1 per attacker you are attacking instead of the usual +2.
So for example, Needles vs. 2 gangers.... Without multistrike, he could declare to try to hit both in one move. His targets would be (4 + 1 + 2) = 7. With multstrike, his targets are 6. So, not a huge diff. However, against 4 gangers, trying to hit all 4 in one move... Without multistrike, his targets would be (4 + 3 + 6) = 13. Almost impossible. With multistrike, his targets would be (4 + 3 + 3) = 10. Somewhat possible if he's much better than they are.
The upshot is, it reduces impossible odds to merely very difficult odds in overwhelming situations.
In Needles' case, the targets would probably have to be untrained pedestrians to make it work, but hey, that's something, right?
It's a free maneuver that I felt was in character for him.
Apr 9 2004, 03:11 PM
Snowraven -- Web's upgrades over the 3 months are:
Charisma -> 2
Semi-perm Force 1 watcher when the next run starts (good for a week or until killed)
Rating 5 Shamanic lodge
increased feeling of connection to his teammates, and a 10-hour-a-week job with Dr. Black as long as he wants it (but earning favors from Martin, not actual nuyen)
Apr 9 2004, 06:46 PM
I didn't seem to have as much to say about Blackout downtime... maybe I'll do a dojo scene later if I get inspired.
Anyway, his upgrades, including karma spent, are:
Strength -> 6
Unarmed Combat -> 6
Drinking -> 2
Bragging -> 2
Daydreaming -> 2
Athletics -> 2
Purchase of Billy the Abuser Child Combat Training Dummy
His leftover nuyen, everything included, is 49,700 nuyen. Not bad...
Apr 9 2004, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
gknoy -- No problem about Biotech. I wasn't sure if you wanted general Biotech or Acupuncture to go up, and the karma-cost is equivalant for those. Consider Needles updated to Biotech 4 (Acupuncture 5). I've updated my records accordingly. |
Hey, always useful to be able to slap a mob of pedestrians for light, stageable damage. ^_^
re: Biotech: thanks. I'll update my character sheet.
Purchase of Billy the Abuser Child Combat Training Dummy |
btw, I love the little bits of flavor-detail that you give us. Things like this are jsut awesome. Heck, I know i'm going to be trying ot include some of these in my game (like the homeless gambling for kittens [to eat]).
Digital Heroin
Apr 9 2004, 11:03 PM
Ok, as always I'm totally digging the vibe of how the game's going... downtime scenes brought a big smile to my face today.
As for a place to live, Low'd be preferable, but Jimmy'll accept just about any place he can get Matrix access and be away from his folks.
Apr 9 2004, 11:46 PM
Good to hear krishcane
Love the narrative, as always, and Web'll hang onto his new past time 'job' - not as much for the benefits as for the simple fact of having something to do to pass the time. And another trip through that lore store sometime in the future wouldn't be bad either...
Apr 12 2004, 02:35 PM
Posted a little more Blackout flavor in the IC thread.... wrote that this weekend, based on my own black belt test but with a little more blood added for SR street flavor. Everyone walked away from my test.
Although, one guy almost fell off a cliff during it, since it was on top of a mountain. But he was rescued.
Anyway.... in other news...
DigitalH, in looking at Jimmy's purchases, they add up to more than 38,000. Could you prioritize the list for me? Here's the list I have with prices, street index included:
Rating 3 Programming Suite -- 135 MP, 13500 nuyen
Allegiance Sigma w. Hot ASIST -- 14000 nuyen
MPCP-3 , Hard 1, Active 200, Storage 500, I/O 100, Response 0
Personal Computer (1000MP) -- 15000 nuyen street
Electronics Kit -- 3000 nuyen street
Novatech Burner -- 2700 nuyen
H.U.D. Sunglasses (200MP) -- 6000 nuyen street
Total: 54,200. We gotta pare that down to 38,000.
Digital Heroin
Apr 12 2004, 03:23 PM
Could have sworn I double checked the numbers with SI included, but we'll toss the personal computer and shades to the bottom of the list, he'll have two decks, so one can be used for coding...
Apr 12 2004, 03:29 PM
Thanks! If you want to check my numbers and they're wrong, feel free to bring it to my attention.
And you're right, he can always code on his other deck.
Digital Heroin
Apr 12 2004, 03:46 PM
Just ran the numbers again, to see where there might have been a discrepancy, everything checks out but the tabletop computer (SI is .75 and the cost is the MP, so the unit should only cost
750), the H.U.D. (should be 600, not 6k [MP * 2, SI of 1.5)... with those figures, the total should come to only 34550
Was wondering why I near had a heart attack looking at the price of the computer...
Apr 12 2004, 05:36 PM
Ah, I see how we came to different numbers. The table-top PC table says "memory cost", but "memory cost" is found by looking up "Computer memory (non-cyber)", which is 20 nuyen per Mp. The isrcg character-gen software also supports this.
Therefore, 20 nuyen x 1000 Mp = 20,000 nuyen x 0.75 SI = 15,000 nuyen. I know that's a crazy load of cash... we can only assume that 1000 Mp is a really, really huge amount of memory.
I'll look into whether he could just upgrade his deck to 1000 Mp for cheaper... that might be the case. In any event, I'll assume you definitely want the other stuff and I'll research the memory options further.
Digital Heroin
Apr 12 2004, 08:48 PM
Computer memory costing the same as headware memory is just a touch insane... I mean honestly, one's something that is dirt cheap in the hear and now, and the other is a highly micronized bank designed to weather being implanted in the human skull. I can understand where you're coming from, but it just doesn't seem right...
Apr 12 2004, 08:57 PM
Alrighty, now that I'm home and have the Matrix book in front of me.... Jimmy can order memory upgrades for Sophie to get her up to 1000 Mp Active and 1000 Mp Storage, and thereby use her as a 1000 Mp PC equivalent. That way Sophie gets "retired" to a good life as a code base.
That would cost 11,500 nuyen in total (900 active x 7.5 nuyen + 800 storage x 6 nuyen). Alternately, he could leave Sophie alone and upgrade his new Allegiance Sigma to 1000 Active and 1000 Storage for 9,000 nuyen total (800 active x 7.5 nuyen + 500 storage x 6 nuyen).
A last choice is he could get the gear to make the chips himself from scratch. That would require a Microtronics Kit for 3000 nuyen plus 2.5 nuyen per Active Mp and 1 nuyen per Storage Mp. That means, after the kit cost, he would need 3050 nuyen for parts to upgrade Sophie, or 2500 nuyen to upgrade the Allegiance Sigma to 1000 Active and 1000 Storage. Either way, even after the kit cost, this is cheaper than buying the Active/Storage mem outright, and much cheaper than buying a PC.
The time to build once he has the parts and stuff is Mp/200 in hours with a Computer B/R 4 test, once for Active and once again for Storage. In other words, it might take him a day or two.
This only solves the PC issue, however. The HUD unit is just expensive as hell (20 nuyen / Mp x 200 Mp x 10 x SI 3 = 120,000!!). Here's the questions I need you to answer:
1.) Did you actually want an Electronics kit (used for maglocks and things like that) or did you want a Microtronics kit (used for cyberdecks and PCs)? You can use one for the other with a slight penalty (let's say +2), but which one is your main use?
2.) Do you want to buy the parts to make Active and Storage mem for cyberdecks and do it yourself? That seems the only way to afford it. And if you do want to do this, do you want to upgrade Sophie (3050 in parts) or the Allegiance (2500 in parts) to 1000/1000?
My apologies that decking is so complicated.
Apr 13 2004, 12:26 AM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
Posted a little more Blackout flavor in the IC thread.... wrote that this weekend, based on my own black belt test but with a little more blood added for SR street flavor. |
Congrats, then, both to you for your successful black belt test, and to Blackout for his successful black belt in-game. =)
That was, incidentally, an awesomely written action sequence - I now have a pretty good idea of the kind of struggle and work that goes into martial arts tests. ^_^
BTW, is there any benefit to knowing more than one martial art (in-game)? Do the dice add, or can other arts be treated as complementary skills, or something? (I'm wondering whether it would be worthwhile to have Needles try to pick up some Karate as well (since he probably won't be able to progress really far in Wushu without finding a teacher); that said, maybe it would be better to try to FIND a teacher. *chuckles*)
Apr 13 2004, 01:31 PM
That was, incidentally, an awesomely written action sequence - I now have a pretty good idea of the kind of struggle and work that goes into martial arts tests. ^_^ |
And actually, our black belt tests in real life are pretty minimalistic compared to most martial arts. They're super-intense, but it's over in 2 minutes. After all, you can fight a lot of people in 2 minutes.
But many other arts include certain athletic challenges in their black belt test also -- do 100 push-ups, run 5 miles, perform a certain kata 100 times, etc. I've heard of tests that take 8 hours!! Those are especially well-suited to tournament-fighting arts, where people need to be able to stay jumping in the ring, off and on, all day long in order to complete the tournament.
Our test is more oriented toward "Can you deal with total chaos?" We tend to do the test in the dark, in the woods, on a mountain, while it's raining... Within 30 seconds it's real clear whether you're winning or losing.
BTW, is there any benefit to knowing more than one martial art (in-game)? Do the dice add, or can other arts be treated as complementary skills, or something? |
No, there's not much of an in-game benefit in terms of stats. The only conceivable benefit is that some arts have situational advantages or disadvantages, so if you knew both, you could choose which one to use based on the situation. Also, you might get access to different maneuvers in the two arts. But really, it's not much rewarded in-game.
It's pretty hard to do effectively IRL too. Most cross-trained people fight primarily out of one's art's style and integrate in a few moves they've seen from other arts. The core body movement style of a martial art rarely integrates well with the core movement style of another art.
From teaching martial arts, I would say the advantage that previously trained people have coming in the door of our school (balance, body awareness, muscle tone) is mostly offset by the un-learning they have to do to pick up a new way of moving. In the end, previous-training or no-training works out pretty similar in terms of time-to-skill. You could say the previously-trained folks are ahead by maybe 10% of the time they spent in their old art.
Anyway, back on topic, for Needles... he can work up his skill to a point in this mixed-martial-arts school, just exposing himself to new ideas and trying them out. To get really, really good he'll need a Wu-Shu teacher, but that might never come up. We'll just see. Next down-time, he can go looking for one if he likes.
Digital Heroin
Apr 13 2004, 06:38 PM
After some analysis, and thinking about Jimmy's mentality, I'm going to scrap the programming suite for now, and the HUD, leaving both a pipe dream, and leave the rest of my list intact... save of course for the kit being for computers, not general electronics...
Apr 13 2004, 07:06 PM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
And actually, our black belt tests in real life are pretty minimalistic compared to most martial arts. They're super-intense, but it's over in 2 minutes. After all, you can fight a lot of people in 2 minutes. |
Sounds less like "total chaos" and more like "real life" -- like when you're walking down a street in the rain some night with your wife/gf/sig.O and get jumped by some punks. [without guns, I would hope
That sounds like an extremely cool martial arts environment. How did you get hooked up with such a kickass group?
I suddenly find myself wishing slightly that I had taken the time to study martial arts when I was a kid / in high school / in college / now. *chuckles*
Apr 13 2004, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin) |
After some analysis, and thinking about Jimmy's mentality, I'm going to scrap the programming suite for now, and the HUD, leaving both a pipe dream, and leave the rest of my list intact... save of course for the kit being for computers, not general electronics... |
Hey DH!
Sorry, I'm confused now... I understand tossing out the HUD. However, I thought the point of the table-top PC and all that was to program. If you get rid of the programming suite, then why get the PC?
Maybe the easiest thing is for you to just list for me again the current total list of stuff Jimmy wants to buy. Sorry that I'm confused!
Apr 13 2004, 08:51 PM
QUOTE (gknoy) |
Sounds less like "total chaos" and more like "real life" -- like when you're walking down a street in the rain some night with your wife/gf/sig.O and get jumped by some punks. [without guns, I would hope ]
That sounds like an extremely cool martial arts environment. How did you get hooked up with such a kickass group? I suddenly find myself wishing slightly that I had taken the time to study martial arts when I was a kid / in high school / in college / now. *chuckles* |
Hey, there's always time to start.
Where in the world do you live? Maybe I can recommend someone.
Apr 13 2004, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
Hey, there's always time to start. Where in the world do you live? Maybe I can recommend someone. |
Southern California, Orange County area.
To be honest, though - there are loads of martial arts studios of various flavors (though I have no idea how to guage their teaching ability or other merits) around here; if I were truly motivated, I imagine that ANY martial art would be better than none. Sadly, I'm not very motivated ATM
(that, and I'm on a budget, but that will change eventually.) But, any recommendations you might make would certainly be both welcomed and appreciated.
Digital Heroin
Apr 13 2004, 11:39 PM
The programming suite only supplements his ability to code. Hell, he could actually program one himself given time. He's looking to get the deck, the microelectronics kit, the chip burner and the tabletop PC.
Apr 14 2004, 12:13 PM
Congratulations on the belt, krishcane - and the adaption to BlackOut's test was an awesome read too.
I wish I had the time and motivation to study martial arts (and that Mr. Hayes taught in sweden... ah well
This down-time sure came at a very approperiate time - I've been busy beyond belief the past two weeks! Now things are settling down though, thankfully, so I'll have more time again.
Apr 14 2004, 02:14 PM
gknoy -- I know Orange County well. I get out there once a year or so for various reasons. There is a branch of our system in Newbury Park:
Warrior Quest Society
Jay Adler
Simon Botoshi Clifford
Kristen Gakutoshi Elston-Hurdle
Paul Molinsky
2130 Newbury Rd. Suite E
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Phone: (805) 499-9033
Web site:
Warrior Quest SocietyI've personally trained with all these instructors at national events, and I've trained a fair bit with their teacher, John Poliquin, at his dojo in Maine and at national events. I recommend them all. They are under excellent guidance under Mr. Poliquin - he is absolutely amazing. I believe Newbury Park is a bit across town for you, but consider it anyway. It's worth it.
DigitalH -- I understand now. Thanks for the clarification.
snowRaven -- Mr. Hayes does stop in to Europe from time to time... I believe he's planning a European tour next year. You never know, Sweden just might be on the list.
By the way to everyone who congratulated me...thanks. I think my post might have implied that I recently tested -- it was actually August of 2002. Hopefully, I will soon test for 2nd degree. I'll let you know! I should have some good stories from it.
Apr 14 2004, 10:10 PM
Rat updates for ya:
Between karma spent and off-time training, Rat now has...
Street Etiequette -> 4
Rifles -> 2
Spray Weapons -> 2
Negotiation -> 3
Leadership -> 1
A new contact (Kate, the busty young elven topless waitress)
A new job as long as he wants it (Topless Tate's Catering Service, no pay, but social skill practice)
Uncouth paid down halfway. Rat is no longer Uncouth -- he is now "Mildly Inappropriate", a 1-pt. flaw which usually manifests as bad humor, taking things slightly too far than prudent, and being either a little too formal or a little too informal.
another post is still to come to handle his shopping requests...
Apr 14 2004, 10:12 PM
While he was out growing extra eyeballs and feathers |
lol! Ouch ... that's got to SUCK
Also, thanks for the info on the dojo! I'll look into it. =-)
Apr 15 2004, 04:36 AM
Gosh, down to Mildly Inappropriate... maybe he understands the concept of "pockets" now.
It would be cool if he got a smartlink. He'd angst over it like a cyberfreak with fractional Essense. "
Yeah, I got the edge now, but sometimes I don't know where I begin an' the cyber starts. Ya cut out bits an' pieces of yerself, tryin' ta rise up to the next level, only yer there alone, an' yer more machine than man. It's tough, kid, but it's the price ya gotta pay to be a real, hardcore runner instead'a a wannabe. Yer always tryin' ta get that next piece of 'ware to give you that edge that keeps ya above the riff-raff... like, I'm thinkin' I might get one of them subdermal speakers next, be able to listen ta my tunes any time I want. Yeah, that would be frickin' cool!"
Apr 15 2004, 10:06 AM
QUOTE (Glyph) |
I'm thinkin' I might get one of them subdermal speakers next, be able to listen ta my tunes any time I want. Yeah, that would be frickin' cool! |
First come the subdermal speakers, then the skull gun, and next thing you know you're walking down a lonely pier with a red-tinged end.
For thsoe of you that haven't, the Diamond Age kicks hoop
Apr 15 2004, 09:18 PM
Good lord!
the cost of getting cyberware is INSANE! Well, probably very reasonable, in teh grand scheme of things, but WOW. (Certainly a bargain given CURRENT medical costs in RL
- 8000 for the plan, drugs, staff, etc (you'd think youcould split that up -- get a plan, then hire staff/etc later if you decide to go for it ... or /when/...)
- 7040 (or 14080) for an SL2 (or 2750-5500 for SL1)
- 200 for doctor's knife-time.
that means you'd be paying between 11,000 and 23,000 nuyen, probably 16,000 if Rat doesn't get alphaware... Wow.
For those others of us contemplating 'ware (Needles isn't, yet - hardly any cash), does the plan cost cover multiple 'ware installations? e.g., if Rat got a datajack as well as the SL2, would it still only cost 8k for the plan? (seems like it ought to, or at least scale decently)
Apr 15 2004, 09:20 PM
Hey Glyph,
A couple of decisions for Rat....
1.) Does he want to pay for the medical profile? It's cheap, but still... and, is he too paranoid to allow the doctor to scan his whole body and keep a record of it?
2.) Does he want to pay for the surgery plan, or go "ganger-style"?
3.) Does he want SL-1 or SL-2?
4.) If SL-1, does he want standard, alpha, or beta? If SL-2, does he want standard or alpha?
5.) For the guns, does he wants to buy new ones that are dwarf-adjusted from scratch, or keep his current ones?
6.) Does he want internal smartlinks on guns only, or the cheaper of internal vs. external in each gun?
Apr 15 2004, 09:26 PM
QUOTE (gknoy @ Apr 15 2004, 04:18 PM) |
Good lord! the cost of getting cyberware is INSANE! Well, probably very reasonable, in teh grand scheme of things, but WOW. (Certainly a bargain given CURRENT medical costs in RL )
- 8000 for the plan, drugs, staff, etc (you'd think youcould split that up -- get a plan, then hire staff/etc later if you decide to go for it ... or /when/...) - 7040 (or 14080) for an SL2 (or 2750-5500 for SL1) - 200 for doctor's knife-time.
that means you'd be paying between 11,000 and 23,000 nuyen, probably 16,000 if Rat doesn't get alphaware... Wow.
For those others of us contemplating 'ware (Needles isn't, yet - hardly any cash), does the plan cost cover multiple 'ware installations? e.g., if Rat got a datajack as well as the SL2, would it still only cost 8k for the plan? (seems like it ought to, or at least scale decently) |
I know, the numbers are insane. It's part of the street flavor -- the doctor wants you to pay, pay, pay, and in return, you might get a decent job done. Also, Rat isn't in a position of strength to force a good deal.
Now, here's the super-cheepie way of getting a smartlink out of this doc, if you wanted to....
-- skip the med profile
-- skip the surgery plan, go "ganger-style"
-- get a smartlink 1, used (1250 base price)
-- negotiate well (potentially knocking off 20% if you're a really good negotiator)
Now it's 1000 nuyen for the used part, still warm from the last guy, and 200 for the surgery. You're out the door for 1200 nuyen, if you can just find a place to heal up on your own. That's almost 20 times cheaper than a well-planned, well-staffed brand-new alpha-ware install job.
Downside is, the cyberware might break easily, take a little extra essence, things like that.... but you can't be too picky for a 95% discount!
Apr 16 2004, 05:27 AM
Rat's bling-bling
1.) Does he want to pay for the medical profile? It's cheap, but still... and, is he too paranoid to allow the doctor to scan his whole body and keep a record of it?Rat will get the medical profile. He is a bit paranoid, but this is so far out of his element that he probably won't even think of how a record of his body scans could be a bad thing. Plus, this increases the odds of the surgery going well, which is far more important to him at this point.
2.) Does he want to pay for the surgery plan, or go "ganger-style"?I don't see Rat going "ganger-style". He's squeamish about this whole thing as it is, so no way will he get a "We slap it into you and boot you out the door" job. He will get the surgery plan.
3.) Does he want SL-1 or SL-2?He will get the SL-2, which has been "sold" to him in a way that panders to his desire to be/have the "best".
4.) If SL-1, does he want standard, alpha, or beta? If SL-2, does he want standard or alpha?On the other hand, the advantages of alphaware are a bit too nebulous to him for double the price. He will get standard 'ware.
5.) For the guns, does he wants to buy new ones that are dwarf-adjusted from scratch, or keep his current ones?Isn't the Remington already dwarf-adjusted? He will sell the Salavette and the carbine (reluctantly, weeping for its chrome beauty for the Savalette, and annoyed that he won't get a good price for a partial multiweapon for the carbine), and see what Martin has in the way of rifles/carbines that are dwarf-adjusted. If the Remington is
not dwarf-adjusted, he will sell it, too, and buy a new heavy pistol of some sort from Martin. He will keep that funky ammo that the Savalette had, though.
6.) Does he want internal smartlinks on guns only, or the cheaper of internal vs. external in each gun?He will get an internal smartlink II for the Remington/new heavy pistol (since he has a concealable holster, and wants the pistol to be stealthy), and get an external smartlink II for the rifle (since is is hard to conceal anyways, expensive and difficult to modify, and will be mainly a sniping weapon).
Also, he will definitely rent a decent place to recuperate - he's not going to spend all that cash and then skimp on a place for post-op recovery.
Apr 16 2004, 06:02 AM
QUOTE (krishcane) |
I know, the numbers are insane. It's part of the street flavor -- the doctor wants you to pay, pay, pay, and in return, you might get a decent job done. Also, Rat isn't in a position of strength to force a good deal. |
I gotta admit ... if I'm going to be expecting someone to be implanting illegal 'ware into my body, where I and he are not supposed to officially exist .... I'm gonna be quite willing to pay da monies.
I guess that goes for sugery in general; if there's one person I want to be paid well, it's the guy that I have to depend on to put me back together well.
Apr 20 2004, 02:08 PM
Glyph --
Read through the last narrative with Rat and let me know if you're cool with it. Despite the text, Rat can always have second thoughts and bail on the deal or re-negotiate now if you don't think this fits.
As mentioned in the text, the price is 4719 for "Ma Bell" and "Noisy Cricket". These two guns were built using the firearms customization rules.
Noisy Cricket
Heavy Pistol, SA, 9M, concealability:9 weight:1.75 kg ammo: 10-shot clip
dwarf-adjusted (+2 to non-dwarves using it)
personalized grip for Rat (which means 1 point of recoil comp)
internal smartlink II
top and barrel mounts available
Ma Bell
Sport Rifle, SA, 7S, concealability:2 weight:4 kg ammo: 5-shot internal mag.
dwarf-adjusted (+2 to non-dwarves using it)
personalized grip for Rat (which means 1 point of recoil comp)
internal smartlink II
extended range -- use sport rifle ranges plus 10%
top and barrel mounts available
The personalized grip and dwarf-adjustment means these guns work better for Rat than other people, and the light weight (and highly concealable pistol) mean he can more easily get around with them. Internal sm-II benefits are obvious. With the extended range option, Ma Bell has an extended range of 825 meters -- TN 5 with the smartlink-II. Not bad for over half a mile away!!
Let me know if Rat agrees to this arrangement, and if so, his shopping is done for now. Oh, and if he wants some custom engraving (his name, a phrase, etc.) or some bling-bling (gold plating, ivory grip, etc.) let me know how much you want to spend and we can work something in.
Apr 20 2004, 08:06 PM
DigitalH -- I posted your background research on Arleesh to the IC thread. Also, here are some skill updates for Jimmy:
Computer -> 6
Magic Theory -> 1 (reading MagickNet to stalk Arleesh)
Brawling -> 2 (training at Blackout's dojo)
Operational Program Design -> 1 (working to design Validate; haven't covered this IC yet, but it's coming)