May 22 2007, 11:08 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:20PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Bump, carrying the limp body of Dawna, and Halfpast come rushing around the corner of the old library, away from the spirits, Buscemi and Akita, and the growing sounds of motorcycles descending on the location from farther into the corpse of the old part of campus. Kerrigan appears in their line of sight as they round the corner.
More gunshots ring out from behind the library, the echoing ratatattat of SMGs that you all know don't belong to anyone in your group. Sounds like the Dark Lanterns came to see who has come a visiting their turf and to give them a 'warm' welcome.
May 23 2007, 12:11 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:20PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Oh holy hell, the deification has hit the ventilation!!
Bump ducks and pumps his muscular troll legs for all they are worth, running towards and then past Kerrigan. His destination being his car.
Time to vacate the scene...
May 23 2007, 02:46 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:20PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast runs right behind the troll every now and then taking a quick look behind them. As they past Kerrigan he calls out, "It's time to get the frag out of here!"
May 23 2007, 06:48 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:20PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
As Kerrigan watches her friends rush past her, unaware of her presence, she thinks... Normally, I would disagree, but in this case...
Then she turns around to follow them, still keeping the invisibility sustained.
< [Kerrigan] Retreat sounds like a damn fine idea at this point... >
May 23 2007, 08:45 AM
The car quickly approaches ahead of you as he make haste from the ruins of the old library. The deep rumblings of the engines of many motorcycles is nearing with every step, accompanied by the blare of SMG fire and magical explosions. The communications from Buscemi and Akita are deafened by the chaotic background noise, eventually with each of them being cut off in what sounds like their own screams of pain.
With those screams comes a halt to the intermittent gunfire, though the engines of the bikes can still be heard rumbling behind the library.
May 23 2007, 09:23 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:22PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Kerrigan becomes visible once they reach the car, slamming her fist into one of the doors.
"Damn! That didn't go so well... looks like it's just the four of us now. Is she ok? Can we get the car moving without her?"
May 23 2007, 01:09 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:22PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Seeing Kerrigan following as he passes her, he looks to Dawna as they reach the car looking for signs of life in her aura. Bump switches his vision from the sight back to normal vision so he can use his electronics again and opens the door of his car...
May 24 2007, 07:22 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:22:18 PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
Then circles quickly around to the sedan, placing Dawna gently in the back seat, before racing back to his car and saying:
<@All [Bump] Kerrigan, she dying fast...>
...before sitting behind the wheel and starting his little car. In his AR window, he reduces the conference call list to just himself, Kerrigan and Halfpast before starting the car in motion.
May 24 2007, 08:15 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:23PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
"I will see what I can do..." Kerrigan answers, as she pulls out her Medkit. Then she takes a look at her mortally wounded friend. Before administering help, she climbs into the car, and makes sure Dawna is resting on the backseat as stable as she can.
"Try to drive somewhat reasonable, we don't want to worsen her condition."
Jun 1 2007, 07:40 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:23PM - The Old Library, North Dakota State University, Fargo, UCAS
As your car takes off from the parking lot of the library, more gunshots are heard behind the library, but the sounds of the motorcycles has died off. It doesn't appear that the Dark Lanterns are going to be pursuing you any further, whether out of laziness or that they may not know you were there you do not know.
The street lights of Fargo are just starting to come alive as you make your way through town. No one appears to be following you from the library and Dawna has stabilized a bit in the back seat. A heavy silence hangs in the car, as no one has spoken much of anything since getting away from the library and its satanic wiz gang inhabitants.
Jun 1 2007, 03:18 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:27PM - Fargo, UCAS
As the four remaining members of the team, perhaps soon to be three, raced away from the library and the certain death contained therein Bump was confused. What had went wrong with the run? Had someone on the team done something to bring this down on us.....? Hmmm... Buscemi... I wonder....
No matter what had happened they were here now. In mere minutes they travelled south on University Drive then merged onto west bound I-94. He opens a com channel to Halfpast and Kerrigan. <<@All [Bump] What now? I think what ever happened, things just got too hot for us in Fargo.... >>
Jun 2 2007, 06:17 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:27PM - Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast acknowledges the incoming comm signal as he is watching the rear view mirror. He gives a snort to himself at Bump's message and then replies:
"We were already in the process of doing just that when we took this little detour. I saw we continue collecting our gear and then hitting the road. Since there was company waiting for us at Kerrigan's there will probably be company at my place too. Still there are some items I would rather try to pick up if it is possible, even if we have to ice some more goons. Buscemi was trying to set up some air travel for us but I figure that is now out of the question. So we will need to figure out a new plan on that front. The first big problem we have to solve though is what to do about Dawna."
Jun 2 2007, 01:57 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:28PM - Fargo, UCAS
The moment of dawning occurred for Bump. He had not yet had the opportunity to discuss the plans with the team, everything had occurred so fast.
<<@All [Bump] I have my gear in the trunk. There's nothing else important enough to me to go back to my apartment. We can go to your place next.... as to Dawna... once we're safe, perhaps thenKerrigan can heal her. Worst comes to worst, we just drive out of town.. >>
Jun 3 2007, 01:12 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:28PM - Fargo, UCAS
< [Kerrigan] That's what I plan to do, but let's first get into safety. She will be ok for now. >
Jun 3 2007, 02:55 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:28PM - Fargo, UCAS
<@All [Bump] Kerrigan, you need anything from your place?>
Jun 3 2007, 04:11 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:29PM - Fargo, UCAS
"Bump, we hit Kerrigan's place first. That is where we picked up our Russian friend. So does anyone know of a safe place to pause for Dawna? Maybe we can hit a coffin motel."
Jun 3 2007, 10:49 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:29PM - Fargo, UCAS
< [Kerrigan] Safe place here in Fargo? Not sure there is one anymore... >
Jun 3 2007, 11:47 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:29PM - Fargo, UCAS
Bump winces a moment, I assumed they had been at Dawna's before they called me... I guess there in lies the definition of assume...
<@All [Bump] I agree. No place seems safe in Fargo.>
Jun 3 2007, 06:44 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:30PM - Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast gives a big sigh and then continues:
"Well if we are not going to find a safe place until we get outside of Fargo then lets go over to my place and see if anyone is waiting over there. Kerrigan, when we get close but still out of sight, I think you should do that magical scouting thing you do so well."
Jun 3 2007, 07:42 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:30PM - Fargo, UCAS
Kerrigan nods. "Of course."
Jun 6 2007, 04:49 PM
Bump stops a block away and around the corner from Halfpast's place.
<@All [Bump] Ok, what's the plan?>
Jun 16 2007, 03:33 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:30PM - Fargo, UCAS
"Fetching the remaining equipment and then get the hell out of Fargo!"
"And yeah, I can make an astral scouting run first. Sure!"
And that's what Kerrigan will do, when they come close enough.
Jul 16 2007, 12:13 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:30PM - Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast's doss is low rent and very low maintenance (ie maintained) apartment complex on the western edge of the greater Fargo-plex. The place is simple ferrocrete and plasticrete in the shape of a building and divided into five stories of 4m x 4m rooms with tiny attached bathrooms. It can't be called a simple ferrocrete gray though, not with the years of graffiti layering covering almost every external surface of the building; no, the closest definition of color that can be given to it is that of rainbow carnage.
On the astral the place looks pretty clean, the only awakened presence being what looks like a low force lodge on the fourth floor. Halfpast's room is on the second floor and no auras are currently inside of it or in either of the bordering rooms. The room across the hall has one occupant, what looks like a dwarf, sleeping on a futon that takes up most of the room.
Jul 16 2007, 01:23 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:35PM - Fargo, UCAS
"Looks clear" Kerrigan informs the others, when she is back.
"Still, being careful won't hurt."
Jul 16 2007, 04:13 PM
Halfpast nods when Kerrigan reports back. He then checks to make sure his predator is in working order and then comms the others:
"Ok I don't want any other you getting geeked to pick up my stuff. I will go in alone and Kerrigan can follow me in her magical scounting mode. If I run into trouble you guys can come in like the calvary."
The sammy then waits to see if there are any objections and if not he gets out of the car to walk to his doss. All the while he tries to appear casual but is constantly scanning the area for the expected ambush.
Jul 16 2007, 05:09 PM
Bump watches from across the street as his good friend exits the other car and heads towards the apartment building. He had parked at an angle he could see the apartment building entrance and unbuckled his seatbelt. One thing that was of concern was someone watching the apartment and going at the vehicles instead of the apartment.
<<@All [Bump] Kerrigan - Watch your six. Don't want nobodies sneaking up on us in the carz...>>
And with that, he trusts Halfpast to chime in if he has trouble in the building and focuses his attention on the surroundings.
Jul 17 2007, 01:36 AM
The entrance to the apartment building is in its usual state of disrepair, littered with the bags of refuse that many of the occupants just can't seem to get out of the threshold and the permeating stink of far too many homeless living in one area. The elevator that hasn't worked since Halfpast moved into the place is as trusty in that fact as ever and the stairs up to the second floor are clear of their usual collection of junkies tweaking out in a corner.
Halpast's door is undisturbed, any security measures left in place still in place. The hall is quite, as anyone who lives on this floor is either already out on the town for the night or not yet back from wageslave jobs.
Jul 17 2007, 05:45 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:40PM - Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast pauses with his door in sight and then looks around again to make sure nothing seems out of the ordinary. He hopes Kerrigan is indeed following him in the astral and signals for her to go inside first. He waits for a count of 30 and then pulls out his pistol.
He sends the following text message to the team:
"Ok I am going in!"
The sammy then moves towards the door, unlocks it, throws it open and jumps to the side so that he is not in the line of sight from anyone looking out into the hallway.
Jul 17 2007, 11:12 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:41PM - Halfpast's Flat, Fargo, UCAS
Kerrigan goes back to astral space and heads into the entrance. When she sees Halfpast waiting, she projects her image near him and signals him to move on.
Jul 18 2007, 06:34 AM
Halfpast's room is as it should, completely undisturbed. There is nothing out of the ordinary in the room, but someone down the hall did stick their head out of their doorway to see what the commotion was about when he banged the door open.
"Stupid slitch, cantcha let a guy get 'z's? Drek head...." he yells out before slamming his own door closed and locking it with a resounding click.
Jul 18 2007, 12:50 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:42PM - Halfpast's Flat, Fargo, UCAS
"I think your neighbor is angry about something..." Kerrigan casually remarks, projecting inside the main room for a moment, as she continues to watch out for potential trouble from the astral.
Jul 18 2007, 02:50 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:42PM - The street near Halfpast's Flat, Fargo, UCAS
Bump sits in his tiny car, watching the team's other vehicle and the nearby streets. His current fear is not of an ambush inside the building, but when the team returns outside. He keeps watch not only on the mundane but the astral in case a watcher or other ethereal entity should take undo note of their presence.
Sitting there, cramped up in the car, he remembers that horribly hot afternoon with the old woman in the sweat lodge.
"Stay awake!"....... "Ignore the heat"...... "Focus on the vision".....
Another one of her lessons in concentration and overcoming adversity. Hell, right now he'd take one of the old woman's horrid object lessons over the situation where half the team is dead... or worse..
Jul 18 2007, 04:14 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:49PM - Halfpast's Doss
Halfpast shakes his head and grunts while saying, "Don't mind that idiot." The samurai then gives the tiny room a quick visual once over. This task being incredibly simple since the room lacks enough hiding space for something as small as a rat.
Satisfied that they were alone, Halfpast says, "Kerrigan why don't you keep an eye out in the hallway and I will get my gear. Should only take me a few minutes."
Halfpast then closes the door and gets busy. First he pulls out an old worn duffel bag from under his sleeping cot. Next he moves to a corner and pulls up some rotting floor boards to remove a few pieces of equipment for deposit into the duffel bag. Halfpast then goes into the miniscule closet, pushes aside the ceiling panels and pulls out more equipment. Then finally the man reaches under his small clothes dresser and retrieves items taped beneath.
Shouldering the duffel bag, Halfpast signals the others;
"Ok I am good to go and heading out."
The sammy then suits his actions to his words and leaves the room.
Jul 22 2007, 03:00 AM
The way out is the same as the way in, dirty. No one bothers the imposing AmerInd and no mysterious vehicles have been watching the front of the building, it seems that the syndicates didn't get this address, and judging by the state of their last hitmen, it is lucky for them.
As 8PM rolls around on Fargo the night life starts to kick up a little bit more. College students pack the streets and sidewalks, heading every which way in town, to eats, to parties, to drek hole little drug dens to spend their daddy's money. The roads are a mess, but at least they are still moving. Good thing about it though, it means that the syndicates will have a very hard time picking you out in the crowds. College kids can actually be good for something sometimes.
Jul 22 2007, 04:34 AM
Seeing Halfpast exit the residence, Bump breathes a sigh of relief. Given the team's earlier encounters and the trouble at the library he was pretty apprehensive about this stop.
As the night life begins to pick up, Terry looks on longingly. He always dreamed of being just another kid in the mix. He wasn't of course. He was a troll. A poor troll from the wrong side of the tracks and now he was very much wanted.
He turned his focus back to Halfpast, Kerrigan and the surrounding area. We're not outa the fire yet, but we're a darn sight closer...
Jul 22 2007, 10:14 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:50PM - Fargo, UCAS
"Alright, guess we got everything we could... time to leave!" Kerrigan says, apparantly back in her body by now.
Jul 22 2007, 05:20 PM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:50PM - Fargo, UCAS
Everything still clear and g2g, Bump starts his car.
<<@All [Bump] Let's fire it up and get outa town. Did we say west? Halfpast - Can you get us across the border?>>
Jul 23 2007, 06:07 AM
October 15th, 2070 - 7:50PM - Fargo, UCAS
Halfpast throws his gear into the backseat and then hops into the driver's seat. He starts the car and is about to head into traffic when he catches Bump's question. He thinks about it for a second and then comms the others:
"Sorry chummers borders are not specialty. Our hacker was trying to set something up when the drek hit the fan so now I am not sure what we can do. We could drive to Bismark or Winnipeg and see if we can find some border help there. Without contacts and a lot of scratch though we may be in for some dangerous encounters. The only other option is to take a chance on one of our contacts in town who can set up a departure. That might be even more dangerous though."
Jul 25 2007, 01:58 AM
Bump wanted to call Kyle, owner of The Blitz, but if the Vory were after the team his com might have been compromised. In the end he elected not to.
<<@All [Bump] Then I guess we just head west and take out chances. I'ma fearing Kyle may not be safe.. Kerrigan?>>
Aug 4 2007, 03:10 AM
October 19th, 2070; 6:00 PM; Colby, Kansas, UCAS
After four long days of traveling back roads and surface streets, you finally reach Colby. Upon approach you pass a number of squatter development and campsites leading into the city proper. While that may not set off any reactions in you, the strong presence of UCAS military most likely will. They can be seen almost everywhere, off duty and on, with the highest concentration of them on the western side of the town. Colby has the distinct honor of being almost exactly in the middle Denver and Kansas City and also sitting on the UCAS/ Sioux Border, the closest UCAS border to the mile high city, which also makes it a haven for coyotes and smugglers of all sorts. The tension between the outlaws and the military hangs heavy in the air, palpable on the senses like a tenday old corpse or a ghoul nest. Things could get messy real quick in a town like this.
Aug 4 2007, 06:12 AM
October 19th, 2070; 6:00 PM; Colby, Kansas, UCAS
The trip had taken considerably longer than Bump had liked, but they had to be picky about routes and travel times. Getting pulled over might have created an issue explaining a teammate with a gunshot wound. Not knowing exactly where you were headed didn't help either.
When they finally arrived in Colby, Bump steers them to a motel on the east side of town. No sense dealing with the military, ever, if they didn't have to. They needed to get across the border and I-70 was a pretty straight shot to Denver.
With Denver having a UCAS sector, surely there is some way to expedite crossing and travel...?
Aug 4 2007, 06:18 AM
October 19th, 2070; 6:04 PM; Colby, Kansas, UCASThe neon sign of a dingy little motel flickers lazily in the dry and orange evening skyline of Colby,
Someplace To Stay it reads in between flickers. The rates projected on its sign in AR show reasonable rates of 25
a night or a simple 4
an hour if you wanted to do it that way. The AR interface even allows you to check in wirelessly if you want to do it that way, keying the room to your comm code during the transaction. It looks like a low-key place often used by shadow folks for the same purposes as you currently plan it for.
Aug 4 2007, 06:39 AM
October 19th, 2070; 6:10 PM; Colby, Kansas, UCASPulling the little car into the motel's parking lot,
Bump blushes at the site of the hourly rates. He quickly recovers, reminding himself that a
professional would just consider it part of the turf. Slotting 25
Bump secures a room for the team for the night. The first one in the room, he was instantly concerned by the bedsheets, visibly twisting his face. "
I think the floor might be cleaner."
Aug 4 2007, 08:37 AM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:10PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS
"It will serve, I guess." Kerrigan comments on the rundown place. "At least it's cheap. Yeah, the price, too."
She stretches her back after the long drive, happy to be able to move around some.
Aug 6 2007, 05:22 AM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:14PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS
Halfpast pulls the other vehicle in the motel parking lot behind Bump. After parking he sits quietly for a few minutes wondering how he keeps getting himself into these quick exit situations. "Oh well we will probably get screwed over again when we try to get across the border", he mumbles to himself as he gets out of the car and heads into the room.
Once inside he drops his duffel bag in the corner, turns to the others and asks, "So I guess now we need to find help. Since this motel looks like it is use to guests like us maybe there are employees here who can steer us in the right direction with enough financial incentive."
Aug 6 2007, 01:50 PM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:15PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS
Bump smiled as Halfpast spoke. For a few years now he'd looked up to the man as a big brother figure, despite towering half again taller over the man. That said, Bump always felt an internal spark of pride when he did things he thought would impress Halfpast. "I have a pair of names I pulled out of the local grid. Nine and West Coast Sonja. Both are local coyotes. Also, I found out that UCAS citizens can travel the I-70 turnpike to Denver." Continuing to beam with pride, "Kyle helped me set up a fallback about a year ago. Said I might need it for something like this. Sure cost me all my savings at the time I'll tell you that." Standing up a little straighter adjusting his shirt, just to bump his horns on the ceiling before slumping back with a smile, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Mr Rick Smith from Kansas City."
Bump was not deficient or a simpleton, he was just young and naive. He had an optimistic view of about everything. Even now he saw that he had two of his best friends with him and adventure ahead. He had a measure of misplaced faith in the hearts & souls of men as well as the webs spun by Koltho, Lakhesis and Atropos.
Aug 6 2007, 08:07 PM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:16PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS
Halfpast gives the troll a small smile as he says, "Good job. I would prefer not to have to test any fake credentials we may be using against border checkpoints. So with that said I guess I vote for using a coyote even though it is a more expensive course of action."
Aug 6 2007, 08:31 PM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:16PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS
"Money well spent. I agree with going the coyote route. I would prefer to use any IDs sparingly. Don't want to alarm anyone, even though I doubt they will check everything for traces of the IDs they know about."
Aug 7 2007, 02:37 AM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:17PM - Someplace To Stay, Colby, Kansas, UCAS
Bump nodded in consensus with his team mates. "Next issue: The appear to be a little back-water around here. Rumor is they are pretty phobic about metas and magic.... and since I fit into the obvious one of those two categories.... unless we's lookin' to kick up some trouble..?" He pauses a minute with a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin. Knowing Bump as they do though, they know he is just kidding.
"We appear unanimous. Who gets the honors?"
Aug 8 2007, 01:39 AM
October 19th, 2070 - 6:18PM - Someplace To Stay, Colby, Kansas, UCAS
Halfpast waits until after everyone has indicated their preference and then says, "Ok then, coyote it is. So Bump did you get any more info on the best place to contact one of these guides? If not then I guess the next best thing to do would be to find the type of places, aka bars or clubs, where low lifes like us hang out."
As he finishes speaking, the samurai plops down on one of the beds.