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October 19th, 2070 - 6:21PM - Someplace To Stay, Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Bump leans back into the corner and jumps into full VR. So much quicker doing it this way. He zips across the matrix a short distance to the Colby Connection. He slips through the crack in the wall between the Colby Visitor's Center online presence and Tom' Grocery Store that is the current entrance to the connection.

Always makes you wonder how connected some of these sys admins really are..? I mean.. Do some of them work for the city..? Or the local telecom..? Or are related to one of them..? In the end the answers make no difference to the task at hand.

He strides into the sculptured reality of the node's common area, a neo-cowboy western theme. Wow... These guys don't get out much. He couldn't figure out which was worse, the digital animal heads mounted along the walls as trophies or the neon, rhinestone covered uber-freak with the message Got root? I do! on his chest accompanied by two bouncing bimbos in cowboy boots and little more that looked like they fell out of a fourteen-year olds wet dream. Probably a couple of fat, forty-something trailer-trash... His own icon is that of small, balding man in his mid-thirties. Better to look as much different as possible.

He found his way to the forums and did some quick scanning for places where people meet and pull up some information about the coyotes themselves....
After a few minutes, Bump sat back up, "If my information is good, Siamese Sam's is the bar you are looking for. Both Nine and West Coast Sonja have good reps on the local grid. Nine seems to be better known. Both are girls and Nine according to the posts is a very pretty human." He blushes a little with the last statement.
October 19th, 2070 - 6:22PM - Someplace To Stay, Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast nods and replies, "Well since it is still too early to hit a nightspot I think I will get a couple hours of zzz's. Maybe we can order some take out as well. I figure we should hit the bar after 11pm. I will be going and Kerrigan would be more than welcome. As you have already said Bump, you will wait here for us."
October 19th, 2070 - 6:23PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

"Sure, if you pay for the drinks. Mel is kinda broke," Kerrigan says, laughing.

(Mel is the nickname of one of her IDs, Melanie 'Mel' Mitchels, Night Club Waitress.)

"When do you think we should go? Eight? Ten?"
October 19th, 2070 - 6:24PM - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

"Probably sometime around 10pm or 11pm. I hope you are cheap date because I am short of cash as well", Halpast replies with a smile.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:17PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

The neon sign hanging over the entrance of the bar flickers, the last 's' winking into and out of existence in the darkness of the night on the plain. Siamese Sam's is located on the northwestern end of Colby, the closest end of town to the UCAS sector of Denver. The place is an unremarkable squat brick building with a gravel parking lot occupied by a collection of beat up junkers, a slick Comet, a number of various racing bikes, two Harley hogs, a large Ford Bison, and a couple of simple Americars painted in dark colors.

A heavily tattooed and muscled human sits on a stool to the right side of the door, a cigarette hanging lazily from lips. His left hand has been replaced with an obvious cyber replacement like gleaming chrome glove on a biker version of Micheal Jackson. He looks everyone that enters once over, his blacked out sunglasses most likely scanning for weapons on each patron.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:17PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Bearing no weapons, neither concealed, nor obvious, apart from her looks and her innate talents, Kerrigan moves straight ahead and past the bouncer.

She's dressed in her typical street chic, with washed-out denims, a black halter top and modestly heeled boots. The black mid-thigh-length coat shields her willowy figure from the chill of evening.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:18PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast scopes out the front of the joint before getting out of the car. He quickly sees the sign regarding weapons and gives it a smirk. The sammy then gets out of the car and deposits his weapons into the trunk of the car. 'No external weapons but not unarmed', he thinks as he closes the trunk.

The samurai then follows Kerrigan into the bar without any second thoughts.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:18PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Siamese Sam's is the usual in biker-esque bars. Nearly everybody is wearing hardened synthleather of some kind, some sporting the colors and signs of local biker gangs. Sawdust covers the floor in a light layer for easy clean up of any spilled liquids, and the ubiquitous bartender, make that bartenders (twin brother), standing behind either end of the bar, one cleaning a glass, the other pouring a Spuds Light from tap for another patron. There are shadowed booths along the far wall, as well as multiple tables in between here and there, about half of them with a patron or two seated at them. The bartender, the one cleaning the glass who stands closest to the door, looks up as you enter the bar, looking you both over before asking, "What can I get for ya guys?"
October 19th, 2070 - 10:18PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

After a quick glance around their immediate area Halfpast turns to the bartender and answers, "I'll have a Spuds Light." He then turns to Kerrigan to wait for her order.
The bartender at the far end of the bar nods his head at Halfpast's order ad quickly fills a glass with Spuds Light, pouring it like a pro complete with a perfect head of foam before sending it sliding down the bar to Halfpast. An AR window appears for Halfpast in his PAN, showing a tab started on his active SIN (whichever that may be). The current total is 5 nuyen.gif .
October 19th, 2070 - 10:18PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

"Yeah, me too. Thanks!" Kerrigan says to Halfpast, accompanied by a friendly smile and a slight wink.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:19PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast nods and turns back to the bartender. "Let me get another one for the lady."

After the beer is delivered Halfpast leans close to Kerrigan and whispers, "I am going to take a walk around and see if I can find any likely candidates for the smugglers. Do you want to come with me or did you have something else in mind?"
October 19th, 2070 - 10:19PM - Motel Room - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Meanwhile back in the motel room, Bump sits rather bored scanning the net for any news about Denver, Colby and the route between the two. A little impatient, he sends a text to Halfpast:
<<@Halfpast [Bump] We make contact yet? Got a coyote?>>
October 19th, 2070 - 10:19PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

"Oh, thank you!"

"No, that's cool. Let's take a look-around and see who else is here!"

With the rough descriptions they got, Kerrigan scans the room, while they move through the bar, seeing if she can make out someone who fits.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:20PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast starts to move into the crowd when he gets the message from Bump. He pauses a moment and composes a text message back to the troll:

Nothing yet, but we really just got here and got our drinks. We are going to take a look around and see if we can spot either of the targets. If not then I guess I will try to by the info from one of the staffers. We'll keep you posted.

The sammy then starts making his way casually through the crowd trying to see if he can spot any likely matches.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:20PM - Motel Room - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Bump would have blushed if he wasn't in full VR. Patience.. Yes, yes.. He fires up a game of Duke Nukem Forever and tries to settle in to wait. He keeps a channel open and settles in to wait.
With not much to go on except for the fact that both of the people you are looking for are women and that one is supposedly very attractive, the search is going to be a little bit difficult. A number of women are currently in the bar: a short, latino, chica with braids going down her back and large hoop earrings, an elegant elf in slick leathers and shades sitting in a booth with a very large and cybered man in a muscle shirt, and a girl who looks barely over 16 with short spiky pink hair drinking an equally pink martini and chatting up what looks like a corp man slumming it outside of Denver, and a tall, slim red head in a bomber jacket sitting alone at the bar.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:30PM - Motel Room - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

After spending some time moving about the bar eyeing up the patrons Halfpast lets out a sigh. He catches Kerrigan's eyes and gives her a shrug. 'Not surprising this drek won't be easy', he thinks as he moves back to the bar.

Once there he catches the attention of the same bartender as before and orders another beer. After paying for the beer Halfpast directs a 50 nuyen.gif tip to the bartender and says, "I am actually here looking for someone. I was hoping that you can point me in the right direction. I am looking for either Nine or West Coast Sonja."
October 19th, 2070 - 10:30PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

The bartender accepts the incoming tip with a nod of his head, picking up a glass while doing so and wiping it off as he talks to Halfpast without looking at him, "See the red head down the bar, that's Sonja, she comes in here when she is in the area. You are lucky to have come in this night, cause she probably ain't going to be here tomorrow." Then he nods his head over to the elf with the cybered bruiser in the booth, "That's Nine, she is in here more often, usually with some fella or another. Hope ya ain't trying to court either of them, cause they ain't here for that kind of biz if ya get me."
October 19th, 2070 - 10:30PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

"Looks like she's busy," Kerrigan says with a nod towards the booth, "so let's try our luck with Sonja?"
October 19th, 2070 - 10:31PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast nods to Kerrigan and says, "My thoughts exactly."

The amerindian man then calmly walks up to the red head, Sonja, and says in a low voice, "Evening, some friends and I are looking to make some travel plans and we heard that you may be able to help us out."
Taking a slow draw from the drink in front of her, West Coast Sonja sits there for a moment before finally turning to acknowledge you, "Now what would give you that impression? Do I look like a travel agent?" She levels a steadygaze upon you, trying to see what you are all about.

[ Spoiler ]
October 19th, 2070 - 10:32PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast gives the women a brief smile and then says, "We're not looking for anything as formal as a travel agent and the word on the street says you fit the bill."
Having taken her measure of Halfpast, Sonja turns slightly on her stool to face the AmerInd and smiles, "It seems that I may just be what you are looking for. What that is though you have yet to say..." She lets hers smile travel to her eyes which mimic it with a touch of curiosity as well.
October 19th, 2070 - 10:32PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

Halfpast nods to the women while thinking, 'Ok now the interesting part starts.' He then presents her with the following information, "Well my group consists of four individuals and we are looking to visit the mile high city. For various reasons we wants this trip to go below the radar. Now I am not sure exactly how you operate, either you can provide transportation or you guide us and we use our transportation."
October 19th, 2070 - 10:32PM - Siamese Sam's - Colby, Kansas, UCAS

In the meantime, while Halfpast does the talking, Kerrigan switches her senses to the astral plane and assenses the woman before her, looking for her emotional state as much as the presence of anything of interest, as well as taking a quick look around the place they are in. She reverts her senses back to normal, once she is done, keeping in mind, that the people here are kinda magophobic.
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